Esempio n. 1
 //  constructor
 static Profiler()
     // create window
     dialog_items = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout();
     scroll_list = new DialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(), false, true, dialog_items);
     multi_dialog = new MultiOptionDialog(
        new Rect(0.5f, 0.5f, width, height),
        new DialogGUIBase[]
            new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(false, false, 0, new RectOffset(), TextAnchor.UpperCenter,
                // create average reset and show zero calls buttons
                new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(false, false,
                    new DialogGUIButton(Localizer.Format("#autoLOC_900305"),
                        OnButtonClick_Reset, () => true, 75, 25, false),
                    new DialogGUIToggle(() => { return show_zero; },"Show zero calls", OnButtonClick_ShowZero),
                    new DialogGUILabel(() => { return tot_frames_txt; }, value_width + 50f)),
                // create header line
                new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(
                    new DialogGUILabel("<b>   NAME</b>", true),
                    new DialogGUILabel("<b>LAST</b>", value_width),
                    new DialogGUILabel("<b>AVG</b>", value_width),
                    new DialogGUILabel("<b>CALLS</b>", value_width - 15f),
                    new DialogGUILabel("<b>AVG</b>", value_width - 10f))),
            // create scrollbox for entry data
Esempio n. 2
 static Watcher()
     // create window
     dialog_items = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout();
     scroll_list = new DialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(), false, true, dialog_items);
     multi_dialog = new MultiOptionDialog(
        new Rect(0.5f, 0.5f, WIDTH, HEIGHT),
        new DialogGUIBase[]
            new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(false, false, 0, new RectOffset(), TextAnchor.UpperCenter,
                // create reset button
                new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(false, false,
                    new DialogGUIButton(Localizer.Format("#autoLOC_900305"),
                        OnButtonClick_Reset, () => true, 75, 25, false),
                    new DialogGUILabel(() => { return tot_frames_txt; }, VALUE_WIDTH + 50f)),
                // create header line
                new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(
                    new DialogGUILabel("<b>   NAME</b>", true),
                    new DialogGUILabel("<b>LAST</b>", VALUE_WIDTH))),
            // create scrollbox for entry data
        private DialogGUIBase CreateMissionListDialog()
            DialogGUIContentSizer sizer      = new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);
            DialogGUIToggleGroup  toggle     = new DialogGUIToggleGroup(this.CreateMissionListItems());
            DialogGUIGridLayout   layout     = new DialogGUIGridLayout(new RectOffset(0, 4, 4, 4), new Vector2(320f, 64f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), GridLayoutGroup.Corner.UpperLeft, GridLayoutGroup.Axis.Horizontal, TextAnchor.UpperLeft, GridLayoutGroup.Constraint.FixedColumnCount, 1, sizer, toggle);
            DialogGUIScrollList   scrollList = new DialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(344f, 425f), false, true, layout);

            DialogGUIButton deleteButton = new DialogGUIButton("Delete", delegate

            deleteButton.OptionInteractableCondition = (() => selectedMissionIndex >= 0);

            DialogGUIButton cancelButton = new DialogGUIButton("Cancel", delegate

            DialogGUIButton loadButton = new DialogGUIButton("Load", delegate

            loadButton.OptionInteractableCondition = (() => selectedMissionIndex >= 0);

            DialogGUIVerticalLayout dialogGUIVerticalLayout = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(true, true);

            dialogGUIVerticalLayout.AddChild(new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(deleteButton, cancelButton, loadButton));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the dialog GUI for use with the stock popup dialog system.
        /// </summary>
        private DialogGUIBase[] GetDialogGUI()
            // layout containing the settings gui objects
            DialogGUIVerticalLayout settingsLayout = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(0f, 0f, 0f, new RectOffset(5, 25, 5, 5), TextAnchor.UpperLeft,
                                                                                 new DialogGUIToggleButton(tempConfig.discardDuplicates, "Automatically Discard Duplicates", value => tempConfig.discardDuplicates = value, h: 30f),
                                                                                 new DialogGUIToggleButton(tempConfig.saveExperimentsResultDialogPosition, "Save Experiements Result Dialog Position", value => tempConfig.saveExperimentsResultDialogPosition = value, h: 30f)

            // scroll list for containing the settings layout
            DialogGUIScrollList settingsScrollList = new DialogGUIScrollList(, false, true, settingsLayout);

            // layout containing the bottom gui objects
            DialogGUIBase bottomLayout = new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout

                                             // version
                                             new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                                             new DialogGUILabel($"<color=#eee><i>v{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version}</i></color>"),
                                             new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),

                                             // buttons
                                             new DialogGUIButton("Apply", Apply, 80f, 30f, false),
                                             new DialogGUIButton("Accept", Accept, 80f, 30f, false),
                                             new DialogGUIButton("Close", Close, 80f, 30f, false)

            return(new DialogGUIBase[2] {
                settingsScrollList, bottomLayout
Esempio n. 5
        internal static void CreateCrewList()
            List <DialogGUIBase> list = new List <DialogGUIBase>();

            list.Add(new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true));
            list.Add(new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace());
            //list.Add(new DialogGUIButton("Default", delegate { SetVariant(null);}, 140.0f, 30.0f, true));


            //foreach (ProtoCrewMember protoKerbal in HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.Crew)
            //    Log.Normal( + " : " + protoKerbal.trait);


            foreach (ProtoCrewMember protoKerbal in HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.Crew.Where(x => x.rosterStatus == ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Available))
                list.Add(new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(
                             new DialogGUILabel(delegate { return(protoKerbal.trait); }, KKStyle.whiteLabel),
                             new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                             new DialogGUILabel(delegate { return(GetCurrentCrewExperience(protoKerbal)); }, KKStyle.goldLabel),
                             new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                             new DialogGUIButton(delegate { return(; }, delegate { SeatKerbal(protoKerbal); }, delegate { return((selectedPart != null) && protoKerbal.rosterStatus == ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Available); }, 140f, 25, false))

            list.Add(new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace());
            var layout = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(10, 100, 4, new RectOffset(6, 24, 10, 10), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, list.ToArray());
            var scroll = new DialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(350, 200), new Vector2(330, 23f * list.Count - 2), false, true, layout);

            availableCrewList = scroll;
Esempio n. 6
        internal static void CreateSeatList()
            List <DialogGUIBase> list = new List <DialogGUIBase>();

            list.Add(new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true));
            list.Add(new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace());
            //list.Add(new DialogGUIButton("Default", delegate { SetVariant(null);}, 140.0f, 30.0f, true));

            if (selectedVessel != null)
                foreach (ProtoPartSnapshot protoPart0 in selectedVessel.protoPartSnapshots)
                    ProtoPartSnapshot protoPart = protoPart0;
                    if (protoPart.partPrefab == null)

                    Part myPart    = protoPart.partPrefab;
                    int  seatCount = myPart.CrewCapacity;

                    if (seatCount > 0)
                        list.Add(new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(
                                     new DialogGUILabel(, KKStyle.defaultLabel),
                                     new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace()
                        for (int i = 0; i < myPart.CrewCapacity; i++)
                            int seatNumber = i;
                            list.Add(new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(
                                         new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                                         new DialogGUILabel(delegate { return(GetCurrentCrewTrait(protoPart, seatNumber)); }, KKStyle.whiteLabel),
                                         new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                                         new DialogGUILabel(delegate { return(GetCurrentCrewExperience(protoPart, seatNumber)); }, KKStyle.goldLabel),
                                         new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace(),
                                         new DialogGUIButton(delegate { return(GetCurrentCrewName(protoPart, seatNumber)); }, delegate { SelectSeat(protoPart, seatNumber); }, delegate { return((protoPart != selectedPart) || selectedSeat != seatNumber); }, 140f, 25, false),
                                         new DialogGUIButton(" X ", delegate { EmptySeat(protoPart, seatNumber); }, 25, 25, false, KKStyle.DeadButtonRed)

            list.Add(new DialogGUIFlexibleSpace());
            var layout = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(10, 100, 4, new RectOffset(6, 24, 10, 10), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, list.ToArray());
            var scroll = new DialogGUIScrollList(new Vector2(350, 200), new Vector2(330, 23f * list.Count - 2), false, true, layout);

            seatList = scroll;
Esempio n. 7
        private void ToggleDialog()
            if (DismissDialog())

            DialogGUILabel          title       = new DialogGUILabel("Physics Hold", true);
            DialogGUILabel          subTitle    = new DialogGUILabel("Keep physics in check for landed vessels !", true);
            DialogGUIVerticalLayout titleLayout = new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(true, false);


            DialogGUIButton           closeButton  = new DialogGUIButton(string.Empty, () => DismissDialog(), 24f, 24f, false);
            DialogGUIHorizontalLayout headerLayout = new DialogGUIHorizontalLayout(titleLayout, closeButton);

            List <DialogGuiVesselWidget> widgets = new List <DialogGuiVesselWidget>();

            for (int i = 0; i < physicsHoldInstances.Count; i++)
                DialogGuiVesselWidget widget = new DialogGuiVesselWidget(physicsHoldInstances[i]);

            Vector3 activeVesselPos = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.transform.position;

            widgets.Sort((x, y) => Vector3.Distance(activeVesselPos, x.instance.Vessel.transform.position) < Vector3.Distance(activeVesselPos, y.instance.Vessel.transform.position) ? -1 : 1);

            DialogGUIBase[] scrollList = new DialogGUIBase[widgets.Count + 1];

            scrollList[0] = new DialogGUIContentSizer(ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.Unconstrained, ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < widgets.Count; i++)
                scrollList[i + 1] = widgets[i].widgetBox;

            DialogGUIScrollList scrollListItem = new DialogGUIScrollList(, false, true,
                                                                         new DialogGUIVerticalLayout(10, 100, 4, new RectOffset(6, 24, 10, 10), TextAnchor.UpperLeft, scrollList));

            List <DialogGUIBase> dialog = new List <DialogGUIBase>();


            DialogGUILabel kasInstalledLabel = null;

            if (isKASInstalled)
                kasInstalledLabel = new DialogGUILabel("<color=orange><b>WARNING</b></color> : KAS is installed. \nHaving a KAS connection on a on-hold vessel <b>won't work</b> and will cause it to disappear from the game", true, false);

            Rect posAndSize = new Rect(lastPopupPos.x, lastPopupPos.y, 320f, isKASInstalled ? 365f : 320f);

            currentDialog = PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0f, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f),
                                                         new MultiOptionDialog("PhysicsHoldDialog", "", "", UISkinManager.defaultSkin, posAndSize, dialog.ToArray()), true, UISkinManager.defaultSkin, false);

            // wteak title text style
            TextMeshProUGUI titleText = title.uiItem.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();

            titleText.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Top;
            titleText.color     = Color.white;
            titleText.fontSize  = 16f;
            titleText.fontStyle = FontStyles.Bold;

            TextMeshProUGUI subTitleText = subTitle.uiItem.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();

            subTitleText.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Top;

            // top-left align widgets in the scroll area
            ScrollRect scrollRect = scrollListItem.uiItem.GetComponentInChildren <ScrollRect>();

            scrollRect.content.pivot = new Vector2(0f, 1f);

            foreach (DialogGuiVesselWidget widget in widgets)

            // close button use custom sprite
            ColorBlock buttonColorTintColors = new ColorBlock()
                colorMultiplier  = 1f,
                normalColor      = Color.white,
                selectedColor    = Color.white,
                highlightedColor = new Color(0.75f, 1f, 0.65f, 1f),
                pressedColor     = new Color(0.75f, 1f, 0.65f, 1f),
                disabledColor    = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f)

            Image imgCpnt = closeButton.uiItem.GetComponent <Image>();

            imgCpnt.type           = Image.Type.Simple;
            imgCpnt.preserveAspect = true;
            imgCpnt.color          = Color.white;
            imgCpnt.sprite         = Lib.CloseSprite;

            Button btnCpnt = closeButton.uiItem.GetComponent <Button>();

            btnCpnt.transition = Selectable.Transition.ColorTint;
            btnCpnt.navigation = new Navigation()
                mode = Navigation.Mode.None
            btnCpnt.colors = buttonColorTintColors;
            btnCpnt.image  = imgCpnt;

            if (kasInstalledLabel != null)
                kasInstalledLabel.uiItem.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Top;