public void PushNextBox() { if (waiting_for_next_box) { waiting_for_next_box = false; if (curr_frame_printing < dialog_frames_to_show.Count) { DialogFrame curr_frame = dialog_frames_to_show[curr_frame_printing]; curr_frame.ClearText();; } else { if (dialog_frames_to_show.Count > 0) { DialogFrame curr_frame = dialog_frames_to_show[dialog_frames_to_show.Count - 1]; curr_frame.ClearText(); printing_dialog = false; } } } }
// Use this for initialization public override Dialog GetDialog() { var me = Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Player.Username; DialogFrame frame; if (Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.Current.Id == "networking") { frame = new DialogFrame(Name, "Naomi is looking for you upstairs!"); } else if (Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.HasFinishedOrIsCurrent(QuestId)) { frame = GetInstructorDialog(me); } else { var current = Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.Current.Title; // Capitalize first character & lowercase everything else current = current.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + current.Substring(1).ToLower(); frame = new DialogFrame(Name, "Sorry it looks like you aren't enrolled for this workshop right now, check your timetable to see " + "where you should be going.") { Next = new DialogFrame(Name, "It looks like you're currently enrolled in the " + current + ".") }; } var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { me, DialogPosition.Left }, { Name, DialogPosition.Right } }; return(new Dialog(frame, directions)); }
/// <summary> /// 开启选项进行选择. /// </summary> /// <param name="use">Use.</param> private void makeSelect(DialogFrame use) { theInformationText.text = "怎么选择呢?"; theNameText.text = ""; use.picture = "noOne"; Texture2D theTextureIn = SystemValues.LoadResources <Texture2D> ("TalkPicture/" + use.picture); UIController.GetInstance().ShowUI <UITalkSelect> (use.information); }
private void makeMission(DialogFrame use) { string[] missionNames = use.information.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < missionNames.Length; i++) { System.Reflection.Assembly AS = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); MissionBasic theMission = AS.CreateInstance(missionNames[i]) as MissionBasic; SystemValues.thePlayer.GetComponent <Player> ().theMissionPackage.AddNewMission(theMission); } }
private void UpdateCurrentDialog() { if (printing_dialog) { if (curr_frame_printing < dialog_frames_to_show.Count) { DialogFrame curr_frame = dialog_frames_to_show[curr_frame_printing]; if (!waiting_for_next_box) { if (curr_frame.GetLines() > curr_line_printing) { string curr_line_text = curr_frame.GetTextAtLine(curr_line_printing); if (curr_line_text.Length > curr_word_printing) { if (printing_leter_timer.ReadTime() > printing_leter_time || curr_word_printing == 0) { printing_leter_timer.Start(); curr_frame.GetTextToUse().text += curr_line_text[curr_word_printing]; ++curr_word_printing; } } else { curr_word_printing = 0; ++curr_line_printing; curr_frame.GetTextToUse().text += "\n"; if (curr_line_printing > max_lines_per_box - 1) { waiting_for_next_box = true; } } } else { curr_line_printing = 0; curr_word_printing = 0; curr_frame.CallOnFrameFinish(); ++curr_frame_printing; } } } else { waiting_for_next_box = true; } } }
// Use this for initialization public override Dialog GetDialog() { var me = Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Player.Username; const string npc = "Harry Potter"; var frame = new DialogFrame(npc, "Why hello there!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I'm Harry Potter (the chosen one)!") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "The chosen what?") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "…nevermind, how was your day?") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "It was good, I really enjoyed talking to all the other prospective students… like " + "yourself! How about yourself?") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Well, there are more opportunities in engineering than I previously realized – it’s " + "more than Calculus and Physics, it’s practical.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "It can be a glove controlled shooter game or a smartphone gaming app, for " + "example – engineering can be for pleasure.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "This enginuity day showcased all the ‘hidden’ aspects of engineering, and " + "promoted understanding in a helpful way that I would recommend to any " + "students considering working in the field.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I learnt that the future is limitless; it is not bound by gender or " + "stereotypes.") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Oh wow! Really interesting!") } } } } } } } } }; var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { me, DialogPosition.Left }, { npc, DialogPosition.Right } }; var achievementsManager = Toolbox.Instance.AchievementsManager; return(new Dialog(frame, directions, () => { achievementsManager.MarkCompleted("talk-to-student"); })); }
/// <summary> /// 正常的对话. /// </summary> /// <param name="use">Use.</param> private void makeTalk(DialogFrame use) { theNameText.text =; theInformationText.text = use.information; use.picture = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(use.picture) ? use.picture : "noOne"; Texture2D theTextureIn = SystemValues.LoadResources <Texture2D> ("TalkPicture/" + use.picture); //Resources.Load <Texture2D> ("TalkPicture/" + use.picture); Sprite theSprite = Sprite.Create(theTextureIn, new Rect(0, 0, theTextureIn.width, theTextureIn.height), new Vector2(0, 0)); theTalkHeadPicture.sprite = theSprite; }
/// <summary> /// 获得经验值,给出消息框 /// </summary> /// <param name="use">Use.</param> private void makeOver(DialogFrame use) { UIController.GetInstance().ShowUI <PlayerActCanvas> (); UIController.GetInstance().ShowUI <HpBasicPanel> (); UIController.GetInstance().CloseUI <TalkCanvas> (); OnEndShow(); string [] values = use.information.Split(','); if (values.Length >= 2) { SystemValues.thePlayer.GetComponent <Player> ().OnGetLearningValue((float)XmlConvert.ToDouble(values[0])); UIController.GetInstance().ShowUI <messageBox> (values[1]); } }
// Use this for initialization public override Dialog GetDialog() { var me = Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Player.Username; const string npc = "Naomi"; DialogFrame frame; if (IsGreeting) { frame = IntroductionDialogFrame(me, npc); } else if (IntroduceStudentServices) { frame = IntroduceStudentServicesDialogFrame(me, npc); } else if (Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.Current.Id == "visit-leech") { frame = new DialogFrame(npc, "You should go downstairs via the elevator to visit the workshops"); } else if (Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.Current.Id.EndsWith("-workshop")) { var workshop = Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.Current.Title.ToLower(); frame = new DialogFrame(npc, "You should go downstairs via the elevator to do your " + workshop); } else { switch (Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.Current.Id) { case "networking": frame = NetworkingDialogFrame(me, npc); break; case "collect-prize": frame = CollectPrizeDialogFrame(me, npc); break; default: frame = new DialogFrame(npc, "I hope you had a great time at Enginuity Day!"); break; } } var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { me, DialogPosition.Left }, { npc, DialogPosition.Right } }; return(new Dialog(frame, directions)); }
//点击生效 public void ShowText() { if (theFrames.Count == 0) { UIController.GetInstance().ShowUI <PlayerActCanvas> (); UIController.GetInstance().ShowUI <HpBasicPanel> (); UIController.GetInstance().CloseUI <TalkCanvas> (); } else { DialogFrame use = theFrames.Dequeue(); OperateFrame(use); } }
/// <summary> /// 可以外部控制的直接关闭 /// </summary> public void MakeJustClose() { if (theFrames.Count >= 0) { DialogFrame use = theFrames.Dequeue(); while (theFrames.Count > 0) { use = theFrames.Dequeue(); } OperateFrame(use); } UIController.GetInstance().ShowUI <PlayerActCanvas> (); UIController.GetInstance().ShowUI <HpBasicPanel> (); UIController.GetInstance().CloseUI <TalkCanvas> (); }
public void AddDialogText(TextMeshProUGUI text_to_use, string text, DelDialogFrame on_finish_callback = null) { if (text != "" && text_to_use != null) { text_to_use.text = ""; DialogFrame df = new DialogFrame(text_to_use, text); if (on_finish_callback != null) { df.SuscribeToOnFrameFinish(on_finish_callback); } dialog_frames_to_add.Add(df); } }
private void DialogWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { DialogFrame.Navigate(Page); Window window = sender as Window; DoubleAnimation d = new DoubleAnimation(); d.From = 0; d.To = 1; PowerEase pe = new PowerEase(); pe.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut; pe.Power = 4; d.SpeedRatio = SpeedRatio; d.EasingFunction = pe; d.Completed += (s, ee) => { Page.LoadCompleted(this, new EventArgs()); }; window.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, d); }
void Display(ContextMenuEvent contextMenuEvent) { if (_event != null) { Close(); } if (contextMenuEvent == null) { return; } _event = contextMenuEvent; _uiPosition = contextMenuEvent.UiPosition; var optionElements = new List <IUiElement>(); ContextMenuGroup?lastGroup = null; foreach (var option in _event.Options) { lastGroup ??= option.Group; if (lastGroup != option.Group) { optionElements.Add(new Spacing(0, 2)); } lastGroup = option.Group; var option1 = option; optionElements.Add(new Button(option.Text).OnClick(() => OnButton(option1, option1.Disabled))); } var elements = new List <IUiElement> { new Spacing(0, 2), new HorizontalStack(new Spacing(5, 0), new BoldHeader(_event.Heading), new Spacing(5, 0)), new Divider(CommonColor.Yellow3), new Padding(new VerticalStack(optionElements), 0, 2) }; var frame = new DialogFrame(new VerticalStack(elements)); AttachChild(frame); Raise(new PushInputModeEvent(InputMode.ContextMenu)); }
private void Awake() { _bgImage = transform.Find("Bg").GetComponent <RawImage>(); _role1 = transform.Find("Role1").GetComponent <RawImage>(); _role2 = transform.Find("Role2").GetComponent <RawImage>(); _dialogFrame = transform.Find("DialogFrame").GetComponent <DialogFrame>(); _mask = transform.Find("Mask").GetComponent <RectTransform>(); _screenEffect = transform.GetImage("ScreenEffect"); _recordBtn = transform.Find("RecordBtn").GetComponent <Button>(); _recordBtn.onClick.AddListener(ShowRecordView); _skipBtn = transform.Find("SkipBtn").GetComponent <Button>(); _skipBtn.onClick.AddListener(OnSkip); _playBtn = transform.Find("PlayBtn").GetComponent <Button>(); _playBtn.transform.GetText("Text").text = I18NManager.Get("Story_Autoplay"); _playBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => { OnAutoPlay(!_isAutoPlay); }); PointerClickListener.Get(gameObject).onClick = NextStep; RectTransform rect = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); float containerH = rect.GetSize().y; _offsetY = (int)((containerH - Main.StageHeight) / 2); Reset(); _isAutoPlay = false; _dialogFrame.OnStepEnd = DoAutoPlay; _spineCache = new List <SkeletonGraphic>(); _live2DCache = new List <Live2dGraphic>(); _screenEffect.gameObject.Hide(); }
// Use this for initialization public override Dialog GetDialog() { const string npc = "Cho Chang"; var frame = new DialogFrame(npc, "Hey, I'm " + npc + ", today is so exiting!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I've learnt so many interesting things!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "This day really exposed a variety of things you can do with an engineering degree and the " + "places it can take you.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Talking to many people who have been through the same process…") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "…you’re currently wading through was incredibly helpful as they hold the wisdom " + "of hindsight, thus knowing how the degree works in its entirety.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Meeting students from all over the country was also a wonderful experience, a " + "room full of intelligent young women brimming with potential…") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "…and all glad to be given the chance to explore the option of engineering " + "in this busy day.") } } } } } }; var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { npc, DialogPosition.Right } }; var achievementsManager = Toolbox.Instance.AchievementsManager; return(new Dialog(frame, directions, () => { achievementsManager.MarkCompleted("talk-to-student"); })); }
public ConversationTextWindow() : base(DialogPositioning.Bottom) { On <UiLeftClickEvent>(e => Clicked?.Invoke()); On <DismissMessageEvent>(e => Clicked?.Invoke()); var content = new FixedSize(248, 159, new Padding( new UiText(_text) .Scrollable() .Filter(0), 3)); // Transparent background, scrollable var frame = new DialogFrame(content) { Background = DialogFrameBackgroundStyle.DarkTint }; AttachChild(frame); }
private void LoadTexts(string value) { //print ("value =" +value); theFrames = new Queue <DialogFrame> (); TextAsset textAsset = SystemValues.LoadResources <TextAsset>("XML/" + value); xml.LoadXml(textAsset.text); theXmlList = xml.SelectNodes("Root/Dialog"); foreach (XmlNode node in theXmlList) { DialogFrame aFrame = new DialogFrame(); //print (node.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText); //print (node.SelectSingleNode("Picture").InnerText); //print (node.SelectSingleNode("Information").InnerText); = node.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText; aFrame.picture = node.SelectSingleNode("Picture").InnerText; aFrame.information = node.SelectSingleNode("Information").InnerText; theFrames.Enqueue(aFrame); } }
/// <summary> /// 对每一个剧本帧的操作 /// </summary> private void OperateFrame(DialogFrame use) { switch ( { case "SELECT": makeSelect(use); break; case "GOLD": makeOver(use); break; case "MISSION": makeMission(use); break; default: makeTalk(use); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Show dialog to tell the user to come upstairs for the networking event /// </summary> private void ShowWorkshopCongratulatoryDialog() { var me = Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Player.Username; const string npc = "Naomi"; var frame = new DialogFrame(npc, "Nice one " + me + ", you’ve completed all your workshops today! Let’s head to the lobby for the networking event"); var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { npc, DialogPosition.Right } }; var canvas = FindObjectOfType <DialogCanvasManager>(); var dialog = new Dialog(frame, directions); canvas.ShowDialog(dialog, null, NpcSprite); }
public override Dialog GetDialog() { var me = Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Player.Username; DialogFrame frame; if (!Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Settings.HasBeenGreeted) { // Block the player from switching levels if they haven't been introduced to the game frame = new DialogFrame(me, "Maybe I should talk to Naomi first…"); } else { frame = new DialogFrame(me, "This is going to take me to " + Level + ".") { Options = new Dictionary <string, DialogFrame> { { "Let's go!", new DialogFrame(me, "Let's go!") { TransitionToScene = Level } }, { "I want to stay!", new DialogFrame(me, "On second thought…") } } }; } var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { me, DialogPosition.Left } }; return(new Dialog(frame, directions)); }
// Use this for initialization public override Dialog GetDialog() { var me = Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Player.Username; const string npc = "Bellatrix Lestrange"; var frame = new DialogFrame(npc, "I'm Lestrange, " + npc + "!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Nice to make your acquaintance…") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Are you enjoying the exhibition day?") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Well…") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "We each have a unique toolbox comprised of life experience, daily experience, school " + "experience, sport experience, and anything else that we know without knowing we know…") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "…which can empower us to improve the conditions of life we see around us, if we " + "know how to be creative in how we approach this toolbox.") } } } } }; var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { me, DialogPosition.Left }, { npc, DialogPosition.Right } }; var achievementsManager = Toolbox.Instance.AchievementsManager; return(new Dialog(frame, directions, () => { achievementsManager.MarkCompleted("talk-to-student"); })); }
// Use this for initialization public override Dialog GetDialog() { const string npc = "Minerva McGonagall"; var frame = new DialogFrame(npc, "Helloooooooo!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I'm Minerva!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I'm really enjoying today!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "One of the more striking comments from the student panel was, 'don’t hesitate in " + "taking opportunities.'") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "So whether you have any doubts, or if you are dead set on engineering, you may find " + "yourself pleasantly surprised") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "as I have. It was because of this event that I decided to shed my perpetual state " + "of ambiguity with my career choice, and set my heart on becoming an engineer.") } } } } }; var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { npc, DialogPosition.Right } }; var achievementsManager = Toolbox.Instance.AchievementsManager; return(new Dialog(frame, directions, () => { achievementsManager.MarkCompleted("talk-to-student"); })); }
// Use this for initialization public override Dialog GetDialog() { var me = Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Player.Username; const string npc = "Megan"; var frame = new DialogFrame(me, "Hello, I'm " + me) { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Nice to meet you!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "My name's Megan, and I study Software Engineering!") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Hey, if you don't mind me asking?") { Options = new Dictionary <string, DialogFrame> { { "Why Engineering?", new DialogFrame(npc, "My choice was less traditional than most, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, " + "and Engineering is such a vast industry, which has so much to offer.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Another major consideration was that Engineering gave me structure, once I " + "chose Engineering I only had to choose one general…") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "… education paper and then my next decision was my specialisation at " + "the end of first year.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I chose Engineering because I loved problem solving and enjoyed " + "calculus, and engineering would allow open many different doors " + "for me.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Engineering allows a lot of choice, without an overwhelming " + "vastness of options.") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Oh wow, that's really interesting!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Thanks, no problem, come to talk me anytime!") } } } } } } }, { "Your experience?", new DialogFrame(npc, "Honestly, I was worried that I wouldn't be smart enough. I loved Calculus and " + "English, but I was not a fan of Physics, so I was worried that Engineering " + "wouldn't be the right choice for me.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "While it’s true some specialisations require you to know Physics, but many " + "like Software don’t require it after first year.") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Oh wow, that's really interesting!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Thanks, no problem, come to talk me anytime!") } } } }, { "Any advice?", new DialogFrame(npc, "University is not the same as highschool, it demands more attention than you " + "gave high school.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "University gives you a lot of freedom, and it’s important that you focus " + "on what is most important to you.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "In first year I tried to do uni, work and spend a lot of time with " + "my friends - you can’t have it all.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "But you do have a very long summer to catch up with all your friends.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Balance is important and if you are working part-time, as much " + "as you can try and focus on your studies because at the end of " + "the day it is more important. ") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Oh wow, that's really interesting!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Thanks, no problem, come to talk me anytime!") } } } } } } } } } } } }; var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { me, DialogPosition.Left }, { npc, DialogPosition.Right } }; return(new Dialog(frame, directions, () => { Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.MarkCurrentFinished("networking"); Toolbox.Instance.AchievementsManager.MarkCompleted("speak-undergrad"); })); }
// Use this for initialization public override Dialog GetDialog() { var me = Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Player.Username; const string npc = "Tina"; var frame = new DialogFrame(me, "Hi, I'm " + me) { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Nice to meet you!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "My name's " + npc + ", and I study Software Engineering!") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Hey, if you don't mind me asking?") { Options = new Dictionary <string, DialogFrame> { { "Why Engineering?", new DialogFrame(npc, "I chose engineering as I enjoyed design and science at school.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I had researched engineering and found that it offered a good combination " + "of both theoretical and practical skills that would be useful for many " + "career paths. ") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Oooo, and by the way, you might want to head to the leech and to talk " + "to Katherine, the software advisor!") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Thanks a lot! Your insight will definitely be super helpful in " + "helping me decide whether engineering is for me!") } } } }, { "Your experience?", new DialogFrame(npc, "I was nervous about the programming paper that is taken by all engineering " + "students in their first year.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I had never done any coding before and was worried that I may fall " + "behind the other students.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "However, the class ended up being a very good introduction to the " + "basics of programming, and I enjoyed it a lot and chose to continue " + "in software as my specialisation.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Oooo, and by the way, you might want to head to the leech and " + "to talk to Katherine, the software advisor!") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Thanks alot! Your insight will definitely be super helpful " + "in helping me decide whether engineering is for me!") } } } } }, { "Any advice?", new DialogFrame(npc, "I would encourage everyone to stay open-minded and give everything a try. " + "There are many clubs and events that university offers, both within and " + "outside of engineering.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "They are a great place to meet new people and make friends.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Engineering especially is a degree that focuses a lot on teamwork and " + "collaboration, so having a good group of friends is really important.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Oooo, and by the way, you might want to head to the leech and to " + "talk to Katherine, the software advisor!") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Thanks alot! Your insight will definitely be super helpful in " + "helping me decide whether engineering is for me!") } } } } } } } } } }; var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { me, DialogPosition.Left }, { npc, DialogPosition.Right } }; return(new Dialog(frame, directions, () => { Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.MarkCurrentFinished("networking"); Toolbox.Instance.AchievementsManager.MarkCompleted("speak-undergrad"); })); }
// Use this for initialization public override Dialog GetDialog() { var me = Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Player.Username; const string npc = "Susanne"; var frame = new DialogFrame(me, "Hello, I'm " + me) { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Nice to meet you!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "My name's " + npc + ", and I study CHEMMAT!") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Hey, if you don't mind me asking?") { Options = new Dictionary <string, DialogFrame> { { "Why Engineering?", new DialogFrame(npc, "I really liked the idea of helping other people and making a change in the " + "world. I think that engineering shows so much growth and potential and I really " + "wished to be a part of that.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I had talked to a few female students beforehand and they also really " + "enjoyed the experience and that inspired me to take this course") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Oh wow, that's really interesting!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Thanks, no problem, come to talk me anytime!") } } } }, { "Your experience?", new DialogFrame(npc, "I was really worried that perhaps my skills weren't satisfactory enough to be " + "able to show my full potential as an engineer.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "However, I ended up making good friends who I have established a study " + "group with in which us as a group can grow together and inspire one another.") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Oh wow, that's really interesting!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Thanks, no problem, come to talk me anytime!") } } } }, { "Any advice?", new DialogFrame(npc, "I would advise younger students to go out and talk to those who are taking " + "the course now.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I'm sure that it would be inspiring to them and would help them decide on " + "where their future paths might lead them.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I would also advise the younger female students to get involved with " + "WEN and see the future of engineering for females.") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Oh wow, that's really interesting!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Thanks, no problem, come to talk me anytime!") } } } } } } } } } }; var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { me, DialogPosition.Left }, { npc, DialogPosition.Right } }; return(new Dialog(frame, directions, () => { Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.MarkCurrentFinished("networking"); Toolbox.Instance.AchievementsManager.MarkCompleted("speak-undergrad"); })); }
private T LoadDialog <T>(string _dialogName = null) where T : BaseDialog { T result = null; if (dialogCanvas != null) { _dialogName = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_dialogName)) ? _dialogName : typeof(T).Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_dialogName)) { GameObject baseDialogPrefab = PrefabManager.Instance.LoadPrefab(typeof(T).Name); T dialogPrefab = (baseDialogPrefab != null) ? baseDialogPrefab.GetComponent <T>() : null; if (dialogPrefab != null) { if (dialogPrefab.dialogFramePrefab != null) { DialogFrame dialoFrame = GameObjectHelper.AddChildrenWithComponent <DialogFrame>( dialogPrefab.dialogFramePrefab, dialogCanvas.transform ); if (dialoFrame != null) { result = dialoFrame.TryInstantiateDialogContent(dialogPrefab) as T; if (result == null) { LogHelper.LogError( "Failed to instantiate dialog content for " + _dialogName, this ); GameObjectHelper.Destroy(result.gameObject, true); } } } else { LogHelper.LogWarning("Failed to load " + typeof(T).Name + "; missing " + nameof(dialogPrefab.dialogFramePrefab), this ); } } } } else { LogHelper.LogError("Failed to load dialog; " + nameof(dialogCanvas) + " is not set", this ); } return(result); }
// Use this for initialization public override Dialog GetDialog() { var me = Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Player.Username; const string npc = "Hannah"; var frame = new DialogFrame(me, "Hello, I'm " + me) { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Nice to meet you!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "My name's " + npc + ", and I study engineering science!") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Hey, is it ok if I ask you a couple of questions?") { Options = new Dictionary <string, DialogFrame> { { "Why Engineering?", new DialogFrame(npc, "I chose engineering as I have always loved using maths and" + " science to solve problems.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Being curious about why things work the way they do also made" + " me interested in engineering as a career choice, as through engineering" + " I could get a better understanding of the world around me.") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Wow that's so cool!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "It really is. Come back and talk to me anytime.") } } } }, { "Your experience?", new DialogFrame(npc, "My biggest concern coming in was not meeting new people. " + "I thought with engineering being an academic heavy subject, " + "and the fact that people joke about engineers being anti-social, " + "I wouldn’t be able to find many new people to make friends with.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Everyone is really lovely though, and there is a lot of group work " + "where you get to meet new people.") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Oh wow, that's really interesting!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Thanks, no problem, come to talk me anytime!") } } } }, { "Any advice?", new DialogFrame(npc, "I would advise that you go into university with an idea of meeting new people. " + "If you go in with a lot of friends you are already close to, that’s great! ") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "But having new friends who study the same thing as you can really help " + "encourage you to get through hard assignments and tests.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Plus creating a good network of contacts early on is only going to help you further on in life and in your career!") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Thank you, that's really helpful!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Thanks, no problem, come to talk me anytime!") } } } } } } } } } }; var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { me, DialogPosition.Left }, { npc, DialogPosition.Right } }; return(new Dialog(frame, directions, () => { Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.MarkCurrentFinished("networking"); Toolbox.Instance.AchievementsManager.MarkCompleted("speak-undergrad"); })); }
// Use this for initialization public override Dialog GetDialog() { var me = Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Player.Username; const string npc = "Sophie"; var frame = new DialogFrame(me, "Hello, I'm " + me) { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Nice to meet you!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "My name's " + npc + ", and I study biomedical engineering!") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Is it alright if I ask you some questions?") { Options = new Dictionary <string, DialogFrame> { { "Why Engineering?", new DialogFrame(npc, "I loved graphics, physics and biology in high school " + "and engineering was the best mix. ") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Biomedical engineering allows me to combine this love of both whilst constantly" + "challenging me mentally.") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "That's so awesome, I might like the visual side too!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "It sure is. Come back and talk to me anytime.") } } } }, { "Your experience?", new DialogFrame(npc, "I was scared because I didn't have " + "any coding, or really much " + "mechanical knowledge that I would struggle.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "But the first year courses were very approachable. " + "The lecturers really do their best to help you get the skills you need and are" + "always keen to give you their extra time.") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Oh wow, that's reassuring!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "No problem, come to talk me anytime!") } } } }, { "Any advice?", new DialogFrame(npc, "Talk to as many second years as you can!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, " While the courses may not offer the best representation" + " of the specialisation, those that have done it will tell you how it is.") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Thank you, that's really helpful!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Thanks for talking to me, come back anytime!") } } } } } } } } }; var directions = new Dictionary <string, DialogPosition> { { me, DialogPosition.Left }, { npc, DialogPosition.Right } }; return(new Dialog(frame, directions, () => { Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.MarkCurrentFinished("networking"); Toolbox.Instance.AchievementsManager.MarkCompleted("speak-undergrad"); })); }
private DialogFrame IntroduceStudentServicesDialogFrame(string me, string npc) { // This is what the dialog eventually jumps to, different options lead to this - which is why it's a variable var timetable = new DialogFrame(npc, "It’s your timetable for the day!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Here you will find the workshops you will be attending as well as the networking event in " + "the afternoon.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I hope you find this useful. There is also a list of items you should complete before the " + "day is over.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "Each time you complete a task it will be ticked off your list. Complete all tasks and " + "return back to this stall for a prize!") { Next = new DialogFrame(me, "Thanks!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "No problem! Use the elevator to visit the workshops in the engineering leech") { OnComplete = () => { Toolbox.Instance.QuestManager.MarkFinished("get-timetable"); Toolbox.Instance.AchievementsManager.MarkCompleted("timetable"); Toolbox.Instance.GameManager.Settings.HasBeenGreeted = true; IntroduceStudentServices = false; } } } } } } }; return(new DialogFrame(npc, "This is the Student Services stall, where students come to pick up their assignments and exam scripts.") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I have an important file for you too!") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "I wonder what it is…") { Options = new Dictionary <string, DialogFrame> { { "Okay", new DialogFrame(me, "What is it?") { Next = timetable } }, { "Oh no!", new DialogFrame(me, "I hope it's not an assignment") { Next = new DialogFrame(npc, "No…") { Next = timetable } } } } } } }); ; }