Esempio n. 1
        public void AsInTitle()
            var src = @"
an assist 
tunafish rep 
player x is ‘mr vol’
muffin ducker
set x to y";

            var rules = new DialogRule[]
                new DialogRule()
                    Name       = "an assist",
                    DisplayAs  = "tunafish rep",
                    Conditions = new DialogRule.DialogCondition[]
                        new DialogRule.DialogCondition()
                            Op    = "=",
                            Left  = "player.x",
                            Right = "'mr vol'"
                    Dialog = new DialogRule.DialogPart[]
                        new DialogRule.DialogPart()
                            Speaker      = "'player1'",
                            Content      = "muffin ducker",
                            ContentParts = new string[]
                                "'muffin ducker'",
                    Outcomes = new DialogRule.DialogOutcome[]
                        new DialogRule.DialogOutcome()
                            Command   = "set",
                            Target    = "x",
                            Arguments = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                { "", "y" }

            var bundle = new DialogBundle()
                Name          = "test",
                Rules         = rules,
                ConditionSets = new DialogConditionSet[]

            var expected = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bundle, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings()
                StringEscapeHandling = StringEscapeHandling.Default

            var program = new WordLangResults(src);

            Assert.AreEqual(false, program.ParserErrors.AnyErrors);

            var v      = new ProgramToJson();
            var output = v.Visit(program.ProgramContext);


            var backwards = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DialogBundle>(output);

            Assert.AreEqual(backwards, bundle);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, output);
Esempio n. 2
        public void SimpleJSON()
            var src = @"
a is b

a nifty rule 
   tunafish rep 
player health + 50 > 100
player x is ‘okay’
use tunafish
speaking {player health + 12} line text
something <b>meaningful</b>
this is <color='red'> red text </color>
    set x to y
run actions.fart with power as 100 * player.fart
with target as enemy";

            var rules = new DialogRule[]
                new DialogRule()
                    Name       = "a nifty rule",
                    DisplayAs  = "tunafish rep",
                    Conditions = new DialogRule.DialogCondition[]
                        new DialogRule.DialogCondition()
                            Op    = ">",
                            Left  = "(+ 50)",
                            Right = "100"
                        new DialogRule.DialogCondition()
                            Op    = "=",
                            Left  = "player.x",
                            Right = "'okay'"
                        new DialogRule.DialogCondition()
                            Op    = "=",
                            Left  = "__.conditions.tunafish",
                            Right = "true"
                    Dialog = new DialogRule.DialogPart[]
                        new DialogRule.DialogPart()
                            Speaker      = "'player1'",
                            Content      = "speaking {player health + 12} line text",
                            ContentParts = new string[]
                                "'speaking '",
                                "(+ 12)",
                                "' line text'"
                        new DialogRule.DialogPart()
                            Speaker      = "",
                            Content      = "something <b>meaningful</b>",
                            ContentParts = new string[]
                                "'something <b>meaningful</b>'"
                        new DialogRule.DialogPart()
                            Speaker      = "'player3'",
                            Content      = "this is <color='red'> red text </color>",
                            ContentParts = new string[]
                                "'this is <color=\\'red\\'> red text </color>'"
                    Outcomes = new DialogRule.DialogOutcome[]
                        new DialogRule.DialogOutcome()
                            Command   = "set",
                            Target    = "x",
                            Arguments = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                { "", "y" }
                        new DialogRule.DialogOutcome()
                            Command   = "run",
                            Target    = "actions.fart",
                            Arguments = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                { "power", "(* 100 player.fart)" },
                                { "target", "enemy" }

            var bundle = new DialogBundle()
                Name          = "test",
                Rules         = rules,
                ConditionSets = new DialogConditionSet[]
                    new DialogConditionSet()
                        Name       = "tunafish",
                        Conditions = new DialogConditionSet.DialogCondition[]
                            new DialogConditionSet.DialogCondition()
                                Left  = "a",
                                Op    = "=",
                                Right = "b"

            var expected = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bundle, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings()
                StringEscapeHandling = StringEscapeHandling.EscapeNonAscii
            //var expected = "[" +
            //    "{" +
            //        "\"title\":\"a nifty rule\"," +
            //        "\"displayAs\":\"tunafish rep\"," +
            //        "\"conditions\":[" +
            //            "{" +
            //                "\"op\":\"=!\"," +
            //                "\"left\":\"yaday first\"," +
            //                "\"right\":\"blahblah some more\"" +
            //            "}," +
            //            "{" +
            //                "\"op\":\"=\"," +
            //                "\"left\":\"another line of fun\"," +
            //                "\"right\":\"twice the pain\"" +
            //            "}" +
            //        "]," +
            //        "\"dialogs\":[" +
            //            "{" +
            //                "\"speaker\":\"player1\"," +
            //                "\"line\":\"speaking line text\r\nmulti line\"" +
            //            "}," +
            //            "{" +
            //                "\"speaker\":\"player2\"," +
            //                "\"line\":\"something meaningful\"" +
            //            "}" +
            //        "]," +
            //        "\"outcomes\":[" +
            //            "{" +
            //                "\"action\":\"doit\"" +
            //            "}," +
            //            "{" +
            //                "\"action\":\"doit again\"" +
            //            "}" +
            //        "]" +
            //    "}" +
            //    "" +
            //    "]";
            // if thething is theotherthing:
            // muffin is true

            var program = new WordLangResults(src);

            Assert.AreEqual(false, program.ParserErrors.AnyErrors);

            var v      = new ProgramToJson();
            var output = v.Visit(program.ProgramContext);


            var backwards = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DialogBundle>(output);

            Assert.AreEqual(backwards, bundle);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, output);