Esempio n. 1
        [Ignore] // Broken after NEtStandard migration.
        public void SingleProviderLegUnitTest()
            Console.WriteLine("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            SIPRequest   inviteRequest = new SIPRequest(SIPMethodsEnum.INVITE, SIPURI.ParseSIPURI("sip:1234@localhost"));
            SIPHeader    inviteHeader  = new SIPHeader(SIPFromHeader.ParseFromHeader("<sip:joe@localhost>"), SIPToHeader.ParseToHeader("<sip:jane@localhost>"), 23, CallProperties.CreateNewCallId());
            SIPViaHeader viaHeader     = new SIPViaHeader("", 5060, CallProperties.CreateBranchId());

            inviteRequest.Header = inviteHeader;

            List <SIPProvider> providers = new List <SIPProvider>();
            SIPProvider        provider  = new SIPProvider(ProviderTypes.SIP, "test", "blueface", "test", "password", SIPURI.ParseSIPURIRelaxed(""), null, null, null, null, 3600, null, null, null, false, false, null, null, null);


            DialStringParser dialStringParser           = new DialStringParser(null, "test", null, providers, delegate { return(null); }, delegate { return(null); }, (host, wildcard) => { return(null); }, null, "test");
            Queue <List <SIPCallDescriptor> > callQueue = dialStringParser.ParseDialString(DialPlanContextsEnum.Script, inviteRequest, "blueface", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, CustomerServiceLevels.Free);

            Assert.IsNotNull(callQueue, "The call list should have contained a call.");
            Assert.IsTrue(callQueue.Count == 1, "The call queue list should have contained one leg.");

            List <SIPCallDescriptor> firstLeg = callQueue.Dequeue();

            Assert.IsNotNull(firstLeg, "The first call leg should exist.");
            Assert.IsTrue(firstLeg.Count == 1, "The first call leg should have had one switch call.");
            Assert.IsTrue(firstLeg[0].Username == "test", "The username for the first call leg was not correct.");
            Assert.IsTrue(firstLeg[0].Uri.ToString() == "sip:[email protected]", "The destination URI for the first call leg was not correct.");

Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// See overload.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="switchCallTransactions">An empty list that will be filled with transactions that the ForkCall creates and that each
 /// represent an outgoing call. The calling object can use the list to check response codes to determine the result of each leg in the
 /// ForkCall.</param>
 public ForkCall(
     SIPTransport sipTransport,
     SIPMonitorLogDelegate statefulProxyLogEvent,
     QueueNewCallDelegate queueNewCall,
     DialStringParser dialStringParser,
     string username,
     string adminMemberId,
     SIPEndPoint outboundProxy,
     ISIPCallManager callManager,
     DialPlanContext dialPlanContext,
     out List <SIPTransaction> switchCallTransactions) :
     this(sipTransport, statefulProxyLogEvent, queueNewCall, dialStringParser, username, adminMemberId, outboundProxy, callManager, dialPlanContext)
     switchCallTransactions = m_switchCallTransactions;
Esempio n. 3
        public void SubstitueMixedDstSubStrVarTest()
            Console.WriteLine("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            SIPRequest request = new SIPRequest(SIPMethodsEnum.INVITE, SIPURI.ParseSIPURI("sip:[email protected]"));

            request.Header = new SIPHeader();
            string substitutedString = DialStringParser.SubstituteRequestVars(request, "${dst:1}123${dst}000");

            Console.Write("Substituted string=" + substitutedString + ".");

            Assert.IsTrue(substitutedString == "80123380000", "The destination was not substituted correctly.");

Esempio n. 4
        public void SubstitueEmptyFromNameTest()
            Console.WriteLine("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            SIPRequest request = new SIPRequest(SIPMethodsEnum.INVITE, SIPURI.ParseSIPURI("sip:[email protected]"));

            request.Header = new SIPHeader();
            string substitutedString = DialStringParser.SubstituteRequestVars(request, "${fromname} <sip:user@provider>");

            Console.Write("Substituted string=" + substitutedString + ".");

            Assert.IsTrue(substitutedString == "<sip:user@provider>", "The from header was not substituted correctly.");

Esempio n. 5
 public CallbackApp(
     SIPTransport sipTransport,
     ISIPCallManager callManager,
     DialStringParser dialStringParser,
     SIPMonitorLogDelegate logDelegate,
     string username,
     string adminMemberId,
     SIPEndPoint outboundProxy,
     SIPAssetPersistor <SIPDialogueAsset> sipDialoguePersistor)
     m_sipTransport         = sipTransport;
     m_callManager          = callManager;
     m_dialStringParser     = dialStringParser;
     Log_External           = logDelegate;
     m_username             = username;
     m_adminMemberId        = adminMemberId;
     m_outboundProxy        = outboundProxy;
     m_sipDialoguePersistor = sipDialoguePersistor;
Esempio n. 6
 /// <remarks>
 /// The ForkCall allows a SIP call to be forked to multiple destinations. To do this it utilises multiple
 /// simultaneous SIPCallDescriptor objects and consolidates their responses to work out what should and shouldn't
 /// be forwarded onto the client that initiated the call. The ForkCall acts as a classic SIP forking proxy.
 /// The ForkCall is capable of both multiple forwards and also of follow on forwarding in the event of a call
 /// leg of multiple forwards not succeeding. As an example:
 ///     Dial(provider1&provider2|provider3&provider4|provider5&provider6)
 /// The handling of this call would be:
 /// 1. The call would be simultaneously forwarded to provider1 and provider2,
 /// 2. If the call was not successfully answered in step 1 the  call would be simultaneously forwarded to provider3 and provider4,
 /// 3. If the call was not successfully answered in step 2 the  call would be simultaneously forwarded to provider5 and provider6,
 /// 4. If the call was not successfully answered in step 3 the client call would be sent an error response.
 /// 5. If the client cancels the call at any time during the call all forwarding operations will halt.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="sipTransport">The SIP transport layer that will handle the forked calls.</param>
 /// <param name="statefulProxyLogEvent">A delegate that allows the owning object to receive notifications from the ForkCall.</param>
 /// <param name="queueNewCall">A delegate that can be used to queue a new call with the SIP application server call manager. This
 /// delegate is used when a fork call generates a B2B call that requires the incoming dialplan for a called user to be processed.</param>
 /// <param name="dialStringParser">The dial string parser is used when a redirect response is received on a forked call leg. The
 /// parser can then be applied to the redirect SIP URI to generate new call legs to be added to the ForkCall.</param>
 /// <param name="username">The username of the call owner.</param>
 /// <param name="adminMemberId">The admin ID of the call owner.</param>
 /// <param name="outboundProxy">The outbound proxy to use for all SIP traffic originated. Can be null if an outbound proxy is not
 /// being used.</param>
 public ForkCall(
     SIPTransport sipTransport,
     SIPMonitorLogDelegate statefulProxyLogEvent,
     QueueNewCallDelegate queueNewCall,
     DialStringParser dialStringParser,
     string username,
     string adminMemberId,
     SIPEndPoint outboundProxy,
     ISIPCallManager callManager,
     DialPlanContext dialPlanContext)
     m_sipTransport          = sipTransport;
     m_statefulProxyLogEvent = statefulProxyLogEvent;
     QueueNewCall_External   = queueNewCall;
     m_dialStringParser      = dialStringParser;
     m_username            = username;
     m_adminMemberId       = adminMemberId;
     m_outboundProxySocket = outboundProxy;
     m_callManager         = callManager;
     m_dialPlanContext     = dialPlanContext;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the matched dial plan command for an outgoing call request. This method is used for "exten =>" formatted dial plans. In addition if the dial
        /// plan owner has requested that their dialplan be used for incoming calls it will process those as well.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localEndPoint">The SIP Proxy socket the request was received on.</param>
        /// <param name="remoteEndPoint">The socket the request was recevied from.</param>
        /// <param name="transaction">The SIP Invite transaction that initiated the dial plan processing.</param>
        /// <param name="manglePrivateAddresses">If true private IP addresses will be subtituted for the remote socket.</param>
        /// <param name="canonicalFromDomain">If (and only if) the call is an outgoing call this will be set to the canonical domain of the host in the SIP From
        /// header. An outgoing call is one from an authenticated user destined for an external SIP URI. If the call is an incoming this will be null.</param>
        /// <param name="canonicalToDomain">If (and only if) the call is an incoming call this will be set to the canonical domain of the host in the SIP URI
        /// request. An incoming call is one from an external caller to a URI corresponding to a hosted domain on this SIP Proxy.</param>
        private void ExecuteDialPlanLine(
            DialPlanLineContext dialPlanContext,
            ISIPServerUserAgent uas,
            SIPCallDirection callDirection,
            DialogueBridgeCreatedDelegate createBridgeDelegate,
            ISIPCallManager callManager)
                //SIPRequest sipRequest = uas.CallRequest;
                FireProxyLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Executing line dial plan for call to " + uas.CallDestination + ".", dialPlanContext.Owner));

                DialPlanCommand matchedCommand = dialPlanContext.GetDialPlanMatch(uas.CallDestination);

                if (matchedCommand == null)
                    FireProxyLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Destination " + uas.CallDestination + " not found in line dial plan " + dialPlanContext.SIPDialPlan.DialPlanName + ".", dialPlanContext.Owner));
                    dialPlanContext.CallFailed(SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.NotFound, null, null);
                else if (Regex.Match(matchedCommand.Command, "Switch|Dial", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)
                    if (matchedCommand.Data != null && matchedCommand.Data.Trim().Length > 0)
                        DialStringParser dialStringParser = new DialStringParser(m_sipTransport, dialPlanContext.Owner, dialPlanContext.SIPAccount, dialPlanContext.SIPProviders, m_sipSorceryPersistor.SIPAccountsPersistor.Get, m_sipSorceryPersistor.SIPRegistrarBindingPersistor.Get, GetCanonicalDomainDelegate_External, LogDelegate_External, dialPlanContext.SIPDialPlan.DialPlanName);
                        ForkCall         ForkCall         = new ForkCall(m_sipTransport, FireProxyLogEvent, callManager.QueueNewCall, dialStringParser, dialPlanContext.Owner, dialPlanContext.AdminMemberId, m_outboundProxySocket, null, null);
                        ForkCall.CallProgress += dialPlanContext.CallProgress;
                        ForkCall.CallFailed   += dialPlanContext.CallFailed;
                        ForkCall.CallAnswered += dialPlanContext.CallAnswered;
                        Queue <List <SIPCallDescriptor> > calls = dialStringParser.ParseDialString(DialPlanContextsEnum.Line, uas.CallRequest.Copy(), matchedCommand.Data, null, null, null, dialPlanContext.CallersNetworkId, null, null, null, null, CustomerServiceLevels.None);
                        FireProxyLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.DialPlan, "Error processing dialplan Dial command the dial string was empty.", dialPlanContext.Owner));
                //else if (Regex.Match(matchedCommand.Command, "RTSP", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)
                //    RTSPApp rtspCall = new RTSPApp(FireProxyLogEvent, (UASInviteTransaction)transaction, dialPlanContext.Owner);
                //    rtspCall.Start(matchedCommand.Data);
                else if (Regex.Match(matchedCommand.Command, "SIPReply", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)
                    string[] replyFields              = matchedCommand.Data.Split(',');
                    string   statusMessage            = (replyFields.Length > 1 && replyFields[1] != null) ? replyFields[1].Trim() : null;
                    SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum status = SIPResponseStatusCodes.GetStatusTypeForCode(Convert.ToInt32(replyFields[0]));
                    if ((int)status >= 300)
                        dialPlanContext.CallFailed(status, statusMessage, null);
                    else if ((int)status < 200)
                        dialPlanContext.CallProgress(status, statusMessage, null, null, null, null);
                    FireProxyLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.Error, "Command " + matchedCommand.Command + " is not a valid dial plan command.", dialPlanContext.Owner));
                    dialPlanContext.CallFailed(SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.InternalServerError, "Invalid dialplan command " + matchedCommand.Command, null);
            catch (Exception excp)
                FireProxyLogEvent(new SIPMonitorConsoleEvent(SIPMonitorServerTypesEnum.AppServer, SIPMonitorEventTypesEnum.Error, "Error executing line dialplan for " + uas.CallRequest.URI.ToString() + ". " + excp.Message, dialPlanContext.Owner));