public static IEnumerable <SuppressorInfo> Create(DiagnosticSuppressor suppressor)
     foreach (var descriptor in suppressor.SupportedSuppressions.Distinct(Comparer))
         yield return(new SuppressorInfo(suppressor, descriptor));
            private SuppressorInfo(DiagnosticSuppressor suppressor, SuppressionDescriptor descriptor)
                : base(suppressor.GetType(), descriptor.Id)
                this.Suppressor = suppressor;
                this.Descriptor = descriptor;
                var name = descriptor.Id + ".md";

                this.HelpLinkUri = $"{name}";
                this.Stub        = CreateStub(suppressor, descriptor);
    internal DiagnosticSuppressorBenchmark()
        analyzer   = new DiagnosticReporter();
        suppressor = new TDiagnosticSuppressor();
        analyzers  = ImmutableArray.Create <DiagnosticAnalyzer>(analyzer, suppressor);

        source      = null !;
        compilation = null !;
        syntaxTree  = null !;
Esempio n. 4
        public static async Task EnsureSuppressed(DiagnosticSuppressor suppressor, SuppressionDescriptor?suppressionDescriptor, string testCode)
            if (suppressionDescriptor != null)
                Assert.That(suppressor.SupportedSuppressions, Does.Contain(suppressionDescriptor), "Supported Suppression");

            Compilation compilation = TestHelpers.CreateCompilation(testCode);

            ImmutableArray <Diagnostic> compilationErrors = compilation.GetDiagnostics();

            ImmutableArray <Diagnostic> nonHiddenErrors =
                compilationErrors.Where(d => d.Severity != DiagnosticSeverity.Hidden)

            ImmutableArray <Diagnostic> suppressibleErrors =
                nonHiddenErrors.Where(d => suppressor.SupportedSuppressions.Any(s => s.SuppressedDiagnosticId == d.Id))

            Assert.That(nonHiddenErrors, Is.EquivalentTo(suppressibleErrors), "Non suppressible errors");
            Assert.That(suppressibleErrors, Is.Not.Empty, "No errors to suppress");

            var withAnalyzer = compilation.WithAnalyzers(ImmutableArray.Create <DiagnosticAnalyzer>(suppressor));

            ImmutableArray <Diagnostic> analyzerErrors =
                await withAnalyzer.GetAllDiagnosticsAsync()

            nonHiddenErrors = analyzerErrors.Where(d => d.Severity != DiagnosticSeverity.Hidden)

            Assert.That(nonHiddenErrors, Is.Not.Empty);

            Assert.Multiple(() =>
                foreach (var error in nonHiddenErrors)
                    if (suppressionDescriptor is null)
                        Assert.That(error.IsSuppressed, Is.False, "IsSuppressed: " + error);
                        Assert.That(error.IsSuppressed, Is.True, "IsSuppressed: " + error);
                        if (error.IsSuppressed)
                            AssertProgrammaticSuppression(error, suppressionDescriptor);
            private static string CreateStub(DiagnosticSuppressor suppressor, SuppressionDescriptor descriptor)
                var builder = new StringBuilder();

                builder.Append("| Code     | ");

                var text = builder.ToString();
                var stub = $@"# {descriptor.Id}

## {EscapeTags(descriptor.Justification)}

| Topic    | Value
| :--      | :--
| Id       | {descriptor.Id}
| Severity | Info
| Enabled  | True
| Category | Suppressor
| Code     | [<TYPENAME>](<URL>)

## Description


## Motivation


## How to fix violations


<!-- start generated config severity -->
## Configure severity

The rule has no severity, but can be disabled.

### Via ruleset file

To disable the rule for a project, you need to add a
[ruleset file](

<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<RuleSet Name=""NUnit.Analyzer Suppressions"" Description=""DiagnosticSuppression Rules"" ToolsVersion=""12.0"">
  <Rules AnalyzerId=""DiagnosticSuppressors"" RuleNamespace=""NUnit.NUnitAnalyzers"">
    <Rule Id=""NUnit3001"" Action=""Info"" /> <!-- Possible Null Reference -->
    <Rule Id=""NUnit3002"" Action=""Info"" /> <!-- NonNullableField is Uninitialized -->

and add it to the project like:


For more info about rulesets see [MSDN](

### Via .editorconfig file

This is currently not working. Waiting for [Roslyn](

# {descriptor.Id}: {descriptor.Justification.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}
dotnet_diagnostic.{descriptor.Id}.severity = none
<!-- end generated config severity -->

                return(Replace(stub, "| Code     | [<TYPENAME>](<URL>)", text));
 public void SetSupportedDiagnostics(DiagnosticSuppressor suppressor, ImmutableArray <LocationFactory> locationFactories)
     supportedDiagnostics = suppressor.SupportedSuppressions
                            .Select(static descriptor => descriptor.SuppressedDiagnosticId)
Esempio n. 7
 public static Task EnsureNotSuppressed(DiagnosticSuppressor suppressor, string testCode)
     return(EnsureSuppressed(suppressor, null, testCode));