Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the controls
        /// </summary>
        private void _createUI()
            this.Stack   = new SplitterStack();
            this.Content = this.Stack;

            _devicesTree = new DevicesTree();

            _devicesTree.Size = new Eto.Drawing.Size(300, -1);
            this.Stack.Push(_devicesTree, false);
Esempio n. 2
        public void GenerateYml()
            var catalog = new YmlCatalog
                Date = DateTime.Now
            var shop = new Shop();

            catalog.Shop = shop;

            const String netpingRu = "";

            shop.Name    = netpingRu;
            shop.Company = netpingRu;
            shop.Url     = "";
            shop.Currencies.Add(new Currency
                Id   = "RUR",
                Rate = 1,
                Plus = 0

            var tree = new DevicesTree(_dataRepository.Devices);

            foreach (var categoryNode in tree.Nodes)
                shop.Categories.Add(new Category
                    Id       = categoryNode.Id,
                    Name     = categoryNode.Name,
                    ParentId = categoryNode.Parent == null ? (Int32?)null : categoryNode.Parent.Id

                foreach (var childCategoryNode in categoryNode.Nodes)
                    AddOffers(childCategoryNode, shop, categoryNode);

            shop.LocalDeliveryCost = 0;

            YmlGenerator.Generate(catalog, StaticFilePaths.CatalogFilePath);
Esempio n. 3
 private void colapse_devices_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Esempio n. 4
 private void expand_devices_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Esempio n. 5
        private void UpdateDeviceTree()                                                                                                                                                                               //обновление дерева с устройствами
            DevicesTree.Nodes.Clear();                                                                                                                                                                                //очистка дерева

            if (parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT device_type FROM devices WHERE id IN (SELECT device_id FROM host_devices WHERE host_id = " + host_id + ") AND device_type = 'MB');", 1)[0][0] == "1") // делаем запрос в базу, если есть материнки
                DevicesTree.Nodes.Add("MB", "Материнская плата");                                                                                                                                                     // и если есть устройства соответствующекго типа добавляем ветку

                //и в добавленную ветку поштучно добавляем все устройства такого типа
                foreach (string[] row in parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT device_name_hash, manufacturer, model ,name ,product, serial_number FROM device_mb WHERE device_name_hash IN (SELECT device_name_hash FROM devices WHERE device_type='MB' AND id IN(SELECT device_id FROM host_devices WHERE host_id=" + host_id + "));", 6))
                    string result = string.Empty;

                    string manufaturer   = row[1] != "-1" ? row[1] : "Не известно";
                    string model         = row[2] != "-1" ? row[2] : "Не известно";
                    string name          = row[3] != "-1" ? row[3] : "Не известно";
                    string product       = row[4] != "-1" ? row[4] : "Не известно";
                    string serial_number = row[5] != "-1" ? row[5] : "Не известно";

                    result = string.Format("Производитель: {0}" +
                                           "  Model: {1}" +
                                           "  Name: {2}" +
                                           "  Product: {3}" +
                                           "  Serial number: {4}", manufaturer, model, name, product, serial_number);

                    DevicesTree.Nodes["MB"].Nodes.Add(row[0], result);
            //остальные куски кода работают аналогично
            if (parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT device_type FROM devices WHERE id IN (SELECT device_id FROM host_devices WHERE host_id = " + host_id + ") AND device_type = 'CPU');", 1)[0][0] == "1")
                DevicesTree.Nodes.Add("CPU", "Процессор");

                foreach (string[] row in parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT device_name_hash, manufacturer, name ,cores ,clock_speed FROM device_cpu WHERE device_name_hash IN (SELECT device_name_hash FROM devices WHERE device_type='CPU' AND id IN(SELECT device_id FROM host_devices WHERE host_id=" + host_id + "))", 5))
                    string result = string.Empty;

                    string manufaturer = row[1] != "-1" ? row[1] : "Не известно";
                    string name        = row[2] != "-1" ? row[2] : "Не известно";
                    string cores       = row[3] != "-1" ? row[3] : "Не известно";
                    string clock_speed = row[4] != "-1" ? row[4] : "Не известно";

                    result = string.Format("Производитель: {0}" +
                                           "  Model: {1}" +
                                           "  Cores: {2}" +
                                           "  Clock Speed: {3} MHz", manufaturer, name, cores, clock_speed);

                    DevicesTree.Nodes["CPU"].Nodes.Add(row[0], result);
            if (parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT device_type FROM devices WHERE id IN (SELECT device_id FROM host_devices WHERE host_id = " + host_id + ") AND device_type = 'RAM');", 1)[0][0] == "1")
                DevicesTree.Nodes.Add("RAM", "Память");

                foreach (string[] row in parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT device_name_hash, manufacturer, clock_speed, memory_type, form_factor,size FROM device_ram WHERE device_name_hash IN (SELECT device_name_hash FROM devices WHERE device_type='RAM' AND id IN(SELECT device_id FROM host_devices WHERE host_id=" + host_id + "))", 6))
                    string result = string.Empty;

                    string manufaturer = row[1] != "-1" ? row[1] : "Не известно";
                    string clock_speed = row[2] != "-1" ? row[2] : "Не известно";
                    string memory_type = row[3] != "-1" ? row[3] : "Не известно";
                    string form_factor = row[4] != "-1" ? row[4] : "Не известно";
                    string size        = row[5] != "-1" ? (ulong.Parse(row[5]) / 1024 / 1024).ToString() : "Не известно";

                    result = string.Format("Производитель: {0}" +
                                           "  Clock_Speed: {1}MHz" +
                                           "  Memory_Type: {2}" +
                                           "  Form_Factor: {3}" +
                                           "  Size: {4}MB", manufaturer, clock_speed, memory_type, form_factor, size);

                    DevicesTree.Nodes["RAM"].Nodes.Add(row[0], result);
            if (parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT device_type FROM devices WHERE id IN (SELECT device_id FROM host_devices WHERE host_id = " + host_id + ") AND device_type = 'HDD');", 1)[0][0] == "1")
                DevicesTree.Nodes.Add("HDD", "Хранилище");

                foreach (string[] row in parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT device_name_hash, description, caption, size,free_space, file_system FROM device_hdd WHERE device_name_hash IN (SELECT device_name_hash FROM devices WHERE device_type='HDD' AND id IN(SELECT device_id FROM host_devices WHERE host_id=" + host_id + "))", 6))
                    string result = string.Empty;

                    string description = row[1] != "-1" ? row[1] : "Не известно";
                    string caption     = row[2] != "-1" ? row[2] : "Не известно";
                    double size        = double.Parse(row[3]) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024;
                    double free_space  = double.Parse(row[4]) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024;
                    string File_system = row[5] != "-1" ? row[5] : "Не известно";

                    result = string.Format("  description: {0}" +
                                           "  caption: {1}" +
                                           "  size: {2:#.##} GB" +
                                           "  free_space: {3:#.##} GB" +
                                           "  File_system: {4}", description, caption, size, free_space, File_system);

                    DevicesTree.Nodes["HDD"].Nodes.Add(row[0], result);
            if (parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT device_type FROM devices WHERE id IN (SELECT device_id FROM host_devices WHERE host_id = " + host_id + ") AND device_type = 'NET');", 1)[0][0] == "1")
                DevicesTree.Nodes.Add("NET", "Сетевые адаптеры");

                foreach (string[] row in parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT device_name_hash, mac, description, gateway  FROM device_net WHERE device_name_hash IN (SELECT device_name_hash FROM devices WHERE device_type='NET' AND id IN(SELECT device_id FROM host_devices WHERE host_id=" + host_id + "))", 4))
                    string result = string.Empty;

                    string mac         = row[1] != "-1" ? row[1] : "Не известно";
                    string description = row[2] != "-1" ? row[2] : "Не известно";
                    string gateway_id  = row[3] != "-1" ? row[3] : "Не известно";

                    result = string.Format("" +
                                           "  mac: {0}" +
                                           "  description: {1}" +
                                           "  gateway: {2}", mac, description, gateway_id);

                    DevicesTree.Nodes["NET"].Nodes.Add(row[0], result);

                    foreach (string[] ip in parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT ip FROM net_ip_addresses WHERE mac='" + row[1] + "';", 1))
                        DevicesTree.Nodes["NET"].Nodes[row[0]].Nodes.Add(ip[0], "Сетевой адресс: " + ip[0]);
            if (parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT device_type FROM devices WHERE id IN (SELECT device_id FROM host_devices WHERE host_id = " + host_id + ") AND device_type = 'HDD');", 1)[0][0] == "1")
                DevicesTree.Nodes.Add("GPU", "Видеоадаптер");

                foreach (string[] row in parentForm.GetTableFromDB("SELECT device_name_hash, name, memory_size FROM device_gpu WHERE device_name_hash IN (SELECT device_name_hash FROM devices WHERE device_type='GPU' AND id IN(SELECT device_id FROM host_devices WHERE host_id=" + host_id + "))", 3))
                    string result = string.Empty;

                    string name        = row[1] != "-1" ? row[1] : "Не известно";
                    double memory_size = double.Parse(row[2]) / 1024 / 1024;

                    result = string.Format("" +
                                           "  name: {0}" +
                                           "  memory_size: {1:#,##}MB", name, memory_size);

                    DevicesTree.Nodes["GPU"].Nodes.Add(row[0], result);

            DevicesTree.Update(); //обновляем дерево