Esempio n. 1
 private void UpdateDeviceGroupDefinitionDictionary(DeviceGroupListApiModel deviceGroupList)
     foreach (DeviceGroupApiModel deviceGroup in deviceGroupList.Items)
         this.deviceGroupDefinitionDictionary[deviceGroup.Id] = deviceGroup.ETag;
Esempio n. 2
         * Given list of device groups, query for device group -> device(s) mapping.
         * If this mapping is different from previous known mapping, or have no previous
         * known mapping, write mapping to reference data
        private async Task GetAndWriteDeviceGroupsMapping(DeviceGroupListApiModel deviceGroupList)
            var deviceGroupMapping = await this.deviceGroupsClient.GetGroupToDevicesMappingAsync(deviceGroupList);

            if (this.mostRecentMapping == null ||
                !this.AreDictionariesTheSame(this.mostRecentMapping, deviceGroupMapping))
                await this.deviceGroupsWriter.ExportMapToReferenceDataAsync(deviceGroupMapping, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);

                this.mostRecentMapping = deviceGroupMapping;
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken runState)
            this.log.Info("Device Groups Agent running", () => { });

            // ensure will do initial write even if there are no device group definitions
            bool forceWrite = true;

            // IotHub has some latency between reporting a device is created/updated and when
            // the API returns the updates. This flag will tell the service to write
            // again a minute after changes have been seen,
            // to ensures if there are updates they are not missed.
            bool previousEventHubSeenChanges = this.eventHubStatus.SeenChanges;

            await this.SetupEventHub(runState);

            this.mostRecentMapping = null;

            while (!runState.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // check device groups
                    DeviceGroupListApiModel deviceGroupList = await this.deviceGroupsClient.GetDeviceGroupsAsync();

                    bool deviceGroupsChanged = this.DidDeviceGroupDefinitionsChange(deviceGroupList);

                    if (forceWrite || deviceGroupsChanged || this.eventHubStatus.SeenChanges || previousEventHubSeenChanges)
                        previousEventHubSeenChanges = this.eventHubStatus.SeenChanges;

                        // set status before update so if message is received during update, will update again in a minute
                        this.eventHubStatus.SeenChanges = false;

                        // update device group definition dictionary
                        this.UpdateDeviceGroupDefinitionDictionary(deviceGroupList, deviceGroupsChanged);

                        // get device group -> devices mapping and write to file if it has changed
                        await this.GetAndWriteDeviceGroupsMapping(deviceGroupList);

                        forceWrite = false;
                catch (Exception e)
                    this.log.Error("Received error updating device to device group mapping", () => new { e });
                    forceWrite = true;

Esempio n. 4
        // Create fake device group list with one group definition with no conditions
        public static DeviceGroupListApiModel CreateDeviceGroupListApiModel(string etag, string groupId)
            var returnObj = new DeviceGroupListApiModel();
            var itemsList = new List <DeviceGroupApiModel>
                new DeviceGroupApiModel()
                    Id          = groupId,
                    Conditions  = new DeviceGroupConditionApiModel[0],
                    DisplayName = "display",
                    ETag        = etag

            returnObj.Items = itemsList;
Esempio n. 5
        private bool DidDeviceGroupDefinitionsChange(DeviceGroupListApiModel newDeviceGroupList)
            if (newDeviceGroupList.Items.Count() != this.deviceGroupDefinitionDictionary.Keys.Count)

            foreach (DeviceGroupApiModel deviceGroup in newDeviceGroupList.Items)
                if (!this.deviceGroupDefinitionDictionary.ContainsKey(deviceGroup.Id))

Esempio n. 6
 // Set up device group client to return dummy device group list that will not change
 private void SetupDeviceGroupsClientMock()
     this.deviceGroupListApiModel = TestHelperFunctions.CreateDeviceGroupListApiModel("etag1", "groupid");
     this.deviceGroupsClientMock.Setup(x => x.GetDeviceGroupsAsync()).Returns(Task.FromResult(this.deviceGroupListApiModel));
Esempio n. 7
         * Given a list of device group definitions, queries for the list of devices
         * for each group and returns a dictionary of group id -> device ids
        public async Task <Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <string> > > GetGroupToDevicesMappingAsync(DeviceGroupListApiModel deviceGroupList)
            var groupToDeviceMapping = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <string> >();

            if (deviceGroupList?.Items != null)
                // TODO: Add retry if this call fails
                foreach (DeviceGroupApiModel group in deviceGroupList.Items)
                    groupToDeviceMapping.Add(group.Id, await this.GetDevicesAsync(group));
         * Given a list of device group definitions, queries for the list of devices
         * for each group and returns a dictionary of group id -> device ids
        public async Task <Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <string> > > GetGroupToDevicesMappingAsync(DeviceGroupListApiModel deviceGroupList)
            var groupToDeviceMapping = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <string> >();

            if (deviceGroupList?.Items != null)
                foreach (DeviceGroupApiModel group in deviceGroupList.Items)
                    // TODO: await these calls after starting all of them instead of individually
                    var deviceList = (await this.GetDevicesAsync(group)).ToList();

                    // If device group has no devices in it, do not add to dictionary
                    if (deviceList.Count > 0)
                        groupToDeviceMapping.Add(group.Id, deviceList);
Esempio n. 9
        public async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken runState)
            this.log.Info("Device Groups Agent running", () => { });

            // ensure will do initial write even if there are no device group definitions
            bool forceWrite = true;

            // IotHub has some latency between reporting a device is created/updated and when
            // the API returns the updates. This flag will tell the service to write
            // again a minute after changes have been seen,
            // to ensures if there are updates they are not missed.
            bool previousEventHubSeenChanges = this.eventHubStatus.SeenChanges;

            if (!runState.IsCancellationRequested)
                    await this.SetupEventHub();
                catch (Exception e)
                    this.log.Error("Received error setting up event hub. Will not receive updates from devices", () => new { e });

            while (!runState.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // check device groups
                    DeviceGroupListApiModel deviceGroupList = await this.deviceGroupsClient.GetDeviceGroupsAsync();

                    bool deviceGroupsChanged = this.DidDeviceGroupDefinitionsChange(deviceGroupList);
                    if (forceWrite || deviceGroupsChanged || this.eventHubStatus.SeenChanges || previousEventHubSeenChanges)
                        previousEventHubSeenChanges = this.eventHubStatus.SeenChanges;

                        // set status before update so if message is received during update, will update again in a minute
                        this.eventHubStatus.SeenChanges = false;

                        // update
                        if (deviceGroupsChanged)

                        var deviceGroupMapping = await this.deviceGroupsClient.GetGroupToDevicesMappingAsync(deviceGroupList);

                        await this.deviceGroupsWriter.ExportMapToReferenceDataAsync(deviceGroupMapping, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);

                        forceWrite = false;
                catch (Exception e)
                    this.log.Error("Received error updating device to device group mapping", () => new { e });
                    forceWrite = true;
