public void Init(DeviceDescriptionHolder devHolder, NvtSessionFactory sessionFactory, IUnityContainer container) { this.container = container; //Add device section (all devices must have this section) parent.Title = devHolder.Name; //Display progress bar devicePanel.Content = new ProgressView("Loading ..."); //Begin load device section disposables.Add(SectionDevice.Load(devHolder, sessionFactory) .ObserveOnCurrentDispatcher() .Subscribe( args => { invtSession = args.nvtSession; SectionDevice devView = container.Resolve <SectionDevice>(); disposables.Add(devView); devView.Init(args); devicePanel.Content = devView; //Load sections LoadSections(args); }, err => { ErrorView errorView = new ErrorView(err); disposables.Add(errorView); devicePanel.Content = errorView; } )); }
static IEnumerable <FSharpAsync <Unit> > LoadImpl(DeviceDescriptionHolder devHolder, NvtSessionFactory sessionFactory, DeviceViewArgs args) { yield return(sessionFactory.CreateSession(devHolder.Uris).Select(f => { args.nvtSession = f; return (Unit)null; })); args.odmSession = new OdmSession(args.nvtSession); yield return(args.nvtSession.GetAllCapabilities().Select(caps => { args.capabilities = caps; return (Unit)null; })); }
void DeviceSelectedPublish(DeviceDescriptionHolder dev, NvtSessionFactory sessionFactory) { var evargs = new DeviceSelectedEventArgs(); evargs.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; evargs.devHolder = dev; eventAggregator.GetEvent <DeviceSelectedEvent>().Publish(evargs); }
void ManualSessionProcess(DeviceDescriptionHolder devHolder) { IdentitySubscriptions.Add(sessionFactory.CreateSession(devHolder.Uris) .ObserveOnCurrentDispatcher() .Subscribe(isession => { ManualInitDeviceHolder(isession, devHolder); }, err => { dbg.Error(err); })); }
public static FSharpAsync <DeviceViewArgs> Load(DeviceDescriptionHolder devHolder, NvtSessionFactory sessionFactory) { DeviceViewArgs args = new DeviceViewArgs(); args.deviceIconUri = devHolder.DeviceIconUri; args.deviceModel = devHolder.DeviceModel; args.manufacturer = devHolder.Manufacturer; return(Apm.Iterate(LoadImpl(devHolder, sessionFactory, args)).Select(f => { return args; })); }
void SessionProcess(DeviceDescriptionHolder devHolder, bool publishEvent) { IdentitySubscriptions.Add(sessionFactory.CreateSession(devHolder.Uris) .ObserveOnCurrentDispatcher() .Subscribe(isession => { InitDeviceHolder(isession, devHolder, publishEvent); }, err => { //dbg.Error(err); InitDeviceHolder(sessionFactory.CreateSession(devHolder.Uris[devHolder.Uris.Count() - 1]), devHolder, publishEvent); })); }
void ManualEdit(DeviceDescriptionHolder dhold) { ManualUri manUri = new ManualUri(LocalTitles.instance.manualEdit, ManualUri.ManualType.EDIT, dhold.ManualDevice.DevUri); manUri.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow; if (manUri.ShowDialog().Value == true) { var ret = manUri.devUri; Devices.Remove(dhold); ManualLoaded(ret); } }
void OnNodeLoaded(INvtNode node) { if (node.identity.uris.Count() != 0) { try { DeviceDescriptionHolder devHolder = new DeviceDescriptionHolder(); var scopes = node.identity.scopes.Select(x => x.OriginalString); devHolder.Uris = node.identity.uris; devHolder.Address = ""; devHolder.Uris.ForEach(x => { if (x.IsAbsoluteUri) { devHolder.Address += x.DnsSafeHost + "; "; } else { dbg.Error("Uri not supported"); } }); devHolder.Address = devHolder.Address.TrimEnd(new Char[] { ';', ' ' }); if (devHolder.Address == "") { devHolder.IsInvalidUris = true; devHolder.Address = "Invalid Uri"; } devHolder.Name = ScopeHelper.GetName(scopes); devHolder.Location = ScopeHelper.GetLocation(scopes); devHolder.DeviceIconUri = ScopeHelper.GetDeviceIconUri(scopes); devHolder.Account = GetCurrentAccount(); SessionProcess(devHolder, false); Devices.Add(devHolder); subscriptions.Add(node.RegisterRemovalHandler(() => { currentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { if (devHolder == SelectedDevice) { //Publish release ui event PublishRefresh(); } Devices.Remove(devHolder); }); })); } catch (Exception err) { dbg.Error(err); } } }
void ManualInitDeviceHolder(INvtSession session, DeviceDescriptionHolder devHolder) { devHolder.session = session; facade = new OdmSession(session); var model = new IdentificationModel(); IdentitySubscriptions.Add( facade.GetIdentity(() => model) .ObserveOnCurrentDispatcher() .Subscribe(mod => { devHolder.Init(mod); }, err => { //dbg.Error(err); //MessageBox.Show(err.Message); }) ); }
void ManualLoaded(string struri) { if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(struri, UriKind.Absolute)) { return; } Uri uri; if (!Uri.TryCreate(struri, UriKind.Absolute, out uri)) { return; } DeviceDescriptionHolder devHolder = new DeviceDescriptionHolder(); //scopes //var scopes = node.identity.scopes.Select(x => x.OriginalString); devHolder.Uris = new Uri[] { uri }; devHolder.Uris.ForEach(x => { devHolder.Address += x.DnsSafeHost + "; "; }); devHolder.Address = devHolder.Address.TrimEnd(new Char[] { ';', ' ' }); devHolder.Account = GetCurrentAccount(); ManualSessionProcess(devHolder); devHolder.IsManual = true; devHolder.ManualDevice = new ManualDevice() { DevUri = struri }; devHolder.FillCommands(ddell => { ManualDelete(ddell); }, dedit => { ManualEdit(dedit); }); Devices.Add(devHolder); SaveManualList(); }
void InitDeviceHolder(INvtSession session, DeviceDescriptionHolder devHolder, bool publish) { devHolder.session = session; facade = new OdmSession(session); var model = new IdentificationModel(); IdentitySubscriptions.Add( facade.GetIdentity(() => model) .ObserveOnCurrentDispatcher() .Subscribe(mod => { devHolder.Init(mod); if (publish) { DeviceSelectedPublish(devHolder, sessionFactory); } }, err => { //dbg.Error(err); //MessageBox.Show(err.Message); }) ); }
private void LoadJson(string sPhysicalFilePath, string sBuffer, string sHttpVersion, ref HttpRequest req) { var cmd = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "cmd"); var r = ServerRoot; #if DEBUG r = @"D:\Projects\iSpy\iSpyPRO\iSpyPRO\WebServerRoot\"; #endif int ot, oid; int.TryParse(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ot"), out ot); int.TryParse(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "oid"), out oid); ISpyControl io = null; CameraWindow cw; VolumeLevel vl; if (oid > -1) io = MainForm.InstanceReference.GetISpyControl(ot, oid); var resp = ""; const string commandExecuted = "{\"status\":\"ok\"}"; const string commandFailed = "{{\"status\":\"{0}\"}}"; var t = ""; string template = "{{\"text\":\"{0}\",\"value\":\"{1}\"}},"; string sd, ed; long sdl = 0, edl = 0; int total = 0; var ptzid = -1; bool success; switch (cmd) { case "querylevel": { float fLevel = 0; switch (ot) { case 1: vl = MainForm.InstanceReference.GetVolumeLevel(oid); if (vl != null) { var v = vl.Levels; if (v == null) fLevel = 0; else { fLevel = vl.Levels.Max(); fLevel = Math.Min(1, fLevel/vl.Micobject.detector.gain); } } break; case 2: cw = MainForm.InstanceReference.GetCameraWindow(oid); if (cw?.Camera != null) { fLevel = cw.Camera.MotionLevel; fLevel = Math.Min(1, (fLevel/cw.Camobject.detector.gain)); } break; } resp = "{\"level\":" + fLevel.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "}"; } break; case "adddevice": var stid = Convert.ToInt32(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "sourceTypeID")); switch (ot) { case 1: oid = MainForm.NextMicrophoneId; break; case 2: oid = MainForm.NextCameraId; break; } MainForm.InstanceReference.AddObjectExternal(ot,stid,320,240,"",""); resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"editsource\",\"typeID\":" + ot + ",\"ID\":" + oid + "}"; break; case "createfromwizard": { switch (ot) { case 2: int channel = Convert.ToInt32(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "channel")); string url = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "url"); string username = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "username"); string password = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "password"); string make = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "make"); string model = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "model"); int mmid = Convert.ToInt32(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "mmid")); Uri origUri; if (!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out origUri)) break; var source = MainForm.Sources.FirstOrDefault(p => p.url.Any(q => == mmid)); var mmurl = source?.url.FirstOrDefault(p => == mmid); if (mmurl == null) break; string audioUri = ""; int audioSourceTypeID = -1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mmurl.AudioSource)) { audioUri = Conf.GetAddr(mmurl, origUri, channel, username, password, true).ToString(); audioSourceTypeID = Conf.GetSourceType(mmurl.AudioSource, 1); } int sourceTypeID = Conf.GetSourceType(mmurl.Source, 2); string sourceUri = Conf.GetAddr(mmurl, origUri, channel, username, password).ToString(); oid = MainForm.NextCameraId; cw = (CameraWindow) MainForm.InstanceReference.AddObjectExternal(2, sourceTypeID,320,240,"",sourceUri); cw.Camobject.settings.videosourcestring = sourceUri; cw.Camobject.settings.cookies = mmurl.cookies; cw.Camobject.settings.login = username; cw.Camobject.settings.password = password; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mmurl.flags)) { string[] flags = mmurl.flags.Split(','); foreach (string f in flags) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(f)) { switch (f.ToUpper()) { case "FBA": cw.Camobject.settings.forcebasic = true; break; } } } } int ptzentryid = 0; if (!mmurl.@fixed) { string modellc = model.ToLower(); string n = make.ToLower(); bool quit = false; foreach (var ptz in MainForm.PTZs) { int j = 0; foreach (var m in ptz.Makes) { if (m.Name.ToLower() == n) { ptzid =; ptzentryid = j; string mdl = m.Model.ToLower(); if (mdl == modellc || mmurl.version.ToLower() == mdl) { ptzid =; ptzentryid = j; quit = true; break; } } j++; } if (quit) break; } } if (ptzid > -1) { cw.Camobject.ptz = ptzid; cw.Camobject.ptzentryindex = ptzentryid; cw.Camobject.settings.ptzchannel = channel.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); cw.Camobject.settings.ptzusername = username; cw.Camobject.settings.ptzpassword = password; cw.Camobject.settings.ptzurlbase = MainForm.PTZs.Single(p => == ptzid).CommandURL; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mmurl.AudioModel)) { var audUri = new Uri(cw.Camobject.settings.videosourcestring); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(audUri.DnsSafeHost)) { cw.Camobject.settings.audioip = audUri.DnsSafeHost; } cw.Camobject.settings.audiomodel = mmurl.AudioModel; cw.Camobject.settings.audioport = audUri.Port; cw.Camobject.settings.audiousername = username; cw.Camobject.settings.audiopassword = password; } if (audioSourceTypeID > -1) { var vc = cw.VolumeControl; if (vc == null) { vc = MainForm.InstanceReference.AddCameraMicrophone(, + " mic"); = false; vc.Micobject.detector.recordonalert = false; vc.Micobject.detector.recordondetect = false; cw.SetVolumeLevel(; } vc.Disable(); vc.Micobject.settings.typeindex = audioSourceTypeID; vc.Micobject.settings.sourcename = audioUri; vc.Micobject.settings.needsupdate = true; } cw.Enable(); break; } } resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"waiteditobjectnew\",\"typeID\":" + ot + ",\"ID\":" + oid + "}"; break; case "scannetwork": { string[] sports = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ports").Split(','); bool full = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "full") == "true"; var ports = new List<int>(); foreach (var s in sports) { int i; if (int.TryParse(s, out i)) { ports.Add(i); } } if (ports.Count > 0) { NetworkDeviceList.RefreshARP(); var lip = new List<IPAddress>(); foreach (var ip in NetworkDeviceList.ARPList) { IPAddress ipa; if (IPAddress.TryParse(ip.Key, out ipa)) { lip.Add(ipa); } } if (lip.Count > 0) { _scanResults = new List<NetworkDevice>(); _scanner = new Scanner(); _scanner.DeviceFound += ScannerDeviceFound; _scanner.ScanFinished += ScannerScanFinished; Thread manager; if (full) { var ipranges = MainForm.AddressListIPv4.Select(ip => ip.ToString()).Select(subnet => subnet.Substring(0, subnet.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + "x").ToList(); manager = new Thread(p => _scanner.PortScannerManager(ipranges, ports)) { Name ="Port Scanner", IsBackground=true, Priority=ThreadPriority.Normal }; } else { manager = new Thread(p => _scanner.ARPScannerManager(lip, ports)) { Name = "ARP Scanner", IsBackground = true, Priority =ThreadPriority.Normal }; } manager.Start(); } } resp = "{\"running\":true}"; } break; case "getscannetworkresults": { resp = "{\"finished\":" + (_scanner == null).ToString().ToLower(); resp += ",\"results\":["; if (_scanResults != null) { template = "{{\"deviceName\":\"{0}\",\"IPAddress\":\"{1}\",\"MAC\":\"{2}\",\"port\":{3},\"webServer\":\"{4}\"}},"; resp = _scanResults.Aggregate(resp, (current, dev) => current + String.Format(template, dev.DeviceName.JsonSafe(), dev.IPAddress, dev.MAC, dev.Port, dev.WebServer.JsonSafe())); resp = resp.Trim(','); } resp += "]}"; } break; case "scandevice": { if (_deviceScanner != null) { _deviceScanner.QuitScanner(); break; } Uri uri; if (!Uri.TryCreate(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "url"), UriKind.Absolute, out uri)) { resp = "{\"error\":\"Invalid camera URL. Please check and try again.\"}"; break; } var make = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "make"); var m = MainForm.Sources.FirstOrDefault(p => string.Equals(, make, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (m == null) { resp = "{\"error\":\"Select a valid manufacturer (make) in Step 1\"}"; break; } make =; _devicescanResults = new List<ConnectionOption>(); _deviceScanner = new CameraScanner(); _deviceScanner.URLFound += DeviceScannerURLFound; _deviceScanner.ScanComplete += DeviceScannerScanComplete; _deviceScanner.Channel = Convert.ToInt32(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "channel")); _deviceScanner.Make = make; _deviceScanner.Model = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "model"); _deviceScanner.Username = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "username"); _deviceScanner.Password = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "password"); _deviceScanner.Uri = uri; _deviceScanner.ScanCamera(m); resp = "{\"running\":true}"; } break; case "getscandeviceresults": { resp = "{\"finished\":" + (_deviceScanner == null).ToString().ToLower(); resp += ",\"results\":["; if (_devicescanResults != null) { template = "{{\"type\":\"{0}\",\"URL\":\"{1}\",\"mmid\":{2}}},"; resp = _devicescanResults.Aggregate(resp, (current, dev) => current + String.Format(template, dev.Source, dev.URL.JsonSafe(),; resp = resp.Trim(','); } resp += "]}"; } break; case "loadmakes": { string s = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "search"); string makes = "{\"makes\": ["; var ml = MainForm.Sources.Where(p =>, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1).OrderBy(p =>; var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var m in ml) { sb.Append("\"" + + "\","); } makes += sb.ToString().Trim(','); resp = makes + "]}"; } break; case "loadmodels": { string s = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "search"); string m = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "make"); var make = MainForm.Sources.FirstOrDefault(p => == m.ToLowerInvariant()); string models = "{\"models\": [\"Other\","; if (make != null) { var lmake = make.url.Where(p => p.version.IndexOf(s, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1).OrderBy(p => p.version).ToList(); int i = 0; foreach (var u in lmake) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.version)) { if (models.IndexOf("\"" + u.version + "\"", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1) { models += "\"" + u.version.JsonSafe() + "\","; i++; if (i == 20) break; } } } } resp = models.Trim(',') + "]}"; } break; case "loadapi": { resp = BuildApijson(r); } break; case "authorise": { string provider = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "provider"); t = "{{\"provider\":\"{0}\",\"url\":\"{1}\",\"message\":\"{2}\",\"error\":\"{3}\"}}"; string url = "", message = "", error = ""; if (!MainForm.Conf.Subscribed) { error = LocRm.GetString("NotSubscribed"); } else { switch (provider) { case "dropbox": url = Dropbox.GetAuthoriseURL(out error); break; case "drive": if (Drive.Authorise()) { message = "Authorised"; } else error = "Failed"; break; case "youtube": if (YouTubeUploader.Authorise()) { message = "Authorised"; } else error = "Failed"; break; } } resp = string.Format(t, provider, url, message, error); } break; case "onvifdiscover": { string un = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "un"); string pwd = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "pwd"); string url = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "surl"); Uri u; if (!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out u)) { resp = "{\"error\":\"Service URL is invalid\"}"; break; } var devHolder = new DeviceDescriptionHolder { Uris = new[] { u }, Address = u.DnsSafeHost, Name = u.AbsoluteUri, DeviceIconUri = null }; try { var dev = MainForm.ONVIFDevices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Address == devHolder.Address); if (dev == null) { MainForm.ONVIFDevices.Add(devHolder); } else devHolder = dev; devHolder.Account = new NetworkCredential { UserName = un, Password = pwd }; var sessionFactory = new NvtSessionFactory(devHolder.Account); template = "{{\"text\":\"{0}\",\"value\":\"{1}\"}},"; foreach (var uri in devHolder.Uris) { var f = sessionFactory.CreateSession(uri); devHolder.URL = uri.ToString(); Profile[] profiles; try { profiles = f.GetProfiles().RunSynchronously(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogExceptionToFile(ex, "ONVIF"); throw; } devHolder.Profiles = profiles; foreach (var p in profiles) { try { string streamSize = p.videoEncoderConfiguration.resolution.width + "x" + p.videoEncoderConfiguration.resolution.height; resp += String.Format(template, streamSize.JsonSafe(), p.token); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogExceptionToFile(ex, "ONVIF"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { resp = "{\"error\":\"" + ex.Message.JsonSafe() + "\"}"; break; } resp = "{\"list\":[" + resp.Trim(',') + "]}"; } break; case "editsource": { switch (ot) { case 1: { objectsMicrophone om = MainForm.Microphones.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (om == null) throw new Exception("Microphone not found"); resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\editaudiosource.json"); var st = om.settings.typeindex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var se = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\sources\audio\" + st + ".json"); string task = ""; string m = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m)) { om.settings.sourcename = m; task = "rendersourceeditor"; } template = "{{\"text\":\"{0}\",\"value\":\"{1}\"}},"; switch (st) { case "0": //localdevice string sr = Conf.SampleRates.Aggregate("", (current, s) => current + String.Format(template, s, s)); if (!Conf.SampleRates.Contains(om.settings.samples)) om.settings.samples = 8000; se = se.Replace("SAMPLERATES", sr.Trim(',')); try { string devs = ""; for (int n = 0; n < WaveIn.DeviceCount; n++) { string name = WaveIn.GetCapabilities(n).ProductName.JsonSafe(); devs += String.Format(template, name, name); } se = se.Replace("DEVICELIST", devs.Trim(',')); } catch (ApplicationException ex) { Logger.LogExceptionToFile(ex, "LocalDevice"); } break; case "5": string miclist = MainForm.Microphones.Where(mic => != && mic.settings.typeindex != 5).Aggregate("", (current, mic) => current + String.Format(template,,; se = se.Replace("MICROPHONES", miclist.Trim(',')); break; } resp = resp.Replace("SOURCEEDITOR", se); dynamic d = PopulateResponse(resp, om); d.task = task; resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } break; case 2: { objectsCamera oc = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (oc == null) throw new Exception("Camera not found"); resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\editvideosource.json"); var st = oc.settings.sourceindex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var se = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\sources\video\" + st + ".json"); string task = ""; string m = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m)) { oc.settings.videosourcestring = m; task = "rendersourceeditor"; } template = "{{\"text\":\"{0}\",\"value\":\"{1}\"}},"; switch (st) { case "3": //localdevice string devicelist = "", videoresolutions = "", inputlist = "", snapshotresolutions = "", capturemodes = ""; var disc = new Sources.Video.discovery.LocalDevice(); string moniker = ""; var ldev = disc.Devices; foreach (var dev in ldev) { devicelist += String.Format(template, dev.Name.JsonSafe(), dev.Value.JsonSafe()); if (String.Equals(oc.settings.videosourcestring, dev.Value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { moniker = dev.Value; oc.settings.videosourcestring = dev.Value; } } if (moniker == "") { if (ldev.Count > 0) moniker = ldev.First().Value; } if (moniker != "") { disc.Inspect(moniker); inputlist = disc.Inputs.Aggregate(inputlist, (current, input) => current + String.Format(template, input.Name.JsonSafe(), input.Value.JsonSafe())); videoresolutions = disc.VideoResolutions.Aggregate(videoresolutions, (current, vres) => current + String.Format(template, vres.Name.JsonSafe(), vres.Value.JsonSafe())); snapshotresolutions = disc.SnapshotResolutions.Aggregate(snapshotresolutions, (current, sres) => current + String.Format(template, sres.Name.JsonSafe(), sres.Value.JsonSafe())); if (disc.SupportsSnapshots) { capturemodes += String.Format(template, "Snapshots", "snapshots"); } if (disc.SupportsVideo) { capturemodes += String.Format(template, "Video", "video"); } } se = se.Replace("DEVICELIST", devicelist.Trim(',')); se = se.Replace("VIDEORESOLUTIONS", videoresolutions.Trim(',')); se = se.Replace("SNAPSHOTRESOLUTIONS", snapshotresolutions.Trim(',')); se = se.Replace("INPUTLIST", inputlist.Trim(',')); se = se.Replace("CAPTUREMODES", capturemodes.Trim(',')); break; case "4": string screens = ""; int i = 0,j=0; foreach (Screen s in Screen.AllScreens) { screens += String.Format(template, s.DeviceName.JsonSafe(), i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); i++; if (oc.settings.videosourcestring == i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) j = i; } se = se.Replace("SCREENS", screens.Trim(',')); if (oc.settings.videosourcestring == null) oc.settings.videosourcestring = j.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var area = "[]"; if (oc.settings.desktoparea != null) { int[] arr = System.Array.ConvertAll(oc.settings.desktoparea.Split(','), int.Parse); if (arr.Length == 4) { var sc = Screen.AllScreens[j]; arr[0] = Math.Min(100, Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDecimal(arr[0])/sc.WorkingArea.Width)*100)); arr[1] = Math.Min(100, Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDecimal(arr[1])/sc.WorkingArea.Height)*100)); arr[2] = Math.Min(100, Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDecimal(arr[2])/sc.WorkingArea.Width)*100)); arr[3] = Math.Min(100, Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDecimal(arr[3])/sc.WorkingArea.Height)*100)); area = "[{\"x\":" + arr[0] + ",\"y\":" + arr[1] + ",\"w\":" + arr[2] + ",\"h\":" + arr[3] + "}]"; } } se = se.Replace("SCREENAREA", area); break; case "9": if (oc.settings.namevaluesettings.IndexOf("use=", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1) oc.settings.namevaluesettings = "use=ffmpeg,transport=RTSP"; string[] cfg = oc.settings.onvifident.Split('|'); if (cfg.Length == 2) { oc.settings.namevaluesettings += ",profileid=" + cfg[1]; oc.settings.onvifident = cfg[0]; } string svlc = ""; if (VlcHelper.VlcInstalled) { svlc = ",{\"text\": \"VLC\", \"value\": \"vlc\"}"; } se = se.Replace("VLCOPT", svlc); var ourl = ""; var ss = NV(oc.settings.namevaluesettings, "streamsize"); var pn = NV(oc.settings.namevaluesettings, "profilename"); if (ss != "" && pn != "") { ourl = "{\"text\":\"" + ss + "\",\"value\":\"" + pn.JsonSafe() + "\"}"; } se = se.Replace("ONVIFURL", ourl); break; case "10": string camlist = MainForm.Cameras.Where(cam => != && cam.settings.sourceindex != 10).Aggregate("", (current, cam) => current + String.Format(template,,; se = se.Replace("CAMERAS", camlist.Trim(',')); break; } resp = resp.Replace("SOURCEEDITOR", se); dynamic d = PopulateResponse(resp, oc); d.task = task; resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } break; } } break; case "editpelco": { switch (ot) { case 2: objectsCamera oc = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (oc == null) throw new Exception("Camera not found"); resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\editpelco.json"); string[] ports = System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames(); string comports = ports.Aggregate("", (current, p) => current + String.Format(template, p, p)); resp = resp.Replace("COMPORTS", comports.Trim(',')); dynamic d = PopulateResponse(resp, oc); resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); break; } } break; case "editftp": { string ident = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ident"); resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\editftp.json"); if (ident != "new") { var ftp = MainForm.Conf.FTPServers.First(p => p.ident == ident); dynamic d = PopulateResponse(resp, ftp); d.ident = ftp.ident; resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } else { dynamic d = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resp); resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } } break; case "editstorage": { var ident = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ident"); resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\editstorage.json"); if (ident != "new") { var dir = MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectories.First(p => p.ID == Convert.ToInt32(ident)); dynamic d = PopulateResponse(resp, dir); d.ident = dir.ID; resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } else { dynamic d = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resp); resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } } break; case "editschedule": { string ident = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ident"); resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\editschedule.json"); var actions = Helper.Actions.ToList(); switch (ot) { case 1: actions = actions.Where(p => p.TypeID != Helper.ScheduleAction.ActionTypeID.CameraOnly).ToList(); break; } t = actions.Aggregate(t, (current, a) => current + string.Format(template, Helper.ScheduleDescription(a.ID).JsonSafe(), a.ID)); resp = resp.Replace("SCHEDULEACTIONS", t.Trim(',')); t = ""; foreach (var aa in MainForm.Actions.Where(p => p.objectid == oid && p.objecttypeid == ot)) { var ae = new ActionEditor.ActionEntry(aa); t += string.Format(template, (aa.mode + ": " + ae.Summary).JsonSafe(), aa.ident); } resp = resp.Replace("ALERTLIST", t.Trim(',')); resp = resp.Replace("TIME", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss")); if (ident != "new") { int id = Convert.ToInt32(ident); var scheds = MainForm.Schedule.Where(p => p.objectid == oid && p.objecttypeid == ot).ToList(); if (scheds.Count > id) { dynamic d = PopulateResponse(resp, scheds[id]); d.ident = id; resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } } else { dynamic d = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resp); resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } } break; case "editptzschedule": { string ident = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ident"); resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\editptzschedule.json"); var oc = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (oc != null) { string ptzcommands = ""; var lcoms = MainForm.PTZs.FirstOrDefault(p => == oc.ptz); if (lcoms != null) { var coms = lcoms.ExtendedCommands.Command.ToList(); ptzcommands = coms.Aggregate(ptzcommands, (current, com) => current + String.Format(template, com.Name.JsonSafe(), com.Name.JsonSafe())); resp = resp.Replace("PTZCOMMANDS", ptzcommands.Trim(',')); } else resp = resp.Replace("PTZCOMMANDS", ""); resp = resp.Replace("TIME", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss")); if (ident != "new") { int id = Convert.ToInt32(ident); var ptzsched = oc.ptzschedule.entries.ToList(); if (ptzsched.Count > id) { dynamic d = PopulateResponse(resp, ptzsched[id]); d.ident = id; resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } } else { dynamic d = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resp); resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } } } break; case "editaction": { string ident = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ident"); resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\editaction.json"); resp = resp.Replace("ACTIONS", Helper.AvailableActionsJson); template = "{{\"text\":\"{0}\",\"value\":{1},\"type\":\"{2}\",\"bindto\":\"{3}\"{4}}},"; var par = ""; bool bGrab; var action = MainForm.Actions.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ident == ident) ?? new objectsActionsEntry { mode = "alert", active = true, objectid = oid, objecttypeid = ot, type = "S" }; string id = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "id").ToUpper(); if (id != "") action.type = id; string mode = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "mode"); if (mode != "") action.mode = mode; bool active; if (Boolean.TryParse(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "active"), out active)) = active; switch (action.type.ToUpper()) { case "S": case "ATC": par = String.Format(template, "File", "\"" + action.param1.JsonSafe() + "\"", "Select", "param1", ",\"options\":[" + GetFileOptionsList("Sounds", "*.wav") + "],\"help\":\"Add more sounds (.wav) into " + (Program.AppPath + "sounds").JsonSafe() + "\""); break; case "EXE": par = String.Format(template, "File", "\"" + action.param1.JsonSafe() + "\"", "Select", "param1", ",\"options\":[" + GetFileOptionsList("Commands", "*.*") + "],\"help\":\"Add batch files or executables into " + (Program.AppPath + "commands").JsonSafe() + "\""); break; case "URL": par = String.Format(template, "URL", "\"" + action.param1.JsonSafe() + "\"", "String", "param1", ""); Boolean.TryParse(action.param2, out bGrab); par += String.Format(template, "POST Grab", bGrab.ToString().ToLower(), "Boolean", "param2", ""); break; case "NM": if (action.param1 == "") action.param1 = "TCP"; if (action.param3 == "") action.param3 = "1010"; par += String.Format(template, "Type", "\"" + action.param1.JsonSafe() + "\"", "Select", "param1", ", \"options\":[{\"text\":\"TCP\",\"value\":\"TCP\"},{\"text\":\"UDP\",\"value\":\"UDP\"}]"); par += String.Format(template, "IP Address", "\"" + action.param2.JsonSafe() + "\"", "String", "param2", ""); par += String.Format(template, "Port", "\"" + action.param3.JsonSafe() + "\"", "String", "param3", ",\"min\":0,\"max\":65535"); par += String.Format(template, "Message", "\"" + action.param4 + "\"", "String", "param4", ""); break; case "SW": case "B": case "M": case "TM": par = ""; break; case "TA": case "SOF": case "SOO": var optlist = MainForm.Cameras.Aggregate("", (current, c) => current + ("{\"text\":\"" + + "\",\"value\":\"2," + + "\"},")); optlist = MainForm.Microphones.Aggregate(optlist, (current, c) => current + ("{\"text\":\"" + + "\",\"value\":\"1," + + "\"},")); par += string.Format(template, "Object", "\"" + action.param1.JsonSafe() + "\"", "Select", "param1", ", \"options\":[" + optlist.Trim(',') + "]"); break; case "E": par = string.Format(template, "Email Address", "\"" + action.param1.JsonSafe() + "\"", "String", "param1", ""); bool.TryParse(action.param2, out bGrab); par += string.Format(template, "Include Grab", bGrab.ToString().ToLower(), "Boolean", "param2", ""); break; case "SMS": par = string.Format(template, "SMS Number", "\"" + action.param1.JsonSafe() + "\"", "String", "param1", ""); break; } resp = par != "" ? resp.Replace("PARAMS", "," + par.Trim(',')) : resp.Replace("PARAMS", ""); dynamic d = PopulateResponse(resp, action); d.ident = ident; if (id != "") d.task = "bindActionView"; resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } break; case "deleteschedule": { int id = Convert.ToInt32(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ident")); var scheds = MainForm.Schedule.Where(p => p.objectid == oid && p.objecttypeid == ot).ToList(); if (scheds.Count > id) { scheds.RemoveAt(id); MainForm.Schedule.RemoveAll(p => p.objectid == oid && p.objecttypeid == ot); MainForm.Schedule.AddRange(scheds); } resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"reloadSchedule\"}"; } break; case "deleteptzschedule": { int id = Convert.ToInt32(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ident")); var oc = MainForm.Cameras.First(p => == oid); var scheds = oc?.ptzschedule.entries.ToList(); if (scheds?.Count > id) { scheds.RemoveAt(id); oc.ptzschedule.entries = scheds.ToArray(); } resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"reloadPTZSchedule\"}"; } break; case "showschedule": { var sched = MainForm.Schedule.Where(p => p.objectid == oid && p.objecttypeid == ot).ToList(); int i = 0; foreach (var se in sched) { string text = FormatTime(se.time) + " " + FormatDays(se.daysofweek.Split(',')) + " " + Helper.ScheduleDescription(se.typeid); t += String.Format(template, text.JsonSafe(), i); i++; } resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\showschedule.json"); resp = resp.Replace("SCHEDULE", t.Trim(',')); } break; case "showptzschedule": { int i = 0; var oc = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (oc != null) { foreach (var pts in oc.ptzschedule.entries) { string text = pts.time.ToString("HH:mm") + " " + pts.command; t += String.Format(template, text.JsonSafe(), i); i++; } } resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\showptzschedule.json"); resp = resp.Replace("SCHEDULE", t.Trim(',')); } break; case "showactions": { var actions = MainForm.Actions.Where(p => p.objectid == oid && p.objecttypeid == ot).OrderBy(p => p.mode).ToList(); foreach (var se in actions) { string m = se.mode; switch (se.mode) { case "alert": m = "Alert"; break; case "reconnect": m = "Source Reconnected"; break; case "reconnectfailed": m = "Reconnect Failed"; break; case "disconnect": m = "Source Disconnected"; break; case "alertstopped": m = "Alert Stopped"; break; case "recordingstarted": m = "Recording Started"; break; case "recordingstopped": m = "Recording Stopped"; break; } t += String.Format(template, ( ? "Active" : "Disabled") + ": " + m + " " + Helper.AlertSummary(se).JsonSafe(), se.ident); } resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\showactions.json"); resp = resp.Replace("ACTIONS", t.Trim(',')); } break; case "deleteaction": { MainForm.Actions.RemoveAll(p => p.ident == GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ident")); MainForm.SaveConfig(); resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"reloadActions\"}"; } break; case "deleteftp": { var lTemp = MainForm.Conf.FTPServers.ToList(); lTemp.RemoveAll(p => p.ident == GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ident")); MainForm.Conf.FTPServers = lTemp.ToArray(); MainForm.SaveConfig(); resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"reloadFTPServers\"}"; } break; case "deletestorage": { string ident = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ident"); var id = Convert.ToInt32(ident); var lname = new List<string>(); lname.AddRange(MainForm.Cameras.Where(p => p.settings.directoryIndex == id).Select(p =>; lname.AddRange(MainForm.Microphones.Where(p => p.settings.directoryIndex == id).Select(p =>; if (lname.Count > 0) { resp = "{\"error\":\"There are "+lname.Count+" control(s) using this storage location\"}"; break; } var lTemp = MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectories.ToList(); lTemp.RemoveAll(p => p.ID == Convert.ToInt32(ident)); MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectories = lTemp.ToArray(); MainForm.SaveConfig(); resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"reloadStorage\"}"; } break; case "loadobjects": { template = "{{\"name\":\"{0}\",\"groups\":\"{1}\",\"typeID\":{2},\"id\":{3},\"active\":{4},\"ptzID\":{5},\"talk\":{6},\"micID\":{7},\"camID\":{8}}},\n"; string objectList = ""; if (MainForm.Cameras != null) { objectList = MainForm.Cameras.Where(p => !p.deleted) .Aggregate(objectList, (current, obj) => current + string.Format(template,, obj.settings.accessgroups.JsonSafe(), 2,,, obj.ptz, (obj.settings.audiomodel != "None").ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), obj.settings.micpair, -1)); } if (MainForm.Microphones != null) { foreach (var obj in MainForm.Microphones.Where(p => !p.deleted)) { int camID = -1; var oc = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => p.settings.micpair ==; if (oc != null) { camID =; if (oc.deleted) continue; } objectList += string.Format(template,, obj.settings.accessgroups.JsonSafe(), 1,,, -1, "false", -1, camID); } } objectList = objectList.Trim().Trim(','); resp = "{\"objectList\": [" + objectList + "]}"; } break; case "getlist": { template = "{{\"text\":\"{0}\",\"value\":\"{1}\"}},"; string source = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "source"); string[] id = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "id").Split(','); string special = ""; var lcomms = new List<Helper.ListItem>(); switch (source) { case "ptzcommands": special = "\"url\":\"{0}\","; string url = ""; switch (id[0]) { case "-6": case "-1": case "-2": break; case "-3": case "-4": { lcomms.AddRange(PTZController.PelcoCommands.Select(c => new Helper.ListItem(c, c))); } break; case "-5": { var cc = MainForm.InstanceReference.GetCameraWindow(oid); lcomms.AddRange(cc.PTZ.ONVIFPresets.Select(c => new Helper.ListItem(c, c))); } break; default: var ptz = MainForm.PTZs.Single(p => == Convert.ToInt32(id[0])); if (ptz != null) { url = ptz.CommandURL; if (ptz.ExtendedCommands?.Command != null) { lcomms.AddRange(ptz.ExtendedCommands.Command.Select(extcmd => new Helper.ListItem(extcmd.Name, extcmd.Value))); } } break; } special = string.Format(special, url); break; } resp = lcomms.Aggregate("", (current, li) => current + string.Format(template, li.Name, li.Value.JsonSafe())); resp = "{\"task\":\"" + GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "task") + "\",\"target\":\"" + GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "target") + "\"," + special + "\"list\": [" + resp.Trim(',') + "]}"; } break; case "deleteobject": { if (io != null) { MainForm.InstanceReference.RemoveObject(io); } resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"ok\"}"; } break; case "getsettings": { template = "{{\"text\":\"{0}\",\"value\":\"{1}\"}},"; resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\settings.json"); string ftp = MainForm.Conf.FTPServers.Aggregate("", (current, srv) => current + String.Format(template,, srv.ident)); resp = resp.Replace("FTPSERVERS", ftp.Trim(',')); template = "{{\"text\":\"{0}\",\"value\":{1}}},"; string ds = MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectories.Aggregate("", (current, cfg) => current + String.Format(template, cfg.Entry.JsonSafe(), cfg.ID)); resp = resp.Replace("DIRECTORIES", ds.Trim(',')); dynamic d = PopulateResponse(resp, MainForm.Conf); resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } break; case "editobject": { object o = null; switch (ot) { case 1: { objectsMicrophone om = MainForm.Microphones.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (om == null) throw new Exception("Microphone not found"); resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\editmicrophone.json"); t = "{{ \"text\": \"{0}\", \"value\": {1}}},"; var ldev = Conf.DeviceList.Where(p => p.ObjectTypeID == 1 && !p.ExcludeFromOnline) .OrderBy(p => p.Name); string s = ldev.Aggregate("", (current, source) => current + String.Format(t, source.Name.JsonSafe(), source.SourceTypeID)); resp = resp.Replace("SOURCETYPES", s.Trim(',')); o = om; } break; case 2: { objectsCamera oc = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (oc == null) throw new Exception("Camera not found"); resp = File.ReadAllText(r + @"api\editcamera.json"); var feats = Enum.GetNames(typeof(RotateFlipType)); t = "{{ \"text\": \"{0}\", \"value\": \"{1}\"}},"; string rm = feats.Aggregate("", (current, f) => current + String.Format(t, Regex.Replace(f, "([a-z,0-9])([A-Z])", "$1 $2"), f)); resp = resp.Replace("ROTATEMODES", rm.Trim(',')); string ftps = MainForm.Conf.FTPServers.Aggregate("", (current, ftp) => current + String.Format(t,, ftp.ident)); resp = resp.Replace("FTPSERVERS", ftps.Trim(',')); resp = resp.Replace("MASKFOLDER", Program.AppPath.JsonSafe() + "Masks"); resp = resp.Replace("MASKS", GetFileOptionsList("Masks", "*.png")); t = "{{ \"text\": \"{0}\", \"value\": {1}}},"; var audio = ""; audio += string.Format(template, "None", -1); audio = (from om in MainForm.Microphones.Where(p => !p.deleted) let om1 = om where MainForm.Cameras.Count(p => p.settings.micpair == && != == 0 select om).Aggregate(audio, (current, om) => current + string.Format(template,,; resp = resp.Replace("AUDIOSOURCES", audio.Trim(',')); var ldev = Conf.DeviceList.Where(p => p.ObjectTypeID == 2 && !p.ExcludeFromOnline) .OrderBy(p => p.Name); string s = ldev.Aggregate("", (current, source) => current + String.Format(t, source.Name.JsonSafe(), source.SourceTypeID)); resp = resp.Replace("SOURCETYPES", s.Trim(',')); t = "{{ \"text\": \"{0}\", \"value\": \"{1}\"}},"; var ptzEntry = MainForm.PTZs.SingleOrDefault(p => == oc.ptz); var commands = ""; if (ptzEntry?.ExtendedCommands?.Command != null) { commands = ptzEntry.ExtendedCommands.Command.Aggregate(commands, (current, extcmd) => current + string.Format(t, extcmd.Name.JsonSafe(), extcmd.Value)); } if (commands == "") { commands = string.Format(t, "None", ""); } resp = resp.Replace("PTZCOMMANDS", commands.Trim(',')); t = "{{ 'x': {0}, 'y': {1} , 'w': {2} , 'h': {3} }},"; string zl = oc.detector.motionzones.Aggregate("", (current, z) => current + String.Format(t, z.left,, z.width, z.height)); resp = resp.Replace("ZONES", zl.Trim(',')); t = "{{ 'id': {0}, 'x': {1}, 'y': {2} , 'w': {3} , 'h': {4} }},"; var l = oc.settings.pip.config.Split('|'); string pip = (from cfg in l where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cfg) select cfg.Split(',') into p where p.Length == 5 select p).Aggregate("", (current, p) => current + String.Format(t, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4])); resp = resp.Replace("PiPs", pip.Trim(',')); o = oc; } break; } if (o != null) { template = "{{\"text\":\"{0}\",\"value\":{1}}},"; var ds = MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectories.Aggregate("", (current, cfg) => current + string.Format(template, cfg.Entry.JsonSafe(), cfg.ID)); resp = resp.Replace("DIRECTORIES", ds.Trim(',')); resp = resp.Replace("OBJECTID", oid.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); dynamic d = PopulateResponse(resp, o); resp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d); } } break; case "record": io?.RecordSwitch(true); resp = commandExecuted; break; case "recordstop": io?.RecordSwitch(false); resp = commandExecuted; break; case "snapshot": cw = io as CameraWindow; cw?.SaveFrame(); resp = commandExecuted; break; case "getptzcommands": ptzid = Convert.ToInt32(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ptzid")); string cmdlist = ""; t = "{{\"name\":\"{0}\",\"value\":\"{1}\"}},"; switch (ptzid) { default: PTZSettings2Camera ptz = MainForm.PTZs.SingleOrDefault(p => == ptzid); if (ptz?.ExtendedCommands?.Command != null) { cmdlist = ptz.ExtendedCommands.Command.Aggregate("", (current, extcmd) => current + (string.Format(t, extcmd.Name.JsonSafe(), extcmd.Value.JsonSafe()))); } break; case -2: case -1: //digital (none) case -6: //(none) break; case -3: case -4: cmdlist = PTZController.PelcoCommands.Aggregate(cmdlist, (current, c) => current + (string.Format(t, c.JsonSafe(), c.JsonSafe()))); break; case -5: cw = io as CameraWindow; if (cw?.PTZ?.ONVIFPresets.Length > 0) { cmdlist = cw.PTZ.ONVIFPresets.Aggregate(cmdlist, (current, c) => current + (string.Format(t, c.JsonSafe(), c.JsonSafe()))); } break; } resp = "{\"elements\":[" + cmdlist.Trim(',') + "]}"; break; case "switchoff": io?.Disable(); resp = commandExecuted; break; case "switchon": io?.Enable(); resp = commandExecuted; break; case "getobjectstatus": { t = "{{\"online\":{0},\"recording\":{1},\"width\":{2},\"height\":{3},\"micpairid\":{4},\"talk\":{5}}}"; vl = io as VolumeLevel; if (vl != null) { resp = String.Format(t, vl.IsEnabled.ToString().ToLower(), vl.ForcedRecording.ToString().ToLower(), 320, 40, -1, "false"); } cw = io as CameraWindow; if (cw != null) { string[] res = cw.Camobject.resolution.Split('x'); string micpairid = "-1"; if (cw.VolumeControl != null) micpairid =; resp = String.Format(t, cw.IsEnabled.ToString().ToLower(), cw.ForcedRecording.ToString().ToLower(), res[0], res[1], micpairid, (cw.Camobject.settings.audiomodel != "None").ToString().ToLower()); } } break; case "synthtocam": { var txt = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "text"); cw = io as CameraWindow; if (cw != null) { Sources.Audio.SpeechSynth.Say(txt, cw); } resp = commandExecuted; } break; case "getcameragrabs": { sd = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "startdate"); ed = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "enddate"); int pagesize = Convert.ToInt32(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "pagesize")); var page = Convert.ToInt32(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "page")); if (sd != "") sdl = Convert.ToInt64(sd); if (ed != "") edl = Convert.ToInt64(ed); var grablist = new StringBuilder(""); var ocgrab = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (ocgrab != null) { var dirinfo = new DirectoryInfo(Helper.GetMediaDirectory(2, oid) + "video\\" + + "\\grabs\\"); var lFi = new List<FileInfo>(); lFi.AddRange(dirinfo.GetFiles()); lFi = lFi.FindAll( f => f.Extension.ToLower() == ".jpg" && (sdl == 0 || f.CreationTime.Ticks > sdl) && (edl == 0 || f.CreationTime.Ticks < edl)); lFi = lFi.OrderByDescending(f => f.CreationTime).ToList(); total = lFi.Count; lFi = lFi.Skip(page * pagesize).Take(pagesize).ToList(); int max = 10000; if (lFi.Count > 0) { foreach (var f in lFi) { grablist.Append("{\"name\":\"" + f.Name + "\",\"time\":\"" + f.CreationTime.UnixTicks() + "\"},"); max--; if (max == 0) break; } } } resp = "{\"total\":" + total + ",\"page\":" + page + ",\"pagesize\":" + pagesize + ",\"results\":[" + grablist.ToString().Trim(',') + "]}"; break; } case "getlogfilelist": { var dirinfo = new DirectoryInfo(Program.AppDataPath); var lFi = new List<FileInfo>(); lFi.AddRange(dirinfo.GetFiles()); lFi = lFi.FindAll(f => f.Extension.ToLower() == ".htm" && f.Name.StartsWith("log_")); lFi = lFi.OrderByDescending(f => f.CreationTime).ToList(); string logs = lFi.Aggregate("", (current, f) => current + ("{\"name\":\"" + f.Name + "\"},")); resp = "{\"logs\":[" + logs.Trim(',') + "]}"; } break; case "getcmdlist": { var l = ""; t = "{{\"id\":{0},\"name\":\"{1}\"}},"; foreach (objectsCommand ocmd in MainForm.RemoteCommands) { string n =; if (n.StartsWith("cmd_")) { n = LocRm.GetString(; } l += String.Format(t,, n.JsonSafe()); } resp = "{\"commands\":[" + l.Trim(',') + "]}"; } break; case "executecmd": { objectsCommand oc = MainForm.RemoteCommands.SingleOrDefault(p => == Convert.ToInt32(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "id"))); resp = commandExecuted; if (oc != null) { try { if (oc.command.StartsWith("ispy ") || oc.command.StartsWith("ispypro.exe ")) { string cmd2 = oc.command.Substring(oc.command.IndexOf(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1).Trim(); int k = cmd2.ToLower().IndexOf("commands ", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (k != -1) { cmd2 = cmd2.Substring(k + 9); } cmd2 = cmd2.Trim('"'); string[] commands = cmd2.Split('|'); foreach (string command2 in commands) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(command2)) { MainForm.ProcessCommandInternal(command2.Trim('"')); } } } else { Process.Start(oc.command); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogExceptionToFile(ex, "Server"); resp = string.Format(commandFailed, ex.Message); } } } break; case "getgraph": { FilesFile ff = null; t = "{{\"duration\":{0},\"threshold\":{1},\"raw\":[{2}]}}"; vl = io as VolumeLevel; string fn = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "fn"); if (vl != null) { ff = vl.FileList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Filename == fn); } cw = io as CameraWindow; if (cw != null) { ff = cw.FileList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Filename == fn); } if (ff != null) { resp = string.Format(t, ff.DurationSeconds, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.000}", ff.TriggerLevel), ff.AlertData); } else { resp = string.Format(t, 0, 0, ""); } } break; case "ptzcommand": cw = io as CameraWindow; if (cw != null) { var value = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "value"); if (value != "") { try { if (value.StartsWith("ispydir_")) { cw.PTZ.SendPTZCommand( (Enums.PtzCommand)Convert.ToInt32(value.Replace("ispydir_", ""))); } else cw.PTZ.SendPTZCommand(value); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogErrorToFile(LocRm.GetString("Validate_Camera_PTZIPOnly") + ": " + ex.Message, "Server"); } } resp = commandExecuted; } break; case "getevents": { string num = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "num"); if (num == "") num = "500"; int n = Convert.ToInt32(num); DateTime timestamp = Helper.Now; sd = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "startdate"); ed = GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "enddate"); sdl = sd != "" ? Convert.ToInt64(sd) : 0; edl = ed != "" ? Convert.ToInt64(ed) : long.MaxValue; List<FilePreview> ffs = MainForm.MasterFileList.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreatedDateTicksUTC).ToList(); if (sdl > 0) ffs = ffs.FindAll(f => f.CreatedDateTicksUTC > sdl); if (edl < long.MaxValue) ffs = ffs.FindAll(f => f.CreatedDateTicksUTC < edl); ffs = ffs.Take(n).ToList(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("["); foreach (var f in ffs) { sb.Append("{\"ot\":"); sb.Append(f.ObjectTypeId); sb.Append(",\"oid\":"); sb.Append(f.ObjectId); sb.Append(",\"created\":"); sb.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.00}", f.CreatedDateTicksUTC)); sb.Append(",\"maxalarm\":"); sb.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.0}",f.MaxAlarm)); sb.Append(",\"duration\": "); sb.Append(f.Duration); sb.Append(",\"filename\":\""); sb.Append(f.Filename); sb.Append("\"},"); } resp = sb.ToString().Trim(',') + "]"; var tzo = Convert.ToInt32(System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(new DateTime()).TotalMinutes); resp = "{\"timeStamp\":" + timestamp.Ticks + ",\"timezoneOffset\":"+tzo+",\"events\": " + resp + "}"; } break; //post commands case "uploadyoutube": { var d = getJSONObject(sBuffer); t = YouTubeUploader.Upload(oid, Helper.GetFullPath(ot, oid) + d.files[0].name, out success); resp = "{\"action\":\"" + cmd + "\",\"status\":\"" + (success ? "ok" : "Upload Failed ("+t.JsonSafe()+")") + "\"}"; } break; case "uploadcloud": { var d = getJSONObject(sBuffer); t = CloudGateway.Upload(ot, oid, Helper.GetFullPath(ot, oid) + d.files[0].name, out success); resp = "{\"action\":\"" + cmd + "\",\"status\":\"" + (success ? "ok" : "Upload Failed (" + t.JsonSafe() + ")") + "\"}"; } break; case "massdelete": { var d = getJSONObject(sBuffer); var files = new List<string>(); foreach (var file in d.files) { files.Add(; } DeleteFiles(oid,ot, files); resp = "{\"action\":\"" + cmd + "\",\"status\":\"ok\"}"; } break; case "massdeletegrabs": { var d = getJSONObject(sBuffer); var files = new List<string>(); foreach (var file in d.files) { files.Add(; } var folderpath = Helper.GetMediaDirectory(ot, oid) + "video\\" + Helper.GetDirectory(ot, oid) + "\\grabs\\"; foreach (string file in files) { FileOperations.Delete(folderpath + file); } resp = "{\"action\":\"" + cmd + "\",\"status\":\"ok\"}"; } break; case "archive": { success = false; if (io == null) { t = "Object not found"; } else { if (Helper.CanArchive) { var d = getJSONObject(sBuffer); string dir = "audio"; if (ot == 2) dir = "video"; var folderpath = Helper.GetMediaDirectory(ot, oid) + dir + "\\" + Helper.GetDirectory(ot, oid) + "\\"; success = true; var files = new List<string>(); foreach (var file in d.files) { success = Helper.ArchiveFile(folderpath +; if (!success) { t = "Archive Failed"; break; } else files.Add(; } if (files.Count>0) { DeleteFiles(oid,ot, files); } } else { t = "Invalid archive directory in settings"; } } resp = "{\"action\":\"" + cmd + "\",\"status\":\"" + (success ? "ok" : t) + "\"}"; } break; default: return; } SendHeader(sHttpVersion, "application/json", resp.Length, " 200 OK", 0, ref req); SendToBrowser(resp, req); }
public BatchItem(DeviceDescriptionHolder dev) { Device = dev; }
public static Func <Action <TResult>, Action <Exception>, IBackgroundTask> CreateForAsync <TResult>(FSharpAsync <TResult> async, DeviceDescriptionHolder dev) { return((onSuccess, onError) => { var disp = new MultipleAssignmentDisposable(); var backgroundTask = new AnonymousBackgroundTask(); = "Restore device " + dev.Name; backgroundTask.description = "Address: " + dev.Address; backgroundTask.state = BackgroundTaskState.InProgress; backgroundTask.disposable = Disposable.Create(() => { disp.Dispose(); backgroundTask.state = BackgroundTaskState.Canceled; }); disp.Disposable = async.Subscribe( res => { onSuccess(res); backgroundTask.state = BackgroundTaskState.Completed; }, err => { onError(err); backgroundTask.state = BackgroundTaskState.Failed; } ); return backgroundTask; }); }
void ManualDelete(DeviceDescriptionHolder dhold) { Devices.Remove(dhold); SaveManualList(); }