protected override void Render(DeviceContext deviceContext, Matrix worldMatrix, Matrix viewMatrix, Matrix projectionMatrix) { Context.DirectX.EnableZBuffer(); _sky.Render(deviceContext, _camera.ViewMatrix, Context.DirectX.ProjectionMatrix, _sun ,_camera); _sphere.Render(deviceContext, Matrix.Scaling(100), _camera.ViewMatrix, Context.DirectX.ProjectionMatrix); Context.DirectX.DisableZBuffer(); }
public FormSlices(Form1 form, Nodes nodes, DataToRender dataToRender, DeviceContext context) { this.form = form; this.nodes = nodes; this.dataToRender = dataToRender; InitializeComponent(); if (!dataToRender.pathToVtk) { trackBar1.Enabled = false; trackBar2.Enabled = false; trackBar3.Enabled = false; checkBoxXY.Enabled = false; checkBoxXZ.Enabled = false; checkBoxYZ.Enabled = false; DisableOkolie(); form.StatusInfo = "Set the path to vtk files to enable full functionality!"; } else { this.SetForSlices(); } checkBox1.Checked = dataToRender.okolie; DisableButton2(); DisableButton3(); SetComboBox(); }
protected D3DApp(IntPtr hInstance) { AppInst = hInstance; MainWindowCaption = "D3D11 Application"; DriverType = DriverType.Hardware; ClientWidth = 800; ClientHeight = 600; Enable4XMsaa = false; Window = null; AppPaused = false; Minimized = false; Maximized = false; Resizing = false; Msaa4XQuality = 0; Device = null; ImmediateContext = null; SwapChain = null; DepthStencilBuffer = null; RenderTargetView = null; DepthStencilView = null; Viewport = new Viewport(); Timer = new GameTimer(); GD3DApp = this; }
public D3D11RenderingPane( Factory dxgiFactory, SlimDX.Direct3D11.Device d3D11Device, DeviceContext d3D11DeviceContext, D3D11HwndDescription d3D11HwndDescription ) { mDxgiFactory = dxgiFactory; mD3D11Device = d3D11Device; mD3D11DeviceContext = d3D11DeviceContext; var swapChainDescription = new SwapChainDescription { BufferCount = 1, ModeDescription = new ModeDescription( d3D11HwndDescription.Width, d3D11HwndDescription.Height, new Rational( 60, 1 ), Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm ), IsWindowed = true, OutputHandle = d3D11HwndDescription.Handle, SampleDescription = new SampleDescription( 1, 0 ), SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard, Usage = Usage.RenderTargetOutput }; mSwapChain = new SwapChain( mDxgiFactory, mD3D11Device, swapChainDescription ); mDxgiFactory.SetWindowAssociation( d3D11HwndDescription.Handle, WindowAssociationFlags.IgnoreAll ); CreateD3D11Resources( d3D11HwndDescription.Width, d3D11HwndDescription.Height ); PauseRendering = false; }
public override WriteableBitmap Initialize(Device device) { const int width = 600; const int height = 400; // Create device and swap chain. var swapChainPresenter = new WpfSwapChainPresenter(); _swapChain = device.CreateSwapChain(width, height, swapChainPresenter); _deviceContext = device.ImmediateContext; // Create RenderTargetView from the backbuffer. var backBuffer = Texture2D.FromSwapChain(_swapChain, 0); _renderTargetView = device.CreateRenderTargetView(backBuffer); // Create DepthStencilView. var depthStencilBuffer = device.CreateTexture2D(new Texture2DDescription { ArraySize = 1, MipLevels = 1, Width = width, Height = height, BindFlags = BindFlags.DepthStencil }); var depthStencilView = device.CreateDepthStencilView(depthStencilBuffer); // Prepare all the stages. _deviceContext.Rasterizer.SetViewports(new Viewport(0, 0, width, height, 0.0f, 1.0f)); _deviceContext.OutputMerger.SetTargets(depthStencilView, _renderTargetView); return swapChainPresenter.Bitmap; }
public bool Initialize(Device device, DeviceContext deviceContext, IntPtr windowHandle, int screanWidth, int screenHeight, Matrix baseViewMatrix) { // Store the screen width and height. ScreenWidth = screanWidth; ScreenHeight = screenHeight; // Store the base view matrix. BaseViewMatrix = baseViewMatrix; // Create the font object. Font = new Font(); // Initialize the font object. if (!Font.Initialize(device, "fontdata.txt", "")) return false; // Create the font shader object. FontShader = new FontShader(); // Initialize the font shader object. if (!FontShader.Initialize(device, windowHandle)) return false; // Initialize the first sentence. if (!InitializeSentence(out sentences[0], 32, device)) return false; // Now update the sentence vertex buffer with the new string information. if (!UpdateSentece(ref sentences[0], "Render Count:", 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, deviceContext)) return false; return true; }
public void Render(DeviceContext dc, EffectPass pass, Matrix view, Matrix proj) { var position = Particle.Position; Model.World = Matrix.Translation(position); Model.Draw(dc, pass, view, proj); }
public static void Initialize(Device device, DeviceContext context) { // Create helper textures m_PermTexture = RenderTargetSet.CreateRenderTargetSet(device, 256, 1, Format.R8_UNorm, 1, false); m_PermTexture2D = RenderTargetSet.CreateRenderTargetSet(device, 256, 256, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, 1, false); m_GradTexture = RenderTargetSet.CreateRenderTargetSet(device, 16, 1, Format.R8G8B8A8_SNorm, 1, false); m_PermGradTexture = RenderTargetSet.CreateRenderTargetSet(device, 256, 1, Format.R8G8B8A8_SNorm, 1, false); m_PermGrad4DTexture = RenderTargetSet.CreateRenderTargetSet(device, 256, 1, Format.R8G8B8A8_SNorm, 1, false); m_GradTexture4D = RenderTargetSet.CreateRenderTargetSet(device, 32, 1, Format.R8G8B8A8_SNorm, 1, false); m_PermTexture.BindAsRenderTarget(context); PostEffectHelper.RenderFullscreenTriangle(context, "GeneratePermTexture"); RenderTargetSet.BindNull(context); m_PermTexture2D.BindAsRenderTarget(context); PostEffectHelper.RenderFullscreenTriangle(context, "GeneratePermTexture2d"); RenderTargetSet.BindNull(context); m_GradTexture.BindAsRenderTarget(context); PostEffectHelper.RenderFullscreenTriangle(context, "GenerateGradTexture"); RenderTargetSet.BindNull(context); m_PermGradTexture.BindAsRenderTarget(context); PostEffectHelper.RenderFullscreenTriangle(context, "GeneratePermGradTexture"); RenderTargetSet.BindNull(context); m_PermGrad4DTexture.BindAsRenderTarget(context); PostEffectHelper.RenderFullscreenTriangle(context, "GeneratePermGrad4dTexture"); RenderTargetSet.BindNull(context); m_GradTexture4D.BindAsRenderTarget(context); PostEffectHelper.RenderFullscreenTriangle(context, "GenerateGradTexture4d"); RenderTargetSet.BindNull(context); }
public void Draw(Device device, DeviceContext context, RenderTargetView renderTargetView) { var deviceChanged = _device != device || _context != context; _device = device; _context = context; if (deviceChanged) { DrawingSurfaceState.Device = _device; DrawingSurfaceState.Context = _context; DrawingSurfaceState.RenderTargetView = renderTargetView; } if (!_game.Initialized) { // Start running the game. _game.Run(GameRunBehavior.Asynchronous); } else if (deviceChanged) { _game.GraphicsDevice.Initialize(); Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.ReloadGraphicsContent(); // DeviceReset events _game.graphicsDeviceManager.OnDeviceReset(EventArgs.Empty); _game.GraphicsDevice.OnDeviceReset(); } _game.GraphicsDevice.UpdateTarget(renderTargetView); _game.GraphicsDevice.ResetRenderTargets(); _game.Tick(); _host.RequestAdditionalFrame(); }
public override void Begin(DeviceContext Context) { base.Begin(Context); if (pLightBuffer.ElementsCount != Lights.Count() & Lights.Count() != 0) { maxLights = Lights.Count(); pLightBuffer.Resize(Lights.Count()); plStruct = new PointLightStruct[maxLights]; } for (int i = 0; i < maxLights; i++) { if (Lights.Count() - 1 < i) plStruct[i] = default(PointLightStruct); else if (Lights[i] is PointLight) { PointLight l = Lights[i] as PointLight; plStruct[i].positionView = MathHelper.ToVector3(Vector3.Transform(l.Position, Renderer.Camera.MatrixView)); plStruct[i].attenuationBegin = 0.1f; plStruct[i].color = l.Color; plStruct[i].attenuationEnd = l.Radius; } } pLightBuffer.FillBuffer(Renderer.Context, plStruct); cBuffer.FillBuffer(Context); Context.PixelShader.Set(GBuffer.PixelShader); // Set up render GBuffer render targets Context.OutputMerger.SetTargets(Renderer.BackBufferDepth, GBuffer.RenderTargets); Context.OutputMerger.DepthStencilState = mDepthState; Context.OutputMerger.BlendState = mGeometryBlendState; }
// Construction/destruction API /// <include file='doc\WindowsGraphics.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="WindowsGraphics.WindowsGraphics"]/*' /> public WindowsGraphics( DeviceContext dc ) { Debug.Assert( dc != null, "null dc!"); this.dc = dc; this.dc.SaveHdc(); //this.disposeDc = false; // the dc is not owned by this object. }
/**************************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************************/ public void UpdateBuffer(DeviceContext context, Matrix world, ICamera camera) { var view = camera.CreateViewMatrix(); var projection = camera.CreateProjectionMatrix(Resolution); Matrices[0] = Matrix.Transpose(world); Matrices[1] = Matrix.Transpose(view); Matrices[2] = Matrix.Transpose(projection); Matrices[3] = Matrix.Transpose(world * view); Matrices[4] = Matrix.Transpose(world * view * projection); Matrices[5] = Matrix.Transpose(view * projection); Matrices[6] = Matrix.Invert(world); Matrices[7] = Matrix.Invert(world * view); Matrices[8] = Matrix.Transpose(Matrix.Identity * Matrix.Scaling(LightPosition)); Matrices[9] = new Matrix(new float[] { LerpTime, AbsoluteTime, Resolution.X, Resolution.Y, BeatTime, Lead,0,0, Nisse0, Nisse1, Nisse2, Nisse3, 0,0,0,0, }); if (Buffer == null) { Buffer = new Buffer(context.Device, Matrices.Length * Utilities.SizeOf<Matrix>(), ResourceUsage.Default, BindFlags.ConstantBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.None, ResourceOptionFlags.None, 0); } context.UpdateSubresource(Matrices, Buffer); }
public DeviceContextWpf(DeviceSettings settings) { Contract.Requires(settings != null); Settings = settings; LogEvent.Engine.Log(settings.ToString()); eventHandlerList = new EventHandlerList(); LogEvent.Engine.Log(Resources.INFO_OE_DeviceCreating); //SwapChainDescription swapChainDesc = new SwapChainDescription // { // BufferCount = 1, // ModeDescription = // new ModeDescription(Settings.ScreenWidth, Settings.ScreenHeight, // new Rational(120, 1), Settings.Format), // IsWindowed = true, // OutputHandle =(new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(Global.Window)).Handle, // SampleDescription = Settings.SampleDescription, // SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard, // Usage = Usage.RenderTargetOutput, // }; //LogEvent.Engine.Log(Resources.INFO_OE_DeviceCreating); //Device.CreateWithSwapChain(DriverType.Hardware, Settings.CreationFlags, swapChainDesc, out device, out swapChain); device = new Device(DriverType.Hardware, Settings.CreationFlags, FeatureLevel.Level_11_0); //if (!Settings.IsWindowed) immediate = device.ImmediateContext; CreateTargets(); LogEvent.Engine.Log(Resources.INFO_OE_DeviceCreated); device.ImmediateContext.Flush(); }
public void Render(DeviceContext context, vsBuffer vsBuffer, psBuffer psBuffer) { foreach (Model model in models) { model.Render(context, vsBuffer, psBuffer); } }
internal ShaderPassCollection(DeviceContext context, Shader shader, ShaderTechnique technique) { _passes = new ShaderPass[technique.PassCount]; for (int i = 0; i < _passes.Length; i++) _passes[i] = new ShaderPass(context, shader, shader.Effect.GetPass(technique.Handle, i), i); }
private void CreateDeviceResources() { // This flag adds support for surfaces with a different color channel ordering // than the API default. It is required for compatibility with Direct2D. DeviceCreationFlags creationFlags = DeviceCreationFlags.BgraSupport | DeviceCreationFlags.Debug; // This array defines the set of DirectX hardware feature levels this app will support. // Note the ordering should be preserved. // Don't forget to declare your application's minimum required feature level in its // description. All applications are assumed to support 9.1 unless otherwise stated. SharpDX.Direct3D.FeatureLevel[] featureLevels = { SharpDX.Direct3D.FeatureLevel.Level_11_1, SharpDX.Direct3D.FeatureLevel.Level_11_0, SharpDX.Direct3D.FeatureLevel.Level_10_1, SharpDX.Direct3D.FeatureLevel.Level_10_0, SharpDX.Direct3D.FeatureLevel.Level_9_3 }; // Create the Direct3D 11 API device object and a corresponding context. using (var defaultDevice = new SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device(SharpDX.Direct3D.DriverType.Hardware, creationFlags, featureLevels)) _device = defaultDevice.QueryInterface<SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device1>(); // Get Direct3D 11.1 context _deviceContext = ToDispose(_device.ImmediateContext.QueryInterface<SharpDX.Direct3D11.DeviceContext1>()); }
public DX11RenderContext(Device device) { this.Device = device; this.immediatecontext = this.Device.ImmediateContext; this.immediatecontext.Dispose(); //Remove ref this.CurrentDeviceContext = this.immediatecontext; }
/// <summary> /// Render all objects /// </summary> public void Render( DeviceContext[] devCont ) { if ( devCont.Length > 1 ) { int mod = devCont.Length; Task []renderTask= new Task[mod]; for ( int i=0; i < mod; i++ ) { renderTask[i] = new Task( ( m ) => { int blockID = (int)m; int size = (int)Math.Ceiling( g_Object3DList.Count / (float)mod ); for ( int j =size * blockID; j < size * ( blockID + 1 ); j++ ) { if ( j < g_Object3DList.Count ) g_Object3DList[j].Render( devCont[blockID] ); } }, i ); renderTask[i].Start(); } // wait the threads for ( int i=0; i < mod; i++ ) { renderTask[i].Wait(); } } else { /// run through all meshes in mesh list /// and Render them foreach ( Object3D mesh in g_Object3DList ) mesh.Render( devCont[0] ); } }
public Renderer(IntPtr swapChainPtr, OverlayConfig overlayConfig) { OverlayConfig = overlayConfig; Overlays = new List<IOverlay>(); var swapChain = (SwapChain) swapChainPtr; Device = swapChain.GetDevice<Device>(); Texture2D = swapChain.GetBackBuffer<Texture2D>(0); try { DeviceContext = new DeviceContext(Device); } catch (SharpDXException) { DeviceContext = Device.ImmediateContext; } TargetView = new RenderTargetView(Device, Texture2D); if (DeferredContext) { DeviceContext.Rasterizer.SetViewports(new ViewportF(0, 0, Texture2D.Description.Width, Texture2D.Description.Height, 0, 1)); DeviceContext.OutputMerger.SetTargets(TargetView); } SpriteEngine = new DXSpriteRenderer(Device, DeviceContext); SpriteEngine?.Initialize(); InitializeElementResources(); }
public static void Draw(DeviceContext device) { foreach (Camera c in Cameras) { c.Draw(device); } }
internal void Draw(DeviceContext context) { foreach (PositionedObject po in positionedObjects.OrderByDescending(x => (cameraBelongsTo.Position - x.Position).LengthSquared())) { po.Draw(context); } }
public void Render(DeviceContext deviceContext, Matrix viewMatrix, Matrix projectionMatrix, Light light, ICamera camera) { _skydome.Render(deviceContext); _shader.Render(deviceContext, _skydome.IndexCount, Matrix.Scaling(10000) * Matrix.RotationY(MathUtil.PiOverTwo - _angle / 8), viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, _skydome.Texture, light, camera); }
public Engine(IoCContainer container) { _container = container; #if DEBUG_REFERENCES SharpDX.Configuration.EnableObjectTracking = true; SharpDX.Configuration.EnableReleaseOnFinalizer = true; #endif IDeviceContextService deviceContextService = _container.Resolve<IDeviceContextService>(); _form = deviceContextService.Form; _context = deviceContextService.Context; _form.Icon = Resources.openuo; _form.Text = string.Format("OpenUO v{0}", new AssemblyInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()).Version); _form.ResizeBegin += OnResizeBegin; _form.ResizeEnd += OnResizeEnd; _form.FormClosed += OnFormClosed; _updateState = new UpdateState(); _gameTime = new GameTime(); _world = new World(container); container.Resolve<IConsole>().WriteLine("Testing 123"); _config = _container.Resolve<IConfiguration>(); _updateChain = _container.Resolve<IChain<UpdateState>>(); _worldRenderChain = _container.Resolve<IWorldRenderChain>(); _uiRenderChain = _container.Resolve<IUIRenderChain>(); _screenTarget = new DrawScreenTarget(_context); _updateChain.Freeze(); _worldRenderChain.Freeze(); _uiRenderChain.Freeze(); }
public override void InitShaders(ref Device device) { ShaderBytecode vertexShaderByteCode = ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile(@"Shader/basicShaders.hlsl", "VShader", "vs_4_0"); ShaderBytecode pixelShaderByteCode = ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile(@"Shader/basicShaders.hlsl", "PShader", "ps_4_0"); _deviceContext = device.ImmediateContext; _deviceContext.VertexShader.Set(new VertexShader(device, vertexShaderByteCode)); _deviceContext.PixelShader.Set(new PixelShader(device, pixelShaderByteCode)); //---- InputElement[] elements = new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32A32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("COLOR" , 0, SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32A32_Float, 16, 0), }; _deviceContext.InputAssembler.InputLayout = new InputLayout(device, ShaderSignature.GetInputSignature(vertexShaderByteCode), elements); Vertex[] vertices = new Vertex[] { new Vertex(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), new Vertex(0.5f, -.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), new Vertex(-.5f, -.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), }; BufferDescription description = new BufferDescription(32 * 3, ResourceUsage.Dynamic, BindFlags.VertexBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.Write, ResourceOptionFlags.None, 0); _vertexBuffer = Buffer.Create(device, vertices, description); }
public static Texture2D FromFile(DeviceContext context, string file, Usage usage, Pool pool) { using (var stream = File.OpenRead(file)) { return FromStream(context, stream, usage, pool); } }
public static void RegisterDebug(DeviceContext context, string name, RenderTargetSet debuggedRT) { if (m_AvailableModes.Contains(name)) { if (m_CurrentDebugSurface == name) { if (m_CurrentDebugMode == "A") { PostEffectHelper.CopyAlpha(context, m_DebugRenderTarget, debuggedRT); } else if (m_CurrentDebugMode == "FRAC") { PostEffectHelper.CopyFrac(context, m_DebugRenderTarget, debuggedRT); } else { PostEffectHelper.Copy(context, m_DebugRenderTarget, debuggedRT); } } } else { m_IsUIRebuildRequired = true; m_AvailableModes.Add(name); } }
public void Restore(DeviceContext context) { context.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = this.topology; context.InputAssembler.InputLayout = this.layout; context.Rasterizer.SetViewports(this.viewports); context.Rasterizer.SetScissorRectangles(this.scissorRectangles); context.Rasterizer.State = this.rasterizerState; context.OutputMerger.SetBlendState(this.blendState, this.blendFactor, this.sampleMaskRef); context.OutputMerger.SetDepthStencilState(this.depthState, this.stencilRefRef); context.OutputMerger.SetRenderTargets(this.depthStencilView, this.renderTargetView[0]); context.PixelShader.Set(; context.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffers(0, this.psConstantBuffers); context.PixelShader.SetSamplers(0, this.psSamplers); context.PixelShader.SetShaderResources(0, this.psResources); context.VertexShader.Set(this.vs); context.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffers(0, this.vsConstantBuffers); context.VertexShader.SetSamplers(0, this.vsSamplers); context.VertexShader.SetShaderResources(0, this.vsResources); context.InputAssembler.SetIndexBuffer(this.ib, this.ibFormat, this.ibOffset); context.InputAssembler.SetVertexBuffers(0, this.vb, this.vbStride, this.vbOffset); this.renderTargetView[0].Dispose(); this.depthStencilView.Dispose(); }
public override void ClearRenderTarget(DeviceContext context, Color4 color) { foreach (RenderTargetView view in renderTargetView) { context.ClearRenderTargetView(view, color); } }
public Minimap(Device device, DeviceContext dc, int minimapWidth, int minimapHeight, Terrain terrain, CameraBase viewCam) { _dc = dc; _minimapViewport = new Viewport(0, 0, minimapWidth, minimapHeight); CreateMinimapTextureViews(device, minimapWidth, minimapHeight); _terrain = terrain; SetupOrthoCamera(); _viewCam = viewCam; // frustum vb will contain four corners of view frustum, with first vertex repeated as the last var vbd = new BufferDescription( VertexPC.Stride * 5, ResourceUsage.Dynamic, BindFlags.VertexBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.Write, ResourceOptionFlags.None, 0 ); _frustumVB = new Buffer(device, vbd); _edgePlanes = new[] { new Plane(1, 0, 0, -_terrain.Width / 2), new Plane(-1, 0, 0, _terrain.Width / 2), new Plane(0, 1, 0, -_terrain.Depth / 2), new Plane(0, -1, 0, _terrain.Depth / 2) }; ScreenPosition = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.75f); Size = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.25f); }
public GraphicsDeviceService() { System.Windows.Forms.Control control = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel(); deviceInformation = new GraphicsDeviceInformation() { GraphicsProfile = FeatureLevel.Level_11_0, DeviceCreationFlags = SharpDX.Direct3D11.DeviceCreationFlags.Debug, PresentationParameters = new PresentationParameters() { BackBufferFormat = SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, DepthStencilFormat = DepthFormat.Depth32, DepthBufferShaderResource = true, BackBufferWidth = 1920, BackBufferHeight = 1080, IsFullScreen = false, RenderTargetUsage = SharpDX.DXGI.Usage.RenderTargetOutput, MultiSampleCount = MSAALevel.None, DeviceWindowHandle = control } }; FindAdapter(); graphicsDevice = GraphicsDevice.New(deviceInformation.Adapter, deviceInformation.DeviceCreationFlags); renderTarget = RenderTarget2D.New(graphicsDevice, 1920, 1080, PixelFormat.B8G8R8A8.UNorm); graphicsDevice.Presenter = new RenderTargetGraphicsPresenter(graphicsDevice, renderTarget, DepthFormat.Depth32, false); dxDevice = (Device)typeof(GraphicsDevice).GetField("Device", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(GraphicsDevice); dxContext = (DeviceContext)typeof(GraphicsDevice).GetField("Context", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(GraphicsDevice); if (DeviceCreated != null) DeviceCreated(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public void Init(Device device, DeviceContext deviceContext) { m_sharedLightBuffer.Init(device); m_perObjectLightBuffer.Init(device); m_shadowMapSamplers.InitSamplers(device); }
protected override void OnBatchDraw(DeviceContext context, int batchCount) { context.Draw(3 * batchCount, 0); }
public void Render(DeviceContext deviceContext) { // Put the vertex and index buffers on the graphics pipeline to prepare for drawings. RenderBuffers(deviceContext); }
private bool SetShaderParameters(DeviceContext deviceContext, Matrix worldMatrix, Matrix viewMatrix, Matrix projectionMatrix, ShaderResourceView[] textures, Vector3 lightDirection, Vector4 diffuseColor) { try { #region Constant Matrix Buffer // Transpose the matrices to prepare them for shader. worldMatrix.Transpose(); viewMatrix.Transpose(); projectionMatrix.Transpose(); // Lock the constant buffer so it can be written to. DataStream mappedResource; deviceContext.MapSubresource(ConstantMatrixBuffer, MapMode.WriteDiscard, SharpDX.Direct3D11.MapFlags.None, out mappedResource); // Copy the matrices into the constant buffer. var matrixBuffer = new MatrixBuffer() { world = worldMatrix, view = viewMatrix, projection = projectionMatrix }; mappedResource.Write(matrixBuffer); // Unlock the constant buffer. deviceContext.UnmapSubresource(ConstantMatrixBuffer, 0); // Set the position of the constant buffer in the vertex shader. var bufferNumber = 0; // Finally set the constant buffer in the vertex shader with the updated values. deviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(bufferNumber, ConstantMatrixBuffer); // Set shader resource in the pixel shader. deviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResources(0, textures); #endregion #region Constant Light Buffer // Lock the light constant buffer so it can be written to. deviceContext.MapSubresource(ConstantLightBuffer, MapMode.WriteDiscard, SharpDX.Direct3D11.MapFlags.None, out mappedResource); // Copy the lighting variables into the constant buffer. var lightBuffer = new LightBuffer() { diffuseColor = diffuseColor, lightDirection = lightDirection, }; mappedResource.Write(lightBuffer); // Unlock the constant buffer. deviceContext.UnmapSubresource(ConstantLightBuffer, 0); // Set the position of the light constant buffer in the pixel shader. bufferNumber = 0; // Finally set the light constant buffer in the pixel shader with the updated values. deviceContext.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(bufferNumber, ConstantLightBuffer); #endregion return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
internal override void Render(ref DeviceContext context) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="ConvolveMatrixEffect"/> effect. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public ConvolveMatrix(DeviceContext context) : base(context, Effect.ConvolveMatrix) { }
public void GenerateShadowMaps(Device device, DeviceContext deviceContext, CRenderScene renderScene) { // Store current render targets. Accourding to the function description we need to release these temporary interfaces DepthStencilView depthStencilRestore; RenderTargetView[] renderTargetRestore = deviceContext.OutputMerger.GetRenderTargets(1, out depthStencilRestore); RawViewportF[] viewPortsRestore = deviceContext.Rasterizer.GetViewports <RawViewportF>(); DepthStencilState depthStenctilStateRestore = deviceContext.OutputMerger.DepthStencilState; RasterizerState rasterizerRestore = deviceContext.Rasterizer.State; int shadowMapSlotOffset = 0; int cubeShadowMapSlotOffset = 0; // Unbind texture resources for (int i = CubeShadowMapBaseSlot; i < CubeShadowMapBaseSlot + MaxCubeShadowMaps; i++) { deviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(i, null); } for (int i = ShadowMapBaseSlot; i < ShadowMapBaseSlot + MaxShadowMaps; i++) { deviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(i, null); } // Generate shadow maps for all active lights foreach (CDirectionalLight directionalLight in m_directionalLights) { if (directionalLight.IsCastingShadow() && !directionalLight.NeedsShadowMapInit()) { // Init Shadow Map } } foreach (CPositionalLight positionalLight in m_positionalLights) { if (positionalLight.IsCastingShadow() && !positionalLight.NeedsShadowMapInit()) { if (positionalLight.IsShadowMapCube()) { if (cubeShadowMapSlotOffset < MaxCubeShadowMaps) { positionalLight.GenerateShadowMaps(device, deviceContext, renderScene); positionalLight.ShadowMapRegister = CubeShadowMapBaseSlot + cubeShadowMapSlotOffset; deviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(CubeShadowMapBaseSlot + cubeShadowMapSlotOffset, positionalLight.GetShadowMapView()); cubeShadowMapSlotOffset++; } } else { if (shadowMapSlotOffset < MaxShadowMaps) { positionalLight.GenerateShadowMaps(device, deviceContext, renderScene); positionalLight.ShadowMapRegister = ShadowMapBaseSlot + shadowMapSlotOffset; deviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(ShadowMapBaseSlot + shadowMapSlotOffset, positionalLight.GetShadowMapView()); shadowMapSlotOffset++; } } } } m_shadowMapSamplers.SetSamplers(deviceContext); // Restore previous render targets deviceContext.OutputMerger.SetRenderTargets(depthStencilRestore, renderTargetRestore); deviceContext.Rasterizer.SetViewports(viewPortsRestore); deviceContext.Rasterizer.State = rasterizerRestore; deviceContext.OutputMerger.DepthStencilState = depthStenctilStateRestore; //Dispose temporary interfaces depthStencilRestore?.Dispose(); depthStenctilStateRestore?.Dispose(); rasterizerRestore?.Dispose(); foreach (RenderTargetView renderTargetView in renderTargetRestore) { renderTargetView?.Dispose(); } }
public unsafe DCMapping(HandleRef hDC, Rectangle bounds) { if (hDC.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hDC)); } bool success; IntPtr hOriginalClippingRegion = IntPtr.Zero; _translatedBounds = bounds; _graphics = null; _dc = DeviceContext.FromHdc(hDC.Handle); _dc.SaveHdc(); // Retrieve the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the viewport origin for the specified device context. success = SafeNativeMethods.GetViewportOrgEx(hDC, out Point viewportOrg); Debug.Assert(success, "GetViewportOrgEx() failed."); // Create a new rectangular clipping region based off of the bounds specified, shifted over by the x & y specified in the viewport origin. IntPtr hClippingRegion = Gdi32.CreateRectRgn(viewportOrg.X + bounds.Left, viewportOrg.Y + bounds.Top, viewportOrg.X + bounds.Right, viewportOrg.Y + bounds.Bottom); Debug.Assert(hClippingRegion != IntPtr.Zero, "CreateRectRgn() failed."); try { // Create an empty region oriented at 0,0 so we can populate it with the original clipping region of the hDC passed in. hOriginalClippingRegion = Gdi32.CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); Debug.Assert(hOriginalClippingRegion != IntPtr.Zero, "CreateRectRgn() failed."); // Get the clipping region from the hDC: result = {-1 = error, 0 = no region, 1 = success} per MSDN int result = Gdi32.GetClipRgn(hDC, hOriginalClippingRegion); Debug.Assert(result != -1, "GetClipRgn() failed."); // Shift the viewpoint origint by coordinates specified in "bounds". var lastViewPort = new Point(); success = SafeNativeMethods.SetViewportOrgEx(hDC, viewportOrg.X + bounds.Left, viewportOrg.Y + bounds.Top, &lastViewPort); Debug.Assert(success, "SetViewportOrgEx() failed."); RegionType originalRegionType; if (result != 0) { // Get the origninal clipping region so we can determine its type (we'll check later if we've restored the region back properly.) RECT originalClipRect = new RECT(); originalRegionType = Gdi32.GetRgnBox(hOriginalClippingRegion, ref originalClipRect); Debug.Assert(originalRegionType != RegionType.ERROR, "ERROR returned from SelectClipRgn while selecting the original clipping region.."); if (originalRegionType == RegionType.SIMPLEREGION) { // Find the intersection of our clipping region and the current clipping region (our parent's) // Returns a NULLREGION, the two didn't intersect. // Returns a SIMPLEREGION, the two intersected // Resulting region (stuff that was in hOriginalClippingRegion AND hClippingRegion is placed in hClippingRegion RegionType combineResult = Gdi32.CombineRgn(hClippingRegion, hClippingRegion, hOriginalClippingRegion, Gdi32.CombineMode.RGN_AND); Debug.Assert((combineResult == RegionType.SIMPLEREGION) || (combineResult == RegionType.NULLREGION), "SIMPLEREGION or NULLREGION expected."); } } else { // If there was no clipping region, then the result is a simple region. // We don't need to keep track of the original now, since it is empty. Gdi32.DeleteObject(hOriginalClippingRegion); hOriginalClippingRegion = IntPtr.Zero; originalRegionType = RegionType.SIMPLEREGION; } // Select the new clipping region; make sure it's a SIMPLEREGION or NULLREGION RegionType selectResult = Gdi32.SelectClipRgn(hDC, hClippingRegion); Debug.Assert((selectResult == RegionType.SIMPLEREGION || selectResult == RegionType.NULLREGION), "SIMPLEREGION or NULLLREGION expected."); } catch (Exception ex) when(!ClientUtils.IsSecurityOrCriticalException(ex)) { _dc.RestoreHdc(); _dc.Dispose(); } finally { // Delete the new clipping region, as the clipping region for the HDC is now set // to this rectangle. Hold on to hOriginalClippingRegion, as we'll need to restore // it when this object is disposed. success = Gdi32.DeleteObject(hClippingRegion) != BOOL.FALSE; Debug.Assert(success, "DeleteObject(hClippingRegion) failed."); if (hOriginalClippingRegion != IntPtr.Zero) { success = Gdi32.DeleteObject(hOriginalClippingRegion) != BOOL.FALSE; Debug.Assert(success, "DeleteObject(hOriginalClippingRegion) failed."); } } }
internal void OnDeviceReset(Device newDevice, DeviceContext newContext) { this.D3DDevice = newDevice; this.D3DContext = newContext; }
public void UpdatePerObjectLights(DeviceContext deviceContext, CMesh meshToRender) { // TODO henning do something smart here to get the best lights that affect this mesh m_perObjectLightBuffer.UpdateBuffer(deviceContext, m_positionalLights); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="DistantSpecular"/> effect. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public DistantSpecular(DeviceContext context) : base(context, Effect.DistantSpecular) { }
internal void Init(DeviceContext deviceContext, MyRenderContextStatistics statistics) { m_deviceContext = deviceContext; m_statistics = statistics; }
public static MapMode SetMapMode(this DeviceContext deviceContext, MapMode mapMode) => GdiMethods.SetMapMode(deviceContext, mapMode);
/// <summary> /// Initializes the specified device. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphicsProfiles">The graphics profiles.</param> /// <param name="deviceCreationFlags">The device creation flags.</param> /// <param name="windowHandle">The window handle.</param> private void InitializePlatformDevice(GraphicsProfile[] graphicsProfiles, DeviceCreationFlags deviceCreationFlags, object windowHandle) { if (nativeDevice != null) { // Destroy previous device ReleaseDevice(); } rendererName = Adapter.NativeAdapter.Description.Description; // Profiling is supported through pix markers IsProfilingSupported = true; // Map GraphicsProfile to D3D11 FeatureLevel creationFlags = (SharpDX.Direct3D11.DeviceCreationFlags)deviceCreationFlags; // Default fallback if (graphicsProfiles.Length == 0) { graphicsProfiles = new[] { GraphicsProfile.Level_11_0, GraphicsProfile.Level_10_1, GraphicsProfile.Level_10_0, GraphicsProfile.Level_9_3, GraphicsProfile.Level_9_2, GraphicsProfile.Level_9_1 } } ; // Create Device D3D11 with feature Level based on profile for (int index = 0; index < graphicsProfiles.Length; index++) { var graphicsProfile = graphicsProfiles[index]; try { // D3D12 supports only feature level 11+ var level = graphicsProfile.ToFeatureLevel(); // INTEL workaround: it seems Intel driver doesn't support properly feature level 9.x. Fallback to 10. if (Adapter.VendorId == 0x8086) { if (level < SharpDX.Direct3D.FeatureLevel.Level_10_0) { level = SharpDX.Direct3D.FeatureLevel.Level_10_0; } } #if STRIDE_PLATFORM_WINDOWS_DESKTOP // If RenderDoc is loaded, force level 11+ if (GetModuleHandle("renderdoc.dll") != IntPtr.Zero) { if (level < SharpDX.Direct3D.FeatureLevel.Level_11_0) { level = SharpDX.Direct3D.FeatureLevel.Level_11_0; } } #endif nativeDevice = new SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device(Adapter.NativeAdapter, creationFlags, level); // INTEL workaround: force ShaderProfile to be 10+ as well if (Adapter.VendorId == 0x8086) { if (graphicsProfile < GraphicsProfile.Level_10_0 && (!ShaderProfile.HasValue || ShaderProfile.Value < GraphicsProfile.Level_10_0)) { ShaderProfile = GraphicsProfile.Level_10_0; } } RequestedProfile = graphicsProfile; break; } catch (Exception) { if (index == graphicsProfiles.Length - 1) { throw; } } } nativeDeviceContext = nativeDevice.ImmediateContext; // We keep one reference so that it doesn't disappear with InternalMainCommandList ((IUnknown)nativeDeviceContext).AddReference(); if (IsDebugMode) { GraphicsResourceBase.SetDebugName(this, nativeDeviceContext, "ImmediateContext"); } }
public static bool OffsetViewportOrigin(this DeviceContext deviceContext, int x, int y) => GdiMethods.OffsetViewportOrigin(deviceContext, x, y);
public static RegionType SelectClippingRegion(this DeviceContext deviceContext, RegionHandle region) => GdiMethods.SelectClippingRegion(deviceContext, region);
public static bool LogicalToDevice(this DeviceContext deviceContext, params POINT[] points) => GdiMethods.LogicalToDevice(deviceContext, points);
public static bool SetViewportExtents(this DeviceContext deviceContext, int x, int y) => GdiMethods.SetViewportExtents(deviceContext, x, y);
public static bool SetPixel(this DeviceContext deviceContext, int x, int y, COLORREF color) => GdiMethods.SetPixel(deviceContext, x, y, color);
public static bool SetWindowOrigin(this DeviceContext deviceContext, int x, int y) => GdiMethods.SetWindowOrigin(deviceContext, x, y);
public static COLORREF GetPixel(this DeviceContext deviceContext, POINT point) => GdiMethods.GetPixel(deviceContext, point.x, point.y);
public static bool DeviceToLogical(this DeviceContext deviceContext, params POINT[] points) => GdiMethods.DeviceToLogical(deviceContext, points);
public static bool PolyBezier(this DeviceContext deviceContext, params POINT[] points) => GdiMethods.PolyBezier(deviceContext, points);
public static bool SetPixel(this DeviceContext deviceContext, POINT point, COLORREF color) => GdiMethods.SetPixel(deviceContext, point.x, point.y, color);
public static bool Ellipse(this DeviceContext deviceContext, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) => GdiMethods.Ellipse(deviceContext, left, top, right, bottom);
public static COLORREF GetPixel(this DeviceContext deviceContext, int x, int y) => GdiMethods.GetPixel(deviceContext, x, y);
public static bool InvertRectangle(this DeviceContext deviceContext, RECT rectangle) => GdiMethods.InvertRectangle(deviceContext, rectangle);
public static bool RoundRectangle(this DeviceContext deviceContext, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int cornerWidth, int cornerHeight) => GdiMethods.RoundRectangle(deviceContext, left, top, right, bottom, cornerWidth, cornerHeight);
public static bool FrameRectangle(this DeviceContext deviceContext, RECT rectangle, BrushHandle brush) => GdiMethods.FrameRectangle(deviceContext, rectangle, brush);
public static bool DrawFocusRectangle(this DeviceContext deviceContext, RECT rectangle) => GdiMethods.DrawFocusRectangle(deviceContext, rectangle);