Esempio n. 1
        private void ImportAreas()
            string sSQL = string.Empty;
            System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter Adpt = null;
            DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DIDatabase Database = new DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DIDatabase(this._DBConnection, this._DBQueries);
            DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.AreaInfo areaInfo = null;

                //- Create New Areas log
                sSQL = " Select DISTINCT T." + Area.AreaID + ", T." + Area.AreaName + ", T." + Constants.Log.SkippedSourceFileColumnName +
                        " FROM " + Constants.TempDataTableName + " AS T  LEFT JOIN " + this._DBQueries.TablesName.Area + " AS A " +
                        " ON T." + Area.AreaID + " = A." + Area.AreaID + " where A." + Area.AreaNId + " IS null AND (T." + Area.AreaID + " Is Not Null)";

                this.NewAreaImported = this._DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSQL);

                //- Insert Distinct unmatched Areas from TempDataTable into UT_Area.
                foreach (DataRow drArea in this.NewAreaImported.Rows)
                    areaInfo = new DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.AreaInfo();
                    areaInfo.Name = Convert.ToString(drArea[Area.AreaName]);
                    areaInfo.ID = Convert.ToString(drArea[Area.AreaID]);
                    areaInfo.GID = Convert.ToString(drArea[Area.AreaID]);
                    areaInfo.ParentNid = -1;
                    areaInfo.Parent = new DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.AreaInfo();

                //foreach (DataRow Row in this._DBConnection.DILanguages(this._DBQueries.DataPrefix).Rows)
                //    // Get Object of CPDQueries for Current Language
                //    DIQueries LangBasedDBQueries = new DIQueries(this._DBQueries.DataPrefix, Row[Language.LanguageCode].ToString());

                //    sSQL = "Insert into " + LangBasedDBQueries.TablesName.Area + " (" + Area.AreaParentNId + ", " + Area.AreaID + ", " + Area.AreaName + ", " + Area.AreaGId + "," + Area.AreaLevel + ")" +
                //        " Select DISTINCT -1, T." + Area.AreaID + ", T." + Area.AreaName + ", T." + Area.AreaID + ", 1 " +
                //        " FROM " + Constants.TempDataTableName + " AS T  LEFT JOIN " + LangBasedDBQueries.TablesName.Area + " AS A " +
                //        " ON T." + Area.AreaID + " = A." + Area.AreaID + " where A." + Area.AreaNId + " IS null AND (T." + Area.AreaID + " Is Not Null)";

                //    this._DBConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(sSQL);


Esempio n. 2
        private void InsertIndicatorUnitSubgroups()
            string SQL = string.Empty;

            //- Create DML Database object.
            DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DIDatabase Database = new DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DIDatabase(this._DBConnection, this._DBQueries);
            DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.IUSInfo newIUS = null;
            DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DI6SubgroupInfo SubgroupDimensionValue = null;
            DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DI6SubgroupTypeInfo oSubgroupType = null;
            DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DI6SubgroupValBuilder SubgroupValBuilder = new DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DI6SubgroupValBuilder(this._DBConnection, this._DBQueries);
            DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DI6SubgroupTypeBuilder SubgroupTypeBuilder = new DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DI6SubgroupTypeBuilder(this._DBConnection, this._DBQueries);
            DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DI6SubgroupBuilder SubgroupBuilder = new DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DI6SubgroupBuilder(this._DBConnection, this._DBQueries);

                //- Get all IndicatorGID, UnitGId, SubgroupVal_Gid form TempTable & thier Names + NIds from associated tables.
                SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT T." + Indicator.IndicatorName + ", T." + Unit.UnitName + ", T." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + ", T." + Indicator.IndicatorGId + ", T." + Unit.UnitGId + ", T." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId + ", I." + Indicator.IndicatorNId + ", U." + Unit.UnitNId + ", S." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId + ", I." + Indicator.IndicatorName + ", U." + Unit.UnitName + ", S." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal +
                    " FROM ((" + Constants.TempDataTableName + " AS T LEFT JOIN " + this._DBQueries.TablesName.Indicator + " AS I ON T." + Indicator.IndicatorGId + " = I." + Indicator.IndicatorGId + ") LEFT JOIN " +
                        this._DBQueries.TablesName.Unit + " AS U ON T." + Unit.UnitGId + " = U." + Unit.UnitGId + ") LEFT JOIN " + this._DBQueries.TablesName.SubgroupVals + " AS S ON T." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId + " = S." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId;

                DataTable UnmatchedI_U_S_GIds = this._DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(SQL);

                if (UnmatchedI_U_S_GIds != null && UnmatchedI_U_S_GIds.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //- For each unmatched I_U_S,

                    foreach (DataRow drIUS in UnmatchedI_U_S_GIds.Rows)
                        // create IUS combination in database
                        newIUS = new DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.IUSInfo();

                        //- If IndicatorNId not found for indicatorGID in template, then create GID by IndicatorName
                        // Logic for creating GID by Name is fixed. Removing space character by Dots and converting into upper case.
                        // FOR E.g.: GID for "Population Size" will be "POPULATION.SIZE"
                        // GID for "Total Female" will be "TOTAL.FEMALE"
                        if (drIUS[Indicator.IndicatorNId] == DBNull.Value || Convert.ToInt32(drIUS[Indicator.IndicatorNId]) <= 0)
                            newIUS.IndicatorInfo.Name = Convert.ToString(drIUS["T." + Indicator.IndicatorName]);
                            newIUS.IndicatorInfo.GID = Convert.ToString(drIUS[Indicator.IndicatorGId]);
                            newIUS.IndicatorInfo.GID = this.CreateGIdByName(newIUS.IndicatorInfo.GID);
                            newIUS.IndicatorInfo.Name = Convert.ToString(drIUS["I." + Indicator.IndicatorName]);
                            newIUS.IndicatorInfo.GID = Convert.ToString(drIUS[Indicator.IndicatorGId]);

                        //- If UnitNId not found for UnitGID in template, then create GID by UnitName
                        if (drIUS[Unit.UnitNId] == DBNull.Value || Convert.ToInt32(drIUS[Unit.UnitNId]) <= 0)
                            newIUS.UnitInfo.Name = Convert.ToString(drIUS["T." + Unit.UnitName]);
                            newIUS.UnitInfo.GID = Convert.ToString(drIUS[Unit.UnitGId]);
                            newIUS.UnitInfo.GID = this.CreateGIdByName(newIUS.UnitInfo.GID);
                            newIUS.UnitInfo.Name = Convert.ToString(drIUS["U." + Unit.UnitName]);
                            newIUS.UnitInfo.GID = Convert.ToString(drIUS[Unit.UnitGId]);

                        //- If SubgroupValNId not found for Subgroup_Val_GID in template, then create GID by Subgroup_Val
                        if (drIUS[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId] == DBNull.Value || Convert.ToInt32(drIUS[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId]) <= 0)
                            newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.Name = Convert.ToString(drIUS["T." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal]);
                            newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.GID = Convert.ToString(drIUS[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId]);
                            newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.GID = this.CreateGIdByName(newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.GID);
                            //-- Check if
                            newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.Nid = SubgroupValBuilder.GetSubgroupValNid(newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.GID, newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.Name);
                            //- Add Subgroup Dimensions Value against SubgroupVal
                            SubgroupDimensionValue = new DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DI6SubgroupInfo();
                            if (newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.Nid <= 0)
                                //- Assign Subgroup Dimension (SubgroupType) as "OTHERS"
                                oSubgroupType = new DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DI6SubgroupTypeInfo();
                                oSubgroupType.Name = SubgroupType.Others.ToString();
                                oSubgroupType.GID = SubgroupType.Others.ToString().ToUpper();
                                oSubgroupType.Nid = SubgroupTypeBuilder.CheckNCreateSubgroupType(oSubgroupType);

                                //- keep Subgroup Dimensions Value same as Subgroup_Val
                                SubgroupDimensionValue.DISubgroupType = oSubgroupType;
                                SubgroupDimensionValue.Name = newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.Name;
                                SubgroupDimensionValue.Type = oSubgroupType.Nid;
                                SubgroupDimensionValue.Nid = SubgroupBuilder.CheckNCreateSubgroup(SubgroupDimensionValue);

                                //- Check and insert SubgroupVal
                                newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.Nid = SubgroupValBuilder.CheckNCreateSubgroupVal(newIUS.SubgroupValInfo);

                                //- Add SubgroupVal - Subgroup RelationShip
                                SubgroupValBuilder.InsertSubgroupValRelations(newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.Nid, SubgroupDimensionValue.Nid);
                            newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.Name = Convert.ToString(drIUS["S." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal]);
                            newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.GID = Convert.ToString(drIUS[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId]);
                            newIUS.SubgroupValInfo.Nid = Convert.ToInt32(drIUS[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValNId]);

                        newIUS.Nid = Database.DIIUS.CheckNCreateIUS(newIUS);

                    //- NOW update IndiatorGID, UnitGId, SubgroupGID in TempDataTable for matched Names

                    //- Update IndicatorGID in TempDataTable for matching Names between UT_Indicator and TempDataTable
                    SQL = "UPDATE " + Constants.TempDataTableName + " AS T INNER JOIN " + this._DBQueries.TablesName.Indicator + " AS I ON T." + Indicator.IndicatorName + " = I." + Indicator.IndicatorName +
                        " SET T." + Indicator.IndicatorGId + " = I." + Indicator.IndicatorGId +
                        " WHERE T." + Indicator.IndicatorName + " IS NOT Null AND T." + Indicator.IndicatorName + " <> ''";


                    //- Update UnitGID in TempDataTable for matching Names between UT_Unit and TempDataTable
                    SQL = "UPDATE " + Constants.TempDataTableName + " AS T INNER JOIN " + this._DBQueries.TablesName.Unit + " AS U ON T." + Unit.UnitName + " = U." + Unit.UnitName +
                        " SET T." + Unit.UnitGId + " = U." + Unit.UnitGId +
                        " WHERE T." + Unit.UnitName + " IS NOT Null AND T." + Unit.UnitName + " <> ''";


                    //- Update SubgroupValGID in TempDataTable for matching Names between UT_Subgroup_Vals and TempDataTable
                    SQL = "UPDATE " + Constants.TempDataTableName + " AS T INNER JOIN " + this._DBQueries.TablesName.SubgroupVals + " AS S ON T." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + " = S." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal +
                        " SET T." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId + " = S." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId +
                        " WHERE T." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + " IS NOT Null AND T." + SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + " <> ''";


            catch (Exception ex)