Esempio n. 1
        public BatchMap(Batch owner, Line line, LogProvider logProvider)
            // ------------------------------------------
            // Method description:
            // ------------------------------------------
            // get BatchType from Detroit
            // get BatchTypeMap from Detroit
            // get MapPoints by BatchTypeMapId from Detroit
            // in routine :
            //      get MapPoint
            //      get station object by StationId
            //      create new BatchMapItem
            //      if it's main station add new BatchMapItem to the BatchMap list
            //      if it's assistant station add it to the exact main station
            //      (exact station == last elem in list, because adapter's rows ordered "step, isMain DESC")
            // ------------------------------------------
            this.owner = owner;
            this.line  = line;
            this.myLog = logProvider;
            int line_capacity = line.GetStations().Count();

            // connect to database
            this.detroitDataSet            = new DetroitDataSet();
            this.batchMapPointTableAdapter = new DetroitDataSetTableAdapters.BatchMapPointTableAdapter();
            this.batchMapPointTableAdapter.FillByBatchTypeId(this.detroitDataSet.BatchMapPoint, owner.TypeId, line.Id);

            this.batchTypeMapTableAdapter = new DetroitDataSetTableAdapters.BatchTypeMapTableAdapter();
            this.batchTypeMapTableAdapter.FillBy(this.detroitDataSet.BatchTypeMap, owner.TypeId, line.Id);

            if (this.detroitDataSet.BatchTypeMap.Rows.Count > 0)
                object objNextLineId   = this.detroitDataSet.BatchTypeMap.Rows[0]["NextLineId"];
                object objNextLineAuto = this.detroitDataSet.BatchTypeMap.Rows[0]["NextLineAuto"];
                object objTakt         = this.detroitDataSet.BatchTypeMap.Rows[0]["Takt"];
                if (objNextLineId != null && objNextLineId != DBNull.Value && objTakt != DBNull.Value)
                    this.nextLineId = Convert.ToInt32(objNextLineId);
                    this.takt       = Convert.ToInt32(objTakt);
                    if (objNextLineAuto != null && objNextLineAuto != DBNull.Value)
                        this.nextLineAuto = Convert.ToInt32(objNextLineAuto);
                    this.nextLineId   = 0;
                    this.nextLineAuto = 0;
                    this.takt         = 1; //tbd ?!

            for (int i = 0; i <= this.detroitDataSet.BatchMapPoint.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                // read key data from databse
                DataRow mapPointRow = this.detroitDataSet.BatchMapPoint.Rows[i];
                int     stationId   = (int)mapPointRow["StationId"];
                int     isMain      = (int)mapPointRow["IsMain"];

                // find station object on AssemblyLine
                LineStation enStation = (LineStation)line.GetStation(stationId);

                // ALWAYS CHECK null VALUES !!!
                if (enStation == null)
                    //this.myLog.LogAlert(AppLog.AlertType.System, this.GetType().ToString(), "Map constructor can't find station object (id=" + stationId.ToString() + ") in AssemblyLine");

                BatchMapItem newMapItem = new BatchMapItem(enStation);

                if (isMain == 1)
                    //this.myLog.LogAlert(AppLog.AlertType.System, this.GetType().ToString(), "Batch "+ owner.Name + ", add map item: " + enStation.Name);
                    // handle assist station,
                    // link it to the last main staion
                    BatchMapItem mainStationMapItem = this.Last();
                    //this.myLog.LogAlert(AppLog.AlertType.System, this.GetType().ToString(), "Batch " + owner.Name + ", add assist map item: " + enStation.Name + " to main: " + mainStationMapItem.LineStation.Name);
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void fillTransTable_1()
            //transTable.Add(this.startState + "-" + this.startState, "FA0.1");
            //transTable.Add("FA0.1-FA0.1", "FA0.2");
            //transTable.Add("FA2.2-FA2.2", "FINISH_STATE");

            //this.owner = owner;
            //this.line = line;
            //this.myLog = logProvider;
            //int line_capacity = line.GetStations().Count();

            // connect to database
            this.detroitDataSet            = new DetroitDataSet();
            this.batchMapPointTableAdapter = new DetroitDataSetTableAdapters.BatchMapPointTableAdapter();
            this.batchMapPointTableAdapter.FillByBatchTypeId(this.detroitDataSet.BatchMapPoint, this.typeId, this.lineId);

            this.batchTypeMapTableAdapter = new DetroitDataSetTableAdapters.BatchTypeMapTableAdapter();
            this.batchTypeMapTableAdapter.FillBy(this.detroitDataSet.BatchTypeMap, this.typeId, this.lineId);

            if (this.detroitDataSet.BatchTypeMap.Rows.Count > 0)
                object objNextLineId   = this.detroitDataSet.BatchTypeMap.Rows[0]["NextLineId"];
                object objNextLineAuto = this.detroitDataSet.BatchTypeMap.Rows[0]["NextLineAuto"];
                object objTakt         = this.detroitDataSet.BatchTypeMap.Rows[0]["Takt"];
                if (objNextLineId != null && objNextLineId != DBNull.Value)
                    this.nextLineId = Convert.ToInt32(objNextLineId);
                    if (objNextLineAuto != null && objNextLineAuto != DBNull.Value)
                        this.nextLineAuto = Convert.ToInt32(objNextLineAuto);
                    this.nextLineId   = 0;
                    this.nextLineAuto = 0;

                if (objTakt != DBNull.Value)
                    this.taktDuration = Convert.ToInt32(objTakt);
                    this.taktDuration = 1;

            //transTable.Add(this.startState + "-" + this.startState, "FA0.1");

            // create station structure
            List <StationGrafNode> stationGraf = new List <StationGrafNode>();

            for (int i = 0; i <= this.detroitDataSet.BatchMapPoint.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                // read key data from databse
                DataRow mapPointRow = this.detroitDataSet.BatchMapPoint.Rows[i];
                int     step        = (int)mapPointRow["Step"];
                int     stationId   = (int)mapPointRow["StationId"];
                int     isMain      = (int)mapPointRow["IsMain"];
                string  stationName = mapPointRow["StationName"].ToString();

                // TODO: construct trans table
                if (isMain == 1)
                    stationGraf.Add(new StationGrafNode()
                        StationName = stationName, Step = step
                    StationGrafNode mainStepStation = stationGraf.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Step.Equals(step));
                    if (mainStepStation != null)
                        if (mainStepStation.AssistSationNames == null)
                            mainStepStation.AssistSationNames = new List <string>();

            // process station structure
            string state    = this.startState;
            string symbol   = this.startState;
            string newState = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < stationGraf.Count; i++)
                StationGrafNode stationNode = stationGraf[i];
                if (stationNode.AssistSationNames == null || stationNode.AssistSationNames.Count == 0)
                    newState = stationNode.StationName;
                    this.transTable.Add(state + "-" + symbol, newState);

                    state  = newState;
                    symbol = newState;
                    newState = stationNode.StationName;
                    List <string> stationNames = new List <string>();

                    for (int j = 0; j < stationNode.AssistSationNames.Count; j++)
                        newState = newState + "+" + stationNode.AssistSationNames[j].ToString();
                    this.transTable.Add(state + "-" + symbol, newState);

                    List <Transition> transitions = this.getTransitions(stationNames, stationGraf[i + 1].StationName);
                    foreach (Transition transition in transitions)
                        this.transTable.Add(transition.State + "-" + transition.Symbol, transition.NewState);

                    state  = stationGraf[i + 1].StationName;
                    symbol = state;

            this.transTable.Add(state + "-" + symbol, this.finishState);