internal static async Task <string> RenderReplacementPackageModulesDesignedAsync(string areaName)
            List <SelectionItem <string> > list = (
                from module in await DesignedModules.LoadDesignedModulesAsync()
                where module.AreaName == areaName
                orderby module.Name select
                new SelectionItem <string> {
                Text = module.Name,
                Value = module.ModuleGuid.ToString(),
                Tooltip = module.Description,
            }).ToList <SelectionItem <string> >();

            list.Insert(0, new SelectionItem <string> {
                Text = __ResStr("none", "(none)"), Value = null
            return(DropDownListEditComponentBase <string> .RenderDataSource(list, areaName));
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the framework when the component needs to be rendered as HTML.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The model being rendered by the component.</param>
        /// <returns>The component rendered as HTML.</returns>
        public async Task <string> RenderAsync(Guid?model)
            model = model ?? Guid.Empty;
            string areaName = await ModuleSelectionModuleNewEditComponent.GetAreaNameFromGuidAsync(false, model);

            List <SelectionItem <string> > list = (
                from module in await DesignedModules.LoadDesignedModulesAsync()
                where module.AreaName == areaName
                orderby module.Name select
                new SelectionItem <string> {
                Text = module.Name,
                Value = module.ModuleGuid.ToString(),
                Tooltip = module.Description,
            }).ToList <SelectionItem <string> >();

            list.Insert(0, new SelectionItem <string> {
                Text = this.__ResStr("none", "(none)"), Value = null
            return(await DropDownListComponent.RenderDropDownListAsync(this, model.ToString(), list, null));
Esempio n. 3
        private GridDefinition GetGridModel()
            return(new GridDefinition {
                ModuleGuid = Module.ModuleGuid,
                SettingsModuleGuid = Module.PermanentGuid,
                InitialPageSize = 20,
                RecordType = typeof(BrowseItem),
                AjaxUrl = GetActionUrl(nameof(ModulesBrowse_GridData)),
                DirectDataAsync = async(int skip, int take, List <DataProviderSortInfo> sort, List <DataProviderFilterInfo> filters) => {
                    // module settings services
                    ModuleDefinition modSettings = await ModuleDefinition.LoadAsync(Manager.CurrentSite.ModuleEditingServices, AllowNone : true);

                    //if (modSettings == null)
                    //    throw new InternalError("No module edit settings services available - no module has been defined");

                    Module.ModuleBrowseInfo info = new Module.ModuleBrowseInfo()
                        Skip = skip,
                        Take = take,
                        Sort = sort,
                        Filters = filters,
                    await YetaWF.Core.IO.Module.GetModulesAsync(info);

                    SerializableList <DesignedModule> designedList = await DesignedModules.LoadDesignedModulesAsync();

                    List <BrowseItem> list = new List <BrowseItem>();
                    foreach (ModuleDefinition s in info.Modules)
                        int useCount = (await s.__GetPagesAsync()).Count;
                        list.Add(new BrowseItem(Module, modSettings, designedList, s, useCount));
                    return new DataSourceResult {
                        Data = list.ToList <object>(),
                        Total = info.Total
 internal static async Task <string> GetAreaNameFromGuidAsync(bool newMods, Guid?moduleGuid)
     if (moduleGuid != null && moduleGuid != Guid.Empty)
         if (newMods)
             InstalledModules.ModuleTypeEntry modEntry = InstalledModules.TryFindModuleEntry((Guid)moduleGuid);
             if (modEntry != null)
                 moduleGuid = null;
             return((from m in await DesignedModules.LoadDesignedModulesAsync() where m.ModuleGuid == (Guid)moduleGuid select m.AreaName).FirstOrDefault());
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a site map for the current site.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task CreateAsync(bool slow = false)
            string file = GetTempFile();
            await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.DeleteFileAsync(file);

            // header
            await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.AppendAllTextAsync(file,
                                                                   "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n" +
                                                                   "<urlset xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns =\"\" >\r\n"

            // Dynamic Urls in types
            DynamicUrlsImpl dynamicUrls = new DynamicUrlsImpl();
            List <Type>     types       = dynamicUrls.GetDynamicUrlTypes();

            foreach (Type type in types)
                ISiteMapDynamicUrls iSiteMap = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as ISiteMapDynamicUrls;
                if (iSiteMap != null)
                    await iSiteMap.FindDynamicUrlsAsync(AddSiteMapPageAsync, ValidForSiteMap);

            // search all designed modules that have dynamic urls
            foreach (DesignedModule desMod in await DesignedModules.LoadDesignedModulesAsync())
                ModuleDefinition mod = await ModuleDefinition.LoadAsync(desMod.ModuleGuid, AllowNone : true);

                if (mod != null)
                    ISiteMapDynamicUrls iSiteMap = mod as ISiteMapDynamicUrls;
                    if (iSiteMap != null)
                        await iSiteMap.FindDynamicUrlsAsync(AddSiteMapPageAsync, ValidForSiteMap);

            // Designed pages
            List <Guid> pages = await PageDefinition.GetDesignedGuidsAsync();

            foreach (Guid pageGuid in pages)
                PageDefinition page = await PageDefinition.LoadAsync(pageGuid);

                if (page == null)
                if (!PagesFound.Contains(page.PageGuid)) // don't include same again (this could be a page that generates dynamic Urls)
                    await AddUrlAsync(file, page, page.EvaluatedCanonicalUrl, page.Updated, page.SiteMapPriority, page.ChangeFrequency);

            // end
            await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.AppendAllTextAsync(file,

            string finalFile = GetFile();
            await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.DeleteFileAsync(finalFile);

            await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.MoveFileAsync(file, finalFile);

            if (Manager.CurrentSite.DefaultSiteMap)
                await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.CopyFileAsync(finalFile, Path.Combine(YetaWFManager.RootFolder, "sitemap.xml"));
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task SearchSiteAsync(bool slow)
            SearchConfigData searchConfig = await SearchConfigDataProvider.GetConfigAsync();

            DateTime searchStarted = DateTime.UtcNow; // once we have all new keywords, delete all keywords that were added before this date/time

            using (SearchDataProvider searchDP = new SearchDataProvider()) {
                // Search all generated pages (unique modules or classes, like data providers)
                DynamicUrlsImpl dynamicUrls = new DynamicUrlsImpl();
                List <Type>     types       = dynamicUrls.GetDynamicUrlTypes();
                // search types that generate dynamic urls
                foreach (Type type in types)
                    //                  if (type.Name != "FileDocumentDisplayModule") continue;//used for debugging
                    ISearchDynamicUrls iSearch = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as ISearchDynamicUrls;
                    if (iSearch != null)
                        try {
                            SearchWords searchWords = new SearchWords(searchConfig, searchDP, searchStarted);
                            await iSearch.KeywordsForDynamicUrlsAsync(searchWords);

                            if (slow)
                                Thread.Sleep(500);// delay a bit (slow can only be used by scheduler items)
                        } catch (Exception exc) {
                            Logging.AddErrorLog("KeywordsForDynamicUrls failed for {0}", type.FullName, exc);

                // search all designed modules that have dynamic urls
                foreach (DesignedModule desMod in await DesignedModules.LoadDesignedModulesAsync())
                    try {
                        ModuleDefinition mod = await ModuleDefinition.LoadAsync(desMod.ModuleGuid, AllowNone : true);

                        if (mod != null && types.Contains(mod.GetType()) && mod.WantSearch)
                            ISearchDynamicUrls iSearch = mod as ISearchDynamicUrls;
                            if (iSearch != null)
                                SearchWords searchWords = new SearchWords(searchConfig, searchDP, searchStarted);
                                await iSearch.KeywordsForDynamicUrlsAsync(searchWords);

                                if (slow)
                                    Thread.Sleep(500);// delay a bit (slow can only be used by scheduler items)
                    } catch (Exception exc) {
                        Logging.AddErrorLog("KeywordsForDynamicUrls failed for module {0}", desMod.ModuleGuid, exc);

                // Search all designed pages and extract keywords
                List <Guid> pages = await PageDefinition.GetDesignedGuidsAsync();

                foreach (Guid pageGuid in pages)
                    PageDefinition page = await PageDefinition.LoadAsync(pageGuid);

                    if (page != null)
                        SearchWords searchWords = new SearchWords(searchConfig, searchDP, searchStarted);
                        await SearchPageAsync(searchWords, page);

                        if (slow)
                            Thread.Sleep(500);// delay a bit (slow can only be used by scheduler items)

                // Remove old keywords
                await searchDP.RemoveOldItemsAsync(searchStarted);