Esempio n. 1
        public void GetRelatedObjects(IEnumerable <uint> ids, HashSet <uint> alreadyDiscovered)
            List <Bond>    externalBonds = new List <Bond>();
            DesignTimeline designStage   = MainForm.CurrentStage.CurrentEditItem;


            List <uint> newlyDiscovered = new List <uint>();

            foreach (uint id in ids)
                if (bonds.ContainsKey(id))
                    foreach (Bond b in bonds[id])
                        if (b.Next != null && !b.Next.SourceAttachment.IsGuide() && alreadyDiscovered.Add(b.Next.SourceInstanceId))

                        if (b.Previous != null && !b.Previous.SourceAttachment.IsGuide() && alreadyDiscovered.Add(b.Previous.SourceInstanceId))

            if (newlyDiscovered.Count > 0)
                GetRelatedObjects(newlyDiscovered, alreadyDiscovered);
Esempio n. 2
 protected override void SetUp()
     lis          = PopulateLibrary();
     commandStack = MainForm.CurrentStage.CommandStack;
     dl           = MainForm.CurrentStage.Root;
Esempio n. 3
 public BondStore(DesignTimeline timeline)
     this.timeline         = timeline;
     this.bonds            = new Dictionary <uint, List <Bond> >();
     this.handles          = new Dictionary <uint, BondType[]>();
     this.guideAttachments = new Dictionary <uint, List <Bond> >();
Esempio n. 4
        private void GetRelatedObjectTransformsRec(IEnumerable <uint> ids, Dictionary <uint, Vex.Rectangle> alreadyDiscovered, Vex.Point offset, HashSet <Bond> starts)
            List <Bond>    externalBonds = new List <Bond>();
            DesignTimeline designStage   = MainForm.CurrentStage.CurrentEditItem;

            //foreach (uint id in ids)
            //    alreadyDiscovered.Add(id, designStage[id].StrokeBounds.TranslatedRectangle(tx, ty));

            List <Bond>    guideBonds = new List <Bond>();
            HashSet <uint> joinedIds  = new HashSet <uint>();

            designStage.BondStore.AppendJoinedRelations(ids, joinedIds, alreadyDiscovered.Keys, guideBonds);
            foreach (Bond b in guideBonds)
                if (b.Next.SourceAttachment.IsGuide())
                    bool      guideMoved  = b.Next.GuideMoved;
                    Vex.Point guideOffset = b.Next.GuideMoved ? offset : Vex.Point.Zero;
                    offset.X = b.Next.SourceAttachment.IsVGuide() ? guideOffset.X : offset.X;
                    offset.Y = b.Next.SourceAttachment.IsHGuide() ? guideOffset.Y : offset.Y;

            foreach (uint id in joinedIds)
                if (!alreadyDiscovered.ContainsKey(id))
                    alreadyDiscovered.Add(id, designStage[id].StrokeBounds.TranslatedRectangle(offset.X, offset.Y));
                externalBonds.AddRange(designStage.BondStore.GetExternalBondIds(alreadyDiscovered.Keys, id, starts));

            foreach (Bond b in externalBonds)
                // todo: this algorithm ignores multiple chains on an object.
                // probably need to keep track of 'join islands' and their outward chains
                if (!alreadyDiscovered.ContainsKey(b.SourceInstanceId))
                    float newTx = offset.X;
                    float newTy = offset.Y;
                    if (offset.X != 0 || offset.Y != 0)
                        designStage.BondStore.GetFinalOffset(b, ref newTx, ref newTy);
                    GetRelatedObjectTransformsRec(new uint[] { b.SourceInstanceId }, alreadyDiscovered, new Vex.Point(newTx, newTy), starts);
Esempio n. 5
        private static bool CanBreakApart(DesignInstance di)
            bool result = false;

            if (di is DesignTimeline)
                DesignTimeline dt = (DesignTimeline)di;
                if (dt.Count > 1 || (dt.Count == 1 && MainForm.CurrentInstanceManager[dt.InstanceIds[0]].Definition is Vex.Timeline))
                    result = true;
Esempio n. 6
        public Guidelines(DesignTimeline timeline)
            this.timeline = timeline;
            this.guides   = new Dictionary <uint, Guide>();

            //AddGuide(new Guide(new Vex.Rectangle(200, 0, 0, 400)));
            //AddGuide(new Guide(new Vex.Rectangle(0, 150, 550, 0)));
            //AddGuide(new Guide(new Vex.Rectangle(55, 88, 122, 99)));

            guidePen.DashStyle        = DashStyle.Dash;
            guidePen.DashPattern      = new float[] { 2f, 3f };
            guidePenError.DashStyle   = DashStyle.Dash;
            guidePenError.DashPattern = new float[] { 2f, 3f };
            guidePenLight.DashStyle   = DashStyle.Dash;
            guidePenLight.DashPattern = new float[] { 2f, 3f };
Esempio n. 7
        // edit stack
        private void OnNestedEditChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            finishEditInPlaceToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = currentStage.CanFinishEditInPlace(1);

            int editLayers = currentStage.EditStack.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < editLayers; i++)
                DesignTimeline dt         = currentStage.EditStack.ElementAt(editLayers - 1 - i);
                string         name       = (i == 0) ? currentStage.Name : dt.LibraryItem.Name;
                int            imageIndex = LibraryView.Instance.GetImageIndex(dt.LibraryItem);

                ToolStripButton bt = new ToolStripButton(name, elementIcons.Images[imageIndex]);
                bt.Enabled = (i < editLayers - 1);
                levelBar.Items.Insert(i, bt);
Esempio n. 8
 public SnapStore(DesignTimeline timeline)
     this.timeline = timeline;
     xStops        = new SortedList <float, List <ICrossPoint> >();
     yStops        = new SortedList <float, List <ICrossPoint> >();
Esempio n. 9
 public UsageIdentifier(DesignTimeline parent, DesignInstance instance, int depth)
     Parent   = parent;
     Instance = instance;
     Depth    = depth;