Esempio n. 1
        private void RefreshWhiteList(ICoreChildProvider childProvider,DescendancyList descendancy)
            //get rid of all objects that are not the object to emphasise tree either as parents or as children (recursive)
            List<object> whitelist = new List<object>();

            //add parents to whitelist
            if (descendancy != null && descendancy.Parents.Any())


            _tree.UseFiltering = true;
            _tree.ModelFilter = new WhiteListOnlyFilter(whitelist);
Esempio n. 2
        private void Pin(IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable objectToPin, DescendancyList descendancy)
            if (_pinFilter != null)

            _pinFilter = new CollectionPinFilterUI();
            _pinFilter.ApplyToTree(_activator, Tree, objectToPin, descendancy);
            CurrentlyPinned = objectToPin;

            _pinFilter.UnApplied += (s, e) =>
                _pinFilter      = null;
                CurrentlyPinned = null;
Esempio n. 3
        private void Show(IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable selected)
            var desc = _activator.CoreChildProvider.GetDescendancyListIfAnyFor(selected);

            // In main RDMP, Projects are root level items so have no descendancy.  But in the console
            // gui we have a root category so give it a descendancy now so that expansion works properly
            if (selected is IProject)
                desc = new DescendancyList(Projects);

            if (desc == null)

            // In the main RDMP, we have a specific node for these but in console gui we have a text
            // category, fix the descendency for these objects
            if (desc.Parents.Length > 0 && desc.Parents[0] is AllCohortsNode)
                desc.Parents[0] = BuiltCohorts;

            if (desc.Parents.Any())
                var topLevelCategory = GetRootCategoryOf(desc.Parents[0]);

                if (topLevelCategory != null)

            foreach (var p in desc.Parents)

            _treeView.SelectedObject       = selected;
            _treeView.ScrollOffsetVertical = _treeView.GetScrollOffsetOf(selected) - 1;
Esempio n. 4
        public void ApplyToTree(IActivateItems activator, TreeListView tree, IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable objectToEmphasise, DescendancyList descendancy)
            _activator = activator;

            if (_tree != null)
                throw new Exception("Scope filter is already applied to a tree");

            _toPin = null;

            if (IsPinnableType(objectToEmphasise))
                _toPin = objectToEmphasise;
            else if (descendancy != null)
                _toPin = descendancy.Parents.FirstOrDefault(IsPinnableType);

            if (_toPin == null)

            _tree = tree;

            lblFilter.Text = _toPin.ToString();

            //add the filter to the tree
            Dock = DockStyle.Top;

            if (_tree.Dock != DockStyle.Fill)
                //tree is not docked, make some room for us
                _tree.Height -= 19;
                _tree.Top    += 19;


            _beforeModelFilter  = _tree.ModelFilter;
            _beforeUseFiltering = _tree.UseFiltering;

            RefreshWhiteList(_activator.CoreChildProvider, descendancy);
Esempio n. 5
 private void AddChildren(ExtractionConfiguration frozenExtractionConfigurationsNode, DescendancyList descendancy)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 6
                private void AddChildren(FrozenExtractionConfigurationsNode frozenExtractionConfigurationsNode, DescendancyList descendancy)
                    HashSet <object> children = new HashSet <object>();

                    //Add ExtractionConfigurations which are not released (frozen)
                    var configs = ExtractionConfigurations.Where(c => c.Project_ID == frozenExtractionConfigurationsNode.Project.ID).ToArray();

                    foreach (ExtractionConfiguration config in configs.Where(c => c.IsReleased))
                        AddChildren(config, descendancy.Add(config));

                    AddToDictionaries(children, descendancy);
Esempio n. 7
                private void AddChildren(ExtractionConfigurationsNode extractionConfigurationsNode, DescendancyList descendancy)
                    HashSet <object> children = new HashSet <object>();

                    //Create a frozen extraction configurations folder as a subfolder of each ExtractionConfigurationsNode
                    var frozenConfigurationsNode = new FrozenExtractionConfigurationsNode(extractionConfigurationsNode.Project);

                    //Make the frozen folder appear under the extractionConfigurationsNode

                    //Add children to the frozen folder
                    AddChildren(frozenConfigurationsNode, descendancy.Add(frozenConfigurationsNode));

                    //Add ExtractionConfigurations which are not released (frozen)
                    var configs = ExtractionConfigurations.Where(c => c.Project_ID == extractionConfigurationsNode.Project.ID).ToArray();

                    foreach (ExtractionConfiguration config in configs.Where(c => !c.IsReleased))
                        AddChildren(config, descendancy.Add(config));

                    AddToDictionaries(children, descendancy);
Esempio n. 8
                private void AddChildren(ExtractionConfigurationsNode extractionConfigurationsNode, DescendancyList descendancy)
                    HashSet <object> children = new HashSet <object>();

                    var frozenConfigurationsNode = new FrozenExtractionConfigurationsNode(extractionConfigurationsNode.Project);


                    var configs = ExtractionConfigurations.Where(c => c.Project_ID == extractionConfigurationsNode.Project.ID).ToArray();

                    foreach (ExtractionConfiguration config in configs)
                        AddChildren(config, descendancy.Add(config));

                    AddToDictionaries(children, descendancy);