static void Main() { var b = new Base("A"); var d = new Derived("B", "C"); TestLogger.Log("Static method calls..."); TestLogger.Log(Base.S("D")); // "DBS" TestLogger.Log(Derived.S("E")); // "EDS" TestLogger.Log("Instance method calls..."); TestLogger.Log(b.I("F")); // "AFBI"; TestLogger.Log(d.I("G")); // "BCGDI"; TestLogger.Log("Virtual method calls..."); TestLogger.Log(b.V("H")); // "AHBV"; TestLogger.Log(((Base)d).V("I")); // "BCIDV"; TestLogger.Log("Interface method calls..."); TestLogger.Log(((IMN)b).M("J")); // "AJBM"; TestLogger.Log(((IMN)d).M("K")); // "BCKDM"; TestLogger.Log(((IOP)b).O("L")); // "ALBO"; TestLogger.Log(((IOP)d).O("M")); // "BMBO"; TestLogger.Log("Virtual interface method calls..."); TestLogger.Log(((IMN)b).N("N")); // "ANBN"; TestLogger.Log(((IMN)d).N("O")); // "BCODN"; TestLogger.Log(((IOP)b).P("P")); // "APBP"; TestLogger.Log(((IOP)d).P("Q")); // "BCQDP"; }
void run() { if (director_primitives.PrintDebug) Console.WriteLine("------------ Start ------------ "); Caller myCaller = new Caller(); // test C++ base class using (Base myBase = new Base(100.0)) { makeCalls(myCaller, myBase); } if (director_primitives.PrintDebug) Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------"); // test vanilla C++ wrapped derived class using (Base myBase = new Derived(200.0)) { makeCalls(myCaller, myBase); } if (director_primitives.PrintDebug) Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------"); // test director / C# derived class using (Base myBase = new CSharpDerived(300.0)) { makeCalls(myCaller, myBase); } if (director_primitives.PrintDebug) Console.WriteLine("------------ Finish ------------ "); }
public void Execute() { var assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "protobuf-net.dll")); var derived = new Derived() { BaseFirstProperty = "BaseFirst", BaseSecProperty = "BaseSec", DerivedFirstProperty = "DerivedFirst" }; var reflectionSerializer = assembly.GetType("ProtoBuf.Serializer"); var getTypeSerializer = typeof(Serializer); var reflectionMethods = reflectionSerializer.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public); var reflectionGenericMethodInfo = reflectionMethods.First<MethodInfo>(method => method.Name == "SerializeWithLengthPrefix"); var reflectionSpecificMethodInfo = reflectionGenericMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { derived.GetType() }); var getTypeMethods = getTypeSerializer.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public); var getTypeGenericMethodInfo = getTypeMethods.First<MethodInfo>(method => method.Name == "SerializeWithLengthPrefix"); var getTypeSpecificMethodInfo = getTypeGenericMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { derived.GetType() }); var reflectionStream = new MemoryStream(); var getTypeStream = new MemoryStream(); reflectionSpecificMethodInfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { reflectionStream, derived, PrefixStyle.Base128 }); getTypeSpecificMethodInfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { getTypeStream, derived, PrefixStyle.Base128 }); Assert.AreEqual(37, (int)reflectionStream.Length, "loaded dynamically"); Assert.AreEqual(37, (int)getTypeStream.Length, "loaded statically"); }
public void Run() { var b = new Base(); b.Execute(); b = new Derived(); b.Execute(); }
static void Main() { Base B = new Base(); Derived D = new Derived(); B.Message(); D.Message(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var br = new BaseResult(); var dr = new DerivedResult(); var bas = new Base(); var derived = new Derived(); bas.Method(); bas.MethodWithParameter1(br); bas.MethodWithParameter1(dr); bas.MethodWithParameter2(dr); bas = derived; bas.Method(); bas.MethodWithParameter1(br); bas.MethodWithParameter1(dr); bas.MethodWithParameter2(dr); derived.Method(); derived.MethodWithParameter1(br); derived.MethodWithParameter1(dr); derived.MethodWithParameter2(br); derived.MethodWithParameter2(dr); }
public void Run() { // Array Covariance // /* * For any two reference-types A and B, if an implicit reference conversion (Section 6.1.4) or explicit reference conversion (Section 6.2.3) * exists from A to B, then the same reference conversion also exists from the array type A[R] to the array type B[R], * where R is any given rank-specifier (but the same for both array types). * This relationship is known as array covariance. * Array covariance in particular means that a value of an array type A[R] may actually be a reference to an instance of an array type B[R], * provided an implicit reference conversion exists from B to A. * * Because of array covariance, assignments to elements of reference type arrays include a run-time check that ensures that the value * being assigned to the array element is actually of a permitted type (Section 7.13.1). * */ Base[] baseArray = new Base[1]; Derived[] derivedArray = new Derived[] { new Derived() }; // array element assignment is covariant baseArray[0] = new Derived(); baseArray[0] = new OtherDerived(); // This assignment is not type safe but it is allowed baseArray = derivedArray; baseArray[0] = new Derived(); // ArrayTypeMismatchException at RUNTIME baseArray[0] = new OtherDerived(); populate(derivedArray); }
public void DoIt() { var stringArray1 = new string[] {"A", "B", "C"}; Array.Reverse(stringArray1); string[] stringArray2 = {"Hello", "World"}; Array.Sort(stringArray2); var r = stringArray2.Concat(stringArray1); foreach(var i in r) { Console.Out.WriteLine(">>> " + i); } var d = new Derived(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Value: " + d.Value); var list = new List<string> { "ghi", "abc", "rhj" }; list.Sort((s, s1) => string.Compare(s, s1) * -1); foreach (var i in list) { Console.Out.WriteLine("> " + i); } }
public void DemoVanInterface() { IBankAccount account = new Derived(); account.Withdraw(10m); Console.WriteLine($"Balance: {((Base)account).Balance}"); }
public void RefreshingEntityDerivedFromAbstractClass() { using (var store = NewDocumentStore()) { using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { var d = new Derived(); session.Store(d); session.SaveChanges(); using (var seperateSession = store.OpenSession()) { var loaded = seperateSession.Load<Derived>(d.Id); Assert.NotNull(loaded); Assert.Empty(loaded.Foos); loaded.AddFoo(new Foo() { Name = "a" }); seperateSession.SaveChanges(); } session.Advanced.Refresh(d); Assert.Single(d.Foos); } } }
public static void Main () { //Base[] derivedArray = new Base [10]; //Base[] baseArray = new Derived [10]; Derived[] derivedArray = new Derived [10]; test (derivedArray); }
public static int MainMethod(string[] args) { dynamic d = new Derived(); short x = d; if (x == short.MaxValue) return 0; return 1; }
protected override void Given() { _result = new Derived(); _calculation = new Calculation(new Variable("Grasp", "Output", typeof(Base)), Expression.Constant(_result)); _schema = new GraspSchema(Enumerable.Empty<Variable>(), new[] { _calculation }); }
public void DemoVanOverrideVanMethod() { Base b = new Base(); Derived d = new Derived(); Console.WriteLine(b.CalculateInterest(100m)); Console.WriteLine(d.CalculateInterest(100m)); }
static void Oops(Derived d) { Console.WriteLine(d); Console.WriteLine(d.i); Console.WriteLine(d.j); Console.WriteLine(d.k); d.i = 0x77777777; d.j = 0x77777777; }
void Factory(out Base b) { // covariant assignment if (DateTime.Now.Year > 2013) { b = new Derived(); } else { b = new OtherDerived(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Base d = new Derived(); //создаем экземпляр производного класса - в переменную БАЗОВОГО КЛАССА !! d.DoSomething(); //вызываем метод производного класса - (он переопределен) Console.WriteLine( d.MyProperty ); //доступ к свойству производного класса - (переопределено) Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main() { Base B = new Base(); Derived D = new Derived(); B.a = 1234; D.a = 5.678; Console.WriteLine(B.a); Console.WriteLine(D.a); }
static void Main() { Derived d = new Derived(); Base b = d as Base; if (b != null) { Console.WriteLine(b.ToString()); } }
public void ConversionToLessSpecificType2() { Derived derived = new Derived(); Expression<Base> expr = new Expression<Base>("Test"); expr.Parameters.Add("Test", typeof(Base), derived); Base result = expr.Evaluate(); Assert.AreSame(derived, result); }
public void Can_deserialize_private_set_in_base_class() { var derived = new Derived(); derived.Set("test"); string serialized = derived.ToJson(); var deserialized = serialized.FromJson<Derived>(); Assert.That(deserialized.Value, Is.EqualTo("test")); }
public void Thing() { Console.WriteLine("Creating base"); var @base = new Base(); Assert.NotNull(@base); Console.WriteLine("Creating derived"); var derived = new Derived(); Assert.NotNull(derived); }
public static int Main () { var d = new Derived (); d.Print (); if (d.i != 90) return 1; return 0; }
public void GivenNonCompatibleDecoratorType_ThrowsException() { // arrange var decoratee = new Derived(); // act Action nonCompatibleDecoratorType = () => decoratee.DecoratedWith(typeof(NonCompatible)); // assert Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(nonCompatibleDecoratorType); }
public void HierarchyCast() { Base myBaseType; myBaseType = new Derived(33); // Implicit cast between derived to base. Console.WriteLine("base.p1: {0}", myBaseType.p1); //myBaseType.p2; //--> compile error because Base is narrower than Derived! Derived myDerivedType = (Derived)myBaseType; // Must explicitly cast to store Base reference in Derived type. Console.WriteLine("derivate.p1: {0}", myDerivedType.p1); Console.WriteLine("derivate.p2: {0}", myDerivedType.p2); }
public void GivenOneDecorator_ReturnsCorrectResult() { // arrange var decoratee = new Derived(); // act var decorated = ((IBase) decoratee).DecoratedWith(typeof(Decorator1)); // assert Assert.Equal("_decorator1_derived", decorated.Do()); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Action<Derived> dDerived = Method; Action<Base> dBase = Method; Action<IInterface> dIInterface = Method; var obj = new Derived(); dIInterface(obj); dBase(obj); dDerived(obj); }
public void GivenTwoDecorators_ReturnsCorrectResult() { // arrange IBase decoratee = new Derived(); // act var decorated = decoratee.DecoratedWith(typeof(Decorator1)).DecoratedWith(typeof(Decorator2)); // assert Assert.Equal("_decorator2_decorator1_derived", decorated.Do()); }
public void Run() { // simple assignment is covariant Base _base = new Derived(); // as is function return _base = foo(); // and value passed to function bar(new Derived()); }
public void RunProgram() { var d1 = new Derived(); Derived.number = 20; var d2 = new D(); Console.WriteLine(D.number); //20 Base.number = 30; Console.WriteLine(Derived.number); //30 Console.WriteLine(D.number); //30 }
public void ICall(Derived d) { d.ImplementMe(20); }
public static void Static(Derived d) { d.BaseMethod(10); }
public void StoreStaticField(Derived d) { ms_b = d; d.BaseMethod(10); }
static void Main() { Derived d = new Derived(); // Create class object d.PrintOut("object."); // Call method }
public void DCall(Derived d) { d.DerivedMethod(10); }
public virtual void Process(Derived obj) { }
public static void Entry() { Base <int, int> b = new Derived(); b.CallT(123); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Use Of GetType method object obj = new object(); string str1 = "Marvellous Infosystem"; Derived dobj = new Derived(); Type type1 = obj.GetType(); Type type2 = str1.GetType(); Type type3 = dobj.GetType(); Console.WriteLine("Demonstration of GetType method.."); //Object Class Output Console.WriteLine("Information of object class:"); Console.WriteLine(type1.BaseType); Console.WriteLine(type1.Name); Console.WriteLine(type1.Namespace); Console.WriteLine(type1.FullName); Console.WriteLine(type1.DeclaringType); Console.WriteLine(type1.CustomAttributes); Console.WriteLine(type1.Attributes); //string output Console.WriteLine("Information of string class:"); Console.WriteLine(type2.BaseType); Console.WriteLine(type2.Name); Console.WriteLine(type2.FullName); Console.WriteLine(type2.Namespace); Console.WriteLine(type2.ReflectedType); Console.WriteLine(type2.StructLayoutAttribute); Console.WriteLine(type2.TypeHandle); Console.WriteLine(type2.TypeInitializer); //Derived Output Console.WriteLine("Information of Derived class:"); Console.WriteLine(type3.BaseType); Console.WriteLine(type3.Name); Console.WriteLine(type3.Namespace); Console.WriteLine(type3.FullName); Console.WriteLine(type3.IsClass); //Demonstration of Equals and ReferenceEqulas method Base bobj1 = new Base(); Base bobj2 = new Derived(); Base bobj3 = new Base(); string str2 = "String"; string str3 = "String"; string str4 = "New String"; Console.WriteLine("Comparison of 2 Objects:"); Console.WriteLine(Object.Equals(bobj1, bobj2)); Console.WriteLine(Object.Equals(str2, str3)); Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(bobj1, bobj2)); Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(bobj2, bobj2)); Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(bobj1, bobj3)); Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(str2, str3)); Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(str2, str4)); Console.WriteLine(str2.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine(str3.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine(str4.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine("Demonstration of toString method:"); int salary = 12000000; float percentage = 89.20f; string str5 = salary.ToString(); string str6 = percentage.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(str5); Console.WriteLine(str6); }
public override void Process(Derived obj) { Console.WriteLine("I got a Derived"); }
public void TwoCalls(Derived d) { d.DerivedMethod(10); d.DerivedMethod(20); }
internal static ITestPrx Run(TestHelper helper) { Communicator communicator = helper.Communicator !; var test = ITestPrx.Parse(helper.GetTestProxy("test", 0), communicator); TextWriter output = helper.Output; output.Write("testing BitSequence and ReadOnlyBitSequence... "); Span <byte> span1 = stackalloc byte[7]; Span <byte> span2 = stackalloc byte[3]; var bitSequence = new BitSequence(span1, span2); TestHelper.Assert(bitSequence.Length == 80); var onBits = new int[] { 0, 9, 35, 69, 70, 71, 79 }; foreach (int i in onBits) { bitSequence[i] = true; } bitSequence[69] = true; // double true for (int i = 0; i < bitSequence.Length; ++i) { TestHelper.Assert(bitSequence[i] == onBits.Contains(i)); bitSequence[i] = !bitSequence[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < bitSequence.Length; ++i) { TestHelper.Assert(bitSequence[i] != onBits.Contains(i)); bitSequence[i] = !bitSequence[i]; // back to original value } try { bitSequence[81] = true; TestHelper.Assert(false); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { // expected } try { bitSequence[-5] = true; TestHelper.Assert(false); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { // expected } Span <byte> span = stackalloc byte[10]; span1.CopyTo(span); span2.CopyTo(span.Slice(7)); var roBitSequence = new ReadOnlyBitSequence(span); TestHelper.Assert(roBitSequence.Length == 80); for (int i = 0; i < roBitSequence.Length; ++i) { TestHelper.Assert(roBitSequence[i] == onBits.Contains(i)); } try { bool _ = roBitSequence[80]; TestHelper.Assert(false); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { // expected } try { bool _ = roBitSequence[-5]; TestHelper.Assert(false); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { // expected } output.Flush(); output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing basic operations with optional parameters... "); test.OpInt(null); test.OpInt(test.OpReturnInt()); test.OpString(null); test.OpString(test.OpReturnString()); test.OpBasic(17, 17, "test", "test"); test.OpBasic(17, 17, null, "test"); test.OpBasic(17, null, null, "test"); (int?r, int o1, int?o2, string?o3) = test.OpBasicReturnTuple(5, 15, "test"); TestHelper.Assert(r !.Value == 15 && o1 == 5 && o2 !.Value == 15 && o3 ! == "test"); (r, o1, o2, o3) = test.OpBasicReturnTuple(6, null, null); TestHelper.Assert(r == null && o1 == 6 && o2 == null && o3 == null); output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing operations with proxies and class parameters... "); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpObject(test, test) !.Equals(test)); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpObject(test, null) == null); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpTest(test, test) !.Equals(test)); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpTest(test, null) == null); var classInstance = new C(42); AnyClass?anyClass = test.OpAnyClass(classInstance, classInstance); TestHelper.Assert(anyClass != null && ((C)anyClass).X == 42); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpAnyClass(classInstance, null) == null); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpC(classInstance, classInstance) !.X == 42); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpC(classInstance, null) == null); try { test.OpObject(null !, null); TestHelper.Assert(false); } catch (NullReferenceException) { } try { test.OpTest(null !, null); TestHelper.Assert(false); } catch (NullReferenceException) { } // We detect null class instances through asserts during marshaling. output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing operations with sequence<T?> parameters... "); int?[] intSeq = new int?[] { 1, -5, null, 19, -35000 }; TestHelper.Assert(test.OpOptIntSeq(intSeq).SequenceEqual(intSeq)); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpTaggedOptIntSeq(intSeq) !.SequenceEqual(intSeq)); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpTaggedOptIntSeq(null) == null); string?[] stringSeq = new string?[] { "foo", "test", null, "", "bar" }; TestHelper.Assert(test.OpOptStringSeq(stringSeq).SequenceEqual(stringSeq)); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpTaggedOptStringSeq(stringSeq) !.SequenceEqual(stringSeq)); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpTaggedOptStringSeq(null) == null); output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing operations with dictionary<K, V?> parameters... "); Dictionary <int, int?> intIntDict = new Dictionary <int, int?> { { 1, -5 }, { 3, null }, { 5, 19 }, { 7, -35000 } }; TestHelper.Assert(test.OpIntOptIntDict(intIntDict).DictionaryEquals(intIntDict)); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpTaggedIntOptIntDict(intIntDict) !.DictionaryEquals(intIntDict)); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpTaggedIntOptIntDict(null) == null); Dictionary <int, string?> intStringDict = new Dictionary <int, string?> { { 1, "foo" }, { 3, "test" }, { 5, null }, { 7, "bar" } }; TestHelper.Assert(test.OpIntOptStringDict(intStringDict).DictionaryEquals(intStringDict)); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpTaggedIntOptStringDict(intStringDict) !.DictionaryEquals(intStringDict)); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpTaggedIntOptStringDict(null) == null); output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing struct with optional data members... "); var myStruct = new MyStruct(test, null, new string?[] { "foo", null, "bar" }); MyStruct myStructResult = test.OpMyStruct(myStruct); TestHelper.Assert(myStruct != myStructResult); // the proxies and arrays can't be identical TestHelper.Assert(myStructResult.Proxy !.Equals(myStruct.Proxy) && myStructResult.X == myStruct.X && myStructResult.StringSeq !.SequenceEqual(myStruct.StringSeq !)); myStructResult = test.OpOptMyStruct(myStruct) !.Value; TestHelper.Assert(myStructResult.Proxy !.Equals(myStruct.Proxy) && myStructResult.X == myStruct.X && myStructResult.StringSeq !.SequenceEqual(myStruct.StringSeq !)); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpOptMyStruct(null) == null); output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing class with optional data members... "); var derived = new Derived(test, null, new string?[] { "foo", null, "bar" }, null, "test"); Derived derivedResult = test.OpDerived(derived); TestHelper.Assert(derivedResult.Proxy !.Equals(derived.Proxy) && derivedResult.X == derived.X && derivedResult.StringSeq !.SequenceEqual(derived.StringSeq !) && derivedResult.SomeClass == null && derivedResult.S == derived.S); derivedResult = test.OpOptDerived(derived) !; TestHelper.Assert(derivedResult.Proxy !.Equals(derived.Proxy) && derivedResult.X == derived.X && derivedResult.StringSeq !.SequenceEqual(derived.StringSeq) && derivedResult.SomeClass == null && derivedResult.S == derived.S); TestHelper.Assert(test.OpOptDerived(null) == null); output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing exception with optional data members... "); try { test.OpDerivedEx(); TestHelper.Assert(false); } catch (DerivedEx ex) { TestHelper.Assert(ex.Proxy == null && ex.X == 5 && ex.StringSeq !.SequenceEqual(new string?[] { "foo", null, "bar" }) && ex.SomeClass is C someClass && someClass.X == 42 && ex.S == "test"); } try { test.OpDerivedEx(context: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "all null", "yes" } }); TestHelper.Assert(false); } catch (DerivedEx ex) { TestHelper.Assert(ex.Proxy == null && ex.X == null && ex.StringSeq == null && ex.SomeClass == null && ex.S == null); } output.WriteLine("ok"); return(test); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int a = 5; int b = a + 2; bool test = true; //int c = a + test; float temperature; string name; MyClass myClass = new MyClass(); char firstLetter = 'C'; var limit = 1; limit = 3333333; int[] source = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var query = from item in source where item <= item select item; myClass.MyProperty = 5; ChangeMyClass(myClass); Console.WriteLine(myClass.MyProperty); ChangeValue(a); Console.WriteLine(a); int aa = 123; System.Int32 bb = 123; var c = aa + bb; var hexa = 0x2A; var binary = 0b_0010_1010; string cadena = "test"; char letter = 'D'; var characters = new[] { 'j', '\u006A', '\x00A', (char)106 }; Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", characters)); Console.WriteLine((int)Season.Autum); Console.WriteLine(Season.Autum.ToString()); var error = ErrorCode.ConnectionLost; var test1 = ((ushort)ErrorCode.ConnectionLost == 100); var test2 = (ErrorCode.ConnectionLost == error); Coords coords = new Coords(1, 2, 3); (MyClass, string name, int, int, int, int, int)coord = (new MyClass(), "tr", 5, 4, 4, 4, 4); Console.WriteLine(; bool? eval = null; int? num = null; int numNotNull = 0; string cad = null; MyClass myClass1 = null; //ChangeValue(num.Value); Dog dog = new Dog("Firulais", "5"); Console.WriteLine(dog.ToString()); int numInt = 1234563865; long bigNumt = numInt; Derived derivade = new Derived(); Base baseClass = derivade; Giraffe g = new Giraffe(); Animal animal = g; Giraffe g2 = (Giraffe)animal; int i = 3; Console.WriteLine($"i = {i}"); Console.WriteLine($"++i = {++i}"); Console.WriteLine($"i = {i}"); if (!test && eval.Value) { } if (test) { a = 5; } else { a = 6; } a = (test ? 5 : (eval.Value ? 4 : 2)); num = (num == null ? 5 : num); num = num ?? 5; string cadeNum = num?.ToString(); List <int> nums = new List <int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; nums.ForEach(num => { Console.WriteLine(num); Console.WriteLine(num); }); Employee employee = new Employee() { Name = "Erick" }; //employee.Name = "Oscar"; }
public void CrossCalls(Derived d) { d.BaseMethod(10); d.DerivedMethod(20); }
public static void Post(Derived model) { }
public static void Entry() { Inf i = new Derived(); i.Foo(); }
public static void GetParameterNotMatching([ApiConventionTypeMatch(ApiConventionTypeMatchBehavior.AssignableFrom)] Derived model) { }
static int Main() { Derived d = new Derived(); return(d.Test()); }
internal static void Object() { Base @base1 = new Base(); Base @base2 = new Derived(); }
public static int test_43_virtual() { Base b = new Derived(); return(mono_test_marshal_virtual_delegate(b.get_del())); }
public static void Main() { Derived d = new Derived(); d.Access(); }
public static void WriteLine(Derived d) { Console.WriteLine(d); }
public static void Main() { Derived d = new Derived(1); }
public void Call(Derived d) { DoBaseCall(d); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Derived d = new Derived(); }
public void StoreField(Derived d) { m_b = d; d.BaseMethod(10); }
public static void DoSomething(Derived obj) { Console.WriteLine("Test"); }
public void CrossCalls(Derived d) { d.BaseMethod(10 + d.GetHashCode()); }
public static int Main() { Derived.EndExecute <Derived> (null, "something"); return(0); }
static void DerivedAsInputFunc(Derived x) { }
static void Main() { Base x = new Derived(); x.Foo(t); // not allowed! }