/// <summary> /// Captures the specified Kinect depth frame and saves it to the specified location. /// </summary> /// <param name="frame">The depth frame to capture.</param> /// <param name="file">The storage file for the new image. JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and TIFF formats are supported.</param> /// <param name="width">The width of the image file.</param> /// <param name="height">The height of the image file.</param> /// <returns>True if the bitmap file was successfully saved. False otherwise.</returns> public static async Task <bool> Capture(this DepthFrame frame, StorageFile file, int width, int height) { if (frame == null) { return(false); } return(await Capture(frame.ToBitmap(), file, width, height)); }
/// <summary> /// Captures the specified Kinect depth frame and saves it to the specified location. /// </summary> /// <param name="frame">The depth frame to capture.</param> /// <param name="path">The desired file path, including file name and extension, for the new image. Currently, JPEG, PNG and BMP formats are supported.</param> /// <returns>True if the bitmap file was successfully saved. False otherwise.</returns> public static bool Capture(this DepthFrame frame, string path) { if (frame == null) { return(false); } return(Capture(frame.ToBitmap(), path)); }
/// <summary> /// Acquires the latest depth frame. /// It calles the OnDepthFrameReceived only if the acquired frame is not null. /// </summary> protected void UpdateDepthFrame(bool updateFrameView = true) { if (depthFrameReader != null) { using (DepthFrame frame = depthFrameReader.AcquireLatestFrame()) { if (frame != null) { if (updateFrameView) { frameView.FrameTexture = frame.ToBitmap(); } OnDepthFrameReceived(frame); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Converts the specified depth and body index frames to a bitmap and saves it to the specified location. /// </summary> /// <param name="depthFrame">The source depth frame.</param> /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The source body index frame.</param> /// <param name="destination">The destination path for the new image. JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and TIFF formats are supported.</param> /// <returns>True if the image was successfully saved. False otherwise.</returns> public static bool Save(this DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame, string path) { var bitmap = depthFrame.ToBitmap(bodyIndexFrame); return(_capture.Save(bitmap, path)); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the specified depth frame to a bitmap and saves it to the specified location. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The source depth frame.</param> /// <param name="destination">The destination path for the new image. JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and TIFF formats are supported.</param> /// <returns>True if the frame was successfully saved. False otherwise.</returns> public static bool Save(this DepthFrame frame, string path) { var bitmap = frame.ToBitmap(); return(_capture.Save(bitmap, path)); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the specified depth and body index frames to a bitmap and saves it to the specified location. /// </summary> /// <param name="depthFrame">The source depth frame.</param> /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The source body index frame.</param> /// <param name="destination">The destination storage file for the image. JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and TIFF formats are supported.</param> /// <param name="width">The width of the image file.</param> /// <param name="height">The height of the image file.</param> /// <returns>True if the image was successfully saved. False otherwise.</returns> public static async Task <bool> Save(this DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame, StorageFile destination, int width, int height) { var bitmap = depthFrame.ToBitmap(bodyIndexFrame); return(await _capture.Save(bitmap, destination, width, height)); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the specified depth frame to a bitmap and saves it to the specified location. /// </summary> /// <param name="frame">The source depth frame.</param> /// <param name="destination">The destination storage file for the image. JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and TIFF formats are supported.</param> /// <returns>True if the frame was successfully saved. False otherwise.</returns> public static async Task <bool> Save(this DepthFrame frame, StorageFile destination) { var bitmap = frame.ToBitmap(); return(await _capture.Save(bitmap, destination)); }
public static Bitmap ToBitmap(this DepthFrame image) { return(image.ToBitmap(System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565)); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the specified depth and body index frames to a bitmap and saves it to the specified location. /// </summary> /// <param name="depthFrame">The source depth frame.</param> /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The source body index frame.</param> /// <param name="destination">The destination path for the image. JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and TIFF formats are supported.</param> /// <param name="width">The width of the image file.</param> /// <param name="height">The height of the image file.</param> /// <returns>True if the image was successfully saved. False otherwise.</returns> public static async Task <bool> Save(this DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame, string path, int width, int height) { var bitmap = depthFrame.ToBitmap(bodyIndexFrame); return(await _capture.Save(bitmap, path, width, height)); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the specified depth frame to a bitmap and saves it to the specified location. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The source depth frame.</param> /// <param name="destination">The destination path for the new image. JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and TIFF formats are supported.</param> /// <returns>True if the frame was successfully saved. False otherwise.</returns> public static async Task <bool> Save(this DepthFrame frame, string path) { var bitmap = frame.ToBitmap(); return(await _capture.Save(bitmap, path)); }
public void Reader_MultiSourceFrameArrived(object sender, MultiSourceFrameArrivedEventArgs e) { var reference = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame(); // Color colorFrame = reference.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame(); { if (colorFrame != null) { if (_mode == CameraMode.Color) { camera.Source = colorFrame.ToBitmap(); } } } // Depth depthFrame = reference.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame(); { if (depthFrame != null) { if (_mode == CameraMode.Depth) { cameraDepth.Source = depthFrame.ToBitmap(); } } } Ellipse ellipse1 = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Green, Width = 30, Height = 30 }; Ellipse ellipse2 = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Red, Width = 30, Height = 30 }; Ellipse ellipse3 = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Green, Width = 30, Height = 30 }; Ellipse ellipse4 = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Red, Width = 30, Height = 30 }; Ellipse ellipse5 = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Green, Width = 30, Height = 30 }; Ellipse ellipse6 = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Red, Width = 30, Height = 30 }; Ellipse ellipse7 = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Green, Width = 30, Height = 30 }; Ellipse ellipse8 = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Red, Width = 30, Height = 30 }; Ellipse ellipse9 = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Green, Width = 30, Height = 30 }; Ellipse ellipse10 = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Red, Width = 30, Height = 30 }; Ellipse ellipse11 = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Green, Width = 30, Height = 30 }; Ellipse ellipse12 = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Red, Width = 30, Height = 30 }; if (finishedCountdown) { if (_mode == CameraMode.Color) { camera.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; canvas.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; cameraDepth.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; canvasDepth.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; finishedCountdown = false; } if (_mode == CameraMode.Depth) { camera.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; canvas.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; cameraDepth.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; canvasDepth.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; finishedCountdown = false; } } // Body using (var frame = reference.BodyFrameReference.AcquireFrame()) { if (frame != null) { this.canvas.Children.Clear(); this.canvasDepth.Children.Clear(); _bodies = new Body[frame.BodyFrameSource.BodyCount]; frame.GetAndRefreshBodyData(_bodies); //int bodyIndex = 0; foreach (var body in _bodies) { //if (bodyIndex != 0) continue; //bodyIndex++; var cameraSpacePoint = new CameraSpacePoint(); DepthSpacePoint depthPointWristLeft = new DepthSpacePoint(); DepthSpacePoint depthPointWristRight = new DepthSpacePoint(); DepthSpacePoint depthPointHead = new DepthSpacePoint(); DepthSpacePoint depthPointSpineMid = new DepthSpacePoint(); DepthSpacePoint depthPointKneeLeft = new DepthSpacePoint(); DepthSpacePoint depthPointKneeRight = new DepthSpacePoint(); ColorSpacePoint colorPointWristLeft = new ColorSpacePoint(); ColorSpacePoint colorPointWristRight = new ColorSpacePoint(); ColorSpacePoint colorPointHead = new ColorSpacePoint(); ColorSpacePoint colorPointSpineMid = new ColorSpacePoint(); ColorSpacePoint colorPointKneeLeft = new ColorSpacePoint(); ColorSpacePoint colorPointKneeRight = new ColorSpacePoint(); if (body.IsTracked) { BodyStructure currentFrameBody = new BodyStructure(); var lines = new List<string>(); foreach (var joint in body.Joints.Values) { cameraSpacePoint.X = joint.Position.X;//(float)currentFrameBody.currentFrameBody[joint.JointType].X; cameraSpacePoint.Y = joint.Position.Y; //(float)currentFrameBody.currentFrameBody[joint.JointType].Y; cameraSpacePoint.Z = joint.Position.Z; //(float)currentFrameBody.currentFrameBody[joint.JointType].Z; if (PressSpaced && !escape && jointsOfInterest.Contains(joint.JointType)) { curNumOfFrames++; distanceSum[joint.JointType] += cameraSpacePoint.Z; meanDistanceToSensor[joint.JointType] = distanceSum[joint.JointType] / ( (curNumOfFrames/6) + 1); } else if(escape && movementVector != null && jointsOfInterest.Contains(joint.JointType)) { distanceScale[joint.JointType] = cameraSpacePoint.Z / meanDistanceToSensor[joint.JointType]; } var colorPoint = _sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapCameraPointToColorSpace(cameraSpacePoint); var depthPoint = _sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapCameraPointToDepthSpace(cameraSpacePoint); if (_mode == CameraMode.Depth) { /* Ellipse ellipseBlue = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Blue, Width = 10, Height = 10 }; var xPos = depthPoint.X - ellipseBlue.Width / 2; var yPos = depthPoint.Y - ellipseBlue.Height / 2; if (xPos >= 0 && xPos < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPos >= 0 && yPos < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipseBlue, xPos); Canvas.SetTop(ellipseBlue, yPos); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipseBlue); } */ Extensions.DrawSkeleton(canvas, body, jointsOfInterest, _sensor); //currentFrameBody.currentFrameBody.Add(joint.JointType, new Point3D()); if (jointsOfInterest.Contains(joint.JointType)) { if (joint.JointType == JointType.HandLeft) depthPointWristLeft = depthPoint; else if (joint.JointType == JointType.HandRight) depthPointWristRight = depthPoint; else if (joint.JointType == JointType.Head) depthPointHead = depthPoint; else if (joint.JointType == JointType.SpineMid) depthPointSpineMid = depthPoint; else if (joint.JointType == JointType.KneeRight) depthPointKneeRight = depthPoint; else if (joint.JointType == JointType.KneeLeft) depthPointKneeLeft = depthPoint; currentFrameBody.currentFrameBody.Add(joint.JointType, new Point3D(depthPoint.X, depthPoint.Y, 0)); } } else { Ellipse ellipseBlue = new Ellipse { Fill = Brushes.Blue, Width = 10, Height = 10 }; var xPos = colorPoint.X - ellipseBlue.Width / 2; var yPos = colorPoint.Y - ellipseBlue.Height / 2; if (xPos >= 0 && xPos < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPos >= 0 && yPos < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipseBlue, xPos); Canvas.SetTop(ellipseBlue, yPos); canvas.Children.Add(ellipseBlue); } Extensions.DrawSkeleton(canvas, body, jointsOfInterest, _sensor); //currentFrameBody.currentFrameBody.Add(joint.JointType, new Point3D()); if (jointsOfInterest.Contains(joint.JointType)) { if (joint.JointType == JointType.HandLeft) colorPointWristLeft = colorPoint; else if (joint.JointType == JointType.HandRight) colorPointWristRight = colorPoint; else if (joint.JointType == JointType.Head) colorPointHead = colorPoint; else if (joint.JointType == JointType.SpineMid) colorPointSpineMid = colorPoint; else if (joint.JointType == JointType.KneeRight) colorPointKneeRight = colorPoint; else if (joint.JointType == JointType.KneeLeft) colorPointKneeLeft = colorPoint; var pointCurJoint = new Point3D(colorPoint.X, colorPoint.Y, 0); this.dictAllMovementPositions[joint.JointType].Add(pointCurJoint); currentFrameBody.currentFrameBody.Add(joint.JointType, pointCurJoint); } } } /*TODO - null or empty Dictionary (.Count == 0)*/ // if (movementVector == null) if (PressSpaced && !escape) { if (movementVector != null && jointsChange) { movementVector.Clear(); } jointsChange = false; movementVector = record.GetMovementVectors(currentFrameBody); } //else if(movementVector != null) else if (escape && movementVector != null) { var curFrameResult = benchPress.ValidateCurrentSkeletonFrame(movementVector, currentFrameBody, distanceScale); var resultWristLeft = curFrameResult.BoneStates[JointType.HandLeft]; var resultWristRight = curFrameResult.BoneStates[JointType.HandRight]; Extensions.DrawSkeleton(canvas, body, jointsOfInterest, _sensor); if (recordVisualization) { recordVisualization = false; Color colorHandLeft = Color.FromArgb(255, 35, 63, 147); Color colorHandRight = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 136, 170); Color colorHead = Color.FromArgb(255, 193, 84, 151); Color colorSpineMid = Color.FromArgb(255, 238, 198, 20); Color colorKneeLeft = Color.FromArgb(255, 116, 81, 67); Color colorKneeRight = Color.FromArgb(255, 94, 58, 106); foreach (var joy in this.dictAllMovementPositions) { Color fillColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255); switch (joy.Key) { case JointType.HandLeft: fillColor = colorHandLeft; break; case JointType.HandRight: fillColor = colorHandRight; break; case JointType.Head: fillColor = colorHead; break; case JointType.SpineMid: fillColor = colorSpineMid; break; case JointType.KneeLeft: fillColor = colorKneeLeft; break; case JointType.KneeRight: fillColor = colorKneeRight; break; } foreach (var point in joy.Value) { float opacityFactor = joy.Value.Count / 255 ; if (opacityFactor == 0.0f) opacityFactor = 1.0f; int alpha = (int)opacityFactor * (joy.Value.IndexOf(point) + 1); fillColor = SetTransparency(alpha, fillColor); Brush fill = new SolidColorBrush(fillColor); Ellipse newEllipse = new Ellipse { Fill = fill, Width = 20, Height = 20 }; var xPosRecord = point.X - newEllipse.Width / 2; var yPosRecord = point.Y - newEllipse.Height / 2; if (xPosRecord >= 0 && xPosRecord < this.Record.ActualWidth && yPosRecord >= 0 && yPosRecord < this.Record.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(newEllipse, xPosRecord); Canvas.SetTop(newEllipse, yPosRecord); Record.Children.Add(newEllipse); } } } } if (sixJoints.IsChecked == true) { var resultHead = curFrameResult.BoneStates[JointType.Head]; var resultSpineMid = curFrameResult.BoneStates[JointType.SpineMid]; var resultKneeLeft = curFrameResult.BoneStates[JointType.KneeLeft]; var resultKneeRight = curFrameResult.BoneStates[JointType.KneeRight]; if (_mode == CameraMode.Depth) { if (resultSpineMid == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosMid = depthPointSpineMid.X - ellipse7.Width / 2; var yPosMid = depthPointSpineMid.Y - ellipse7.Height / 2; if (xPosMid >= 0 && xPosMid < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosMid >= 0 && yPosMid < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse7, xPosMid); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse7, yPosMid); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse7); } } else { var xPosMid = depthPointSpineMid.X - ellipse8.Width / 2; var yPosMid = depthPointSpineMid.Y - ellipse8.Height / 2; if (xPosMid >= 0 && xPosMid < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosMid >= 0 && yPosMid < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse8, xPosMid); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse8, yPosMid); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse8); } } if (resultKneeLeft == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosKneeLeft = depthPointKneeLeft.X - ellipse9.Width / 2; var yPosKneeLeft = depthPointKneeLeft.Y - ellipse9.Height / 2; if (xPosKneeLeft >= 0 && xPosKneeLeft < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosKneeLeft >= 0 && yPosKneeLeft < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse9, xPosKneeLeft); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse9, yPosKneeLeft); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse9); } } else { var xPosKneeLeft = depthPointKneeLeft.X - ellipse10.Width / 2; var yPosKneeLeft = depthPointKneeLeft.Y - ellipse10.Height / 2; if (xPosKneeLeft >= 0 && xPosKneeLeft < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosKneeLeft >= 0 && yPosKneeLeft < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse10, xPosKneeLeft); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse10, yPosKneeLeft); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse10); } } if (resultKneeRight == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosKneeRight = depthPointKneeRight.X - ellipse11.Width / 2; var yPosKneeRight = depthPointKneeRight.Y - ellipse11.Height / 2; if (xPosKneeRight >= 0 && xPosKneeRight < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosKneeRight >= 0 && yPosKneeRight < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse11, xPosKneeRight); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse11, yPosKneeRight); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse11); } } else { var xPosKneeRight = depthPointKneeRight.X - ellipse12.Width / 2; var yPosKneeRight = depthPointKneeRight.Y - ellipse12.Height / 2; if (xPosKneeRight >= 0 && xPosKneeRight < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosKneeRight >= 0 && yPosKneeRight < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse12, xPosKneeRight); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse12, yPosKneeRight); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse12); } } if (resultHead == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosHead = depthPointHead.X - ellipse5.Width / 2; var yPosHead = depthPointHead.Y - ellipse5.Height / 2; if (xPosHead >= 0 && xPosHead < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosHead >= 0 && yPosHead < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse5, xPosHead); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse5, yPosHead); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse5); } } else { var xPosHead = depthPointHead.X - ellipse6.Width / 2; var yPosHead = depthPointHead.Y - ellipse6.Height / 2; if (xPosHead >= 0 && xPosHead < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosHead >= 0 && yPosHead < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse6, xPosHead); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse6, yPosHead); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse6); } } if (resultWristLeft == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosLeft = depthPointWristLeft.X - ellipse1.Width / 2; var yPosLeft = depthPointWristLeft.Y - ellipse1.Height / 2; if (xPosLeft >= 0 && xPosLeft < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosLeft >= 0 && yPosLeft < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse1, xPosLeft); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse1, yPosLeft); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse1); } } else { var xPosLeft = depthPointWristLeft.X - ellipse2.Width / 2; var yPosLeft = depthPointWristLeft.Y - ellipse2.Height / 2; if (xPosLeft >= 0 && xPosLeft < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosLeft >= 0 && yPosLeft < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse2, xPosLeft); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse2, yPosLeft); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse2); } } if (resultWristRight == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosRight = depthPointWristRight.X - ellipse3.Width / 2; var yPosRight = depthPointWristRight.Y - ellipse3.Height / 2; if (xPosRight >= 0 && xPosRight < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosRight >= 0 && yPosRight < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse3, xPosRight); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse3, yPosRight); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse3); } } else { var xPosRight = depthPointWristRight.X - ellipse4.Width / 2; var yPosRight = depthPointWristRight.Y - ellipse4.Height / 2; if (xPosRight >= 0 && xPosRight < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosRight >= 0 && yPosRight < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse4, xPosRight); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse4, yPosRight); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse4); } } } else { if (resultSpineMid == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosMid = colorPointSpineMid.X - ellipse7.Width / 2; var yPosMid = colorPointSpineMid.Y - ellipse7.Height / 2; if (xPosMid >= 0 && xPosMid < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosMid >= 0 && yPosMid < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse7, xPosMid); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse7, yPosMid); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse7); } } else { var xPosMid = colorPointSpineMid.X - ellipse8.Width / 2; var yPosMid = colorPointSpineMid.Y - ellipse8.Height / 2; if (xPosMid >= 0 && xPosMid < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosMid >= 0 && yPosMid < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse8, xPosMid); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse8, yPosMid); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse8); } } if (resultKneeLeft == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosKneeLeft = colorPointKneeLeft.X - ellipse9.Width / 2; var yPosKneeLeft = colorPointKneeLeft.Y - ellipse9.Height / 2; if (xPosKneeLeft >= 0 && xPosKneeLeft < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosKneeLeft >= 0 && yPosKneeLeft < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse9, xPosKneeLeft); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse9, yPosKneeLeft); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse9); } } else { var xPosKneeLeft = colorPointKneeLeft.X - ellipse10.Width / 2; var yPosKneeLeft = colorPointKneeLeft.Y - ellipse10.Height / 2; if (xPosKneeLeft >= 0 && xPosKneeLeft < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosKneeLeft >= 0 && yPosKneeLeft < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse10, xPosKneeLeft); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse10, yPosKneeLeft); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse10); } } if (resultKneeRight == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosKneeRight = colorPointKneeRight.X - ellipse11.Width / 2; var yPosKneeRight = colorPointKneeRight.Y - ellipse11.Height / 2; if (xPosKneeRight >= 0 && xPosKneeRight < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosKneeRight >= 0 && yPosKneeRight < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse11, xPosKneeRight); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse11, yPosKneeRight); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse11); } } else { var xPosKneeRight = colorPointKneeRight.X - ellipse12.Width / 2; var yPosKneeRight = colorPointKneeRight.Y - ellipse12.Height / 2; if (xPosKneeRight >= 0 && xPosKneeRight < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosKneeRight >= 0 && yPosKneeRight < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse12, xPosKneeRight); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse12, yPosKneeRight); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse12); } } if (resultHead == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosHead = colorPointHead.X - ellipse5.Width / 2; var yPosHead = colorPointHead.Y - ellipse5.Height / 2; if (xPosHead >= 0 && xPosHead < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosHead >= 0 && yPosHead < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse5, xPosHead); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse5, yPosHead); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse5); } } else { var xPosHead = colorPointHead.X - ellipse6.Width / 2; var yPosHead = colorPointHead.Y - ellipse6.Height / 2; if (xPosHead >= 0 && xPosHead < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosHead >= 0 && yPosHead < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse6, xPosHead); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse6, yPosHead); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse6); } } if (resultWristLeft == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosLeft = colorPointWristLeft.X - ellipse1.Width / 2; var yPosLeft = colorPointWristLeft.Y - ellipse1.Height / 2; if (xPosLeft >= 0 && xPosLeft < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosLeft >= 0 && yPosLeft < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse1, xPosLeft); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse1, yPosLeft); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse1); } } else { var xPosLeft = colorPointWristLeft.X - ellipse2.Width / 2; var yPosLeft = colorPointWristLeft.Y - ellipse2.Height / 2; if (xPosLeft >= 0 && xPosLeft < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosLeft >= 0 && yPosLeft < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse2, xPosLeft); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse2, yPosLeft); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse2); } } if (resultWristRight == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosRight = colorPointWristRight.X - ellipse3.Width / 2; var yPosRight = colorPointWristRight.Y - ellipse3.Height / 2; if (xPosRight >= 0 && xPosRight < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosRight >= 0 && yPosRight < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse3, xPosRight); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse3, yPosRight); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse3); } } else { var xPosRight = colorPointWristRight.X - ellipse4.Width / 2; var yPosRight = colorPointWristRight.Y - ellipse4.Height / 2; if (xPosRight >= 0 && xPosRight < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosRight >= 0 && yPosRight < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse4, xPosRight); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse4, yPosRight); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse4); } } } } else { if (_mode == CameraMode.Depth) { if (resultWristLeft == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosLeft = depthPointWristLeft.X - ellipse1.Width / 2; var yPosLeft = depthPointWristLeft.Y - ellipse1.Height / 2; if (xPosLeft >= 0 && xPosLeft < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosLeft >= 0 && yPosLeft < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse1, xPosLeft); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse1, yPosLeft); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse1); } } else { var xPosLeft = depthPointWristLeft.X - ellipse2.Width / 2; var yPosLeft = depthPointWristLeft.Y - ellipse2.Height / 2; if (xPosLeft >= 0 && xPosLeft < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosLeft >= 0 && yPosLeft < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse2, xPosLeft); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse2, yPosLeft); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse2); } } if (resultWristRight == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosRight = depthPointWristRight.X - ellipse3.Width / 2; var yPosRight = depthPointWristRight.Y - ellipse3.Height / 2; if (xPosRight >= 0 && xPosRight < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosRight >= 0 && yPosRight < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse3, xPosRight); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse3, yPosRight); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse3); } } else { var xPosRight = depthPointWristRight.X - ellipse4.Width / 2; var yPosRight = depthPointWristRight.Y - ellipse4.Height / 2; if (xPosRight >= 0 && xPosRight < this.canvasDepth.ActualWidth && yPosRight >= 0 && yPosRight < this.canvasDepth.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse4, xPosRight); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse4, yPosRight); canvasDepth.Children.Add(ellipse4); } } } else { if (resultWristLeft == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosLeft = colorPointWristLeft.X - ellipse1.Width / 2; var yPosLeft = colorPointWristLeft.Y - ellipse1.Height / 2; if (xPosLeft >= 0 && xPosLeft < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosLeft >= 0 && yPosLeft < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse1, xPosLeft); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse1, yPosLeft); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse1); } } else { var xPosLeft = colorPointWristLeft.X - ellipse2.Width / 2; var yPosLeft = colorPointWristLeft.Y - ellipse2.Height / 2; if (xPosLeft >= 0 && xPosLeft < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosLeft >= 0 && yPosLeft < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse2, xPosLeft); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse2, yPosLeft); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse2); } } if (resultWristRight == SkeletonBoneState.Matched) { var xPosRight = colorPointWristRight.X - ellipse3.Width / 2; var yPosRight = colorPointWristRight.Y - ellipse3.Height / 2; if (xPosRight >= 0 && xPosRight < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosRight >= 0 && yPosRight < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse3, xPosRight); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse3, yPosRight); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse3); } } else { var xPosRight = colorPointWristRight.X - ellipse4.Width / 2; var yPosRight = colorPointWristRight.Y - ellipse4.Height / 2; if (xPosRight >= 0 && xPosRight < this.canvas.ActualWidth && yPosRight >= 0 && yPosRight < this.canvas.ActualHeight) { Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse4, xPosRight); Canvas.SetTop(ellipse4, yPosRight); canvas.Children.Add(ellipse4); } } } } } else { escape = false; } } } } } if (depthFrame != null) depthFrame.Dispose(); depthFrame = null; if (colorFrame != null) colorFrame.Dispose(); colorFrame = null; }