public IActionResult GetResult(string id) { using (_tracer.Step("DeploymentService.GetResult")) { DeployResult pending; if (IsLatestPendingDeployment(ref id, out pending)) { Response.GetTypedHeaders().Location = new Uri(Request.GetDisplayUrl()); pending.Status = DeployStatus.Pending; return(Accepted(ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(pending, Request))); } DeployResult result = _deploymentManager.GetResult(id); if (result == null) { return(NotFound(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Error_DeploymentNotFound, id))); } if (_deploymentLock.IsHeld) { result.Status = DeployStatus.Pending; } Uri baseUri = kUriHelper.MakeRelative(kUriHelper.GetBaseUri(Request), new Uri(Request.GetDisplayUrl()).AbsolutePath); result.Url = baseUri; result.LogUrl = kUriHelper.MakeRelative(baseUri, "log"); return(Ok(ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(result, Request))); } }
public HttpResponseMessage GetResult(string id) { using (_tracer.Step("DeploymentService.GetResult")) { DeployResult pending; if (IsLatestPendingDeployment(ref id, out pending)) { var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(pending, Request)); if (ArmUtils.IsArmRequest(Request) && Request.Headers.Referrer != null && Request.Headers.Referrer.AbsolutePath.EndsWith(Constants.LatestDeployment, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { response.Headers.Location = Request.Headers.Referrer; } else { response.Headers.Location = Request.RequestUri; } return(response); } DeployResult result = _deploymentManager.GetResult(id); if (result == null) { var response = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Error_DeploymentNotFound, id)); throw new HttpResponseException(response); } Uri baseUri = UriHelper.MakeRelative(UriHelper.GetBaseUri(Request), Request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath); result.Url = baseUri; result.LogUrl = UriHelper.MakeRelative(baseUri, "log"); if (ArmUtils.IsArmRequest(Request)) { switch (result.Status) { case DeployStatus.Building: case DeployStatus.Deploying: case DeployStatus.Pending: result.ProvisioningState = "InProgress"; HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(result, Request)); responseMessage.Headers.Location = Request.RequestUri; return(responseMessage); case DeployStatus.Failed: result.ProvisioningState = "Failed"; break; case DeployStatus.Success: result.ProvisioningState = "Succeeded"; break; default: return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(result, Request))); } } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(result, Request))); } }
public HttpResponseMessage GetResult(string id) { using (_tracer.Step("DeploymentService.GetResult")) { DeployResult pending; if (IsLatestPendingDeployment(ref id, out pending)) { var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(pending, Request)); response.Headers.Location = Request.RequestUri; return(response); } DeployResult result = _deploymentManager.GetResult(id); if (result == null) { var response = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Error_DeploymentNotFound, id)); throw new HttpResponseException(response); } Uri baseUri = UriHelper.MakeRelative(UriHelper.GetBaseUri(Request), Request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath); result.Url = baseUri; result.LogUrl = UriHelper.MakeRelative(baseUri, "log"); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(result, Request))); } }
private bool IsLatestPendingDeployment(ref string id, out DeployResult pending) { if (String.Equals(Constants.LatestDeployment, id)) { using (_tracer.Step("DeploymentService.GetLatestDeployment")) { var results = _deploymentManager.GetResults(); pending = results.Where(r => r.Status != DeployStatus.Success && r.Status != DeployStatus.Failed).FirstOrDefault(); if (pending != null) { _tracer.Trace("Deployment {0} is {1}", pending.Id, pending.Status); return(true); } var latest = results.Where(r => r.EndTime != null).OrderBy(r => r.EndTime.Value).LastOrDefault(); if (latest != null) { _tracer.Trace("Deployment {0} is {1} at {2}", latest.Id, latest.Status, latest.EndTime.Value.ToString("o")); id = latest.Id; } else { _tracer.Trace("Could not find latest deployment!"); } } } pending = null; return(false); }
public override void ExecuteCmdlet() { base.ExecuteCmdlet(); InvokeInDeploymentOperationContext(() => { List <DeployResult> deployments = DeploymentChannel.GetDeployments(MaxResults ?? DefaultMaxResults); if (CommitId != null) { DeployResult deployment = deployments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id.Equals(CommitId)); if (deployment == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format(Resources.InvalidDeployment, CommitId)); } if (Details) { SetDetails(deployment); } deployments.Add(deployment); } else if (Details) { foreach (DeployResult deployResult in deployments) { SetDetails(deployResult); } } WriteObject(deployments, true); }); }
private void WriteSuccess() { DeployResult obj = new DeployResult(); obj.Success = true; Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj)); }
private void WriteError(string errMsg) { DeployResult obj = new DeployResult(); obj.Success = false; obj.Msg = errMsg; Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj)); }
private void WriteSuccess(List <string> data = null) { DeployResult <List <string> > obj = new DeployResult <List <string> >(); obj.Success = true; obj.Data = data ?? new List <string>(); Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj)); }
protected override async Task <HttpResponseMessage> CreateItemDeleteResponse(FileSystemInfo info, string localFilePath) { HttpResponseMessage response; if (!PrepareBranch(true, out response)) { return(response); } response = await base.CreateItemDeleteResponse(info, localFilePath); // Commit to local branch _repository.Commit(String.Format("Committing delete from request {0}", Request.RequestUri), authorName: null); try { // Rebase to get updates from master while checking whether we get a conflict _repository.Rebase(MasterBranch); // Switch content back to master _repository.UpdateRef(VfsUpdateBranch); } catch (CommandLineException commandLineException) { Tracer.TraceError(commandLineException); // Abort the ongoing rebase operation try { _repository.RebaseAbort(); } finally { _repository.Update(); } // The rebase resulted in a conflict. HttpResponseMessage conflictResponse = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, commandLineException); return(conflictResponse); } // Deploy changes DeployResult result = DeployChanges(); if (result != null && result.Status != DeployStatus.Success) { HttpResponseMessage deploymentErrorResponse = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, RS.Format(Resources.VfsScmController_DeploymentError, result.StatusText)); return(deploymentErrorResponse); } // Delete succeeded. We add the etag as is has been updated as a result of the delete // This allows a client to keep track of the latest etag even for deletes. response.Headers.ETag = CreateEtag(_repository.CurrentId); return(response); }
private void WriteSuccess <T>(T data) { DeployResult <T> obj = new DeployResult <T>(); obj.Success = true; obj.Data = data; Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj)); }
private void WriteError(string errMsg) { DeployResult <List <string> > obj = new DeployResult <List <string> >(); obj.Success = false; obj.Msg = errMsg; obj.Data = new List <string>(); Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj)); }
public IActionResult CreateDeployment(DeployResult deployResult, string details) { var id = deployResult.Id; string path = Path.Combine(_environment.DeploymentsPath, id); IDeploymentStatusFile statusFile = _status.Open(id); if (statusFile != null) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict, String.Format("Deployment with id '{0}' exists", id))); } FileSystemHelpers.EnsureDirectory(path); statusFile = _status.Create(id); statusFile.Status = deployResult.Status; statusFile.Message = deployResult.Message; statusFile.Deployer = deployResult.Deployer; statusFile.Author = deployResult.Author; statusFile.AuthorEmail = deployResult.AuthorEmail; statusFile.StartTime = deployResult.StartTime; statusFile.EndTime = deployResult.EndTime; // miscellaneous statusFile.Complete = true; statusFile.IsReadOnly = true; statusFile.IsTemporary = false; statusFile.ReceivedTime = deployResult.StartTime; // keep it simple regardless of success or failure statusFile.LastSuccessEndTime = deployResult.EndTime; statusFile.Save(); if (deployResult.Current) { _status.ActiveDeploymentId = id; } var logger = new StructuredTextLogger(Path.Combine(path, DeploymentManager.TextLogFile), _analytics); ILogger innerLogger; if (deployResult.Status == DeployStatus.Success) { innerLogger = logger.Log("Deployment successful."); } else { innerLogger = logger.Log("Deployment failed.", LogEntryType.Error); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(details)) { innerLogger.Log(details); } return(Ok()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Deploy(DeployRequest model) { try { var gitHubClient = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue(client_id)); gitHubClient.Credentials = new Credentials(HttpContext.Session.GetString("githubtoken")); IReadOnlyList <RepositoryContent> contents = await gitHubClient.Repository.Content.GetAllContentsByRef(model.Username, model.Repo, model.ContractPath, model.Branch); String temp = Path.GetTempPath(); foreach (RepositoryContent content in contents.Where(c => c.Name.EndsWith(".sol"))) { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var stream = await client.GetStreamAsync(content.DownloadUrl); using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.Create(temp + content.Name)) using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { stream.CopyTo(fileStream); fileStream.Flush(); } } //String hash = CheckHash(temp + content.Name); } var solcLib = SolcLib.Create(""); var compiled = solcLib.Compile(temp + model.Contract + ".sol", outputSelection); var output = compiled.Contracts[temp + model.Contract + ".sol"][model.Contract]; DeployResult result = new DeployResult() { JSON = output.AbiJsonString, ABI = "", Bin = BitConverter.ToString(output.Evm.Bytecode.ObjectBytes).Replace("-", String.Empty) }; var account = new Wallet(model.Password, null).GetAccount(Convert.ToInt32(model.KeyFile)); var web3 = new Nethereum.Web3.Web3(account, model.Node); result.TxID = await web3.Eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(result.Bin, model.KeyFile, new Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger(model.Gas)); return(View(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); throw ex; } }
private static async Task AssertSuccessfulDeployment(ApplicationManager appManager, int timeoutSecs = 30) { DeployResult deployment = null; for (int i = 0; i < timeoutSecs; ++i) { deployment = await appManager.DeploymentManager.GetResultAsync("latest"); if (deployment.Status == DeployStatus.Success || deployment.Status == DeployStatus.Failed) { break; } await Task.Delay(1000); } Assert.Equal(DeployStatus.Success, deployment.Status); }
public DeployResult GetResult(string id) { using (_tracer.Step("DeploymentService.GetResult")) { DeployResult result = _deploymentManager.GetResult(id); if (result == null) { var response = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Error_DeploymentNotFound, id)); throw new HttpResponseException(response); } result.Url = Request.RequestUri; result.LogUrl = UriHelper.MakeRelative(Request.RequestUri, "log"); return(result); } }
/// <summary> /// 处理请求 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Task ProcessRequest(IOwinContext context) { Context = context; Response = context.Response; Request = context.Request; return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { try { ProcessRequest(); } catch (Exception ex) { DeployResult obj = new DeployResult { Success = false, Msg = ex.Message }; Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj)); } })); }
// private ILog _log; public IndexModule() { Get["/"] = _ => { var response = (Response)"Listening..."; response.ContentType = "text/plain"; return(response); }; Post["/", true] = async(x, ct) => { DeployResult result = await DoDeploy(x, ct); var response = (Response)result.Content; if (!result.Succeeded) { response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; } response.ContentType = "text/plain"; return(response); }; }
private void DoGitRedeploy(ApplicationManager appManager, string commitId, string verificationContent) { DeployResult result = null; try { appManager.DeploymentManager.DeployAsync(commitId).Wait(); var results = appManager.DeploymentManager.GetResultsAsync().Result.ToList(); result = results.Where(r => r.Id == commitId).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = string.Format("Redeploy operation failed for commit ID: {0}. Exception: {1}", commitId, ex.ToString()); throw new ApplicationException(msg); } if (result == null) { string msg = string.Format("Redeploy operation completed but expected commit Id was not deployed. Commit ID: {0}.", commitId); throw new ApplicationException(msg); } StressUtils.VerifySite(appManager.SiteUrl, verificationContent); }
private bool IsLatestPendingDeployment(HttpRequestMessage request, string id, out DeployResult pending, out DeployResult latest) { latest = null; if (string.Equals(Constants.LatestDeployment, id)) { if (ScmHostingConfigurations.GetLatestDeploymentOptimized && (ArmUtils.IsAzureResourceManagerUserAgent(request) || ArmUtils.IsVSTSDevOpsUserAgent(request)) && _deploymentLock.IsHeld) { pending = DeployResult.PendingResult; return(true); } using (_tracer.Step("DeploymentService.GetLatestDeployment")) { var results = _deploymentManager.GetResults(); pending = results.Where(r => r.Status != DeployStatus.Success && r.Status != DeployStatus.Failed).FirstOrDefault(); if (pending != null) { _tracer.Trace("Deployment {0} is {1}", pending.Id, pending.Status); return(true); } latest = results.Where(r => r.EndTime != null).OrderBy(r => r.EndTime.Value).LastOrDefault(); if (latest != null) { _tracer.Trace("Deployment {0} is {1} at {2}", latest.Id, latest.Status, latest.EndTime.Value.ToString("o")); } else { _tracer.Trace("Could not find latest deployment!"); } } } pending = null; return(false); }
internal void SetDetails(DeployResult deployResult) { InvokeInDeploymentOperationContext(() => { deployResult.Logs = DeploymentChannel.GetDeploymentLogs(deployResult.Id); }); }
private static DeployResult checkResultsOfDeploy(MetadataApiClientResponse response, string asyncId) { DeployResult result; checkDeployStatusResponse responseCheck; string debugLog = ""; ConsoleHelper.WriteDocLine("Request for a deploy submitted successfully."); ConsoleHelper.WriteDocLine("Request ID for the current deploy task: " + asyncId); ConsoleHelper.WriteDocLine("Waiting for server to finish processing the request..."); do { try{ responseCheck = MetadataApiCheckDeployService.checkDeployStatus(response.Metadataclient, asyncId); result = responseCheck.result; ConsoleHelper.WriteDocLine("Request Status: " + result.status); if (result.stateDetail != null) { ConsoleHelper.WriteDocLine(result.stateDetail); } if (responseCheck.DebuggingInfo != null) { debugLog = responseCheck.DebuggingInfo.debugLog; } if (result.status == DeployStatus.Failed) { if (result.details != null && result.details.componentFailures != null) { for (int i = 0; i < result.details.componentFailures.Length; i++) { DeployMessage message = result.details.componentFailures[i]; ConsoleHelper.WriteErrorLine((i + 1) + ": " + message.componentType + " " + message.fullName + " line " + message.lineNumber + " - " + message.problem); } } if (result.details != null && result.details.runTestResult != null) { if (result.details.runTestResult.failures != null) { for (int i = 0; i < result.details.runTestResult.failures.Length; i++) { RunTestFailure errorTest = result.details.runTestResult.failures[i]; ConsoleHelper.WriteErrorLine((i + 1) + ": " + + " - " + errorTest.methodName + " - " + errorTest.message + " - " + errorTest.stackTrace); } } if (result.details.runTestResult.codeCoverageWarnings != null) { for (int i = 0; i < result.details.runTestResult.codeCoverageWarnings.Length; i++) { CodeCoverageWarning errorTest = result.details.runTestResult.codeCoverageWarnings[i]; ConsoleHelper.WriteErrorLine((i + 1) + ": " + + " - " + errorTest.message); } } } if (result.status == DeployStatus.Failed) { if (result.errorMessage != null) { ConsoleHelper.WriteErrorLine(result.errorMessage); } } } }catch (Exception e) { result = new DeployResult(); ConsoleHelper.WriteErrorLine(e.Message); } Thread.Sleep(2000); if (result.status == DeployStatus.Failed) { throw new Exception(); } } while (!result.done); //.WriteDocLine(debugLog); return(result); }
public void RestoresDeploymentForSlot() { string slot = "staging"; // Setup var site1 = new Site { Name = "website1", WebSpace = "webspace1", SiteProperties = new SiteProperties { Properties = new List <NameValuePair> { new NameValuePair { Name = "repositoryuri", Value = "http" }, new NameValuePair { Name = "PublishingUsername", Value = "user1" }, new NameValuePair { Name = "PublishingPassword", Value = "password1" } } } }; var clientMock = new Mock <IWebsitesClient>(); clientMock.Setup(c => c.ListWebSpaces()) .Returns(new[] { new WebSpace { Name = "webspace1" }, new WebSpace { Name = "webspace2" } }); clientMock.Setup(c => c.GetWebsite("website1", slot)) .Returns(site1); SimpleDeploymentServiceManagement deploymentChannel = new SimpleDeploymentServiceManagement(); var deployments = new List <DeployResult> { new DeployResult { Id = "id1", Current = false }, new DeployResult { Id = "id2", Current = true } }; deploymentChannel.GetDeploymentsThunk = ar => deployments; deploymentChannel.DeployThunk = ar => { // Keep track of currently deployed id DeployResult newDeployment = deployments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id.Equals(ar.Values["commitId"])); if (newDeployment != null) { // Make all inactive deployments.ForEach(d => d.Complete = false); // Set new to active newDeployment.Complete = true; } }; // Test RestoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand = new RestoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand(deploymentChannel) { Name = "website1", CommitId = "id2", ShareChannel = true, WebsitesClient = clientMock.Object, CommandRuntime = new MockCommandRuntime(), CurrentSubscription = new WindowsAzureSubscription { SubscriptionId = base.subscriptionId }, Slot = slot }; restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.ExecuteCmdlet(); Assert.AreEqual(1, ((MockCommandRuntime)restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.CommandRuntime).OutputPipeline.Count); var responseDeployments = (IEnumerable <DeployResult>)((MockCommandRuntime)restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.CommandRuntime).OutputPipeline.FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(responseDeployments); Assert.AreEqual(2, responseDeployments.Count()); Assert.IsTrue(responseDeployments.Any(d => d.Id.Equals("id2") && d.Complete)); Assert.IsTrue(responseDeployments.Any(d => d.Id.Equals("id1") && !d.Complete)); // Change active deployment to id1 restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand = new RestoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand(deploymentChannel) { Name = "website1", CommitId = "id1", ShareChannel = true, WebsitesClient = clientMock.Object, CommandRuntime = new MockCommandRuntime(), CurrentSubscription = new WindowsAzureSubscription { SubscriptionId = base.subscriptionId }, Slot = slot }; restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.ExecuteCmdlet(); Assert.AreEqual(1, ((MockCommandRuntime)restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.CommandRuntime).OutputPipeline.Count); responseDeployments = (IEnumerable <DeployResult>)((MockCommandRuntime)restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.CommandRuntime).OutputPipeline.FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(responseDeployments); Assert.AreEqual(2, responseDeployments.Count()); Assert.IsTrue(responseDeployments.Any(d => d.Id.Equals("id1") && d.Complete)); Assert.IsTrue(responseDeployments.Any(d => d.Id.Equals("id2") && !d.Complete)); }
private async Task <HttpResponseMessage> PushDeployAsync(ArtifactDeploymentInfo deploymentInfo, bool isAsync, JObject requestObject = null, ArtifactType artifactType = ArtifactType.Zip) { var content = Request.Content; var isRequestJSON = content.Headers?.ContentType?.MediaType?.Equals("application/json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (isRequestJSON == true) { try { // Read the request body if it hasn't been read already if (requestObject == null) { requestObject = await Request.Content.ReadAsAsync <JObject>(); } deploymentInfo.RemoteURL = ArmUtils.IsArmRequest(Request) ? GetArticfactURLFromARMJSON(requestObject) : GetArtifactURLFromJSON(requestObject); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ArmUtils.CreateErrorResponse(Request, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex)); } } // For zip artifacts (zipdeploy, wardeploy, onedeploy with type=zip), copy the request body in a temp zip file. // It will be extracted to the appropriate directory by the Fetch handler else if (artifactType == ArtifactType.Zip) { await _deploymentLock.LockHttpOperationAsync(async() => { if (_settings.RunFromLocalZip()) { await WriteSitePackageZip(deploymentInfo, _tracer, Request.Content); } else { var zipFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName(), "zip"); var zipFilePath = Path.Combine(_environment.ZipTempPath, zipFileName); using (_tracer.Step("Saving request content to {0}", zipFilePath)) { await content.CopyToAsync(zipFilePath, _tracer); } deploymentInfo.RepositoryUrl = zipFilePath; } }, "Preparing zip package"); } // Copy the request body to a temp file. // It will be moved to the appropriate directory by the Fetch handler else if (deploymentInfo.Deployer == Constants.OneDeploy) { await _deploymentLock.LockHttpOperationAsync(async() => { var artifactTempPath = Path.Combine(_environment.ZipTempPath, deploymentInfo.TargetFileName); using (_tracer.Step("Saving request content to {0}", artifactTempPath)) { await content.CopyToAsync(artifactTempPath, _tracer); } deploymentInfo.RepositoryUrl = artifactTempPath; }, "Preparing zip package"); } isAsync = ArmUtils.IsArmRequest(Request) ? true : isAsync; var result = await _deploymentManager.FetchDeploy(deploymentInfo, isAsync, Request.GetRequestUri(), "HEAD"); var response = Request.CreateResponse(); switch (result) { case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.RunningAynschronously: if (ArmUtils.IsArmRequest(Request)) { DeployResult deployResult = new DeployResult(); response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(deployResult, Request)); string statusURL = GetStatusUrl(Request.Headers.Referrer ?? Request.RequestUri); // Should not happen: If we couldn't make the URL, there must have been an error in the request if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusURL)) { var badResponse = Request.CreateResponse(); badResponse.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; return(badResponse); } // latest deployment keyword reserved to poll till deployment done response.Headers.Location = new Uri(statusURL + String.Format("/deployments/{0}?api-version=2018-02-01&deployer={1}&time={2}", Constants.LatestDeployment, deploymentInfo.Deployer, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ssZ"))); response.Headers.RetryAfter = new RetryConditionHeaderValue(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ScmHostingConfigurations.ArmRetryAfterSeconds)); } else if (isAsync) { // latest deployment keyword reserved to poll till deployment done response.Headers.Location = new Uri(Request.GetRequestUri(), String.Format("/api/deployments/{0}?deployer={1}&time={2}", Constants.LatestDeployment, deploymentInfo.Deployer, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ssZ"))); response.Headers.RetryAfter = new RetryConditionHeaderValue(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ScmHostingConfigurations.ArmRetryAfterSeconds)); } response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Accepted; break; case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.ForbiddenScmDisabled: // Should never hit this for zip push deploy response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Forbidden; _tracer.Trace("Scm is not enabled, reject all requests."); break; case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.ConflictAutoSwapOngoing: response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Conflict; response.Content = new StringContent(Resources.Error_AutoSwapDeploymentOngoing); break; case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.Pending: // Shouldn't happen here, as we disallow deferral for this use case response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Accepted; break; case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.RanSynchronously: response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK; break; case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.ConflictDeploymentInProgress: response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Conflict; response.Content = new StringContent(Resources.Error_DeploymentInProgress); break; case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.ConflictRunFromRemoteZipConfigured: response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Conflict; response.Content = new StringContent(Resources.Error_RunFromRemoteZipConfigured); break; default: response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; break; } return(response); }
public bool TryParseDeployResult(string id, JObject payload, out DeployResult deployResult) { deployResult = null; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id) || payload == null) { return(false); } var status = payload.Value <int?>("status"); if (status == null || (status.Value != 3 && status.Value != 4)) { return(false); } var message = payload.Value <string>("message"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { return(false); } var deployer = payload.Value <string>("deployer"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(deployer)) { return(false); } var author = payload.Value <string>("author"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(author)) { return(false); } deployResult = new DeployResult { Id = id, Status = (DeployStatus)status.Value, Message = message, Deployer = deployer, Author = author }; // optionals var now = DateTime.UtcNow; deployResult.AuthorEmail = payload.Value <string>("author_email"); deployResult.StartTime = payload.Value <DateTime?>("start_time") ?? now; deployResult.EndTime = payload.Value <DateTime?>("end_time") ?? now; // only success status can be active var active = payload.Value <bool?>("active"); if (active == null) { deployResult.Current = deployResult.Status == DeployStatus.Success; } else { if (active.Value && deployResult.Status != DeployStatus.Success) { throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Only successful status can be active!")); } deployResult.Current = active.Value; } return(true); }
protected override async Task <IActionResult> CreateFileDeleteResponse(FileInfoBase info) { IActionResult result; if (!PrepareBranch(true, out result)) { return(result); } result = await base.CreateFileDeleteResponse(info); // Get the query parameters QueryParameters parameters = new QueryParameters(this.Request); // Commit to local branch _repository.Commit(parameters.Message, authorName: null, emailAddress: null); bool rebasing = false; try { // Only rebase if VFS branch isn't up-to-date already if (!_repository.DoesBranchContainCommit(VfsUpdateBranch, MasterBranch)) { // Rebase to get updates from master while checking whether we get a conflict rebasing = true; _repository.Rebase(MasterBranch); } // Switch content back to master _repository.UpdateRef(VfsUpdateBranch); } catch (CommandLineException commandLineException) { Tracer.TraceError(commandLineException); // Abort the ongoing rebase operation try { if (rebasing) { _repository.RebaseAbort(); } } finally { _repository.Update(); } // The rebase resulted in a conflict. return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict, commandLineException)); } // Get current commit ID string currentId = _repository.CurrentId; // Deploy changes unless request indicated to not deploy if (!parameters.NoDeploy) { DeployResult deployResult = await DeployChangesAsync(currentId); if (deployResult != null && deployResult.Status != DeployStatus.Success) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, RS.Format(Resources.VfsScmController_DeploymentError, deployResult.StatusText))); } } // Delete succeeded. We add the etag as is has been updated as a result of the delete // This allows a client to keep track of the latest etag even for deletes. Response.GetTypedHeaders().ETag = CreateEtag(currentId); return(result); }
protected override async Task <IActionResult> CreateItemPutResponse(FileSystemInfoBase info, string localFilePath, bool itemExists) { // If repository is empty then there is no commit id and no master branch so we don't create any branch; we just init the repo. if (_currentEtag != null) { if (!PrepareBranch(itemExists, out IActionResult errorResponse)) { return(errorResponse); } } else { // Initialize or re-initialize repository _repository.Initialize(); } // Save file try { // Get the query parameters QueryParameters parameters = new QueryParameters(this.Request); using (Stream fileStream = GetFileWriteStream(localFilePath, fileExists: itemExists)) { try { await Request.Body.CopyToAsync(fileStream); } catch (Exception ex) { Tracer.TraceError(ex); return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict, RS.Format(Resources.VfsController_WriteConflict, localFilePath, ex.Message))); } } // Use to track whether our rebase applied updates from master. bool updateBranchIsUpToDate = true; // Commit to local branch bool commitResult = _repository.Commit(parameters.Message, authorName: null, emailAddress: null); if (!commitResult) { // TODO this is janky here, we return an actionresult but set the etag on the response directly Response.GetTypedHeaders().ETag = CreateEtag(_repository.CurrentId); return(NoContent()); } bool rebasing = false; if (_currentEtag != null) { try { // Only rebase if VFS branch isn't up-to-date already if (!_repository.DoesBranchContainCommit(VfsUpdateBranch, MasterBranch)) { // Rebase to get updates from master while checking whether we get a conflict rebasing = true; updateBranchIsUpToDate = _repository.Rebase(MasterBranch); } // Switch content back to master _repository.UpdateRef(VfsUpdateBranch); } catch (CommandLineException commandLineException) { Tracer.TraceError(commandLineException); if (rebasing) { // The rebase resulted in a conflict. We send the conflicted version to the client so that the user // can see the conflicts and resubmit. _cleanupRebaseConflict = true; // CORE TODO not sure this works; I'm not sure you can set StatusCode for a File result Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status409Conflict; _readStream = new RepositoryItemStream(this, GetFileReadStream(localFilePath)); // CORE TODO make sure mediatype.tostring works as intended here return(File(_readStream, _conflictMediaType.ToString())); //HttpResponseMessage conflictResponse = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict); //_readStream = new RepositoryItemStream(this, GetFileReadStream(localFilePath)); //conflictResponse.Content = new StreamContent(_readStream, BufferSize); //conflictResponse.Content.Headers.ContentType = _conflictMediaType; //return conflictResponse; } else { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, RS.Format(Resources.VfsScmUpdate_Error, commandLineException.Message))); } } } // If item does not already exist then we return 201 Created. Otherwise, as a successful commit could result // in a non-conflicting merge we send back the committed version so that a client // can get the latest bits. This means we use a 200 OK response instead of a 204 response. IActionResult successFileResponse = null; if (itemExists) { if (updateBranchIsUpToDate) { successFileResponse = NoContent(); } else { _readStream = new RepositoryItemStream(this, GetFileReadStream(localFilePath)); successFileResponse = File(_readStream, MediaTypeMap.GetMediaType(info.Extension).ToString()); } } else { successFileResponse = StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status201Created); } // Get current commit ID string currentId = _repository.CurrentId; // Deploy changes unless request indicated to not deploy if (!parameters.NoDeploy) { DeployResult result = await DeployChangesAsync(currentId); if (result != null && result.Status != DeployStatus.Success) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, RS.Format(Resources.VfsScmController_DeploymentError, result.StatusText))); } } // Set updated etag for the file Response.GetTypedHeaders().ETag = CreateEtag(currentId); return(successFileResponse); } catch (Exception ex) { Tracer.TraceError(ex); return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict, RS.Format(Resources.VfsController_WriteConflict, localFilePath, ex.Message))); } }
public void RestoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentTest() { // Setup var site1 = new Site { Name = "website1", WebSpace = "webspace1", SiteProperties = new SiteProperties { Properties = new List <NameValuePair> { new NameValuePair { Name = "repositoryuri", Value = "http" }, new NameValuePair { Name = "PublishingUsername", Value = "user1" }, new NameValuePair { Name = "PublishingPassword", Value = "password1" } } } }; var clientMock = new Mock <IWebsitesClient>(); clientMock.Setup(c => c.ListWebSpaces()) .Returns(new[] { new WebSpace { Name = "webspace1" }, new WebSpace { Name = "webspace2" } }); clientMock.Setup(c => c.GetWebsite("website1", null)) .Returns(site1); SimpleDeploymentServiceManagement deploymentChannel = new SimpleDeploymentServiceManagement(); var deployments = new List <DeployResult> { new DeployResult { Id = "id1", Current = false }, new DeployResult { Id = "id2", Current = true } }; deploymentChannel.GetDeploymentsThunk = ar => deployments; deploymentChannel.DeployThunk = ar => { // Keep track of currently deployed id DeployResult newDeployment = deployments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id.Equals(ar.Values["commitId"])); if (newDeployment != null) { // Make all inactive deployments.ForEach(d => d.Complete = false); // Set new to active newDeployment.Complete = true; } }; // Test RestoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand = new RestoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand(deploymentChannel) { Name = "website1", CommitId = "id2", ShareChannel = true, WebsitesClient = clientMock.Object, CommandRuntime = new MockCommandRuntime(), }; currentProfile = new AzureSMProfile(); var subscription = new AzureSubscription { Id = new Guid(base.subscriptionId) }; subscription.Properties[AzureSubscription.Property.Default] = "True"; currentProfile.Subscriptions[new Guid(base.subscriptionId)] = subscription; restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.ExecuteCmdlet(); var responseDeployments = System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives.GetEnumerable(((MockCommandRuntime)restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.CommandRuntime).OutputPipeline).Cast <DeployResult>(); Assert.NotNull(responseDeployments); Assert.Equal(2, responseDeployments.Count()); Assert.True(responseDeployments.Any(d => d.Id.Equals("id2") && d.Complete)); Assert.True(responseDeployments.Any(d => d.Id.Equals("id1") && !d.Complete)); // Change active deployment to id1 restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand = new RestoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand(deploymentChannel) { Name = "website1", CommitId = "id1", ShareChannel = true, WebsitesClient = clientMock.Object, CommandRuntime = new MockCommandRuntime(), }; currentProfile = new AzureSMProfile(); subscription = new AzureSubscription { Id = new Guid(base.subscriptionId) }; subscription.Properties[AzureSubscription.Property.Default] = "True"; currentProfile.Subscriptions[new Guid(base.subscriptionId)] = subscription; restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.ExecuteCmdlet(); responseDeployments = System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives.GetEnumerable(((MockCommandRuntime)restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.CommandRuntime).OutputPipeline).Cast <DeployResult>(); Assert.NotNull(responseDeployments); Assert.Equal(2, responseDeployments.Count()); Assert.True(responseDeployments.Any(d => d.Id.Equals("id1") && d.Complete)); Assert.True(responseDeployments.Any(d => d.Id.Equals("id2") && !d.Complete)); }
private async Task <HttpResponseMessage> PushDeployAsync(ZipDeploymentInfo deploymentInfo, bool isAsync) { var content = Request.Content; var isRequestJSON = content.Headers?.ContentType?.MediaType?.Equals("application/json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (isRequestJSON == true) { try { var requestObject = await Request.Content.ReadAsAsync <JObject>(); deploymentInfo.ZipURL = ArmUtils.IsArmRequest(Request) ? GetZipURLFromARMJSON(requestObject) : GetZipURLFromJSON(requestObject); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ArmUtils.CreateErrorResponse(Request, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex)); } } else { if (_settings.RunFromLocalZip()) { await WriteSitePackageZip(deploymentInfo, _tracer, Request.Content); } else { var zipFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName(), "zip"); var zipFilePath = Path.Combine(_environment.ZipTempPath, zipFileName); using (_tracer.Step("Saving request content to {0}", zipFilePath)) { await content.CopyToAsync(zipFilePath, _tracer); } deploymentInfo.RepositoryUrl = zipFilePath; } } isAsync = ArmUtils.IsArmRequest(Request) ? true : isAsync; var result = await _deploymentManager.FetchDeploy(deploymentInfo, isAsync, UriHelper.GetRequestUri(Request), "HEAD"); var response = Request.CreateResponse(); switch (result) { case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.RunningAynschronously: if (ArmUtils.IsArmRequest(Request)) { DeployResult deployResult = new DeployResult(); response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, ArmUtils.AddEnvelopeOnArmRequest(deployResult, Request)); string statusURL = GetStatusUrl(); // Should not happen: If we couldn't make the URL, there must have been an error in the request if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusURL)) { var badResponse = Request.CreateResponse(); badResponse.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; return(badResponse); } // latest deployment keyword reserved to poll till deployment done response.Headers.Location = new Uri(statusURL + String.Format("/deployments/{0}?api-version=2018-02-01&deployer={1}&time={2}", Constants.LatestDeployment, deploymentInfo.Deployer, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ssZ"))); } else if (isAsync) { // latest deployment keyword reserved to poll till deployment done response.Headers.Location = new Uri(UriHelper.GetRequestUri(Request), String.Format("/api/deployments/{0}?deployer={1}&time={2}", Constants.LatestDeployment, deploymentInfo.Deployer, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ssZ"))); } response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Accepted; break; case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.ForbiddenScmDisabled: // Should never hit this for zip push deploy response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Forbidden; _tracer.Trace("Scm is not enabled, reject all requests."); break; case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.ConflictAutoSwapOngoing: response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Conflict; response.Content = new StringContent(Resources.Error_AutoSwapDeploymentOngoing); break; case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.Pending: // Shouldn't happen here, as we disallow deferral for this use case response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Accepted; break; case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.RanSynchronously: response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK; break; case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.ConflictDeploymentInProgress: response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Conflict; response.Content = new StringContent(Resources.Error_DeploymentInProgress); break; case FetchDeploymentRequestResult.ConflictRunFromRemoteZipConfigured: response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Conflict; response.Content = new StringContent(Resources.Error_RunFromRemoteZipConfigured); break; default: response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; break; } return(response); }
public void RestoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentTest() { // Setup SimpleWebsitesManagement channel = new SimpleWebsitesManagement(); channel.GetWebSpacesThunk = ar => new WebSpaces(new List <WebSpace> { new WebSpace { Name = "webspace1" }, new WebSpace { Name = "webspace2" } }); channel.GetSitesThunk = ar => { if (ar.Values["webspaceName"].Equals("webspace1")) { return(new Sites(new List <Site> { new Site { Name = "website1", WebSpace = "webspace1", SiteProperties = new SiteProperties { Properties = new List <NameValuePair> { new NameValuePair { Name = "repositoryuri", Value = "http" }, new NameValuePair { Name = "PublishingUsername", Value = "user1" }, new NameValuePair { Name = "PublishingPassword", Value = "password1" } } } } })); } return(new Sites(new List <Site> { new Site { Name = "website2", WebSpace = "webspace2" } })); }; SimpleDeploymentServiceManagement deploymentChannel = new SimpleDeploymentServiceManagement(); var deployments = new List <DeployResult> { new DeployResult { Id = "id1", Current = false }, new DeployResult { Id = "id2", Current = true } }; deploymentChannel.GetDeploymentsThunk = ar => deployments; deploymentChannel.DeployThunk = ar => { // Keep track of currently deployed id DeployResult newDeployment = deployments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id.Equals(ar.Values["commitId"])); if (newDeployment != null) { // Make all inactive deployments.ForEach(d => d.Complete = false); // Set new to active newDeployment.Complete = true; } }; // Test RestoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand = new RestoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand(channel, deploymentChannel) { Name = "website1", CommitId = "id2", ShareChannel = true, CommandRuntime = new MockCommandRuntime(), CurrentSubscription = new SubscriptionData { SubscriptionId = base.subscriptionId } }; restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.ExecuteCmdlet(); Assert.AreEqual(1, ((MockCommandRuntime)restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.CommandRuntime).OutputPipeline.Count); var responseDeployments = (IEnumerable <DeployResult>)((MockCommandRuntime)restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.CommandRuntime).OutputPipeline.FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(responseDeployments); Assert.AreEqual(2, responseDeployments.Count()); Assert.IsTrue(responseDeployments.Any(d => d.Id.Equals("id2") && d.Complete)); Assert.IsTrue(responseDeployments.Any(d => d.Id.Equals("id1") && !d.Complete)); // Change active deployment to id1 restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand = new RestoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand(channel, deploymentChannel) { Name = "website1", CommitId = "id1", ShareChannel = true, CommandRuntime = new MockCommandRuntime(), CurrentSubscription = new SubscriptionData { SubscriptionId = base.subscriptionId } }; restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.ExecuteCmdlet(); Assert.AreEqual(1, ((MockCommandRuntime)restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.CommandRuntime).OutputPipeline.Count); responseDeployments = (IEnumerable <DeployResult>)((MockCommandRuntime)restoreAzureWebsiteDeploymentCommand.CommandRuntime).OutputPipeline.FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(responseDeployments); Assert.AreEqual(2, responseDeployments.Count()); Assert.IsTrue(responseDeployments.Any(d => d.Id.Equals("id1") && d.Complete)); Assert.IsTrue(responseDeployments.Any(d => d.Id.Equals("id2") && !d.Complete)); }
protected override async Task <HttpResponseMessage> CreateItemPutResponse(FileSystemInfo info, string localFilePath, bool itemExists) { // If repository is empty then there is no commit id and no master branch so we don't create any branch; we just init the repo. if (_currentEtag != null) { HttpResponseMessage errorResponse; if (!PrepareBranch(itemExists, out errorResponse)) { return(errorResponse); } } else { // Initialize or re-initialize repository _repository.Initialize(); } // Save file try { using (Stream fileStream = GetFileWriteStream(localFilePath, fileExists: itemExists)) { try { await Request.Content.CopyToAsync(fileStream); } catch (Exception ex) { Tracer.TraceError(ex); HttpResponseMessage conflictResponse = Request.CreateErrorResponse( HttpStatusCode.Conflict, RS.Format(Resources.VfsController_WriteConflict, localFilePath), ex); return(conflictResponse); } } // Use to track whether our rebase applied updates from master. bool updateBranchIsUpToDate = false; // Commit to local branch bool commitResult = _repository.Commit(String.Format("Committing update from request {0}", Request.RequestUri), authorName: null); if (!commitResult) { HttpResponseMessage noChangeResponse = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent); noChangeResponse.Headers.ETag = CreateEtag(_repository.CurrentId); return(noChangeResponse); } if (_currentEtag != null) { try { // Rebase to get updates from master while checking whether we get a conflict updateBranchIsUpToDate = _repository.Rebase(MasterBranch); // Switch content back to master _repository.UpdateRef(VfsUpdateBranch); } catch (CommandLineException commandLineException) { Tracer.TraceError(commandLineException); // The rebase resulted in a conflict. We send the conflicted version to the client so that the user // can see the conflicts and resubmit. _cleanupRebaseConflict = true; HttpResponseMessage conflictResponse = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict); _readStream = new RepositoryItemStream(this, GetFileReadStream(localFilePath)); conflictResponse.Content = new StreamContent(_readStream, BufferSize); conflictResponse.Content.Headers.ContentType = _conflictMediaType; return(conflictResponse); } } // If item does not already exist then we return 201 Created. Otherwise, as a successful commit could result // in a non-conflicting merge we send back the committed version so that a client // can get the latest bits. This means we use a 200 OK response instead of a 204 response. HttpResponseMessage successFileResponse = null; if (itemExists) { if (updateBranchIsUpToDate) { successFileResponse = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent); } else { successFileResponse = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); _readStream = new RepositoryItemStream(this, GetFileReadStream(localFilePath)); successFileResponse.Content = new StreamContent(_readStream, BufferSize); successFileResponse.Content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeMap.GetMediaType(info.Extension); } } else { successFileResponse = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created); } // Deploy changes DeployResult result = DeployChanges(); if (result != null && result.Status != DeployStatus.Success) { HttpResponseMessage deploymentErrorResponse = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, RS.Format(Resources.VfsScmController_DeploymentError, result.StatusText)); return(deploymentErrorResponse); } // Set updated etag for the file successFileResponse.Headers.ETag = CreateEtag(_repository.CurrentId); return(successFileResponse); } catch (Exception e) { Tracer.TraceError(e); HttpResponseMessage errorResponse = Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, RS.Format(Resources.VfsController_WriteConflict, localFilePath), e); return(errorResponse); } }