private void btnProdSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ViewProductForm searchProd = new ViewProductForm();


            IProductUtility prodUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetProductsUtility();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtProductSearch.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Product Search value required."); return;

            //good search
            List <Product> prodSearchResults = prodUtil.ProductSearch(txtProductSearch.Text);

            List <ProductViewModel> psVMCollection = new List <ProductViewModel>();

            foreach (Product prodDTO in prodSearchResults)
                //create new view model object
                ProductViewModel psVM = new ProductViewModel(prodDTO);

                //add to psVMVollection collection

            //datasource grid view
            dgvProductSearch.DataSource = null;
            dgvProductSearch.DataSource = psVMCollection;
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Customer object
            //Copy the values from the textbox into the new customer object
            Customer custToUpdate = new Customer()
                FirstName    = txtFName.Text,
                MiddleName   = txtMName.Text,
                LastName     = txtLName.Text,
                EmailAddress = txtEmail.Text,
                CompanyName  = txtCompName.Text,
                SalesPerson  = txtSalesPerson.Text,
                Phone        = txtPhone.Text,
                Suffix       = txtSuffix.Text,
                CustomerID   =

            ICustomerUtility custUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetCustomerUtility();

            catch (Exception ex)
                //Error Handling*
            //Close the form
Esempio n. 3
        private void btnAddCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Customer object
            Customer custToAdd = new Customer()
                FirstName    = txtFName.Text,
                MiddleName   = txtMName.Text,
                LastName     = txtLName.Text,
                EmailAddress = txtEmail.Text,
                CompanyName  = txtCompName.Text,
                SalesPerson  = txtSalesPerson.Text,
                Phone        = txtPhone.Text,
                Suffix       = txtSuffix.Text,
                PasswordHash = txtPassHash.Text,
                PasswordSalt = txtPassSalt.Text

            ICustomerUtility custUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetCustomerUtility();

            catch (Exception ex)
                //Error Handling*
            //Close the form
Esempio n. 4
        private void btnAddProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Validate ListPrice, StandardCost and Weight as numbers
            decimal newLP;     //New ListPrice
            decimal newSC;     //New StandardCost
            decimal newWeight; //New Weight

            if (!decimal.TryParse(txtListPrice.Text, out newLP))
                MessageBox.Show("Standard Cost must be a valid number. $0.00");
                return; //Exit the event handler
            if (!decimal.TryParse(txtStandardCost.Text, out newSC))
                MessageBox.Show("List Price must be a valid number. $0.00");
                return; //Exit the event handler
            if (!decimal.TryParse(txtListPrice.Text, out newWeight))
                MessageBox.Show("Weight must be a valid number.");
                return; //Exit the event handler
            //Product object
            Product prodToAdd = new Product()
                ProductNumber = txtProdNumber.Text,
                Name          = txtProdName.Text,
                Color         = txtColor.Text,
                ListPrice     = newLP,
                Weight        = newWeight,
                Size          = txtSize.Text,
                StandardCost  = newSC,
                SellStartDate = dtpStartDate.Value,
                ModifiedDate  = DateTime.Now

            IProductUtility prodUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetProductsUtility();

            catch (Exception ex)
                //Error Handling*
            //Close the form
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Validate UnitPrice as Number
            decimal newLP; //new UnitPrice
            decimal newSC;
            decimal newWeight;

            if (!decimal.TryParse(txtListPrice.Text, out newLP))
                MessageBox.Show("Unit Price must be a valid number, $0.00");
                return; //Exit the event handler
            if (!decimal.TryParse(txtStandardPrice.Text, out newSC))
                MessageBox.Show("Standard Cost must be a valid number, $0.00");
                return; //Exit the event handler
            if (!decimal.TryParse(txtWeight.Text, out newWeight))
                MessageBox.Show("Weight must be a valid number.");
                return; //Exit the event handler

            //Product object
            //Copy the values from the textbox into the new product object
            Product prodToUpdate = new Product()
                ListPrice     = newLP,
                Name          = txtName.Text,
                StandardCost  = newSC,
                Weight        = newWeight,
                Color         = txtColor.Text,
                SellStartDate = dtpProdUpdate.Value,
                SellEndDate   = dtpSellEndDate.Value,
                ProductID     =

            IProductUtility invUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetProductsUtility();

            catch (Exception ex)
                //Error Handling*
            //Close the form
        private void CustomerUpdateForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Customer    customer;
            FullAddress fulladdress;

            //Load Customer
            ICustomerUtility customerUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetCustomerUtility();

            customer = customerUtil.GetCustomers(id);

            //Populate the form
            txtFName.Text       = customer.FirstName;
            txtMName.Text       = customer.MiddleName;
            txtLName.Text       = customer.LastName;
            txtEmail.Text       = customer.EmailAddress;
            txtCompName.Text    = customer.CompanyName;
            txtSalesPerson.Text = customer.SalesPerson;
            txtPhone.Text       = customer.Phone;
            txtSuffix.Text      = customer.Suffix;
            lblCustName.Text    = customer.FirstName + " " + customer.LastName;

            //Load address
            fulladdress = customerUtil.GetFullAddress(id);

            List <CustomerAddress> customeraddressList;
            List <string>          FullAddress = new List <string>();

            //Load customer address
            customeraddressList = customerUtil.GetCustomerAddress(id);

            //Populate groupbox
            if (customeraddressList != null)//As long as the customer in question has addresses
                //loop through list of customer address objects, pulling the AddressType property and adding it to the list
                foreach (CustomerAddress custadd in customeraddressList)
                    //add Addresstype to the list
            cbAddressType.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; //combobox read only
            cbAddressType.DataSource    = FullAddress;

            //Fill in groupbox labels
            lblAddressType.Text  = fulladdress.AddressType;
            lblAddressLine1.Text = fulladdress.AddressLine1;
            lblCityStateZip.Text = fulladdress.City + "," + " " + fulladdress.StateProvince + " " + fulladdress.PostalCode;
Esempio n. 7
        private void btnAddOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Decimal variables
            decimal newTax;
            decimal newFRT;
            int     newID;

            if (!decimal.TryParse(txtTaxAmt.Text, out newTax))
                MessageBox.Show("Tax Amount must be a valid number. $0.00");
                return; //Exit the event handler
            if (!decimal.TryParse(txtFreight.Text, out newFRT))
                MessageBox.Show("Freight must be a decimal number");
                return; //Exit the event handler
            if (!int.TryParse(txtCustID.Text, out newID))
                MessageBox.Show("ID must be a valid number");
                return; //Exit the event handler
            //Customer object
            Order orderToAdd = new Order()
                OrderDate  = dtpOrderDate.Value,
                DueDate    = dtpDueDate.Value,
                ShipMethod = txtShipMethod.Text,
                TaxAmt     = newTax,
                Freight    = newFRT,
                CustomerID = newID

            IOrderUtility orderUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetOrdersUtility();

            catch (Exception ex)
                //Error Handling*
            //Close the form
Esempio n. 8
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //decimal variables
            decimal udTax;
            decimal udFreight;

            if (!decimal.TryParse(txtTaxAmtUD.Text, out udTax))
                MessageBox.Show("Tax Amount must be a valid number. $0.00");
                return; //Exit the event handler
            if (!decimal.TryParse(txtFreightUD.Text, out udFreight))
                MessageBox.Show("Freight must be a decimal number");
                return; //Exit the event handler

            //Order object
            //Copy the values from the textbox into the new order object
            Order orderToUpdate = new Order()
                DueDate    = dtpDueDateUD.Value,
                OrderDate  = dtpOrderDateUD.Value,
                ShipMethod = txtShipMethodUD.Text,
                TaxAmt     = udTax,
                Freight    = udFreight,
                CustomerID =

            IOrderUtility orderUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetOrdersUtility();

            catch (Exception ex)
                //Error Handling*
            //Close the form
Esempio n. 9
        private void btnOrderSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Injector for both searches
            IOrderUtility orderUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetOrdersUtility();
            List <Order>  AllOrders = orderUtil.GetSalesOrder();

            string search = txtOrderSearch.Text;

            /*************************************Return all orders for blank search*******************************************/
            if (search == "")
                List <OrderSearchViewModel> osVMCollection = new List <OrderSearchViewModel>();

                foreach (Order OrderDTO in AllOrders)
                    //create new view model object
                    OrderSearchViewModel osVM = new OrderSearchViewModel(OrderDTO);

                    //add to pVMVollection collection
                //datasource grid view
                dgvOrderSearch.DataSource = null;
                dgvOrderSearch.DataSource = osVMCollection;
            /*************************************Return orders for GOOD search************************************************/
                int ordersearch = int.Parse(txtOrderSearch.Text);
                //good search
                List <Order> orderSearchResults = orderUtil.OrderSearch(ordersearch);

                List <OrderSearchViewModel> osNVMCollection = new List <OrderSearchViewModel>();
                foreach (Order ordersDTO in orderSearchResults)
                    //create new view model object
                    OrderSearchViewModel osVM = new OrderSearchViewModel(ordersDTO);

                    //add to psVMVollection collection
                dgvOrderSearch.DataSource = null;
                dgvOrderSearch.DataSource = osNVMCollection;
Esempio n. 10
        private void OrderUpdateForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Order order;

            //Load Order
            IOrderUtility orderUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetOrdersUtility();

            order = orderUtil.GetOrderList(id);

            //Populate the Form with the Order Data
            txtFreightUD.Text    = order.Freight.ToString();
            txtShipMethodUD.Text = order.ShipMethod;
            txtTaxAmtUD.Text     = order.TaxAmt.ToString();
            dtpDueDateUD.Value   = order.DueDate;
            dtpOrderDateUD.Value = order.OrderDate;
Esempio n. 11
        private void viewProductsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IProductUtility prodUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetProductsUtility();

            List <Product> AllCustomers = prodUtil.GetProductList();

            List <ProductViewModel> pVMCollection = new List <ProductViewModel>();

            foreach (Product ProductDTO in AllCustomers)
                //create new view model object
                ProductViewModel pVM = new ProductViewModel(ProductDTO);

                //add to pVMVollection collection

            //datasource grid view
            dgvViewProducts.DataSource = null;
            dgvViewProducts.DataSource = pVMCollection;
Esempio n. 12
        private void lnkChangePicture_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
            //Show dialog
            openFileDialog1.Filter          = "Image Files(*.BMP; *.JPG; *.GIF)| *.BMP; *.JPG; *.GIF | All files(*.*) | *.*";
            openFileDialog1.CheckFileExists = true;
            var dialogResult = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();

            //Verify a file was selected
            string filePath = string.Empty;

            if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                //Capture the file selected
                filePath = openFileDialog1.FileName;
                MessageBox.Show("No file selected");

            //Read stream place the data into a buffer
            byte[] buffer;
            using (FileStream fStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                buffer = new byte[fStream.Length];
                fStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            //Send the buffer, along with the product id to our Inventoryutility
            IProductUtility prodUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetProductsUtility();

            prodUtil.UpdateProductPicture(id, buffer);

            //Show new picture
Esempio n. 13
        private void ProductUpdateForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Product product;

            //Load Product
            IProductUtility prodUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetProductsUtility();

            product = prodUtil.GetProductList(id);

            //Populate the Form with the Product Data
            txtName.Text          = product.Name;
            txtListPrice.Text     = product.ListPrice.ToString();
            txtStandardPrice.Text = product.StandardCost.ToString();
            txtColor.Text         = product.Color;
            txtWeight.Text        = product.Weight.ToString();

            //Load picture
            if (product.ThumbNailPhoto != null)
Esempio n. 14
        private void buttonSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            flpProducts.Controls.Clear(); //removes existing controls

            IProductUtility prodUtil = DependencyInjectorUtility.GetProductsUtility();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtProductSearch.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Product Search value required."); return;

            //good search
            List <Product> prodSearchResults = prodUtil.ProductSearch(txtProductSearch.Text);

            List <ProductViewModel> psVMCollection = new List <ProductViewModel>();

            foreach (Product prodDTO in prodSearchResults)
                ucProdSearch puc = new ucProdSearch(prodDTO);
