Esempio n. 1
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Abort if some of the required dependencies are missing
            if (Dependencies.AreRequiredBinariesPresent(Constant.VersionUpdates.ApplicationName, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()) == false)

            // Check for updates at least once a day
            if (DateTime.Now.Year != this.State.MostRecentCheckForUpdates.Year ||
                DateTime.Now.Month != this.State.MostRecentCheckForUpdates.Month ||
                DateTime.Now.Day != this.State.MostRecentCheckForUpdates.Day)
                VersionChecks updater = new VersionChecks(this, Constant.VersionUpdates.ApplicationName, Constant.VersionUpdates.LatestVersionFileNameXML);
                this.State.MostRecentCheckForUpdates = DateTime.UtcNow;
            if (this.State.FirstTimeFileLoading)
                // Load the previously saved layout. If there is none, TryLoad will default to a reasonable layout and window size/position.
                this.State.FirstTimeFileLoading = false;

            if (!SystemStatus.CheckAndGetLangaugeAndCulture(out _, out _, out string displayname))
                this.HelpDocument.WarningRegionLanguage = displayname;

            // Add a context menu to the data controls that allows a user to restore default values to the current or selected file
            // I originally had this in the XAML, but for some reason it complains if put there.
            ContextMenu menuRestoreDefaults = new ContextMenu();
            //    Name = "MenuRestoreDefaults"
            MenuItem menuItemRestoreDefaults = new MenuItem();

            //    Header = "Restore default values for this file",
            //    ToolTip = "Restores the default values for all fields for this file excepting file paths and date/times"
            menuItemRestoreDefaults.Click += MenuItemRestoreDefaultValues_Click;
            menuRestoreDefaults.Opened    += this.MenuRestoreDefaults_Opened;
            this.DataEntryControls.ContextMenu = menuRestoreDefaults;

            this.DataEntryControlPanel.IsVisible = false;
            this.InstructionPane.IsActive        = true;
Esempio n. 2
        private async void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Abort if some of the required dependencies are missing
            if (Dependencies.AreRequiredBinariesPresent(Constant.VersionUpdates.ApplicationName, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()) == false)

            // Check for updates at least once a day
            if (DateTime.Now.Year != this.State.MostRecentCheckForUpdates.Year ||
                DateTime.Now.Month != this.State.MostRecentCheckForUpdates.Month ||
                DateTime.Now.Day != this.State.MostRecentCheckForUpdates.Day)
                VersionChecks updater = new VersionChecks(this, Constant.VersionUpdates.ApplicationName, Constant.VersionUpdates.LatestVersionFileNameXML);
                this.State.MostRecentCheckForUpdates = DateTime.Now;
            if (this.State.FirstTimeFileLoading)
                // Load the previously saved layout. If there is none, TryLoad will default to a reasonable layout and window size/position.
                this.State.FirstTimeFileLoading = false;

            if (!SystemStatus.CheckAndGetLangaugeAndCulture(out _, out _, out string displayname))
                this.HelpDocument.WarningRegionLanguage = displayname;

            // Add a context menu to the data controls that allows a user to restore default values to the current or selected file
            // I originally had this in the XAML, but for some reason it complains if put there.
            ContextMenu menuRestoreDefaults = new ContextMenu();
            //    Name = "MenuRestoreDefaults"
            MenuItem menuItemRestoreDefaults = new MenuItem();

            //    Header = "Restore default values for this file",
            //    ToolTip = "Restores the default values for all fields for this file excepting file paths and date/times"
            menuItemRestoreDefaults.Click += MenuItemRestoreDefaultValues_Click;
            menuRestoreDefaults.Opened    += this.MenuRestoreDefaults_Opened;
            this.DataEntryControls.ContextMenu = menuRestoreDefaults;

            if (this.Arguments.IsViewOnly)
                this.State.IsViewOnly = true;
                // Because its readonly, disable the data entry panel, the copy previous values button, the data entry panels' context menu etc.
                // Individual controls are disabled in the DataEntryX panel
                this.DataEntryControls.ContextMenu       = null;
                this.CopyPreviousValuesButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            this.DataEntryControlPanel.IsVisible = false;
            this.InstructionPane.IsActive        = true;

            if (false == String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Arguments.Template))
                if (File.Exists(this.Arguments.Template))
                    Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait;
                    this.StatusBar.SetMessage("Loading images, please wait...");
                    await this.TryOpenTemplateAndBeginLoadFoldersAsync(this.Arguments.Template).ConfigureAwait(true);

                    if (false == String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Arguments.RelativePath))
                        // Set and only use the relative path as a search term
                        if (null == this.DataHandler?.ImageCache?.Current)
                            await this.FilesSelectAndShowAsync(FileSelectionEnum.Folders).ConfigureAwait(true);  // Go to the first result (i.e., index 0) in the given selection set
                            await this.FilesSelectAndShowAsync(this.DataHandler.ImageCache.Current.ID, FileSelectionEnum.Folders).ConfigureAwait(true);  // Go to the first result (i.e., index 0) in the given selection set
                    this.StatusBar.SetMessage("Image set is now loaded.");
                    Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;

                    if (this.Arguments.ConstrainToRelativePath)
                        // Tell user that its a constrained relative path,
                        // Also, set the File menus so that users cannot close and reopen a new image set
                        // This is to avoid confusion as to how the user may mis-interpret the argument state given another image set
                        Dialogs.ArgumentRelativePathDialog(this, this.Arguments.RelativePath);
                        this.MenuItemExit.Header = "Close image set and exit Timelapse";
                        this.MenuFileCloseImageSet.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                    // We can't open the template. Show a message and ignore the arguments (by clearing them)
                    Dialogs.ArgumentTemplatePathDialog(this, this.Arguments.Template, this.Arguments.RelativePath);
                    this.Arguments = new DataStructures.Arguments(null);
            if (this.State.IsViewOnly)
            if (this.State.SuppressOpeningMessageDialog == false)