public static void demoRequirement6() { Console.WriteLine("Now demostrating requirement 6, Run Strong connected component analysis "); Console.WriteLine("This ssc analysis is based on tarjon algorithm"); Console.WriteLine("Now analysis the scc relation between pj3, This project 3 only contains 1 scc relation which is toker.cs and semi.cs"); DepAnalysis analyzer = new DepAnalysis(); analyzer.setpath(path); analyzer.analyze(); Dictionary <String, HashSet <String> > dep = analyzer.DependencyTable; StrongComponent scc = new StrongComponent(); scc.buildgraph(dep); List <List <String> > res = scc.tarjan(); foreach (List <String> list in res) { Console.Write("{"); foreach (String file in list) { Console.Write(" [" + file + "], "); } Console.WriteLine("}"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { DepAnalysis analyzer = new DepAnalysis(); analyzer.setpath("../../../"); analyzer.analyze(); Dictionary <String, HashSet <String> > dep = analyzer.DependencyTable; StrongComponent scc = new StrongComponent(); scc.buildgraph(dep); // scc.display(); List <List <String> > res = scc.tarjan(); foreach (List <String> list in res) { Console.Write("{"); foreach (String file in list) { Console.Write(" [" + file + "] "); } Console.WriteLine("}"); } foreach (CsNode <String, String> node in scc.graph.adjList) { Console.WriteLine(node.low_num); } }
public static void demoRequirement5() { Console.WriteLine("Now demostrating requirement 5, Run dependency analysis base on all the user-defined types"); Console.WriteLine("implemented rules and actions to detect user defined type" + "\n public class DetectClass : ARule" + "\n public class DetectEnum : ARule" + "\n public class DetectNamespace : ARule" + "\n public class DetectDelegate : ARule" + "\n public class DetectAlias : ARule" + "\n public class DetectFunction : ARule" + "\n\n And Also designed a facility to detect same type name that defined in different namespace"); Console.WriteLine("As a demostrating, I will run the analysis on this project dirtory,\n and all the .cs file under this dirtory and subdirtory will be analyzed"); Console.WriteLine("Run a dependency analysis and display the result"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); DepAnalysis depAnalyser = new DepAnalysis(); depAnalyser.setpath(path); // set path the the project3 dirtory; depAnalyser.analyze(); depAnalyser.display(); // calling the wraped function to run dependency analysis Console.WriteLine("finish demostrating requirement5"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n"); }
/*----< define how each message will be processed >------------*/ void initializeDispatcher() { //get top files Func <CommMessage, CommMessage> getTopFiles = (CommMessage msg) => { localFileMgr.currentPath = ""; CommMessage reply = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); = msg.from; reply.from =; reply.command = "getTopFiles"; reply.arguments = localFileMgr.getFiles().ToList <string>(); localFileMgr.pathStack.Clear(); return(reply); }; messageDispatcher["getTopFiles"] = getTopFiles; //get top dirs Func <CommMessage, CommMessage> getTopDirs = (CommMessage msg) => { localFileMgr.currentPath = ""; CommMessage reply = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); = msg.from; reply.from =; reply.command = "getTopDirs"; reply.arguments = localFileMgr.getDirs().ToList <string>(); localFileMgr.pathStack.Clear(); reply.arguments.Add(localFileMgr.currentPath); return(reply); }; messageDispatcher["getTopDirs"] = getTopDirs; //move into folder and get files Func <CommMessage, CommMessage> moveIntoFolderFiles = (CommMessage msg) => { if (msg.arguments.Count() == 1) { localFileMgr.currentPath = msg.arguments[0]; } CommMessage reply = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); = msg.from; reply.from =; reply.command = "moveIntoFolderFiles"; reply.arguments = localFileMgr.getFiles().ToList <string>(); return(reply); }; messageDispatcher["moveIntoFolderFiles"] = moveIntoFolderFiles; //move into dir and get dirs Func <CommMessage, CommMessage> moveIntoFolderDirs = (CommMessage msg) => { if (msg.arguments.Count() == 1) { localFileMgr.pathStack.Push(localFileMgr.currentPath); localFileMgr.currentPath = msg.arguments[0]; foreach (string s in localFileMgr.pathStack) { Console.WriteLine("the stack values are " + s); } } CommMessage reply = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); = msg.from; reply.from =; reply.command = "moveIntoFolderDirs"; reply.arguments = localFileMgr.getDirs().ToList <string>(); reply.arguments.Add(localFileMgr.currentPath); return(reply); }; messageDispatcher["moveIntoFolderDirs"] = moveIntoFolderDirs; //move into upper dir and get files and dirs Func <CommMessage, CommMessage> moveIntoUpFiles = (CommMessage msg) => { CommMessage reply = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); = msg.from; reply.from =; reply.command = "moveIntoUpFiles"; //localFileMgr.currentPath = localFileMgr.pathStack.Peek(); reply.arguments = localFileMgr.getFiles().ToList <string>(); return(reply); }; messageDispatcher["moveIntoUpFiles"] = moveIntoUpFiles; Func <CommMessage, CommMessage> moveIntoUpDirs = (CommMessage msg) => { CommMessage reply = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); = msg.from; reply.from =; reply.command = "moveIntoUpDirs"; foreach (string s in localFileMgr.pathStack) { Console.WriteLine("the stack values are " + s); } if (localFileMgr.pathStack.Count == 0) { localFileMgr.currentPath = ""; } else { localFileMgr.currentPath = localFileMgr.pathStack.Peek(); localFileMgr.pathStack.Pop(); } reply.arguments = localFileMgr.getDirs().ToList <string>(); reply.arguments.Add(localFileMgr.currentPath); return(reply); }; messageDispatcher["moveIntoUpDirs"] = moveIntoUpDirs; Func <CommMessage, CommMessage> getRemoteFiles = delegate(CommMessage msg){ CommMessage reply = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); = msg.from; reply.from =; reply.command = "getRemoteFiles"; string path = ServerEnvironment.root + msg.arguments[0]; try { string content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path); reply.arguments.Add(content); reply.arguments.Add(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(path)); } catch { Console.WriteLine(msg.arguments[0]); } return(reply); }; messageDispatcher["getRemoteFiles"] = getRemoteFiles; messageDispatcher["analyzeDependency"] = (CommMessage msg) => { CommMessage reply = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); reply.from =; = msg.from; reply.command = "analyzeDependency"; analyzer.setpath(ServerEnvironment.root + localFileMgr.currentPath); analyzer.analyze(); reply.dependecy = analyzer.DependencyTable; return(reply); }; messageDispatcher["strongComponent"] = (CommMessage msg) => { CommMessage reply = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); reply.from =; = msg.from; reply.command = "strongComponent"; StrongComponent strong = new StrongComponent(); strong.buildgraph(analyzer.DependencyTable); reply.strongComponent = strong.tarjan(); return(reply); }; // define delegate and put them into the dispatcher dictionary finishe }