Esempio n. 1
        public static bool TryFindRootWithJacobianStep(Func <Real[], Real[]> f,
                                                       Real[] initialGuess,
                                                       Real accuracy,
                                                       int maxIterations,
                                                       Real jacobianStepSize,
                                                       out Real[] root)
            DenseVector denseVector1 = new DenseVector(initialGuess);

            Real[]      numArray     = f(initialGuess);
            DenseVector denseVector2 = new DenseVector(numArray);
            Real        num1         = ToReal(denseVector2.L2Norm());

            Matrix <Real> approximateJacobian =
                Broyden.CalculateApproximateJacobian(f, initialGuess, numArray, jacobianStepSize);

            for (int index = 0; index <= maxIterations; ++index)
                DenseVector denseVector3 = (DenseVector)(-approximateJacobian.LU().Solve(denseVector2));
                DenseVector denseVector4 = denseVector1 + denseVector3;
                DenseVector denseVector5 = new DenseVector(f(denseVector4.Values));
                Real        num2         = ToReal(denseVector5.L2Norm());

                if (num2 > num1)
                    Real num3 = num1 * num1;
                    Real num4 = num3 / (num3 + num2 * num2);
                    if (num4 == 0.0)
                        num4 = ToReal(0.0001);
                    denseVector3 = num4 * denseVector3;
                    denseVector4 = denseVector1 + denseVector3;
                    denseVector5 = new DenseVector(f(denseVector4.Values));
                    num2         = ToReal(denseVector5.L2Norm());

                if (num2 < accuracy)
                    root = denseVector4.Values;


                Matrix <Real> matrix =
                    (denseVector5 - denseVector2 - approximateJacobian.Multiply(denseVector3)).ToColumnMatrix()
                    * denseVector3.Multiply(ToReal(1.0) / Math.Pow(ToReal(denseVector3.L2Norm()), ToReal(2.0)))

                approximateJacobian += matrix;
                denseVector1         = denseVector4;
                denseVector2         = denseVector5;
                num1 = num2;

            root = null;

Esempio n. 2
        public void SetLengthVectorTest()
            Vector <float> vec           = new DenseVector(new[] { 0f, 1f });
            float          desiredLength = 1000;

            VectorMath.SetLength(vec, desiredLength);
            Assert.AreEqual(desiredLength, vec.L2Norm());
        public static Vector <double> GradientDescentSplitStep(Vector <double> x0, double eps)
            Vector <Double> xCur = x0;
            Vector <double> grad = new DenseVector(2)
                [0] = Df_dx(x0[1], x0[1], eps / 10), //using vector x0 fill the grad by-coordinate
                [1] = Df_dy(x0[0], x0[1], eps / 10)

            double alpha     = 0.8 * eps;                           //eps/10
            var    xNext     = xCur - grad / grad.L2Norm() * alpha; //нормируем направление шага
            int    iteration = 1;

                #region Output
                Console.WriteLine($"Iter {iteration++}: ({xCur[0]}, {xCur[1]}) " + $"Grad: ({grad[0]}, {grad[1]}) " +
                                  $"||Grad||:{grad.L2Norm()} " +
                                  $"||xCur-xNext||:{(xCur - xNext).L2Norm()} " +
                                  $"|F(xCur) - F(xNext)|: {Math.Abs(F(xCur) - F(xNext))}");

                xCur = xNext;

                grad[0] = Df_dx(xCur[0], xCur[1], eps / 10);
                grad[1] = Df_dy(xCur[0], xCur[1], eps / 10);

                xNext = xCur - grad / grad.L2Norm() *
                        alpha; //вводим нормированный градиент; ненормированный используем для условия выхода
            } while (!((xCur - xNext).L2Norm() < eps && Math.Abs(F(xCur) - F(xNext)) < eps && grad.L2Norm() < eps));
            Console.WriteLine($"Iter {iteration}: ({xCur[0]}, {xCur[1]}) " + $"Grad: ({grad[0]}, {grad[1]}) " +
                              $"||Grad||:{grad.L2Norm()} " +
                              $"||xCur-xNext||:{(xCur - xNext).L2Norm()} " +
                              $"|F(xCur) - F(xNext)|: {Math.Abs(F(xCur) - F(xNext))}");
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>Find a solution of the equation f(x)=0.</summary>
        /// <param name="f">The function to find roots from.</param>
        /// <param name="initialGuess">Initial guess of the root.</param>
        /// <param name="accuracy">Desired accuracy. The root will be refined until the accuracy or the maximum number of iterations is reached.</param>
        /// <param name="maxIterations">Maximum number of iterations. Usually 100.</param>
        /// <param name="jacobianStepSize">Relative step size for calculating the Jacobian matrix at first step.</param>
        /// <param name="root">The root that was found, if any. Undefined if the function returns false.</param>
        /// <returns>True if a root with the specified accuracy was found, else false.</returns>
        public static bool TryFindRootWithJacobianStep(Func <double[], double[]> f, double[] initialGuess, double accuracy, int maxIterations, double jacobianStepSize, out double[] root)
            var x = new DenseVector(initialGuess);

            double[] y0 = f(initialGuess);
            var      y  = new DenseVector(y0);
            double   g  = y.L2Norm();

            Matrix <double> B = CalculateApproximateJacobian(f, initialGuess, y0, jacobianStepSize);

            for (int i = 0; i <= maxIterations; i++)
                var    dx   = (DenseVector)(-B.LU().Solve(y));
                var    xnew = x + dx;
                var    ynew = new DenseVector(f(xnew.Values));
                double gnew = ynew.L2Norm();

                if (gnew > g)
                    double g2    = g * g;
                    double scale = g2 / (g2 + gnew * gnew);
                    if (scale == 0.0)
                        scale = 1.0e-4;

                    dx   = scale * dx;
                    xnew = x + dx;
                    ynew = new DenseVector(f(xnew.Values));
                    gnew = ynew.L2Norm();

                if (gnew < accuracy)
                    root = xnew.Values;

                // update Jacobian B
                DenseVector     dF = ynew - y;
                Matrix <double> dB = (dF - B.Multiply(dx)).ToColumnMatrix() * dx.Multiply(1.0 / Math.Pow(dx.L2Norm(), 2)).ToRowMatrix();
                B = B + dB;

                x = xnew;
                y = ynew;
                g = gnew;

            root = null;
        public static Vector <double> GradientProjection(Vector <double> x0, double eps)
            var             xCur = x0.GetProjectionHyperplane(HyperPlane, 1);
            Vector <double> grad = new DenseVector(3)
                [0] = Df_dx(xCur[0], xCur[1], xCur[2], eps),
                [1] = Df_dy(xCur[0], xCur[1], xCur[2], eps),
                [2] = Df_dz(xCur[0], xCur[1], xCur[2], eps)

            //подбираем длину шага в направлении проекции
            var alpha = GoldenRatioAlpha(xCur, eps, grad.Normalize(2).GetProjectionHyperplane(HyperPlane, 1)); //project???
            //.GetProjectionHyperplane(HyperPlane, 1)

            var xNext     = (xCur - alpha * grad.Normalize(2)).GetProjectionHyperplane(HyperPlane, 1); //нормируем направление шага
            var iteration = 1;                                                                         // normalized

                #region Output

                if (iteration < 100000)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Iter {iteration++}: xCur:{(xCur).ToStR()}" + $" F: {F(xCur)}" +
                                      $"||Grad||:{grad.L2Norm()} " +
                                      $"||xCur-xNext||:{(xCur - xNext).L2Norm()}");


                if (!IsOnPlane(HyperPlane, xCur, eps))
                    throw new Exception();

                xCur = xNext;

                grad[0] = Df_dx(xCur[0], xCur[1], xCur[2], eps / 1000);
                grad[1] = Df_dy(xCur[0], xCur[1], xCur[2], eps / 1000);
                grad[2] = Df_dz(xCur[0], xCur[1], xCur[2], eps / 1000);

                //подбираем длину шага в направлении проекции
                alpha = GoldenRatioAlpha(xCur, eps, grad);  //project???

                xNext = (xCur - alpha * grad)
                        .GetProjectionHyperplane(HyperPlane, 1); //вводим нормированный градиент
            }while (!((xCur - xNext).L2Norm() < eps));           //normalized now

            Console.WriteLine($"Iter {iteration}: xCur:{xNext.ToStR()} " +
                              $"||xCur-xNext||:{(xCur - xNext).L2Norm()} " +
                              $"F = : {F(xNext)}");