private static void Main() { Console.WriteLine($"Using settings from {Path.GetFullPath(ConfigurationManager.CONFIG_PATH)}: \n{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ConfigurationManager.Settings, Formatting.Indented)}"); var client = new DelugeClient(ConfigurationManager.Settings.LocalDelugeUri); client.Login(ConfigurationManager.Settings.LocalDelugePassword); var torrents = client.GetTorrents(); var torrentsRequiringFix = torrents.Where(torrent => torrent.Trackers.Any(t => t.Url != ConfigurationManager.Settings.PrivateTracker)).ToList(); UploadToSeedbox(torrentsRequiringFix); FixTorrentLocally(torrentsRequiringFix, client); Console.WriteLine("Finished"); }
private static void UploadToSeedbox(IReadOnlyCollection <Torrent> torrents) { if (!torrents.Any()) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Uploading " + torrents.Count + " torrents to seedbox."); var client = new DelugeClient(ConfigurationManager.Settings.RemoteDelugeUri); client.Login(ConfigurationManager.Settings.RemoteDelugePassword); foreach (var torrent in torrents) { var magnetURI = GetMagnetURI(torrent); Console.Write("Uploading {0} ...", torrent.Name); client.AddMagnetURI(magnetURI); var trackersToSet = ConfigurationManager.Settings.AppendRemoteTracker ? torrent.Trackers.Union(new[] { new Tracker { Tier = torrent.Trackers.Max(t => t.Tier) + 1, Url = ConfigurationManager.Settings.PrivateTracker } }) : torrent.Trackers; Console.WriteLine(" fixing trackers..."); client.SetTrackers(torrent.Hash, trackersToSet.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine(" done."); } }
public void event_btnMTDoUpload_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { string procName = "event_btnMTDoUpload_Activated"; CookieContainer container = new CookieContainer(); WebClientEx client = new WebClientEx(container); try { addQueueLog(DateTime.Now, "[UPLOAD] Starting upload..."); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMTUserName.StringValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMTPassword.StringValue)) { addQueueLog(DateTime.Now, "[UPLOAD] !! ERROR !! Please provide MT credentials."); return; } addQueueLog(DateTime.Now, "[UPLOAD] Connecting and authenticating..."); var values = new NameValueCollection { { "username", txtMTUserName.StringValue }, { "password", txtMTPassword.StringValue }, { "login", "Log in" } }; // Authenticate client.UploadValues("", values); string tempResponse = client.DownloadString(""); string searchFor = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"auth\" value=\""; int indexSearchFor = tempResponse.IndexOf(searchFor) + searchFor.Length; string authString = tempResponse.Substring(indexSearchFor, 32); if (_uploadQueue != null) { foreach (Queue.QueueDetail qd in _uploadQueue.queueList) { addQueueLog(DateTime.Now, string.Format("[UPLOAD] Uploading {0}...", qd.appTitle)); if (System.IO.File.Exists(qd.torrentFile)) { FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(qd.torrentFile); long numBytes = fInfo.Length; FileStream fStream = new FileStream(qd.torrentFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fStream); FormUpload.FileParameter fp = new FormUpload.FileParameter(br.ReadBytes((int)numBytes), Path.GetFileName(qd.torrentFile), "application/octet-stream"); br.Close(); fStream.Close(); string releaseType = string.Empty; if (qd.appType == "App") { releaseType = "1"; } if (qd.appType == "Game") { releaseType = "2"; } if (qd.appType == "Other") { releaseType = "5"; } if (qd.appType == "E-Books") { releaseType = "6"; } // Upload torrent Dictionary <string, object> paramsDic = new Dictionary <string, object> (); paramsDic.Add("submit", "true"); paramsDic.Add("auth", authString); paramsDic.Add("type", releaseType); paramsDic.Add("title", qd.appTitle); paramsDic.Add("tags", qd.appTags); paramsDic.Add("image", qd.appImage); paramsDic.Add("desc", qd.appDescrip); paramsDic.Add("file_input", fp); if (qd.appVer == "10.6") { paramsDic.Add("macos[]", new string[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" }); } if (qd.appVer == "10.7") { paramsDic.Add("macos[]", new string[] { "2", "3", "4", "5" }); } if (qd.appVer == "10.8") { paramsDic.Add("macos[]", new string[] { "3", "4", "5" }); } if (qd.appVer == "10.9") { paramsDic.Add("macos[]", new string[] { "4", "5" }); } if (qd.appVer == "10.10") { paramsDic.Add("macos[]", "5"); } //Upload torrent HttpWebResponse resp = FormUpload.MultipartFormDataPost( "", "MTUploaderHelper2.NET", paramsDic, container); string localFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(qd.torrentFile) + @"/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(qd.torrentFile) + "_mt.torrent"; //from // to int numIndex = resp.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri.IndexOf("="); string strNum = resp.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri.Substring(numIndex + 1); int dlId; int.TryParse(strNum, out dlId); dlId += 1; string remoteFile = string.Format("{0}", dlId); addQueueLog(DateTime.Now, string.Format("[UPLOAD] Downloading torrent file {0}...", localFile)); client.DownloadFile(remoteFile, localFile); if (cmbDelugeServer.StringValue.Length != 0 && txtPathOnServer.StringValue.Length != 0) { addQueueLog(DateTime.Now, string.Format("[DELUGE] Adding torrent {0}...", localFile)); string host = string.Empty, port = string.Empty, password = string.Empty; switch (cmbDelugeServer.StringValue) { case "Pasta": host = @""; port = "52114"; password = "******"; break; case "Peanut": host = @""; port = "39092"; password = "******"; break; } var dclient = new DelugeClient(host, int.Parse(port)); dclient.Login(password); dclient.AddTorrentFile(localFile, txtPathOnServer.StringValue); } qd.uploadDone = true; var tv = lstQueue.DocumentView as NSTableView; var ds = tv.DataSource as QueueDataSource; ds.queueList = _uploadQueue.queueList; tv.ReloadData(); NSRunLoop.Current.RunUntil(DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(10000)); } else { addQueueLog(DateTime.Now, string.Format("[UPLOAD] !! ERROR !! {0} not found, skipping.", qd.torrentFile)); } } } addQueueLog(DateTime.Now, "[UPLOAD] Logging out..."); //client.DownloadString ("" + authString); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ERROR: [{0}]: {1}", procName, ex.Message)); } finally { client.Dispose(); client = null; saveQueue(); addQueueLog(DateTime.Now, "[UPLOAD] Done."); } }