public void Delete(string[] files, DeleteFileBindingModel deleteFileBindingModel) { //Uses string[] files to get all the files from a specific directory. //Uses DeleteFileBindingModel to get specific information from the binding model and set some properties. //isDeleted checks if the work has been done corretly and succesfully bool isDeleted = false; //Throws exeption if a file that should be deleted is opened while the service is trying to delete the files. try { foreach (var file in files) { File.Delete(file); //deleteFileBindingModel.DeletedFiles property is used to add the files that are deleted in it successfully deleteFileBindingModel.DeletedFiles.Add(file); isDeleted = true; } } catch (IOException) { isDeleted = false; MessageBox.Show("File opened! \nPlease, close the file to proceed!", "Running process", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, 0, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); } //If everything is completed successfully, the user gets this text. if (isDeleted == true) { MessageBox.Show("Files deleted", "Files Deleted", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, 0, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); } }
public void DeleteMethodDeletesFilesSuccesfully(string sourcePath) { CurrentUser.user.username = "******"; DeleteFileBindingModel bindingModel = new DeleteFileBindingModel(); bindingModel.FileSourcePath = sourcePath; DeleterFileService deleteFileService = new DeleterFileService(); string[] files = new string[] { sourcePath + "\\aaaa.pptx", sourcePath + "\\banan.docx" }; deleteFileService.Delete(files, bindingModel); FileAssert.DoesNotExist(sourcePath + @"\aaaa.pptx"); FileAssert.DoesNotExist(sourcePath + @"\banan.docx"); }
public void DeleteMethodFailed(string sourcePath) { CurrentUser.user.username = "******"; DeleteFileBindingModel bindingModel = new DeleteFileBindingModel(); bindingModel.FileSourcePath = sourcePath; DeleterFileService deleteFileService = new DeleterFileService(); FieldInfo[] fields = typeof(DeleterFileService).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).ToArray(); FieldInfo isDeleted = fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "isDeleted"); isDeleted.SetValue(deleteFileService, false); string[] files = new string[] { sourcePath + "\\aaaa.pptx", sourcePath + "\\banan.docx" }; deleteFileService.Delete(files, bindingModel); Assert.IsFalse((bool)isDeleted.GetValue(deleteFileService)); }