public void StopRecording() { m_bIsRecording = false; log.Debug("Stop recording images to file."); if (m_VideoRecorder != null) { // Add a VideofileBox with a thumbnail of this video. if (m_VideoRecorder.CaptureThumb != null) { CapturedVideo cv = new CapturedVideo(m_CurrentCaptureFilePath, m_VideoRecorder.CaptureThumb); m_RecentlyCapturedVideos.Add(cv); m_VideoRecorder.CaptureThumb.Dispose(); m_Container.DoUpdateCapturedVideos(); } // Terminate the recording thread and release resources. This will treat any outstanding frames in the queue. m_VideoRecorder.Dispose(); } Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal; // Ask the Explorer tree to refresh itself, (but not the thumbnails pane.) DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.RefreshFileExplorer != null) { dp.RefreshFileExplorer(false); } }
public void SetEditMode(bool _bEdit, CoordinateSystem _transformer) { m_bEditMode = _bEdit; if (m_CoordinateSystem == null) { m_CoordinateSystem = _transformer; } // Activate or deactivate the ScreenManager Keyboard Handler, // so we can use <space>, <return>, etc. DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (m_bEditMode) { if (dp.DeactivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.DeactivateKeyboardHandler(); } RelocateEditbox(); // This is needed because the container top-left corner may have changed } else { if (dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler(); } } m_TextBox.Visible = m_bEditMode; }
public FileBrowserUserInterface() { InitializeComponent(); Dock = DockStyle.Fill; btnAddShortcut.Parent = lblFavFolders; btnDeleteShortcut.Parent = lblFavFolders; // Drag Drop handling. lvExplorer.ItemDrag += lv_ItemDrag; lvShortcuts.ItemDrag += lv_ItemDrag; etExplorer.AllowDrop = false; etShortcuts.AllowDrop = false; BuildContextMenu(); // Registers our exposed functions to the DelegatePool. var dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); dp.RefreshFileExplorer = DoRefreshFileList; // Take the list of shortcuts from the prefs and load them. ReloadShortcuts(); // Reload last tab from prefs. // We don't reload the splitters here, because we are not at full size yet and they are anchored. tabControl.SelectedIndex = (int)_mPreferencesManager.ActiveTab; Application.Idle += IdleDetector; }
private void mnuDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Use the built-in dialogs to confirm (or not). // Delete is done through moving to recycle bin. if (File.Exists(m_CapturedVideo.Filepath)) { try { FileSystem.DeleteFile(m_CapturedVideo.Filepath, UIOption.AllDialogs, RecycleOption.SendToRecycleBin); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { // User cancelled confirmation box. } // Other possible error case: the file couldn't be deleted because it's still in use. // If file was effectively moved to trash, hide the thumb and reload the folder. if (!File.Exists(m_CapturedVideo.Filepath)) { if (CloseThumb != null) { CloseThumb(this, e); } // Ask the Explorer tree to refresh itself... // This will in turn refresh the thumbnails pane. DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.RefreshFileExplorer != null) { dp.RefreshFileExplorer(true); } } } }
public FileBrowserUserInterface() { InitializeComponent(); this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; btnAddShortcut.Parent = lblFavFolders; btnDeleteShortcut.Parent = lblFavFolders; // Drag Drop handling. lvExplorer.ItemDrag += new ItemDragEventHandler(lv_ItemDrag); lvShortcuts.ItemDrag += new ItemDragEventHandler(lv_ItemDrag); etExplorer.AllowDrop = false; etShortcuts.AllowDrop = false; BuildContextMenu(); // Associate with the system icons for files... Is this really needed ? //ExpTreeLib.SystemImageListManager.SetListViewImageList(lvExplorer, false, false); //ExpTreeLib.SystemImageListManager.SetListViewImageList(lvShortcuts, false, false); // Registers our exposed functions to the DelegatePool. DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); dp.RefreshFileExplorer = DoRefreshFileList; // Take the list of shortcuts from the prefs and load them. ReloadShortcuts(); // Reload last tab from prefs. // We don't reload the splitters here, because we are not at full size yet and they are anchored. tabControl.SelectedIndex = (int)m_PreferencesManager.ActiveTab; Application.Idle += new EventHandler(this.IdleDetector); }
private void mnuDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Use the built-in dialogs to confirm (or not). // Delete is done through moving to recycle bin. try { FileSystem.DeleteFile(m_FileName, UIOption.AllDialogs, RecycleOption.SendToRecycleBin); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { // User cancelled confirmation box. } // If file was effectively moved to trash, reload the folder. if (!File.Exists(m_FileName)) { // Ask the Explorer tree to refresh itself... // This will in turn refresh the thumbnails pane. DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.RefreshFileExplorer != null) { dp.RefreshFileExplorer(true); } } }
private void mnuPreferencesOnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.StopPlaying != null && dp.DeactivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.StopPlaying(); dp.DeactivateKeyboardHandler(); } FormPreferences2 fp = new FormPreferences2(-1); fp.ShowDialog(); fp.Dispose(); if (dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler(); } // Refresh Preferences PreferencesManager pm = PreferencesManager.Instance(); log.Debug("Setting current ui culture."); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = pm.GetSupportedCulture(); RefreshUICulture(); }
private void mnuSealMeasure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // display a dialog that let the user specify how many real-world-units long is this line. if (m_StartPoint.X != m_EndPoint.X || m_StartPoint.Y != m_EndPoint.Y) { if (!m_bShowMeasure) { m_bShowMeasure = true; } DrawingToolLine2D.ShowMeasure = true; DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.DeactivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.DeactivateKeyboardHandler(); } formConfigureMeasure fcm = new formConfigureMeasure(m_ParentMetadata, this); ScreenManagerKernel.LocateForm(fcm); fcm.ShowDialog(); fcm.Dispose(); // Update traj for distance and speed after calibration. m_ParentMetadata.UpdateTrajectoriesForKeyframes(); CallInvalidateFromMenu(sender); if (dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler(); } } }
private void mnuCheckForUpdatesOnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Stop playing if needed. DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.StopPlaying != null) { dp.StopPlaying(); } // Download the update configuration file from the webserver. HelpIndex hiRemote; if (PreferencesManager.ExperimentalRelease) { hiRemote = new HelpIndex(""); } else { hiRemote = new HelpIndex(""); } if (hiRemote.LoadSuccess) { if (dp.DeactivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.DeactivateKeyboardHandler(); } // Check if we are up to date. ThreePartsVersion currentVersion = new ThreePartsVersion(PreferencesManager.ReleaseVersion); if (hiRemote.AppInfos.Version > currentVersion) { // We are not up to date, display the full dialog. // The dialog is responsible for displaying the download success msg box. UpdateDialog2 ud = new UpdateDialog2(hiRemote); ud.ShowDialog(); ud.Dispose(); } else { // We are up to date, display a simple confirmation box. MessageBox.Show(UpdaterLang.Updater_UpToDate, UpdaterLang.Updater_Title, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } if (dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler(); } } else { // Remote connection failed, we are probably firewalled. MessageBox.Show(resManager.GetString("Updater_InternetError", Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture), resManager.GetString("Updater_Title", Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
private void ScreenManagerUserInterface_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.OpenVideoFile != null) { dp.OpenVideoFile(); } }
protected void ProcessingOver(DrawtimeFilterOutput _dfo) { // Notify the ScreenManager that we are done. DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.VideoProcessingDone != null) { dp.VideoProcessingDone(_dfo); } }
public void AfterSave() { // Ask the Explorer tree to refresh itself, (but not the thumbnails pane.) DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.RefreshFileExplorer != null) { dp.RefreshFileExplorer(false); } }
private void TbFileNameKeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { // editing a file name. if (e.KeyChar == 13) // Carriage Return. { string newFileName = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_FileName) + "\\" + tbFileName.Text; // Prevent overwriting. if (File.Exists(m_FileName) && !File.Exists(newFileName) && newFileName.Length > 5) { // Try to change the filename try { File.Move(m_FileName, newFileName); // If renaming went fine, consolidate the file name. if (!File.Exists(m_FileName)) { FileName = newFileName; } // Ask the Explorer tree to refresh itself... // But not the thumbnails pane. DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.RefreshFileExplorer != null) { dp.RefreshFileExplorer(false); } } catch (ArgumentException) { // contains only white space, or contains invalid characters as defined in InvalidPathChars. // -> Silently fail. // TODO:Display error dialog box. } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { // The caller does not have the required permission. } catch (Exception) { // Log error. } } QuitEditMode(); // Set this thumb as selected. SetSelected(); } else if (e.KeyChar == 27) // Escape. { QuitEditMode(); } }
private void UpdateFileList(CShItem folder, ListView listView, bool bRefreshThumbnails) { // Update a file list with the given folder. // Triggers an update of the thumbnails pane if requested. Log.Debug(string.Format("Updating file list : {0}", listView.Name)); if (folder != null) { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; listView.BeginUpdate(); listView.Items.Clear(); // Each list element will store the CShItem it's referring to in its Tag property. // Get all files in the folder, and add them to the list. var fileList = folder.GetFiles(); var fileNames = new List <string>(); for (var i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++) { var shellItem = (CShItem)fileList[i]; if (IsKnownFileType(Path.GetExtension(shellItem.Path))) { var lvi = new ListViewItem(shellItem.DisplayName); lvi.Tag = shellItem; //lvi.ImageIndex = ExpTreeLib.SystemImageListManager.GetIconIndex(ref shellItem, false, false); lvi.ImageIndex = 6; listView.Items.Add(lvi); fileNames.Add(shellItem.Path); } } listView.EndUpdate(); Log.Debug("List updated"); // Even if we don't want to reload the thumbnails, we must ensure that // the screen manager backup list is in sync with the actual file list. // desync can happen in case of renaming and deleting files. // the screenmanager backup list is used at BringBackThumbnail, // (i.e. when we close a screen) var dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.DisplayThumbnails != null) { Log.Debug("Asking the ScreenManager to refresh the thumbnails."); dp.DisplayThumbnails(fileNames, bRefreshThumbnails); } Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
private void DeactivateKeyboardHandler() { // Mouse enters the info box : deactivate the keyboard handling for the screens // so we can use <space>, <return>, etc. here. DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.DeactivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.DeactivateKeyboardHandler(); } }
private void ActivateKeyboardHandler() { // Mouse leave the box : reactivate the keyboard handling for the screens // so we can use <space>, <return>, etc. as player shortcuts DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler(); } }
/// <summary> /// Command execution. /// Load the given file in the given screen. /// </summary> public void Execute() { DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.StopPlaying != null) { dp.StopPlaying(); } DirectLoad(); }
private void ActivateKeyboardHandler() { // Mouse leave the info box : reactivate the keyboard handling for the screens // so we can use <space>, <return>, etc. as player shortcuts. // This is sometimes strange. You put the mouse away to start typing, // and the first carriage return triggers the playback leaving the key image. DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler(); } }
public SupervisorUserInterface(RootKernel _RootKernel) { RootKernel = _RootKernel; InitializeComponent(); m_bInitialized = false; // Get Explorer values from settings. m_PrefManager = PreferencesManager.Instance(); m_iOldSplitterDistance = m_PrefManager.ExplorerSplitterDistance; // Services offered here DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); dp.OpenVideoFile = DoOpenVideoFile; }
private void mnuOpenFileOnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.StopPlaying != null) { dp.StopPlaying(); } string filePath = LaunchOpenFileDialog(); if (filePath.Length > 0) { OpenFileFromPath(filePath); } }
public RootKernel() { // Store Kinovea's version from the assembly. Version v = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; PreferencesManager.ReleaseVersion = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", v.Major, v.Minor, v.Build); // Set type of release (Experimental vs Production) PreferencesManager.ExperimentalRelease = true; // Display some system infos in the log. log.Info(String.Format("Kinovea version : {0}, ({1})", PreferencesManager.ReleaseVersion, PreferencesManager.ExperimentalRelease?"Experimental":"Production")); log.Info(".NET Framework Version : " + Environment.Version.ToString()); log.Info("OS Version : " + System.Environment.OSVersion.ToString()); log.Info("Primary Screen : " + SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.ToString()); log.Info("Virtual Screen : " + SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.ToString()); // Since it is the very first call, it will both instanciate and import. // Previous calls were done on static prioperties, no instanciation. PreferencesManager pm = PreferencesManager.Instance(); // Initialise command line parser and get the arguments. CommandLineArgumentManager am = CommandLineArgumentManager.Instance(); am.InitializeCommandLineParser(); string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); am.ParseArguments(args); BuildSubTree(); MainWindow = new KinoveaMainWindow(this); log.Debug("Plug sub modules at UI extension points (Menus, ToolBars, StatusBAr, Windows)."); ExtendMenu(MainWindow.menuStrip); ExtendToolBar(MainWindow.toolStrip); ExtendStatusBar(MainWindow.statusStrip); ExtendUI(); log.Debug("Register global services offered at Root level."); DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); dp.UpdateStatusBar = DoUpdateStatusBar; dp.MakeTopMost = DoMakeTopMost; }
public void DoOpenVideoFile() { // Open a video. if ((RootKernel.ScreenManager.screenList.Count == 0) && (!isOpening)) { isOpening = true; string filePath = RootKernel.LaunchOpenFileDialog(); if (filePath.Length > 0) { DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.LoadMovieInScreen != null) { dp.LoadMovieInScreen(filePath, -1, true); } } isOpening = false; } }
public ScreenManagerUserInterface(IScreenManagerUIContainer _ScreenManagerUIContainer) { log.Debug("Constructing ScreenManagerUserInterface."); m_ScreenManagerUIContainer = _ScreenManagerUIContainer; InitializeComponent(); ComCtrls.ScreenManagerUIContainer = m_ScreenManagerUIContainer; m_ThumbsViewer.SetScreenManagerUIContainer(m_ScreenManagerUIContainer); BackColor = Color.White; Dock = DockStyle.Fill; m_ThumbsViewer.Top = 0; m_ThumbsViewer.Left = 0; m_ThumbsViewer.Width = Width; m_ThumbsViewer.Height = Height - pbLogo.Height - 10; m_ThumbsViewer.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom; m_ThumbsViewer.Closing += ThumbsViewer_Closing; this.Controls.Add(m_ThumbsViewer); m_DelegateUpdateTrkFrame = new DelegateUpdateTrkFrame(UpdateTrkFrame); // Registers our exposed functions to the DelegatePool. DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); dp.DisplayThumbnails = DoDisplayThumbnails; // Thumbs are enabled by default. m_ThumbsViewer.Visible = true; m_bThumbnailsWereVisible = true; m_ThumbsViewer.BringToFront(); pnlScreens.BringToFront(); pnlScreens.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; Application.Idle += new EventHandler(this.IdleDetector); }
private void LaunchItemAt(ListView listView, MouseEventArgs e) { // Launch the video. var lvi = listView.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y); if (lvi != null && listView.SelectedItems != null && listView.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { var item = listView.SelectedItems[0].Tag as CShItem; if (item != null) { if (item.IsFileSystem) { var dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.LoadMovieInScreen != null) { dp.LoadMovieInScreen(item.Path, -1, true); } } } } }
public override void PromptDeviceSelector() { DelegatesPool dp = DelegatesPool.Instance(); if (dp.DeactivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.DeactivateKeyboardHandler(); } bool reconnected = false; // Ask the user which device he wants to use or which size/framerate. formDevicePicker fdp = new formDevicePicker(ListDevices(), m_CurrentVideoDevice, DisplayDevicePropertyPage); if(fdp.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { DeviceDescriptor dev = fdp.SelectedDevice; if(dev == null || dev.Empty) { log.DebugFormat("Selected device is null or empty."); if(m_CurrentVideoDevice != null) { // From something to empty. Disconnect(); } } else if(dev.Network) { if(m_CurrentVideoDevice == null || !m_CurrentVideoDevice.Network) { // From empty or non-network to network. log.DebugFormat("Selected network camera - connect with default parameters"); reconnected = ConnectToDevice(dev); } else { // From network to network. log.DebugFormat("Network camera - parameters changed - connect with new parameters"); // Parameters were set on the dialog. We don't care if the parameters were actually changed. DeviceDescriptor netDevice = new DeviceDescriptor(ScreenManagerLang.Capture_NetworkCamera, fdp.SelectedUrl, fdp.SelectedFormat); reconnected = ConnectToDevice(netDevice); } } else { if(m_CurrentVideoDevice == null || m_CurrentVideoDevice.Network || dev.Identification != m_CurrentVideoDevice.Identification) { // From network or different capture device to capture device. log.DebugFormat("Selected capture device"); reconnected = ConnectToDevice(dev); } else { // From same capture device - caps changed. DeviceCapability cap = fdp.SelectedCapability; if(cap != null && !cap.Equals(m_CurrentVideoDevice.SelectedCapability)) { log.DebugFormat("Capture device, capability changed."); m_CurrentVideoDevice.SelectedCapability = cap; //PreferencesManager.CapturePreferences.UpdateDeviceConfiguration(m_CurrentVideoDevice.Identification, cap); //PreferencesManager.Save(); if(m_bIsGrabbing) { m_VideoSource.Stop(); } ((VideoCaptureDevice)m_VideoSource).DesiredFrameSize = cap.FrameSize; ((VideoCaptureDevice)m_VideoSource).DesiredFrameRate = cap.Framerate; m_FrameSize = cap.FrameSize; m_FramesInterval = 1000 / (double)cap.Framerate; log.Debug(String.Format("New capability: {0}", cap.ToString())); m_bSizeChanged = true; if(m_bIsGrabbing) { m_VideoSource.Start(); } } } } if(reconnected) m_Container.Connected(); } fdp.Dispose(); if(dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler != null) { dp.ActivateKeyboardHandler(); } }