DelegateSerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctx) { DelegateEntry entryChain = (DelegateEntry)info.GetValue("Delegate", typeof(DelegateEntry)); // Count the number of delegates to combine int count = 0; DelegateEntry entry = entryChain; while (entry != null) { entry = entry.delegateEntry; count++; } // Deserializes and combines the delegates if (count == 1) { _delegate = entryChain.DeserializeDelegate(info); } else { Delegate[] delegates = new Delegate[count]; entry = entryChain; for (int n = 0; n < count; n++) { delegates[n] = entry.DeserializeDelegate(info); entry = entry.delegateEntry; } _delegate = Delegate.Combine(delegates); } }
public static void GetDelegateData(Delegate instance, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctx) { // Fills a SerializationInfo object with the information of the delegate. Delegate[] delegates = instance.GetInvocationList(); DelegateEntry lastEntry = null; for (int n = 0; n < delegates.Length; n++) { Delegate del = delegates[n]; string targetLabel = (del.Target != null) ? ("target" + n) : null; DelegateEntry entry = new DelegateEntry(del, targetLabel); if (lastEntry == null) { info.AddValue("Delegate", entry); } else { lastEntry.delegateEntry = entry; } lastEntry = entry; if (del.Target != null) { info.AddValue(targetLabel, del.Target); } } info.SetType(typeof(DelegateSerializationHolder)); }
private DelegateSerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); } bool bNewWire = true; try { m_delegateEntry = (DelegateEntry)info.GetValue("Delegate", typeof(DelegateEntry)); } catch { // Old wire format m_delegateEntry = OldDelegateWireFormat(info, context); bNewWire = false; } if (bNewWire) { // retrieve the targets DelegateEntry deiter = m_delegateEntry; int count = 0; while (deiter != null) { if ( != null) { string stringTarget = as string; //need test to pass older wire format if (stringTarget != null) { = info.GetValue(stringTarget, typeof(Object)); } } count++; deiter = deiter.delegateEntry; } // If the sender is as recent as us they'll have provided MethodInfos for each delegate. Look for these and pack // them into an ordered array if present. MethodInfo[] methods = new MethodInfo[count]; int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { String methodInfoName = "method" + i; methods[i] = (MethodInfo)info.GetValueNoThrow(methodInfoName, typeof(MethodInfo)); if (methods[i] == null) { break; } } // If we got the info then make the array available for deserialization. if (i == count) { m_methods = methods; } } }
public Object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context) { int count = 0; for (DelegateEntry de = m_delegateEntry; de != null; de = de.Entry) { count++; } int maxindex = count - 1; if (count == 1) { return(GetDelegate(m_delegateEntry, 0)); } else { object[] invocationList = new object[count]; for (DelegateEntry de = m_delegateEntry; de != null; de = de.Entry) { // Be careful to match the index we pass to GetDelegate (used to look up extra information for each delegate) to // the order we process the entries: we're actually looking at them in reverse order. --count; invocationList[count] = GetDelegate(de, maxindex - count); } return(((MulticastDelegate)invocationList[0]).NewMulticastDelegate(invocationList, invocationList.Length)); } }
// [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static DelegateEntry GetDelegateSerializationInfo( SerializationInfo info, Type delegateType, Object target, MethodInfo method, int targetIndex) { // Used for MulticastDelegate if (method == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("method"); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); // VALFIX //if (!method.IsPublic || (method.DeclaringType != null && !method.DeclaringType.IsVisible)) // new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess).Demand(); Type c = delegateType.BaseType; if (c == null || (c != typeof(Delegate) && c != typeof(MulticastDelegate))) { throw new ArgumentException(Ssz.Runtime.Serialization.Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeDelegate"), "type"); } if (method.DeclaringType == null) { throw new NotSupportedException(Ssz.Runtime.Serialization.Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_GlobalMethodSerialization")); } DelegateEntry de = new DelegateEntry(delegateType.FullName, delegateType.Module.Assembly.FullName, target, method.ReflectedType.Module.Assembly.FullName, method.ReflectedType.FullName, method.Name); if (info.MemberCount == 0) { info.SetType(typeof(DelegateSerializationHolder)); info.AddValue("Delegate", de, typeof(DelegateEntry)); } // target can be an object so it needs to be added to the info, or else a fixup is needed // when deserializing, and the fixup will occur too late. If it is added directly to the // info then the rules of deserialization will guarantee that it will be available when // needed if (target != null) { String targetName = "target" + targetIndex; info.AddValue(targetName,; = targetName; } // Due to a number of additions (delegate signature binding relaxation, delegates with open this or closed over the // first parameter and delegates over generic methods) we need to send a deal more information than previously. We can // get this by serializing the target MethodInfo. We still need to send the same information as before though (the // DelegateEntry above) for backwards compatibility. And we want to send the MethodInfo (which is serialized via an // ISerializable holder) as a top-level child of the info for the same reason as the target above -- we wouldn't have an // order of deserialization guarantee otherwise. String methodInfoName = "method" + targetIndex; info.AddValue(methodInfoName, method); return(de); }
public DelegateSerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(info)); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); try { _delegateEntry = (DelegateEntry)info.GetValue("DelegateEntry", typeof(DelegateEntry)); } catch { // TODO: If we *really* want to support cross-runtime serialization and deserialization of delegates, // we'll have to implemenent the handling of the old format we have today in CoreCLR. // This is not a requirement today. _delegateEntry = null; } _delegatesCount = 0; DelegateEntry currentEntry = _delegateEntry; while (currentEntry != null) { _delegatesCount++; currentEntry = currentEntry.NextEntry; } }
// [System.Security.SecurityCritical] private Delegate GetDelegate(DelegateEntry de, int index) { Delegate d; try { if (de.methodName == null || de.methodName.Length == 0) { ThrowInsufficientState("MethodName"); } if (de.assembly == null || de.assembly.Length == 0) { ThrowInsufficientState("DelegateAssembly"); } if (de.targetTypeName == null || de.targetTypeName.Length == 0) { ThrowInsufficientState("TargetTypeName"); } // We cannot use Type.GetType directly, because of AppCompat - assembly names starting with '[' would fail to load. Type type = (Type)SszAssembly.GetType_Compat(de.assembly, de.type); Type targetType = (Type)SszAssembly.GetType_Compat(de.targetTypeAssembly, de.targetTypeName); // If we received the new style delegate encoding we already have the target MethodInfo in hand. if (m_methods != null) { #if FEATURE_REMOTING Object target = != null?RemotingServices.CheckCast(, targetType) : null; #else if (!targetType.IsInstanceOfType( { throw new InvalidCastException(); } Object target =; #endif // VALFIX //d = Delegate.CreateDelegateNoSecurityCheck(type, target, m_methods[index]); d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, target, m_methods[index]); } else { if ( != null) #if FEATURE_REMOTING { d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, RemotingServices.CheckCast(, targetType), de.methodName); } #else { if (!targetType.IsInstanceOfType( { throw new InvalidCastException(); } d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type,, de.methodName); } #endif else { d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, targetType, de.methodName); } }
public Object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context) { if (_delegateEntry == null) { ThrowInsufficientState("DelegateEntry"); } if (_delegatesCount == 1) { return(GetDelegate(_delegateEntry)); } else { Delegate[] invocationList = new Delegate[_delegatesCount]; int index = _delegatesCount - 1; for (DelegateEntry de = _delegateEntry; de != null; de = de.NextEntry) { // Be careful to match the index we pass to GetDelegate (used to look up extra information for each delegate) to // the order we process the entries: we're actually looking at them in reverse order. invocationList[index--] = GetDelegate(de); } return(((MulticastDelegate)invocationList[0]).NewMulticastDelegate(invocationList, invocationList.Length)); } }
internal static DelegateEntry GetDelegateSerializationInfo(SerializationInfo info, Type delegateType, Object target, MethodInfo method, int targetIndex) { // Used for MulticastDelegate Debug.Assert(method != null); Type c = delegateType.BaseType; if (c == null || (c != typeof(Delegate) && c != typeof(MulticastDelegate))) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_MustBeDelegate); } if (method.DeclaringType == null) { throw new NotSupportedException(SR.NotSupported_GlobalMethodSerialization); } DelegateEntry de = new DelegateEntry(delegateType, target, method); if (info.MemberCount == 0) { info.SetType(typeof(DelegateSerializationHolder)); info.AddValue("DelegateEntry", de, typeof(DelegateEntry)); } return(de); }
public virtual Object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context) { Delegate root = GetDelegate(m_delegateEntry); MulticastDelegate mdroot = root as MulticastDelegate; if (mdroot != null) { DelegateEntry de = m_delegateEntry.Entry; MulticastDelegate previous = mdroot; while (de != null) { Delegate newdelegate = GetDelegate(de); MulticastDelegate current = newdelegate as MulticastDelegate; if (current != null) { previous.Previous = current; previous = current; de = de.Entry; } else { break; } } } return(root); }
/// <summary>Creates a delegate type for a method</summary> /// <param name="method">The method</param> /// <param name="convention">Calling convention. If specified, adds <see cref="UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute"/> to the delegate type.</param> /// <returns>The new delegate type</returns> public Type CreateDelegateType(MethodInfo method, CallingConvention?convention) { DelegateEntry entry; if (TypeCache.TryGetValue(method, out var entries) && (entry = entries.FirstOrDefault(e => e.callingConvention == convention)) != null) { return(entry.delegateType); } if (entries == null) { TypeCache[method] = entries = new List <DelegateEntry>(); } entry = new DelegateEntry { delegateType = CreateDelegateType(method.ReturnType, method.GetParameters().Types().ToArray(), convention), callingConvention = convention }; entries.Add(entry); return(entry.delegateType); }
// Implement the IObjectReference interface. public Object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context) { // Get the first delegate in the chain. Delegate del = entry.ToDelegate(); // Bail out early if this is a unicast delegate. if (!(del is MulticastDelegate) || entry.delegateEntry == null) { return(del); } // Build the multicast delegate chain. Delegate end = del; Delegate newDelegate; DelegateEntry e = entry.delegateEntry; while (e != null) { newDelegate = e.ToDelegate(); if (newDelegate.GetType() != del.GetType()) { throw new SerializationException (_("Arg_DelegateMismatch")); } ((MulticastDelegate)end).prev = (newDelegate as MulticastDelegate); end = newDelegate; e = e.delegateEntry; } return(del); }
private void AddDelegateEntry() { DelegateEntry delegateEntry = new DelegateEntry(); exposedDelegate.delegateEntries.Add(delegateEntry); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); UpdateDelegateEntries(); }
private Delegate GetDelegate(DelegateEntry de, int index) { Delegate delegate2; try { if ((de.methodName == null) || (de.methodName.Length == 0)) { this.ThrowInsufficientState("MethodName"); } if ((de.assembly == null) || (de.assembly.Length == 0)) { this.ThrowInsufficientState("DelegateAssembly"); } if ((de.targetTypeName == null) || (de.targetTypeName.Length == 0)) { this.ThrowInsufficientState("TargetTypeName"); } Type type = Assembly.Load(de.assembly).GetType(de.type, true, false); Type type2 = Assembly.Load(de.targetTypeAssembly).GetType(de.targetTypeName, true, false); if (this.m_methods != null) { object firstArgument = ( != null) ? RemotingServices.CheckCast(, type2) : null; delegate2 = Delegate.InternalCreateDelegate(type, firstArgument, this.m_methods[index]); } else if ( != null) { delegate2 = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, RemotingServices.CheckCast(, type2), de.methodName); } else { delegate2 = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, type2, de.methodName); } if (((delegate2.Method == null) || delegate2.Method.IsPublic) && ((delegate2.Method.DeclaringType == null) || delegate2.Method.DeclaringType.IsVisible)) { return(delegate2); } new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess).Demand(); } catch (Exception exception) { if (exception is SerializationException) { throw exception; } throw new SerializationException(exception.Message, exception); } catch { throw new SerializationException(); } return(delegate2); }
private Delegate GetDelegate(DelegateEntry de, int index) { Delegate delegate2; try { if ((de.methodName == null) || (de.methodName.Length == 0)) { this.ThrowInsufficientState("MethodName"); } if ((de.assembly == null) || (de.assembly.Length == 0)) { this.ThrowInsufficientState("DelegateAssembly"); } if ((de.targetTypeName == null) || (de.targetTypeName.Length == 0)) { this.ThrowInsufficientState("TargetTypeName"); } Type type = Assembly.Load(de.assembly).GetType(de.type, true, false); Type type2 = Assembly.Load(de.targetTypeAssembly).GetType(de.targetTypeName, true, false); if (this.m_methods != null) { object firstArgument = ( != null) ? RemotingServices.CheckCast(, type2) : null; delegate2 = Delegate.InternalCreateDelegate(type, firstArgument, this.m_methods[index]); } else if ( != null) { delegate2 = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, RemotingServices.CheckCast(, type2), de.methodName); } else { delegate2 = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, type2, de.methodName); } if (((delegate2.Method == null) || delegate2.Method.IsPublic) && ((delegate2.Method.DeclaringType == null) || delegate2.Method.DeclaringType.IsVisible)) { return delegate2; } new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess).Demand(); } catch (Exception exception) { if (exception is SerializationException) { throw exception; } throw new SerializationException(exception.Message, exception); } catch { throw new SerializationException(); } return delegate2; }
private DelegateSerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); } bool flag = true; try { this.m_delegateEntry = (DelegateEntry)info.GetValue("Delegate", typeof(DelegateEntry)); } catch { this.m_delegateEntry = this.OldDelegateWireFormat(info, context); flag = false; } if (flag) { DelegateEntry delegateEntry = this.m_delegateEntry; int num = 0; while (delegateEntry != null) { if ( != null) { string target = as string; if (target != null) { = info.GetValue(target, typeof(object)); } } num++; delegateEntry = delegateEntry.delegateEntry; } MethodInfo[] infoArray = new MethodInfo[num]; int index = 0; while (index < num) { string name = "method" + index; infoArray[index] = (MethodInfo)info.GetValueNoThrow(name, typeof(MethodInfo)); if (infoArray[index] == null) { break; } index++; } if (index == num) { this.m_methods = infoArray; } } }
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal static DelegateEntry GetDelegateSerializationInfo( SerializationInfo info, Type delegateType, Object target, MethodInfo method, int targetIndex) { // Used for MulticastDelegate if (method == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("method"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); if (!method.IsPublic || (method.DeclaringType != null && !method.DeclaringType.IsVisible)) new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess).Demand(); Type c = delegateType.BaseType; if (c == null || (c != typeof(Delegate) && c != typeof(MulticastDelegate))) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeDelegate"),"type"); if (method.DeclaringType == null) throw new NotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_GlobalMethodSerialization")); DelegateEntry de = new DelegateEntry(delegateType.FullName, delegateType.Module.Assembly.FullName, target, method.ReflectedType.Module.Assembly.FullName, method.ReflectedType.FullName, method.Name); if (info.MemberCount == 0) { info.SetType(typeof(DelegateSerializationHolder)); info.AddValue("Delegate",de,typeof(DelegateEntry)); } // target can be an object so it needs to be added to the info, or else a fixup is needed // when deserializing, and the fixup will occur too late. If it is added directly to the // info then the rules of deserialization will guarantee that it will be available when // needed if (target != null) { String targetName = "target" + targetIndex; info.AddValue(targetName,; = targetName; } // Due to a number of additions (delegate signature binding relaxation, delegates with open this or closed over the // first parameter and delegates over generic methods) we need to send a deal more information than previously. We can // get this by serializing the target MethodInfo. We still need to send the same information as before though (the // DelegateEntry above) for backwards compatibility. And we want to send the MethodInfo (which is serialized via an // ISerializable holder) as a top-level child of the info for the same reason as the target above -- we wouldn't have an // order of deserialization guarantee otherwise. String methodInfoName = "method" + targetIndex; info.AddValue(methodInfoName, method); return de; }
private DelegateSerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); } bool flag = true; try { this.m_delegateEntry = (DelegateEntry) info.GetValue("Delegate", typeof(DelegateEntry)); } catch { this.m_delegateEntry = this.OldDelegateWireFormat(info, context); flag = false; } if (flag) { DelegateEntry delegateEntry = this.m_delegateEntry; int num = 0; while (delegateEntry != null) { if ( != null) { string target = as string; if (target != null) { = info.GetValue(target, typeof(object)); } } num++; delegateEntry = delegateEntry.delegateEntry; } MethodInfo[] infoArray = new MethodInfo[num]; int index = 0; while (index < num) { string name = "method" + index; infoArray[index] = (MethodInfo) info.GetValueNoThrow(name, typeof(MethodInfo)); if (infoArray[index] == null) { break; } index++; } if (index == num) { this.m_methods = infoArray; } } }
// Used for MulticastDelegate internal static DelegateEntry GetDelegateSerializationInfo(SerializationInfo info, Type delegateType, Object target, MethodInfo method, int targetIndex) { Message.DebugOut("Inside GetDelegateSerializationInfo \n"); if (method == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("method"); } BCLDebug.Assert(!(target is Delegate), "!(target is Delegate)"); BCLDebug.Assert(info != null, "[DelegateSerializationHolder.GetDelegateSerializationInfo]info!=null"); Type c = delegateType.BaseType; if (c == null || (c != typeof(Delegate) && c != typeof(MulticastDelegate))) { throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeDelegate"), "type"); } DelegateEntry de = new DelegateEntry( delegateType.FullName, delegateType.Module.Assembly.FullName, target, method.ReflectedType.Module.Assembly.FullName, method.ReflectedType.FullName, method.Name ); if (info.MemberCount == 0) { info.SetType(typeof(DelegateSerializationHolder)); info.AddValue("Delegate", de, typeof(DelegateEntry)); } // target can be an object so it needs to be added to the info, or else a fixup is needed // when deserializing, and the fixup will occur too late. If it is added directly to the // info then the rules of deserialization will guarantee that it will be available when // needed if (target != null) { String targetName = "target" + targetIndex; info.AddValue(targetName,; = targetName; } return(de); }
// Used for MulticastDelegate internal static DelegateEntry GetDelegateSerializationInfo(SerializationInfo info, Type delegateType, Object target, MethodInfo method, int targetIndex) { Message.DebugOut("Inside GetDelegateSerializationInfo \n"); if (method==null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("method"); } BCLDebug.Assert(!(target is Delegate),"!(target is Delegate)"); BCLDebug.Assert(info!=null, "[DelegateSerializationHolder.GetDelegateSerializationInfo]info!=null"); Type c = delegateType.BaseType; if (c == null || (c != typeof(Delegate) && c != typeof(MulticastDelegate))) { throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeDelegate"),"type"); } DelegateEntry de = new DelegateEntry( delegateType.FullName, delegateType.Module.Assembly.FullName, target, method.ReflectedType.Module.Assembly.FullName, method.ReflectedType.FullName, method.Name ); if (info.MemberCount == 0) { info.SetType(typeof(DelegateSerializationHolder)); info.AddValue("Delegate",de,typeof(DelegateEntry)); } // target can be an object so it needs to be added to the info, or else a fixup is needed // when deserializing, and the fixup will occur too late. If it is added directly to the // info then the rules of deserialization will guarantee that it will be available when // needed if (target != null) { String targetName = "target"+targetIndex; info.AddValue(targetName,; = targetName; } return de; }
// Constructor. public DelegateSerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); } bool needsResolve = false; try { // Try the new serialization format first. entry = (DelegateEntry)(info.GetValue ("Delegate", typeof(DelegateEntry))); needsResolve = true; } catch (Exception) { // Try the old-style serialization format (deprecated). entry = new DelegateEntry(); entry.type = info.GetString("DelegateType"); entry.assembly = info.GetString("DelegateAssembly"); = info.GetValue("Target", typeof(Object)); entry.targetTypeAssembly = info.GetString("TargetTypeAssembly"); entry.targetTypeName = info.GetString("TargetTypeName"); entry.methodName = info.GetString("MethodName"); } // Resolve targets specified as field names. if (needsResolve) { DelegateEntry e = entry; while (e != null) { if ( is String) { = info.GetValue ((String)(, typeof(Object)); } e = e.delegateEntry; } } }
private Delegate GetDelegate(DelegateEntry de) { try { if (de.DelegateType == null) { ThrowInsufficientState("DelegateType"); } if (de.TargetMethod == null) { ThrowInsufficientState("TargetMethod"); } return(Delegate.CreateDelegate(de.DelegateType, de.TargetObject, de.TargetMethod)); } catch (Exception e) when(!(e is SerializationException)) { throw new SerializationException(e.Message, e); } }
// Serialize a multicast delegate object. internal static void SerializeMulticast (SerializationInfo info, MulticastDelegate del) { DelegateEntry entry, next; int index = 0; // Serialize the first entry on the multicast list. entry = Serialize(info, index++, del.GetType(),, MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(del.method)); // Serialize the rest of the multicast chain. del = del.prev; while (del != null) { next = Serialize (info, index++, del.GetType(),, MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(del.method)); entry.delegateEntry = next; entry = next; del = del.prev; } }
public object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context) { int index = 0; for (DelegateEntry entry = this.m_delegateEntry; entry != null; entry = entry.Entry) { index++; } int num2 = index - 1; if (index == 1) { return(this.GetDelegate(this.m_delegateEntry, 0)); } object[] invocationList = new object[index]; for (DelegateEntry entry2 = this.m_delegateEntry; entry2 != null; entry2 = entry2.Entry) { index--; invocationList[index] = this.GetDelegate(entry2, num2 - index); } return(((MulticastDelegate)invocationList[0]).NewMulticastDelegate(invocationList, invocationList.Length)); }
internal DelegateSerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); } bool bNewWire = true; try { m_delegateEntry = (DelegateEntry)info.GetValue("Delegate", typeof(DelegateEntry)); } catch (Exception) { // Old wire format m_delegateEntry = OldDelegateWireFormat(info, context); bNewWire = false; } if (bNewWire) { // retrieve the targets DelegateEntry deiter = m_delegateEntry; while (deiter != null) { if ( != null) { string stringTarget = as string; //need test to pass older wire format if (stringTarget != null) { = info.GetValue(stringTarget, typeof(Object)); } } deiter = deiter.delegateEntry; } } }
internal static DelegateEntry GetDelegateSerializationInfo(SerializationInfo info, Type delegateType, object target, MethodInfo method, int targetIndex) { if (method == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("method"); } if (!method.IsPublic || ((method.DeclaringType != null) && !method.DeclaringType.IsVisible)) { new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess).Demand(); } Type baseType = delegateType.BaseType; if ((baseType == null) || ((baseType != typeof(Delegate)) && (baseType != typeof(MulticastDelegate)))) { throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeDelegate"), "type"); } if (method.DeclaringType == null) { throw new NotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_GlobalMethodSerialization")); } DelegateEntry entry = new DelegateEntry(delegateType.FullName, delegateType.Module.Assembly.FullName, target, method.ReflectedType.Module.Assembly.FullName, method.ReflectedType.FullName, method.Name); if (info.MemberCount == 0) { info.SetType(typeof(DelegateSerializationHolder)); info.AddValue("Delegate", entry, typeof(DelegateEntry)); } if (target != null) { string str = "target" + targetIndex; info.AddValue(str,; = str; } string name = "method" + targetIndex; info.AddValue(name, method); return(entry); }
// Serialize a delegate object. internal static DelegateEntry Serialize (SerializationInfo info, int listPosition, Type delegateType, Object target, MethodBase method) { // Create the new delegate entry block. DelegateEntry entry = new DelegateEntry(); entry.type = delegateType.FullName; entry.assembly = delegateType.Assembly.FullName; = target; entry.targetTypeAssembly = method.ReflectedType.Assembly.FullName; entry.targetTypeName = method.ReflectedType.FullName; entry.methodName = method.Name; // Add the block if this is the first in the list. if (info.MemberCount == 0) { info.SetType(typeof(DelegateSerializationHolder)); info.AddValue("Delegate", entry, typeof(DelegateEntry)); } // Add the target object to the top level of the info block. // Needed to get around order of fixup problems in some // third party serialization implementations. if (target != null) { String name = "target" + listPosition.ToString(); info.AddValue(name, target, typeof(Object)); = name; } // Return the entry to the caller so that we can chain // multiple entries together for multicast delegates. return(entry); }
private Delegate GetDelegate(DelegateEntry de, int index) { Delegate d; try { if (de.methodName == null || de.methodName.Length == 0) { ThrowInsufficientState("MethodName"); } if (de.assembly == null || de.assembly.Length == 0) { ThrowInsufficientState("DelegateAssembly"); } if (de.targetTypeName == null || de.targetTypeName.Length == 0) { ThrowInsufficientState("TargetTypeName"); } Type type = Assembly.Load(de.assembly).GetType(de.type, true, false); Type targetType = Assembly.Load(de.targetTypeAssembly).GetType(de.targetTypeName, true, false); // If we received the new style delegate encoding we already have the target MethodInfo in hand. if (m_methods != null) { Object target = != null?RemotingServices.CheckCast(, targetType) : null; d = Delegate.InternalCreateDelegate(type, target, m_methods[index]); } else { if ( != null) { d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, RemotingServices.CheckCast(, targetType), de.methodName); } else { d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, targetType, de.methodName); } } if ((d.Method != null && !d.Method.IsPublic) || (d.Method.DeclaringType != null && !d.Method.DeclaringType.IsVisible)) { new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess).Demand(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e is SerializationException) { throw e; } throw new SerializationException(e.Message, e); } catch { throw new SerializationException(); } return(d); }
private Delegate GetDelegate(DelegateEntry de, int index) { Delegate d; try { if (de.methodName == null || de.methodName.Length == 0) { ThrowInsufficientState("MethodName"); } if (de.assembly == null || de.assembly.Length == 0) { ThrowInsufficientState("DelegateAssembly"); } if (de.targetTypeName == null || de.targetTypeName.Length == 0) { ThrowInsufficientState("TargetTypeName"); } // We cannot use Type.GetType directly, because of AppCompat - assembly names starting with '[' would fail to load. RuntimeType type = (RuntimeType)Assembly.GetType_Compat(de.assembly, de.type); // {de.targetTypeAssembly, de.targetTypeName} do not actually refer to the type of the target, but the reflected // type of the method. Those types may be the same when the method is on the target's type or on a type in its // inheritance chain, but those types may not be the same when the method is an extension method for the // target's type or a type in its inheritance chain. // If we received the new style delegate encoding we already have the target MethodInfo in hand. if (m_methods != null) { // The method info is serialized, so the target type info is redundant. The desktop framework does no // additional verification on the target type info. d = Delegate.CreateDelegateNoSecurityCheck(type,, m_methods[index]); } else { if ( != null) { // For consistency with the desktop framework, when the method info is not serialized for a closed // delegate, the method is assumed to be on the target's type or in its inheritance chain. An extension // method would not work on this path for the above reason and also because the delegate binds to // instance methods only. The desktop framework does no additional verification on the target type info. d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type,, de.methodName); } else { RuntimeType targetType = (RuntimeType)Assembly.GetType_Compat(de.targetTypeAssembly, de.targetTypeName); d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, targetType, de.methodName); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e is SerializationException) { throw e; } throw new SerializationException(e.Message, e); } return(d); }
internal static DelegateEntry GetDelegateSerializationInfo(SerializationInfo info, Type delegateType, object target, MethodInfo method, int targetIndex) { if (method == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("method"); } if (!method.IsPublic || ((method.DeclaringType != null) && !method.DeclaringType.IsVisible)) { new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess).Demand(); } Type baseType = delegateType.BaseType; if ((baseType == null) || ((baseType != typeof(Delegate)) && (baseType != typeof(MulticastDelegate)))) { throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBeDelegate"), "type"); } if (method.DeclaringType == null) { throw new NotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_GlobalMethodSerialization")); } DelegateEntry entry = new DelegateEntry(delegateType.FullName, delegateType.Module.Assembly.FullName, target, method.ReflectedType.Module.Assembly.FullName, method.ReflectedType.FullName, method.Name); if (info.MemberCount == 0) { info.SetType(typeof(DelegateSerializationHolder)); info.AddValue("Delegate", entry, typeof(DelegateEntry)); } if (target != null) { string str = "target" + targetIndex; info.AddValue(str,; = str; } string name = "method" + targetIndex; info.AddValue(name, method); return entry; }
public DelegateEntryEditor(ExposedDelegateEditor exposedDelegateEditor, DelegateEntry delegateEntry) { this.exposedDelegateEditor = exposedDelegateEditor; this.delegateEntry = delegateEntry; VisualTreeAsset visualTree = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <VisualTreeAsset>("Assets/UtilityAI/Scripts/Editor/Delegate Entry Editor/DelegateEntryEditor.uxml"); visualTree.CloneTree(this); StyleSheet stylesheet = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <StyleSheet>("Assets/UtilityAI/Scripts/Editor/Delegate Entry Editor/DelegateEntryEditor.uss"); this.styleSheets.Add(stylesheet); this.AddToClassList("delegateEntryEditor"); if (exposedDelegateEditor.utilityAIActionEditor.utilityAIAgentEditor.GetType() == typeof(UtilityAIAgentEditor)) { UtilityAIAgentEditor editorWindow = (UtilityAIAgentEditor)exposedDelegateEditor.utilityAIActionEditor.utilityAIAgentEditor; if (delegateEntry.TargetGO != editorWindow.utilityAIAgent.gameObject) { delegateEntry.TargetGO = editorWindow.utilityAIAgent.gameObject; } } delegateEntryFoldout = this.Query <Foldout>("delegateEntry"); delegateEntryFoldout.Query <Toggle>().First().AddToClassList("delegateEntryFoldout"); Button moveUpButton = this.Query <Button>("moveUpButton").First(); moveUpButton.BringToFront(); moveUpButton.clickable.clicked += MoveEntryUp; Button moveDownButton = this.Query <Button>("moveDownButton").First(); moveDownButton.BringToFront(); moveDownButton.clickable.clicked += MoveEntryDown; Button deleteButton = this.Query <Button>("deleteButton").First(); deleteButton.BringToFront(); deleteButton.clickable.clicked += DeleteEntry; List <Component> components = new List <Component>(); if (exposedDelegateEditor.utilityAIActionEditor.utilityAIAgentEditor is UtilityAIAgentEditor) { components = delegateEntry.TargetGO.GetComponents <Component>().ToList(); } else if (exposedDelegateEditor.utilityAIActionEditor.utilityAIAgentEditor is UtilityAIActionSetEditor) { if (((UtilityAIActionSetEditor)exposedDelegateEditor.utilityAIActionEditor.utilityAIAgentEditor).utilityAIAgent.inheritingGameObject != null) { components = ((UtilityAIActionSetEditor)exposedDelegateEditor.utilityAIActionEditor.utilityAIAgentEditor).utilityAIAgent.inheritingGameObject.GetComponents <Component>().ToList(); } } if (components.Count > 0) { int index = 0; if (delegateEntry.Target != null) { List <Component> sharedComponents = components.Where(o => o.GetType() == delegateEntry.Target.GetType()).ToList(); if (sharedComponents.Count > 0) { index = components.IndexOf(sharedComponents[0]); } else { if (exposedDelegateEditor.utilityAIActionEditor.utilityAIAgentEditor is UtilityAIAgentEditor && ((UtilityAIAgentEditor)exposedDelegateEditor.utilityAIActionEditor.utilityAIAgentEditor).utilityAIAgent.actionSet != null) { ((UtilityAIAgentEditor)exposedDelegateEditor.utilityAIActionEditor.utilityAIAgentEditor).utilityAIAgent.MakeActionsSetUnique(); ((UtilityAIAgentEditor)exposedDelegateEditor.utilityAIActionEditor.utilityAIAgentEditor).CreateInspectorGUI(); return; } } } PopupField <Component> targetComponentField = new PopupField <Component>("Component: ", components, index); delegateEntry.Target = targetComponentField.value; targetComponentField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Component> >( e => { delegateEntry.Target = (Component)e.newValue; exposedDelegateEditor.UpdateDelegateEntries(); } ); delegateEntryFoldout.Add(targetComponentField); if (delegateEntry.Target != null) { Type selectedComponentType = delegateEntry.Target.GetType(); BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly; //Get a list of methods attached to the component, and create a dropdown menu: List <MethodInfo> methods = selectedComponentType.GetMethods(flags).ToList(); PopupField <MethodInfo> targetMethodField = new PopupField <MethodInfo>("Method: ", methods, methods.Contains(delegateEntry.Method) ? methods.IndexOf(delegateEntry.Method) : 0); if (delegateEntry.Method == null || delegateEntry.Method.Name != targetMethodField.value.Name) { delegateEntry.SetMethod(selectedComponentType, targetMethodField.value.Name); } targetMethodField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <MethodInfo> >( e => { delegateEntry.SetMethod(selectedComponentType, e.newValue.Name); exposedDelegateEditor.UpdateDelegateEntries(); } ); delegateEntryFoldout.Add(targetMethodField); if (delegateEntry.Method != null && delegateEntry.Parameters.Length > 0) { Foldout parametersFoldout = new Foldout(); parametersFoldout.text = "Parameters: "; foreach (SerializableObject parameter in delegateEntry.Parameters) { if (parameter.obj is int) { IntegerField parameterField = new IntegerField(); parameterField.value = (int)parameter.obj; parameterField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <int> >( e => { parameter.obj = (int)e.newValue; } ); parametersFoldout.Add(parameterField); } else if (parameter.obj is float) { FloatField parameterField = new FloatField(); parameterField.value = (float)parameter.obj; parameterField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <float> >( e => { parameter.obj = (float)e.newValue; } ); parametersFoldout.Add(parameterField); } else if (parameter.obj is bool) { Toggle parameterField = new Toggle(); parameterField.value = (bool)parameter.obj; parameterField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <bool> >( e => { parameter.obj = (bool)e.newValue; } ); parametersFoldout.Add(parameterField); } else if (parameter.obj is string) { TextField parameterField = new TextField(); parameterField.value = (string)parameter.obj; parameterField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <string> >( e => { parameter.obj = (string)e.newValue; } ); parametersFoldout.Add(parameterField); } else if (parameter.obj is Vector3) { Vector3Field parameterField = new Vector3Field(); parameterField.value = (Vector3)parameter.obj; parameterField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Vector3> >( e => { parameter.obj = (Vector3)e.newValue; } ); parametersFoldout.Add(parameterField); } else if (parameter.obj is Vector2) { Vector2Field parameterField = new Vector2Field(); parameterField.value = (Vector2)parameter.obj; parameterField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Vector2> >( e => { parameter.obj = (Vector2)e.newValue; } ); parametersFoldout.Add(parameterField); } else if (parameter.obj is Bounds) { BoundsField parameterField = new BoundsField(); parameterField.value = (Bounds)parameter.obj; parameterField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Bounds> >( e => { parameter.obj = (Bounds)e.newValue; } ); parametersFoldout.Add(parameterField); } else if (parameter.obj is Rect) { RectField parameterField = new RectField(); parameterField.value = (Rect)parameter.obj; parameterField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Rect> >( e => { parameter.obj = (Rect)e.newValue; } ); parametersFoldout.Add(parameterField); } else if (parameter.obj is Color) { ColorField parameterField = new ColorField(); parameterField.value = (Color)parameter.obj; parameterField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Color> >( e => { parameter.obj = (Color)e.newValue; } ); parametersFoldout.Add(parameterField); } else if (parameter.obj is UnityEngine.Object) { ObjectField parameterField = new ObjectField(); parameterField.value = (UnityEngine.Object)parameter.obj; parameterField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <UnityEngine.Object> >( e => { parameter.obj = (UnityEngine.Object)e.newValue; } ); parametersFoldout.Add(parameterField); } } delegateEntryFoldout.Add(parametersFoldout); } } } if (delegateEntry.TargetGO != null) { delegateEntryFoldout.text +=; if (delegateEntry.Target != null) { delegateEntryFoldout.text += "(" + delegateEntry.Target.GetType() + ") "; if (delegateEntry.Method != null) { delegateEntryFoldout.text += delegateEntry.Method.Name; } } delegateEntryFoldout.text += ": "; } else { delegateEntryFoldout.text = "New Delegate Entry:"; } if (exposedDelegateEditor.utilityAIActionEditor.utilityAIAgentEditor is UtilityAIActionSetEditor && components.Count <= 0) { delegateEntryFoldout.text = "No inheriting object selected!"; } }
private Delegate GetDelegate(DelegateEntry de, int index) { Delegate d; try { if (de.methodName == null || de.methodName.Length == 0) { ThrowInsufficientState("MethodName"); } if (de.assembly == null || de.assembly.Length == 0) { ThrowInsufficientState("DelegateAssembly"); } if (de.targetTypeName == null || de.targetTypeName.Length == 0) { ThrowInsufficientState("TargetTypeName"); } // We cannot use Type.GetType directly, because of AppCompat - assembly names starting with '[' would fail to load. RuntimeType type = (RuntimeType)Assembly.GetType_Compat(de.assembly, de.type); RuntimeType targetType = (RuntimeType)Assembly.GetType_Compat(de.targetTypeAssembly, de.targetTypeName); // If we received the new style delegate encoding we already have the target MethodInfo in hand. if (m_methods != null) { if ( != null && !targetType.IsInstanceOfType( { throw new InvalidCastException(); } Object target =; d = Delegate.CreateDelegateNoSecurityCheck(type, target, m_methods[index]); } else { if ( != null) { if (!targetType.IsInstanceOfType( { throw new InvalidCastException(); } d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type,, de.methodName); } else { d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, targetType, de.methodName); } } if ((d.Method != null && !d.Method.IsPublic) || (d.Method.DeclaringType != null && !d.Method.DeclaringType.IsVisible)) { new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess).Demand(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e is SerializationException) { throw e; } throw new SerializationException(e.Message, e); } return(d); }
private Delegate GetDelegate(DelegateEntry de) { Delegate d; if (de.methodName == null || de.methodName.Length == 0) { throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InsufficientDeserializationState")); } Assembly assem = FormatterServices.LoadAssemblyFromString(de.assembly); if (assem == null) { BCLDebug.Trace("SER", "[DelegateSerializationHolder.ctor]: Unable to find assembly for TargetType: ", de.assembly); throw new SerializationException(String.Format(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_AssemblyNotFound"), de.assembly)); } Type type = assem.GetTypeInternal(de.type, false, false, false); assem = FormatterServices.LoadAssemblyFromString(de.targetTypeAssembly); if (assem == null) { BCLDebug.Trace("SER", "[DelegateSerializationHolder.ctor]: Unable to find assembly for TargetType: ", de.targetTypeAssembly); throw new SerializationException(String.Format(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_AssemblyNotFound"), de.targetTypeAssembly)); } Type targetType = assem.GetTypeInternal(de.targetTypeName, false, false, false); if ( == null && targetType == null) { throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InsufficientDeserializationState")); } if (type == null) { BCLDebug.Trace("SER", "[DelegateSerializationHolder.GetRealObject]Missing Type"); throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InsufficientDeserializationState")); } if (targetType == null) { throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InsufficientDeserializationState")); } Object target = null; if ( != null) //We have a delegate to a non-static object { target = RemotingServices.CheckCast(, targetType); d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, target, de.methodName); } else { //For a static delegate d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, targetType, de.methodName); } // We will refuse to create delegates to methods that are non-public. MethodInfo mi = d.Method; if (mi != null) { if (!mi.IsPublic) { throw new SerializationException( Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_RefuseNonPublicDelegateCreation")); } } return(d); }
public static void GetDelegateData (Delegate instance, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctx) { // Fills a SerializationInfo object with the information of the delegate. Delegate[] delegates = instance.GetInvocationList (); DelegateEntry lastEntry = null; for (int n=0; n<delegates.Length; n++) { Delegate del = delegates[n]; string targetLabel = (del.Target != null) ? ("target" + n) : null; DelegateEntry entry = new DelegateEntry (del, targetLabel); if (lastEntry == null) info.AddValue ("Delegate", entry); else lastEntry.delegateEntry = entry; lastEntry = entry; if (del.Target != null) info.AddValue (targetLabel, del.Target); } info.SetType (typeof (DelegateSerializationHolder)); }
public DelegateEntry(DelegateEntry delegateEntry) { this.Target = delegateEntry.Target; this.Method = delegateEntry.Method; this.Parameters = delegateEntry.Parameters; }
private Delegate GetDelegate(DelegateEntry de, int index) { Delegate d; try { if (de.methodName == null || de.methodName.Length == 0) ThrowInsufficientState("MethodName"); if (de.assembly == null || de.assembly.Length == 0) ThrowInsufficientState("DelegateAssembly"); if (de.targetTypeName == null || de.targetTypeName.Length == 0) ThrowInsufficientState("TargetTypeName"); Type type = Assembly.Load(de.assembly).GetType(de.type, true, false); Type targetType = Assembly.Load(de.targetTypeAssembly).GetType(de.targetTypeName, true, false); // If we received the new style delegate encoding we already have the target MethodInfo in hand. if (m_methods != null) { Object target = != null ? RemotingServices.CheckCast(, targetType) : null; d = Delegate.InternalCreateDelegate(type, target, m_methods[index]); } else { if ( != null) d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, RemotingServices.CheckCast(, targetType), de.methodName); else d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, targetType, de.methodName); } if ((d.Method != null && !d.Method.IsPublic) || (d.Method.DeclaringType != null && !d.Method.DeclaringType.IsVisible)) new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess).Demand(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is SerializationException) throw e; throw new SerializationException(e.Message, e); } catch { throw new SerializationException(); } return d; }
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated private DelegateSerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); bool bNewWire = true; try { m_delegateEntry = (DelegateEntry)info.GetValue("Delegate", typeof(DelegateEntry)); } catch { // Old wire format m_delegateEntry = OldDelegateWireFormat(info, context); bNewWire = false; } if (bNewWire) { // retrieve the targets DelegateEntry deiter = m_delegateEntry; int count = 0; while (deiter != null) { if ( != null) { string stringTarget = as string; //need test to pass older wire format if (stringTarget != null) = info.GetValue(stringTarget, typeof(Object)); } count++; deiter = deiter.delegateEntry; } // If the sender is as recent as us they'll have provided MethodInfos for each delegate. Look for these and pack // them into an ordered array if present. MethodInfo[] methods = new MethodInfo[count]; int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { String methodInfoName = "method" + i; methods[i] = (MethodInfo)info.GetValueNoThrow(methodInfoName, typeof(MethodInfo)); if (methods[i] == null) break; } // If we got the info then make the array available for deserialization. if (i == count) m_methods = methods; } }
private Delegate GetDelegate(DelegateEntry de, int index) { Delegate d; try { if (de.methodName == null || de.methodName.Length == 0) ThrowInsufficientState("MethodName"); if (de.assembly == null || de.assembly.Length == 0) ThrowInsufficientState("DelegateAssembly"); if (de.targetTypeName == null || de.targetTypeName.Length == 0) ThrowInsufficientState("TargetTypeName"); // We cannot use Type.GetType directly, because of AppCompat - assembly names starting with '[' would fail to load. RuntimeType type = (RuntimeType)Assembly.GetType_Compat(de.assembly, de.type); RuntimeType targetType = (RuntimeType)Assembly.GetType_Compat(de.targetTypeAssembly, de.targetTypeName); // If we received the new style delegate encoding we already have the target MethodInfo in hand. if (m_methods != null) { #if FEATURE_REMOTING Object target = != null ? RemotingServices.CheckCast(, targetType) : null; #else if(!targetType.IsInstanceOfType( throw new InvalidCastException(); Object; #endif d = Delegate.CreateDelegateNoSecurityCheck(type, target, m_methods[index]); } else { if ( != null) #if FEATURE_REMOTING d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, RemotingServices.CheckCast(, targetType), de.methodName); #else { if(!targetType.IsInstanceOfType( throw new InvalidCastException(); d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type,, de.methodName); } #endif else d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, targetType, de.methodName); } if ((d.Method != null && !d.Method.IsPublic) || (d.Method.DeclaringType != null && !d.Method.DeclaringType.IsVisible)) new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess).Demand(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is SerializationException) throw e; throw new SerializationException(e.Message, e); } return d; }
// Serialize a delegate object. internal static DelegateEntry Serialize (SerializationInfo info, int listPosition, Type delegateType, Object target, MethodBase method) { // Create the new delegate entry block. DelegateEntry entry = new DelegateEntry(); entry.type = delegateType.FullName; entry.assembly = delegateType.Assembly.FullName; = target; entry.targetTypeAssembly = method.ReflectedType.Assembly.FullName; entry.targetTypeName = method.ReflectedType.FullName; entry.methodName = method.Name; // Add the block if this is the first in the list. if(info.MemberCount == 0) { info.SetType(typeof(DelegateSerializationHolder)); info.AddValue("Delegate", entry, typeof(DelegateEntry)); } // Add the target object to the top level of the info block. // Needed to get around order of fixup problems in some // third party serialization implementations. if(target != null) { String name = "target" + listPosition.ToString(); info.AddValue(name, target, typeof(Object)); = name; } // Return the entry to the caller so that we can chain // multiple entries together for multicast delegates. return entry; }
// Constructor. public DelegateSerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if(info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); } bool needsResolve = false; try { // Try the new serialization format first. entry = (DelegateEntry)(info.GetValue ("Delegate", typeof(DelegateEntry))); needsResolve = true; } catch(Exception) { // Try the old-style serialization format (deprecated). entry = new DelegateEntry(); entry.type = info.GetString("DelegateType"); entry.assembly = info.GetString("DelegateAssembly"); = info.GetValue("Target", typeof(Object)); entry.targetTypeAssembly = info.GetString("TargetTypeAssembly"); entry.targetTypeName = info.GetString("TargetTypeName"); entry.methodName = info.GetString("MethodName"); } // Resolve targets specified as field names. if(needsResolve) { DelegateEntry e = entry; while(e != null) { if( is String) { = info.GetValue ((String)(, typeof(Object)); } e = e.delegateEntry; } } }
internal DelegateSerializationHolder(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info==null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); } bool bNewWire = true; try { m_delegateEntry = (DelegateEntry)info.GetValue("Delegate", typeof(DelegateEntry)); } catch(Exception) { // Old wire format m_delegateEntry = OldDelegateWireFormat(info, context); bNewWire = false; } if (bNewWire) { // retrieve the targets DelegateEntry deiter = m_delegateEntry; while (deiter != null) { if ( != null) { string stringTarget = as string; //need test to pass older wire format if (stringTarget != null) = info.GetValue(stringTarget, typeof(Object)); } deiter= deiter.delegateEntry; } } }
// Serialize a multicast delegate object. internal static void SerializeMulticast (SerializationInfo info, MulticastDelegate del) { DelegateEntry entry, next; int index = 0; // Serialize the first entry on the multicast list. entry = Serialize(info, index++, del.GetType(),, MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(del.method)); // Serialize the rest of the multicast chain. del = del.prev; while(del != null) { next = Serialize (info, index++, del.GetType(),, MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(del.method)); entry.delegateEntry = next; entry = next; del = del.prev; } }
private Delegate GetDelegate(DelegateEntry de) { Delegate d; if (de.methodName==null || de.methodName.Length==0) { throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InsufficientDeserializationState")); } Assembly assem = FormatterServices.LoadAssemblyFromString(de.assembly); if (assem==null) { BCLDebug.Trace("SER", "[DelegateSerializationHolder.ctor]: Unable to find assembly for TargetType: ", de.assembly); throw new SerializationException(String.Format(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_AssemblyNotFound"), de.assembly)); } Type type = assem.GetTypeInternal(de.type, false, false, false); assem = FormatterServices.LoadAssemblyFromString(de.targetTypeAssembly); if (assem==null) { BCLDebug.Trace("SER", "[DelegateSerializationHolder.ctor]: Unable to find assembly for TargetType: ", de.targetTypeAssembly); throw new SerializationException(String.Format(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_AssemblyNotFound"), de.targetTypeAssembly)); } Type targetType = assem.GetTypeInternal(de.targetTypeName, false, false, false); if ( && targetType==null) { throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InsufficientDeserializationState")); } if (type==null) { BCLDebug.Trace("SER","[DelegateSerializationHolder.GetRealObject]Missing Type"); throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InsufficientDeserializationState")); } if (targetType==null) { throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InsufficientDeserializationState")); } Object target = null; if (!=null) { //We have a delegate to a non-static object target = RemotingServices.CheckCast(, targetType); d=Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, target, de.methodName); } else { //For a static delegate d=Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, targetType, de.methodName); } // We will refuse to create delegates to methods that are non-public. MethodInfo mi = d.Method; if (mi != null) { if (!mi.IsPublic) { throw new SerializationException( Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_RefuseNonPublicDelegateCreation")); } } return d; }