Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// Use StartClient() to start a connection to a server.
        /// </summary>
        protected SocketClient()
            KeepAliveTimer           = new System.Timers.Timer(15000);
            KeepAliveTimer.Elapsed  += KeepAlive;
            KeepAliveTimer.AutoReset = true;
            KeepAliveTimer.Enabled   = false;

            IsRunning           = false;
            AllowReceivingFiles = false;

            ByteCompressor    = new DeflateByteCompression();
            MessageEncryption = new Aes256();
            FileCompressor    = new GZipCompression();
            FolderCompressor  = new ZipCompression();
        /// <summary>
        /// Base constructor
        /// </summary>
        protected ServerListener()
            //Set timer that checks all clients every 5 minutes
            _keepAliveTimer           = new System.Timers.Timer(300000);
            _keepAliveTimer.Elapsed  += KeepAlive;
            _keepAliveTimer.AutoReset = true;
            _keepAliveTimer.Enabled   = true;
            WhiteList = new List <IPAddress>();
            BlackList = new List <IPAddress>();

            IsRunning           = false;
            AllowReceivingFiles = false;

            ByteCompressor    = new DeflateByteCompression();
            MessageEncryption = new Aes256();
            FileCompressor    = new GZipCompression();
            FolderCompressor  = new ZipCompression();