public override void Save(XmlElement elem) { elem.SetAttribute("x", Loc.X.ToString()); elem.SetAttribute("y", Loc.Y.ToString()); elem.SetAttribute("map", DefMap.ToString()); elem.SetAttribute("color", _col.ToArgb().ToString()); elem.SetAttribute("text", _text); }
public override void SpawnMyPawn() { base.SpawnMyPawn(); if (myPawn.story == null) { myPawn.story = new Pawn_StoryTracker(myPawn); } if (myPawn.skills == null) { myPawn.skills = new Pawn_SkillTracker(myPawn); } if (myPawn.workSettings == null) { myPawn.workSettings = new Pawn_WorkSettings(myPawn); } if (myPawn.relations == null) { myPawn.relations = new Pawn_RelationsTracker(myPawn); } DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int> priorities = new DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int>(); priorities.SetAll(0); typeof(Pawn_WorkSettings).GetField("priorities", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(myPawn.workSettings, priorities); foreach (WorkTypeDef workType in Props.allowedWorkTypes) { foreach (SkillDef skill in workType.relevantSkills) { SkillRecord record = myPawn.skills.skills.Find(rec => rec.def == skill); record.levelInt = Props.skillLevel; } myPawn.workSettings.SetPriority(workType, 1); } if (myPawn.TryGetComp <CompMachine>().Props.violent) { if (myPawn.drafter == null) { myPawn.drafter = new Pawn_DraftController(myPawn); } if (Props.spawnWithWeapon != null) { ThingWithComps thing = (ThingWithComps)ThingMaker.MakeThing(Props.spawnWithWeapon);; } } if (myPawn.needs.TryGetNeed <Need_Power>() == null) { typeof(Pawn_NeedsTracker).GetMethod("AddNeed", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(myPawn.needs, new object[] { DefDatabase <NeedDef> .GetNamed("VFE_Mechanoids_Power") }); } myPawn.needs.TryGetNeed <Need_Power>().CurLevel = 0; if (myPawn.playerSettings != null) { myPawn.playerSettings.AreaRestriction = allowedArea; } wantsRespawn = false; }
public static Thing MakeBrainScan(Pawn pawn, ThingDef genomeDef) { Thing brainScanThing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(genomeDef); BrainScanTemplate brainScan = brainScanThing as BrainScanTemplate; if (brainScan != null) { //Standard. brainScan.sourceName = pawn?.Name?.ToStringFull ?? null; //Backgrounds Pawn_StoryTracker story = pawn.story; if (story != null) { brainScan.backStoryChild = story.childhood; brainScan.backStoryAdult = story.adulthood; } //Skills Pawn_SkillTracker skillTracker = pawn.skills; if (skillTracker != null) { foreach (SkillRecord skill in skillTracker.skills) { brainScan.skills.Add(new SkillRecord() { def = skill.def, Level = skill.Level, passion = skill.passion }); } } //Animal brainScan.isAnimal = pawn.RaceProps.Animal; //Training Pawn_TrainingTracker trainingTracker =; if (trainingTracker != null) { DefMap <TrainableDef, bool> learned = (DefMap <TrainableDef, bool>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker), "learned").GetValue(trainingTracker); DefMap <TrainableDef, int> steps = (DefMap <TrainableDef, int>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker), "steps").GetValue(trainingTracker); //Copy foreach (var item in learned) { brainScan.trainingLearned[item.Key] = item.Value; } foreach (var item in steps) { brainScan.trainingSteps[item.Key] = item.Value; } } } return(brainScanThing); }
public void ExposeData() { Scribe_Deep.Look(ref tolerances, "tolerances"); Scribe_Deep.Look(ref bored, "bored"); if (bored == null) { bored = new DefMap <JoyKindDef, bool>(); } }
public void ExposeData() { Scribe_Deep.Look <DefMap <JoyKindDef, float> >(ref this.tolerances, "tolerances", new object[0]); Scribe_Deep.Look <DefMap <JoyKindDef, bool> >(ref this.bored, "bored", new object[0]); if (this.bored == null) { this.bored = new DefMap <JoyKindDef, bool>(); } }
static void Postfix(Pawn_WorkSettings __instance, object __state, WorkTypeDef w) { if (__state != null) { DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int> pawnPriorities = AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_WorkSettings), "priorities").GetValue(__instance) as DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int>; pawnPriorities[w] = (int)__state; } }
public static IEnumerable <T> Values <D, T>(this DefMap <D, T> map) where D : Def, new() where T : new() { var values = new List <T>(); for (var i = 0; i < map.Count; i++) { values.Add(map[i]); } return(values); }
static void Postfix(DefMap <TrainableDef, int> ___steps, DefMap <TrainableDef, int> __state) { if (stopTamenessDecay) { foreach (KeyValuePair <TrainableDef, int> kvp in ___steps) { ___steps[kvp.Key] = __state[kvp.Key]; } } }
public static void ApplyBrainScanTemplateOnPawn(Pawn thePawn, BrainScanTemplate brainScan, float efficency = 1f) { if(thePawn.IsValidBrainScanningTarget()) { //Backgrounds Pawn_StoryTracker storyTracker = thePawn.story; if (storyTracker != null) { //story.childhood = brainScan.backStoryChild; storyTracker.adulthood = brainScan.backStoryAdult; } //Skills Pawn_SkillTracker skillTracker = thePawn.skills; if (skillTracker != null) { foreach (ComparableSkillRecord skill in brainScan.skills) { SkillRecord pawnSkill = skillTracker.GetSkill(skill.def); pawnSkill.Level = (int)Math.Floor((float)skill.level * efficency); pawnSkill.passion = skill.passion; pawnSkill.Notify_SkillDisablesChanged(); } } //Dirty hack ahoy! if(storyTracker != null) { AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_StoryTracker), "cachedDisabledWorkTypes").SetValue(storyTracker, null); } //Training Pawn_TrainingTracker trainingTracker =; if (trainingTracker != null) { DefMap<TrainableDef, bool> learned = (DefMap<TrainableDef, bool>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker), "learned").GetValue(trainingTracker); DefMap<TrainableDef, int> steps = (DefMap<TrainableDef, int>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker), "steps").GetValue(trainingTracker); //Copy foreach (var item in brainScan.trainingLearned) { learned[item.Key] = item.Value; } foreach (var item in brainScan.trainingSteps) { steps[item.Key] = (int)Math.Floor((float)item.Value * efficency); } } //Apply Hediff; Messages.Message("QE_BrainTemplatingComplete".Translate(thePawn.Named("PAWN")), MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent, false); } }
static bool Prefix(ref Job __result, Pawn pawn, Thing t, bool forced) { if (!Settings.give_sick_joy_drugs) { return(true); } // Pawn sick = (Pawn)t; List <JoyGiverDef> defs = DefDatabase <JoyGiverDef> .AllDefsListForReading.FindAll( d => d.giverClass == typeof(JoyGiver_Ingest) || d.giverClass == typeof(JoyGiver_TakeDrug_Patient) || d.giverClass == typeof(JoyGiver_VisitSickPawn)); // var chances = new DefMap <JoyGiverDef, float>(); foreach (var d in defs) { if (d.Worker.CanBeGivenTo(pawn)) { chances[d] = (d.giverClass == typeof(JoyGiver_TakeDrug_Patient) ? 4f : d.Worker.GetChance(sick)) * Mathf.Max(0.001f, Mathf.Pow(1f -[d.joyKind], 5f)); } else { chances[d] = 0f; } } JoyGiverDef def = null; Job newJob = null; int counter = 0; while (counter < defs.Count && defs.TryRandomElementByWeight(d => chances[d], out def)) { if (def.giverClass == typeof(JoyGiver_VisitSickPawn)) { return(true); } // newJob = def.Worker.TryGiveJob(sick); if (newJob != null) { __result = JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.FeedPatient); __result.targetA = newJob.targetA; __result.targetB = t; __result.count = newJob.count; return(false); } chances[def] = 0f; counter++; } return(true); }
public new void EnableAndInitialize() { if (this.prioritiesReflect == null) { this.prioritiesReflect = new DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int>(); } this.prioritiesReflect.SetAll(0); //int num = 0; foreach (WorkTypeDef current in from w in DefDatabase <WorkTypeDef> .AllDefs //where !w.alwaysStartActive && !this.pawn.story.WorkTypeIsDisabled(w) //orderby this.pawn2.skills.AverageOfRelevantSkillsFor(w) descending select w) { bool found = false; foreach (X2_ThingDef_AIRobot.RobotWorkTypes rwtdef in (this.pawn2.def as X2_ThingDef_AIRobot).robotWorkTypes) { if (rwtdef.workTypeDef.defName == current.defName) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { this.SetPriority(current, 3); try { base.SetPriority(current, 3); } catch (Exception ex) { if (countLogPriority < 1) { Log.Warning("Thrown error while setting priority. This can be an issue with another mod!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace); countLogPriority++; } } } else { this.SetPriority(current, 0); try { base.SetPriority(current, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { if (countLogPriority < 1) { Log.Warning("Thrown error while setting priority. This can be an issue with another mod!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace); countLogPriority++; } } } } }
public static DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int> Copy(this DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int> m) { var map = new DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <WorkTypeDef, int> pair in m) { map[pair.Key] = pair.Value; } return(map); }
public static bool Prefix(DefMap <RecordDef, float> __instance) { var field = __instance.GetType().GetField("values", BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.SetField | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); var l = (field.GetValue(__instance) as List <float>); while (l.Count < DefDatabase <RecordDef> .DefCount) { l.Add(0f); } //field.SetValue(__instance, (int)() + 1); return(true); }
public static bool Notify_CapacityLevelsDirty(PawnCapacitiesHandler __instance) { if (cachedCapacityLevelsDict[__instance] == null) { cachedCapacityLevelsDict[__instance] = new DefMap <PawnCapacityDef, CacheElement2>(); } for (int i = 0; i < cachedCapacityLevelsDict[__instance].Count; i++) { cachedCapacityLevelsDict[__instance][i].status = CacheStatus.Uncached; } return(false); }
protected override void CopyFrom(Pawn p) { if (clipboard == null) { clipboard = new DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int>(); } List <WorkTypeDef> allDefsListForReading = DefDatabase <WorkTypeDef> .AllDefsListForReading; for (int i = 0; i < allDefsListForReading.Count; i++) { WorkTypeDef workTypeDef = allDefsListForReading[i]; clipboard[workTypeDef] = ((!p.WorkTypeIsDisabled(workTypeDef)) ? p.workSettings.GetPriority(workTypeDef) : 3); } }
protected override void ResolveSubnodes() { this.dutyDefToSubNode = new DefMap<DutyDef, int>(); this.dutyDefToSubNode.SetAll(-1); foreach (DutyDef dutyDef in DefDatabase<DutyDef>.AllDefs) { if (dutyDef.constantThinkNode != null) { this.dutyDefToSubNode[dutyDef] = this.subNodes.Count; dutyDef.constantThinkNode.ResolveSubnodesAndRecur(); this.subNodes.Add(dutyDef.constantThinkNode.DeepCopy(true)); } } }
protected override void CopyFrom(Pawn p) { if (PawnColumnWorker_CopyPasteWorkPriorities.clipboard == null) { PawnColumnWorker_CopyPasteWorkPriorities.clipboard = new DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int>(); } List <WorkTypeDef> allDefsListForReading = DefDatabase <WorkTypeDef> .AllDefsListForReading; for (int i = 0; i < allDefsListForReading.Count; i++) { WorkTypeDef workTypeDef = allDefsListForReading[i]; PawnColumnWorker_CopyPasteWorkPriorities.clipboard[workTypeDef] = (p.story.WorkTypeIsDisabled(workTypeDef) ? 3 : p.workSettings.GetPriority(workTypeDef)); } }
protected override void ResolveSubnodes() { dutyDefToSubNode = new DefMap <DutyDef, int>(); dutyDefToSubNode.SetAll(-1); foreach (DutyDef allDef in DefDatabase <DutyDef> .AllDefs) { if (allDef.constantThinkNode != null) { dutyDefToSubNode[allDef] = subNodes.Count; allDef.constantThinkNode.ResolveSubnodesAndRecur(); subNodes.Add(allDef.constantThinkNode.DeepCopy()); } } }
internal void TryStoreWorkPriorities() { if (!Settings.Priorities) { return; } if (Parent.workSettings == null) { return; } _workCache = (MemoryHelper.WorkSettingsMap.GetValue(Parent.workSettings) as DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int>)?.Copy(); }
private static CacheElement2 get_cacheElement(PawnCapacitiesHandler __instance, PawnCapacityDef capacity) { DefMap <PawnCapacityDef, CacheElement2> defMap = cachedCapacityLevelsDict[__instance]; if (defMap == null) { defMap = new DefMap <PawnCapacityDef, CacheElement2>(); cachedCapacityLevelsDict[__instance] = defMap; for (int i = 0; i < defMap.Count; i++) { defMap[i].status = CacheStatus.Uncached; } } return(defMap[capacity]); }
public void Reset() { if (this.priorities == null) { this.priorities = new DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int>(); } if (this.priorities.Count == 0) { foreach (WorkTypeDef current in DefDatabase <WorkTypeDef> .AllDefs) { this.SetPriority(current, 0); } } this.priorities.SetAll(0); }
static void Prefix(DefMap <TrainableDef, int> ___steps, out DefMap <TrainableDef, int> __state) { if (stopTamenessDecay) { __state = new DefMap <TrainableDef, int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <TrainableDef, int> kvp in ___steps) { __state[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; } } else { __state = null; } }
public static bool Prefix(Pawn ingester, Thing __instance, ref JoyState __state) { ThingDef ingestThingDef = __instance.def; JoyToleranceSet set = ingester?.needs?.joy?.tolerances; if (ingestThingDef == null || set == null || !DessertDefs.AllDeserts.Contains(ingestThingDef)) { __state = new JoyState(false, 0, null); return(true); } DefMap <JoyKindDef, float> tolerances = (DefMap <JoyKindDef, float>)_tolerances.GetValue(set); __state = new JoyState(true, tolerances[JoyKindDefOf.Gluttonous], tolerances); return(true); }
public new void EnableAndInitialize() { if (this.prioritiesReflected == null) { this.prioritiesReflected = new DefMap <WorkTypeDef, int>(); } this.prioritiesReflected.SetAll(0); //int num = 0; foreach (WorkTypeDef current in from w in DefDatabase <WorkTypeDef> .AllDefs //where !w.alwaysStartActive && !this.pawn.story.WorkTypeIsDisabled(w) //orderby this.pawn2.skills.AverageOfRelevantSkillsFor(w) descending select w) { //bool found = false; //foreach (X2_ThingDef_AIRobot.RobotWorkTypes rwtdef in (this.pawn2.def as X2_ThingDef_AIRobot).robotWorkTypes) //{ // if (rwtdef.workTypeDef == current) // { // found = true; // break; // } //} //if (found) // this.SetPriority(current, 3); //else // this.SetPriority(current, 0); this.SetPriority(current, 3); //num++; //if (num >= 6) //{ // break; //} } //foreach (WorkTypeDef current3 in this.pawn.story.DisabledWorkTypes) //{ // this.Disable(current3); //} }
private static Definition FindDefinition(DefMap[] globalDefs, BasicBlock current, Register reg) { foreach (BasicBlock block in SelfAndImmediateDominators(current)) { DefMap defMap = globalDefs[block.Index]; if (defMap.TryGetOperand(reg, out Operand lastDef)) { return(new Definition(block, lastDef)); } if (defMap.HasPhi(reg)) { return(new Definition(block, InsertPhi(globalDefs, block, reg))); } } return(new Definition(current, Undef())); }
public static void MakeTablePairsByThing(List <ThingStuffPair> pairList) { DefMap <ThingDef, float> totalCommMult = new DefMap <ThingDef, float>(); DefMap <ThingDef, float> totalComm = new DefMap <ThingDef, float>(); DefMap <ThingDef, int> pairCount = new DefMap <ThingDef, int>(); foreach (ThingStuffPair pair in pairList) { ThingStuffPair current = pair; ThingDef thing; DefMap <ThingDef, float> defMap; (defMap = totalCommMult)[thing = current.thing] = defMap[thing] + current.commonalityMultiplier; ThingDef thing2; (defMap = totalComm)[thing2 = current.thing] = defMap[thing2] + current.Commonality; DefMap <ThingDef, int> defMap2; ThingDef thing3; (defMap2 = pairCount)[thing3 = current.thing] = defMap2[thing3] + 1; } DebugTables.MakeTablesDialog(from d in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs where pairList.Any((ThingStuffPair pa) => pa.thing == d) select d, new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("thing", (ThingDef t) => t.defName), new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("pair count", (ThingDef t) => pairCount[t].ToString()), new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("total commonality multiplier ", (ThingDef t) => totalCommMult[t].ToString("F4")), new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("total commonality", (ThingDef t) => totalComm[t].ToString("F4")), new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("def-commonality", (ThingDef t) => t.generateCommonality.ToString("F4"))); }
static public void CopyPawnRecords(Pawn pawn, Pawn newPawn) { //Who has a relationship with this pet? Pawn pawnMaster = null; Map map = pawn.Map; foreach (Pawn current in map.mapPawns.AllPawns) { if (current.relations.DirectRelationExists(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond, pawn)) { pawnMaster = current; } } //Fix the relations if (pawnMaster != null) { pawnMaster.relations.TryRemoveDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond, pawn); pawnMaster.relations.AddDirectRelation(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond, newPawn); //Train that stuff! DefMap <TrainableDef, int> oldMap = (DefMap <TrainableDef, int>) typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker).GetField("steps", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(; DefMap <TrainableDef, int> newMap = (DefMap <TrainableDef, int>) typeof(Pawn_TrainingTracker).GetField("steps", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(; foreach (TrainableDef def in DefDatabase <TrainableDef> .AllDefs) { newMap[def] = oldMap[def]; } } foreach (Hediff hediff in {; } }
public JoyState(bool isVceDesert, float previousJoy, DefMap <JoyKindDef, float> tolerances) { IsVCEDesert = isVceDesert; PreviousTolerance = previousJoy; Tolerances = tolerances; }
public static void Rename(BasicBlock[] blocks) { DefMap[] globalDefs = new DefMap[blocks.Length]; for (int blkIndex = 0; blkIndex < blocks.Length; blkIndex++) { globalDefs[blkIndex] = new DefMap(); } Queue <BasicBlock> dfPhiBlocks = new Queue <BasicBlock>(); // First pass, get all defs and locals uses. for (int blkIndex = 0; blkIndex < blocks.Length; blkIndex++) { Operand[] localDefs = new Operand[RegisterConsts.TotalCount]; Operand RenameLocal(Operand operand) { if (operand != null && operand.Type == OperandType.Register) { Operand local = localDefs[GetKeyFromRegister(operand.GetRegister())]; operand = local ?? operand; } return(operand); } BasicBlock block = blocks[blkIndex]; LinkedListNode <INode> node = block.Operations.First; while (node != null) { if (node.Value is Operation operation) { for (int index = 0; index < operation.SourcesCount; index++) { operation.SetSource(index, RenameLocal(operation.GetSource(index))); } for (int index = 0; index < operation.DestsCount; index++) { Operand dest = operation.GetDest(index); if (dest.Type == OperandType.Register) { Operand local = Local(); localDefs[GetKeyFromRegister(dest.GetRegister())] = local; operation.SetDest(index, local); } } } node = node.Next; } for (int index = 0; index < RegisterConsts.TotalCount; index++) { Operand local = localDefs[index]; if (local == null) { continue; } Register reg = GetRegisterFromKey(index); globalDefs[block.Index].TryAddOperand(reg, local); dfPhiBlocks.Enqueue(block); while (dfPhiBlocks.TryDequeue(out BasicBlock dfPhiBlock)) { foreach (BasicBlock domFrontier in dfPhiBlock.DominanceFrontiers) { if (globalDefs[domFrontier.Index].AddPhi(reg)) { dfPhiBlocks.Enqueue(domFrontier); } } } } } // Second pass, rename variables with definitions on different blocks. for (int blkIndex = 0; blkIndex < blocks.Length; blkIndex++) { Operand[] localDefs = new Operand[RegisterConsts.TotalCount]; BasicBlock block = blocks[blkIndex]; Operand RenameGlobal(Operand operand) { if (operand != null && operand.Type == OperandType.Register) { int key = GetKeyFromRegister(operand.GetRegister()); Operand local = localDefs[key]; if (local != null) { return(local); } operand = FindDefinitionForCurr(globalDefs, block, operand.GetRegister()); localDefs[key] = operand; } return(operand); } for (LinkedListNode <INode> node = block.Operations.First; node != null; node = node.Next) { if (node.Value is Operation operation) { for (int index = 0; index < operation.SourcesCount; index++) { operation.SetSource(index, RenameGlobal(operation.GetSource(index))); } } } } }
public override void ResolveReferences() { joyGiverChances = new DefMap <JoyGiverDef, float>(); }