/// <summary>
        /// Initialize constructor parameters
        /// </summary>

        public WorkflowEventsProcessorConstructorTest()
            _decisionTask = Substitute.For <DecisionTask>();
            _pollforDecisionTaskRequest = Substitute.For <PollForDecisionTaskRequest>();
            _amazonSwf    = Substitute.For <IAmazonSimpleWorkflow>();
            _workflowBase = Substitute.For <WorkflowBase>("domain", "workflowName", "version", "taskList", _amazonSwf);
        private List <Decision> Decide(DecisionTask task)
            List <Decision> decisions = new List <Decision>();

            SwfActivity  latestActivity = null;
            HistoryEvent latestEvent    = task.Events[0];

            if (latestEvent.EventType == EventType.ActivityTaskCompleted)
                latestActivity = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <SwfActivity>(latestEvent.ActivityTaskCompletedEventAttributes.Result);

            SwfActivity nextActivity = this.CreateNextEmrActivity(latestActivity);

            if (nextActivity == null)

Esempio n. 3
        public WorkflowTests()
            _decisionTask = Substitute.For <DecisionTask>();
            _decisionTask.WorkflowType = new WorkflowType {
                Name = "TestWorkflow", Version = "TestVersion"
            _decisionTask.WorkflowExecution = new WorkflowExecution {
                RunId = "TestRunId", WorkflowId = ""

            var results = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, string>();

            results.AddOrUpdate(1, "TestResult", (index, value) => $"{value} - {index}");

            _executionContext = WorkflowStateSerializer.Serialize(new WorkflowState()
                CurrentStepNumber = 1,
                NumberOfActions   = 1,
                Results           = results

            _pollforDecisionTaskRequest        = Substitute.For <PollForDecisionTaskRequest>();
            _pollforDecisionTaskRequest.Domain = "TestDomain";
            _amazonSwf = Substitute.For <IAmazonSimpleWorkflow>();
            _workflow  = Substitute.For <WorkflowBase>("domain", _defaultWorkflowName, "version", "taskList", _amazonSwf);
Esempio n. 4
        public MakeDecisionTests()
            _decisionTask = Substitute.For <DecisionTask>();
            _decisionTask.WorkflowType = new WorkflowType {
                Name = "TestWorkflow", Version = "TestVersion"
            _decisionTask.WorkflowExecution = new WorkflowExecution {
                RunId = "TestRunId", WorkflowId = ""

            var results = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, string>();

            results.AddOrUpdate(1, "TestResult", (key, value) => $"{key} - {value}");

            WorkflowStateSerializer.Serialize(new WorkflowState()
                CurrentStepNumber = 1,
                NumberOfActions   = 1,
                Results           = results

            _pollforDecisionTaskRequest        = Substitute.For <PollForDecisionTaskRequest>();
            _pollforDecisionTaskRequest.Domain = "TestDomain";
            _amazonSwf    = Substitute.For <IAmazonSimpleWorkflow>();
            _workflowBase = Substitute.For <WorkflowBase>("domain", "workflowName", "version", "taskList", _amazonSwf);

            var describeWorkflowExecutionRequest = Substitute.For <DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest>();

            describeWorkflowExecutionRequest.Domain    = _pollforDecisionTaskRequest.Domain;
            describeWorkflowExecutionRequest.Execution = _decisionTask.WorkflowExecution;
        public override void Invoke(AWSCredentials creds, RegionEndpoint region, int maxItems)
            AmazonSimpleWorkflowConfig config = new AmazonSimpleWorkflowConfig();

            config.RegionEndpoint = region;
            AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient client = new AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient(creds, config);

            DecisionTask resp = new DecisionTask();

                PollForDecisionTaskRequest req = new PollForDecisionTaskRequest
                    NextPageToken = resp.NextPageToken
                    MaximumPageSize = maxItems

                resp = client.PollForDecisionTask(req);
                CheckError(resp.HttpStatusCode, "200");

                foreach (var obj in resp.Events)
            }while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.NextPageToken));
Esempio n. 6
        public void Throws_exception_when_first_event_is_not_decision_task_started_event()
            var decision1 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", NextPageToken = "token", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
            var decision2 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", NextPageToken = "token1", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
                    new HistoryEvent {
                        EventId = 2
            var decision3 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
                    new HistoryEvent {
                        EventId = 3

            AmazonSwfReturnsDecisionTask(decision1, decision2, decision3);

            Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(async() => await _taskList.PollForWorkflowTaskAsync(_domain, _pollingIdentity, _cancellationTokenSource.Token));
Esempio n. 7
        void PollAndDecide()
            while (!_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    DecisionTask task = Poll();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(task.TaskToken))
                        //Create the next set of decision based on the current state and
                        //the execution history
                        var decisions = Decide(task);

                        //Complete the task with the new set of decisions
                        CompleteTaskAsync(task.TaskToken, decisions).Wait();
                catch (AggregateException e)
                    var inner = e.InnerException;
                    Logger.LogMessage("Unknown error while processing workflow decisions: {0}\n{1}", inner.Message, inner.StackTrace);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.LogMessage("Unknown error while processing workflow decisions: {0}\n{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);
Esempio n. 8
        public async Task Task_queue_can_be_configured_to_read_first_page_of_hisotry_events()
            var decision1 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", NextPageToken = "token", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
                    new HistoryEvent {
                        EventId = 1
            var decision2 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", NextPageToken = "token1", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
                    new HistoryEvent {
                        EventId = 2
            var decision3 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
                    new HistoryEvent {
                        EventId = 3

            AmazonSwfReturnsDecisionTask(decision1, decision2, decision3);

            _taskList.ReadStrategy = TaskList.ReadFirstPage;

            var decisionTask = await _taskList.PollForWorkflowTaskAsync(_domain, _pollingIdentity, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

            Assert.That(decisionTask, Is.Not.EqualTo(WorkflowTask.Empty));
            _amazonWorkflowClient.Verify(c => c.PollForDecisionTaskAsync(It.IsAny <PollForDecisionTaskRequest>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()), Times.Exactly(1));
Esempio n. 9
        public async Task Task_queue_can_be_configured_to_read_first_page_of_hisotry_events()
            var decisionStartedEvent = _eventGraphBuilder.DecisionStartedEvent(DateTime.UtcNow);
            var decision1            = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", NextPageToken = "token", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
            var decision2 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", NextPageToken = "token1", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
                    new HistoryEvent {
                        EventId = 2
            var decision3 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
                    new HistoryEvent {
                        EventId = 3

            AmazonSwfReturnsDecisionTask(decision1, decision2, decision3);

            _taskList.ReadStrategy = TaskList.ReadFirstPage;

            var workflowTask = await _taskList.PollForWorkflowTaskAsync(_domain, _pollingIdentity, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

            Assert.That(workflowTask, Is.Not.EqualTo(WorkflowTask.Empty));
            var events = workflowTask.AllEvents.ToArray();

            Assert.That(events.Length, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(events[0].EventId, Is.EqualTo(1));
Esempio n. 10
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Before public void setUp()
        public virtual void setUp()
            decisionTask = createElement(casePlanModel, "aDecisionTask", typeof(DecisionTask));

            planItem            = createElement(casePlanModel, "PI_aHumanTask", typeof(PlanItem));
            planItem.Definition = decisionTask;
Esempio n. 11
        public async Task By_default_read_all_events_when_decision_task_is_returned_in_multiple_pages()
            var decision1 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", NextPageToken = "token", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
            var decision2 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", NextPageToken = "token1", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
                    new HistoryEvent {
                        EventId = 2
            var decision3 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
                    new HistoryEvent {
                        EventId = 3

            AmazonSwfReturnsDecisionTask(decision1, decision2, decision3);

            var workflowTask =
                await _taskList.PollForWorkflowTaskAsync(_domain, _pollingIdentity, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

            Assert.That(workflowTask, Is.Not.EqualTo(WorkflowTask.Empty));
            var events = workflowTask.AllEvents.ToArray();

            Assert.That(events.Length, Is.EqualTo(3));
            Assert.That(events[0].EventId, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(events[1].EventId, Is.EqualTo(2));
            Assert.That(events[2].EventId, Is.EqualTo(3));
Esempio n. 12
        public async Task By_default_read_all_events_when_decision_task_is_returned_in_multiple_pages()
            var decision1 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", NextPageToken = "token", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
                    new HistoryEvent {
                        EventId = 1
            var decision2 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", NextPageToken = "token1", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
                    new HistoryEvent {
                        EventId = 2
            var decision3 = new DecisionTask {
                TaskToken = "t,", Events = new List <HistoryEvent> {
                    new HistoryEvent {
                        EventId = 3

            AmazonSwfReturnsDecisionTask(decision1, decision2, decision3);

            var decisionTask =
                await _taskList.PollForWorkflowTaskAsync(_domain, _pollingIdentity, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

            Assert.That(decisionTask, Is.Not.EqualTo(WorkflowTask.Empty));
            _amazonWorkflowClient.Verify(c => c.PollForDecisionTaskAsync(It.IsAny <PollForDecisionTaskRequest>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()), Times.Exactly(3));
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for the workflow event processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="decisionTask">Decision task passed in from SWF as decision task response.</param>
        /// <param name="workflow">IEnumerable set of string for workflow name and Type for workflow class.</param>
        /// <param name="request">The request used to retrieve <paramref name="decisionTask"/>, which will be used to retrieve subsequent history event pages.</param>
        /// <param name="swfClient">An SWF client.</param>
        public WorkflowEventsProcessor(DecisionTask decisionTask, WorkflowBase workflow, PollForDecisionTaskRequest request,
                                       IAmazonSimpleWorkflow swfClient)
            if (decisionTask == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(decisionTask));
            if (workflow == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(workflow));
            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));
            if (swfClient == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(swfClient));

            // Store the decision task and allocate a new decision context and event dictionary which
            // we will use as we walk through the chain of events
            _decisionTask    = decisionTask;
            _request         = request;
            _decisionContext = new WorkflowDecisionContext();
            _swfClient       = swfClient;

            _workflow = workflow;

            // Set up our events data structure.
            Events = new WorkflowEventsIterator(ref decisionTask, _request, _swfClient);
Esempio n. 14
        public WorkflowEventsIteratorTest()
            _decisionTask = Substitute.For <DecisionTask>();
            _pollforDecisionTaskRequest = Substitute.For <PollForDecisionTaskRequest>();
            _amazonSwf = Substitute.For <IAmazonSimpleWorkflow>();

            var workflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes = Substitute.For <WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes>();

            workflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes.Input = "Input";

            var workflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes = Substitute.For <WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes>();

            workflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes.Result = "Output";

            var historyEvent1 = Substitute.For <HistoryEvent>();

            historyEvent1.EventId = event1ID;
            historyEvent1.WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes = workflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes;
            historyEvent1.EventType = EventType.WorkflowExecutionStarted;

            var historyEvent2 = Substitute.For <HistoryEvent>();

            historyEvent2.EventId = event2ID;
            historyEvent2.WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes = Substitute.For <WorkflowExecutionCompletedEventAttributes>();
            historyEvent2.EventType = EventType.ChildWorkflowExecutionCompleted;

            _decisionTask.Events = new List <HistoryEvent>
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the next page of history from
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The next page of history events.</returns>
        private List <HistoryEvent> GetNextPage()
            var request = new PollForDecisionTaskRequest {
                Domain          = _request.Domain,
                NextPageToken   = _lastResponse.NextPageToken,
                TaskList        = _request.TaskList,
                MaximumPageSize = _request.MaximumPageSize

            const int retryCount = 10;
            int       currentTry = 1;
            bool      pollFailed;

                pollFailed = false;

                    _lastResponse = _swfClient.PollForDecisionTaskAsync(request).Result.DecisionTask;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Poll request failed with exception: " + ex);
                    pollFailed = true;

                currentTry += 1;
            } while (pollFailed && currentTry <= retryCount);

Esempio n. 16
 private static WorkflowTask ValidatedWorkflowTask(DecisionTask decisionTask, double downloadFactor)
     if (decisionTask.Events == null || decisionTask.Events.Count == 0)
         throw new ArgumentException("", "decisionTask.Events");
     return(new WorkflowTask(decisionTask, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(downloadFactor * decisionTask.Events.Count)));
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the instance from Amazon SWF DecisionTask.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="decisionTask"></param>
 /// <param name="downloadFactor">Indicate how much time it will take in milliseconds to download a history event. By default it assumes it will take 500 ms to download 1000 events.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static WorkflowTask Create(DecisionTask decisionTask, double downloadFactor = .5)
     if (HasNewEvents(decisionTask))
         return(ValidatedWorkflowTask(decisionTask, downloadFactor));
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WorkflowEventsIterator"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="decisionTask">Reference to the decision task passed in from </param>
        /// <param name="request">The request used to retrieve <paramref name="decisionTask"/>, which will be used to retrieve subsequent history event pages.</param>
        /// <param name="swfClient">An SWF client.</param>
        public WorkflowEventsIterator(ref DecisionTask decisionTask, PollForDecisionTaskRequest request, IAmazonSimpleWorkflow swfClient)
            _lastResponse = decisionTask;
            _request      = request;
            _swfClient    = swfClient;

            _historyEvents = decisionTask.Events;
Esempio n. 19
 private void AmazonSwfReturns(DecisionTask decisionTask)
     _amazonWorkflowClient.SetupSequence(c => c.PollForDecisionTaskAsync(It.IsAny <PollForDecisionTaskRequest>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
     .Returns(Task.FromResult(new PollForDecisionTaskResponse()
         DecisionTask = decisionTask
     .Returns(Task.FromResult(new PollForDecisionTaskResponse()));
Esempio n. 20
        public void Invalid_history_events_tests()
            var decisionTask = new DecisionTask()
                Events = new List <HistoryEvent>(), TaskToken = "token"

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => WorkflowTask.Create(decisionTask));
            decisionTask.Events = new List <HistoryEvent>();
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => WorkflowTask.Create(decisionTask));
Esempio n. 21
        protected async override void DoWorkSafe()
            DecisionTask task = await this.Poll();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(task.TaskToken))
                //Create the next set of decision based on the current state of the EMR Job
                List <Decision> decisions = this.Decide(task);

                //Complete the task with the new set of decisions
                await CompleteTask(task.TaskToken, decisions);
Esempio n. 22
        public WorkflowEventsProcessorTests()
            _decisionTask = Substitute.For <DecisionTask>();
            _decisionTask.WorkflowType = new WorkflowType {
                Name = "TestWorkflow", Version = "TestVersion"
            _decisionTask.WorkflowExecution = new WorkflowExecution {
                RunId = "TestRunId", WorkflowId = ""

            var results = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, string>();

            results.AddOrUpdate(1, "TestResult", UpdateValueFactory);

            _executionContext = WorkflowStateSerializer.Serialize(new WorkflowState()
                CurrentStepNumber = 1,
                NumberOfActions   = 1,
                Results           = results

            _pollforDecisionTaskRequest        = Substitute.For <PollForDecisionTaskRequest>();
            _pollforDecisionTaskRequest.Domain = "TestDomain";
            _amazonSwf    = Substitute.For <IAmazonSimpleWorkflow>();
            _workflowBase = Substitute.For <WorkflowBase>("domain", "workflowName", "version", "taskList", _amazonSwf);

            var describeWorkflowExecutionRequest = Substitute.For <DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest>();

            describeWorkflowExecutionRequest.Domain    = _pollforDecisionTaskRequest.Domain;
            describeWorkflowExecutionRequest.Execution = _decisionTask.WorkflowExecution;

            //	.ReturnsForAnyArgs(
            //		info =>
            //			new DescribeWorkflowExecutionResponse()
            //			{
            //				HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
            //				WorkflowExecutionDetail = new WorkflowExecutionDetail() {LatestExecutionContext = _executionContext}
            //			});

            SDK.Workflow.WorkflowEventsProcessor processor = Substitute.For <SDK.Workflow.WorkflowEventsProcessor>(_decisionTask, _workflowBase,
                                                                                                                   _pollforDecisionTaskRequest, _amazonSwf);

            processor.GetLastExecContext().ReturnsForAnyArgs(info => WorkflowStateSerializer.Deserialize(_executionContext));

            //_workflowEventsIterator = Substitute.For<WorkflowEventsIterator>(_decisionTask, _pollforDecisionTaskRequest,
            //	_amazonSwf);
Esempio n. 23
        public async Task Decision_task_polling_exception_can_be_handled_to_retry()
            var expectedDecisionTask = new DecisionTask();

            _amazonWorkflowClient.SetupSequence(s => s.PollForDecisionTaskAsync(It.IsAny <PollForDecisionTaskRequest>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Throws(new UnknownResourceException("not found"))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult(new PollForDecisionTaskResponse()
                DecisionTask = expectedDecisionTask
            var domain = _domain.OnPollingError((e) => ErrorAction.Retry);

            var decisionTask = await domain.PollForDecisionTaskAsync(_taskList, _pollingIdentity, _cancellationToken);

            Assert.That(decisionTask, Is.EqualTo(expectedDecisionTask));
Esempio n. 24
        //TODO : Get rid of this constructor once the dependent constructor is deleted.
        private WorkflowHistoryEvents(IEnumerable <HistoryEvent> allHistoryEvents, long previousStartedEventId,
                                      long newStartedEventId, string workflowRunId)
            var decision = new DecisionTask()
                PreviousStartedEventId = previousStartedEventId, StartedEventId = newStartedEventId, WorkflowExecution =
                    new WorkflowExecution()
                    RunId = workflowRunId

            decision.Events    = allHistoryEvents.ToList();
            decision.TaskToken = "dummy";
            _workflowTask      = WorkflowTask.Create(decision);
Esempio n. 25
 public List <Decision> HandleDecisionTask(DecisionTask decisionTask)
     _decisions = new List <Decision>();
     foreach (var historyEvent in decisionTask.Events)
         if (historyEvent.EventId <= decisionTask.PreviousStartedEventId)
             var handlerMethodForEventType = this.GetType().GetMethod(
                 historyEvent.EventType, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
             var eventAttributesProperty = historyEvent.GetType().GetProperty(historyEvent.EventType + "EventAttributes");
             if (handlerMethodForEventType != null && eventAttributesProperty != null)
                     handlerMethodForEventType.Invoke(this, new object[]
                 catch (Exception ex)
                     ex = ex.InnerException;
                     FailWorkflow(new FailWorkflowExecutionDecisionAttributes
                         Reason  = "exception",
                         Details = string.Format("Unhandled exception in {0}: {1}\n\n{2}",
            private async Task ExecuteDecisionTaskHandler(Type deciderType, DecisionTask decisionTask)
                Exception exception = null;

                    using (var decider = (SwfDeciderWorker)_serviceProvider.GetService(deciderType))
                        var decisions = decider.HandleDecisionTask(decisionTask);
                        await _workflow.RespondDecisionTaskCompletedAsync(new RespondDecisionTaskCompletedRequest
                            TaskToken = decisionTask.TaskToken,
                            Decisions = decisions
                catch (Exception ex)
                    exception = ex;
                if (exception != null)
                    await _workflow.RespondDecisionTaskCompletedAsync(new RespondDecisionTaskCompletedRequest
                        TaskToken = decisionTask.TaskToken,
                        Decisions = new List <Decision>
                            new Decision
                                DecisionType = new DecisionType("FailWorkflowExecution"),
                                FailWorkflowExecutionDecisionAttributes = new FailWorkflowExecutionDecisionAttributes
                                    Reason  = "exception",
                                    Details = string.Format("{0}\n\n{1}",
Esempio n. 27
        public WorkflowHistoryEvents Result()
            var totalEvents  = _newEvents.Concat(_processedEvents).ToList();
            var decisionTask = new DecisionTask()
                Events            = totalEvents,
                WorkflowExecution = new WorkflowExecution()
                    RunId = _workflowRunId, WorkflowId = _workflowId
                TaskToken = "dummy token"

            if (_newEvents.Count > 0)
                decisionTask.PreviousStartedEventId = _newEvents.Last().EventId - 1;
                decisionTask.StartedEventId         = _newEvents.First().EventId;
            return(new WorkflowHistoryEvents(WorkflowTask.Create(decisionTask)));
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for the workflow event processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="decisionTask">Decision task passed in from SWF as decision task response.</param>
        /// <param name="workflows">IEnumerable set of string for workflow name and Type for workflow class.</param>
        /// <param name="request">The request used to retrieve <paramref name="decisionTask"/>, which will be used to retrieve subsequent history event pages.</param>
        /// <param name="swfClient">An SWF client.</param>
        public WorkflowEventsProcessor(DecisionTask decisionTask, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, Type> > workflows, PollForDecisionTaskRequest request, IAmazonSimpleWorkflow swfClient)
            // Decision task can't be null.
            if (decisionTask == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("decisionTask");

            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("request");

            // Store the decision task and allocate a new decision context and event dictionary which
            // we will use as we walk through the chain of events
            _decisionTask    = decisionTask;
            _request         = request;
            _decisionContext = new WorkflowDecisionContext();
            _swfClient       = swfClient;

            // Set up our events data structure
            _events    = new WorkflowEventsIterator(ref decisionTask, _request, _swfClient);
            _workflows = (Dictionary <string, Type>)workflows;
Esempio n. 29
        private DecisionTask BuildDecisionTask(DateTime decisionTaskTime)
            var decisionTask = new DecisionTask()
                Events = new List <HistoryEvent>(), TaskToken = "token"

            decisionTask.WorkflowExecution = new WorkflowExecution()
                WorkflowId = "wid", RunId = "rid"
            decisionTask.Events.Add(new HistoryEvent()
                EventId = 1001, EventType = EventType.DecisionTaskStarted, EventTimestamp = decisionTaskTime
            for (int i = 1000; i > 0; i--)
                decisionTask.Events.Add(new HistoryEvent()
                    EventId = i
Esempio n. 30
        public void Setup()
            var decisionTask = new DecisionTask()
                Events = new List <HistoryEvent>(), TaskToken = "token"

            decisionTask.WorkflowExecution = new WorkflowExecution()
                WorkflowId = "wid", RunId = "rid"
            decisionTask.Events.Add(new HistoryEvent()
                EventId = 5, EventType = EventType.DecisionTaskStarted
            decisionTask.Events.Add(new HistoryEvent()
                EventId = 4
            decisionTask.Events.Add(new HistoryEvent()
                EventId = 3
            decisionTask.Events.Add(new HistoryEvent()
                EventId = 2
            decisionTask.Events.Add(new HistoryEvent()
                EventId = 1
            decisionTask.PreviousStartedEventId = 2;
            decisionTask.StartedEventId         = 5;

            _workflowTask = WorkflowTask.Create(decisionTask);