Esempio n. 1
        public void IndexAsync()

            var explorer = new EpsilonGreedyExplorer <string>(new MartPolicy(), epsilon: .2f, numActions: 10);

            var serviceConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration <string>(
                authorizationToken: "c01ff675-5710-4814-a961-d03d2d6bce65",
                explorer: explorer);

            var service = new DecisionService <string>(serviceConfig);

            var rand = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                int    context   = rand.Next(100);
                string uniqueKey = i.ToString();
                service.ChooseAction(uniqueKey, context.ToString());
                service.ReportReward((float)(context % 2), uniqueKey);

        public void TestSingleActionDSUploadSingleEvent()

            string uniqueKey = "test interaction";

            commandCenter.CreateBlobs(createSettingsBlob: true, createModelBlob: false, vwArgs: "--cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.5");

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri);

            dsConfig.JoinServerType        = JoinServerType.CustomSolution;
            dsConfig.LoggingServiceAddress = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress;

            int chosenAction;

            using (var ds = DecisionService
                            .Create <TestContext>(dsConfig)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestContext>()))
                chosenAction = ds.ChooseAction(uniqueKey, new TestContext());

            Assert.AreEqual(1, joinServer.RequestCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, joinServer.EventBatchList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, joinServer.EventBatchList[0].ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(uniqueKey, joinServer.EventBatchList[0].ExperimentalUnitFragments[0].Id);
            Assert.IsTrue(joinServer.EventBatchList[0].ExperimentalUnitFragments[0].Value.ToLower().Contains("\"a\":[" + chosenAction + ","));
        public void TestMultiActionDSUploadSingleEvent()

            string uniqueKey = "test interaction";

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri);

            dsConfig.JoinServerType        = JoinServerType.CustomSolution;
            dsConfig.LoggingServiceAddress = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress;

            int[] chosenActions;
            using (var ds = DecisionService.Create <TestContext>(dsConfig)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestContext>()))
                chosenActions = ds.ChooseRanking(uniqueKey, new TestContext());

            Assert.AreEqual(1, joinServer.RequestCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, joinServer.EventBatchList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, joinServer.EventBatchList[0].ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(uniqueKey, joinServer.EventBatchList[0].ExperimentalUnitFragments[0].Id);
            Assert.IsTrue(joinServer.EventBatchList[0].ExperimentalUnitFragments[0].Value.ToLower().Contains("\"a\":[" + string.Join(",", chosenActions) + "],"));
Esempio n. 4
        public void TestBatchingByTime()
            var serviceConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration<TestContext>("",
                new EpsilonGreedyExplorer<TestContext>(new TestPolicy(), epsilon: 0.2f, numActions: 10))
                BatchConfig = new BatchingConfiguration()
                    MaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
                    MaxEventCount = 2,
                    MaxBufferSizeInBytes = 10 * 1024 * 1024

            var service = new DecisionService<TestContext>(serviceConfig);

            string uniqueKey = "eventid";

            service.ChooseAction(uniqueKey, new TestContext());

            service.ChooseAction(uniqueKey, new TestContext());

            var batch = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<EventBatch>(File.ReadAllText(batchOutputFile), new EventJsonConverter());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, batch.Events.Count);
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task TestSingleActionDSUploadMultipleEvents()

            string uniqueKey = "test interaction";

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri);

            dsConfig.JoinServerType        = JoinServerType.CustomSolution;
            dsConfig.LoggingServiceAddress = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress;

            using (var ds = DecisionService
                            .Create <TestContext>(dsConfig)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestContext>()))
                int chosenAction1 = await ds.ChooseActionAsync(uniqueKey, new TestContext());

                int chosenAction2 = await ds.ChooseActionAsync(uniqueKey, new TestContext());

                ds.ReportReward(1.0f, uniqueKey);
                ds.ReportOutcome(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { value = "test outcome" }), uniqueKey);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, joinServer.EventBatchList.Sum(batch => batch.ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count));
Esempio n. 6
        public void TestDevModeSettingsAndExampleLog()

            var testTraceListener = new TestTraceListener();


            string vwArgs = "--cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.5";

            commandCenter.CreateBlobs(createSettingsBlob: true, createModelBlob: false, vwArgs: vwArgs);

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri)
                JoinServerType           = JoinServerType.CustomSolution,
                LoggingServiceAddress    = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress,
                PollingForModelPeriod    = TimeSpan.MinValue,
                PollingForSettingsPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue,
                DevelopmentMode          = true

            int numInteractionEvents = 25;
            var eventIdList          = new List <string>();

            using (var ds = DecisionService
                            .Create <TestADFContextWithFeatures>(dsConfig)
                            // .With<TestADFContextWithFeatures, TestADFFeatures>(context => context.ActionDependentFeatures)
                            // TODO .WithTopSlotEpsilonGreedy(.5f)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestADFContextWithFeatures>(ctx => ctx.ActionDependentFeatures.Count)))
                byte[] modelContent = commandCenter.GetCBADFModelBlobContent(numExamples: 5, numFeatureVectors: 10, vwDefaultArgs: vwArgs);
                using (var modelStream = new MemoryStream(modelContent))
                for (int i = 1; i <= numInteractionEvents; i++)
                    var    interId    = "inter" + i;
                    var    obserId    = "obser" + i;
                    Random rg         = new Random(i);
                    int    numActions = rg.Next(5, 20);
                    var    context    = TestADFContextWithFeatures.CreateRandom(numActions, rg);
                    int[]  action     = ds.ChooseRanking(interId, context);
                    ds.ReportReward(i / 100f, obserId);

            // Number of batches must be exactly equal to number of events uploaded in development mode
            // and each batch must contain exactly one event
            Assert.AreEqual(numInteractionEvents * 2, joinServer.EventBatchList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(numInteractionEvents * 2, joinServer.EventBatchList.Sum(ebl => ebl.ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count));
            var eblList = joinServer.EventBatchList.Select(ebl => ebl.ExperimentalUnitFragments[0].Id).OrderBy(id => id);

            Assert.IsTrue(eblList.SequenceEqual(eventIdList.OrderBy(id => id)));

            // Trace messages must contain context information
            Assert.AreEqual(numInteractionEvents, testTraceListener.Messages.Count(m => m.Contains("Example Context")));
Esempio n. 7
        public static void Create(uint numActions, string modelOutputDir, int policyAction)
            if (Explorer == null)
                Explorer = new EpsilonGreedyExplorer <TContext>(new MartPolicy <TContext>(policyAction), LoadSettings().Epsilon, numActions);

            if (Configuration == null)
                Configuration = new DecisionServiceConfiguration <TContext>(appToken, Explorer)
                    BlobOutputDir = modelOutputDir,
                    BatchConfig   = new BatchingConfiguration
                        MaxDuration            = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
                        MaxBufferSizeInBytes   = 1024,
                        MaxEventCount          = 100,
                        MaxUploadQueueCapacity = 4,
                        UploadRetryPolicy      = BatchUploadRetryPolicy.Retry

            if (Service == null)
                Service = new DecisionService <TContext>(Configuration);

            if (!File.Exists(settingsFile))
                File.WriteAllText(settingsFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new DecisionServiceSettings()));
Esempio n. 8
        public static void SampleCodeUsingASAJoinServer()
            // Create configuration for the decision service
            var serviceConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration<ExpandedContext, ExpandedActionDependentFeatures>(
                authorizationToken: "sample-code",
                explorer: new EpsilonGreedyExplorer<ExpandedContext>(new ExpandedPolicy(), epsilon: 0.8f))
                EventHubConnectionString = "",
                EventHubInputName = "",
                GetContextFeaturesFunc = ExpandedContext.GetFeaturesFromContext

            var service = new DecisionService<ExpandedContext, ExpandedActionDependentFeatures>(serviceConfig);

            //string uniqueKey = "sample-asa-client-";
            string uniqueKey = "scratch-key-";

            var rg = new Random(uniqueKey.GetHashCode());

            for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++)
                int numActions = rg.Next(5, 10);

                DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                string key = uniqueKey + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                uint[] action = service.ChooseAction(new UniqueEventID { Key = key, TimeStamp = timeStamp }, ExpandedContext.CreateRandom(numActions, rg), (uint)numActions);
                service.ReportReward(i / 100f, new UniqueEventID { Key = key, TimeStamp = timeStamp });


Esempio n. 9
        public void TestSettingsBlobPolling()

            commandCenter.CreateBlobs(createSettingsBlob: true, createModelBlob: false, vwArgs: "--cb_explore 2");

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri);

            dsConfig.JoinServerType           = JoinServerType.CustomSolution;
            dsConfig.LoggingServiceAddress    = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress;
            dsConfig.PollingForSettingsPeriod = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);

            using (var ds = DecisionService
                            .Create <TestContext>(dsConfig)
                            // TODO .WithTopSlotEpsilonGreedy(.2f)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestContext>()))
                byte[] settingsBytes = null;

                dsConfig.SettingsPollSuccessCallback = data => settingsBytes = data;

                for (int i = 0; i < 50 && settingsBytes == null; i++)
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        // change the settings blob's etag frequently to make sure polling detects it
                        commandCenter.CreateBlobs(createSettingsBlob: true, createModelBlob: false, vwArgs: "abc", initialExplorationEpsilon: 0.4f);

                Assert.IsTrue(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(settingsBytes, commandCenter.GetSettingsBlobContent("abc", 0.4f)));
Esempio n. 10
        public void TestRcv1ModelUpdateFromStream()

            int numActions  = 10;
            int numFeatures = 1024;

            string vwArgs = "--cb_explore 10 --epsilon 0.5";

            commandCenter.CreateBlobs(createSettingsBlob: true, createModelBlob: false, vwArgs: vwArgs);

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri)
                           //explorer: new EpsilonGreedyExplorer<TestRcv1Context>(new ConstantPolicy<TestRcv1Context>(ctx => ctx.ActionDependentFeatures.Count), epsilon: 0.5f, numActions: (int)numActions))
                JoinServerType           = JoinServerType.CustomSolution,
                LoggingServiceAddress    = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress,
                PollingForModelPeriod    = TimeSpan.MinValue,
                PollingForSettingsPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue

            using (var ds = DecisionService
                            .Create <TestRcv1Context>(dsConfig, TypeInspector.Default)
                            // TODOD: .WithEpsilonGreedy(.5f)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestRcv1Context>(ctx => ctx.Features.Count)))
                string uniqueKey = "eventid";

                for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
                    Random rg = new Random(i);

                    if (i % 50 == 1)
                        int    modelIndex   = i / 50;
                        byte[] modelContent = commandCenter.GetCBModelBlobContent(numExamples: 3 + modelIndex, numFeatures: numFeatures, numActions: numActions, vwArgs: vwArgs);
                        using (var modelStream = new MemoryStream(modelContent))

                    var context = TestRcv1Context.CreateRandom(numActions, numFeatures, rg);

                    DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    int action = ds.ChooseAction(uniqueKey, context);

                    // verify the actions are in the expected range
                    Assert.IsTrue(action >= 1 && action <= numActions);

                    ds.ReportReward(i / 100f, uniqueKey);

            Assert.AreEqual(200, joinServer.EventBatchList.Sum(b => b.ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count));
Esempio n. 11
        public void TestADFModelUpdateFromStream()

            string vwArgs = "--cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.5";

            commandCenter.CreateBlobs(createSettingsBlob: true, createModelBlob: false, vwArgs: vwArgs);

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri)
                JoinServerType           = JoinServerType.CustomSolution,
                LoggingServiceAddress    = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress,
                PollingForModelPeriod    = TimeSpan.MinValue,
                PollingForSettingsPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue

            using (var ds = DecisionService.Create <TestADFContextWithFeatures>(dsConfig)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestADFContextWithFeatures>(ctx => ctx.ActionDependentFeatures.Count)))
                string uniqueKey = "eventid";

                for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
                    Random rg = new Random(i);

                    if (i % 50 == 1)
                        int    modelIndex   = i / 50;
                        byte[] modelContent = commandCenter.GetCBADFModelBlobContent(numExamples: 3 + modelIndex, numFeatureVectors: 4 + modelIndex, vwDefaultArgs: vwArgs);
                        using (var modelStream = new MemoryStream(modelContent))

                    int numActions = rg.Next(5, 20);
                    var context    = TestADFContextWithFeatures.CreateRandom(numActions, rg);

                    int[] action = ds.ChooseRanking(uniqueKey, context);

                    Assert.AreEqual(numActions, action.Length);

                    // verify all unique actions in the list
                    Assert.AreEqual(action.Length, action.Distinct().Count());

                    // verify the actions are in the expected range
                    Assert.AreEqual((numActions * (numActions + 1)) / 2, action.Sum(a => a));

                    ds.ReportReward(i / 100f, uniqueKey);
            Assert.AreEqual(200, joinServer.EventBatchList.Sum(b => b.ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count));
Esempio n. 12
        public void TestMultiActionDSUploadSelective()

            string uniqueKey = "test interaction";

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri);

            dsConfig.JoinServerType                             = JoinServerType.CustomSolution;
            dsConfig.LoggingServiceAddress                      = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress;
            dsConfig.InteractionUploadConfiguration             = new BatchingConfiguration();
            dsConfig.InteractionUploadConfiguration.MaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);  // allow enough time for queue to buffer events
            dsConfig.InteractionUploadConfiguration.MaxDegreeOfSerializationParallelism = 1; // single-threaded for easy verification

            int numEvents = 100;

            // Set queue capacity to same number of events so selective dropping starts at 50% full
            dsConfig.InteractionUploadConfiguration.MaxUploadQueueCapacity = numEvents;
            dsConfig.InteractionUploadConfiguration.DroppingPolicy         = new DroppingPolicy
                MaxQueueLevelBeforeDrop = .5f,

                // when threshold is reached, drop half of the events
                ProbabilityOfDrop = .5f

            using (var ds = DecisionService.Create <TestContext>(dsConfig)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestContext>()))
                for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; i++)
                    int[] chosenAction1 = ds.ChooseRanking(uniqueKey, new TestContext());
            // Some events must have been dropped so the total count cannot be same as original
            Assert.IsTrue(joinServer.EventBatchList.Sum(batch => batch.ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count) < numEvents);

            // Get number of events that have been downsampled, i.e. selected with probability q
            int numSampledEvents = joinServer.EventBatchList
                                   .SelectMany(batch => batch.ExperimentalUnitFragments)
                                   .Where(e => e.Value.Contains("\"pdrop\":0.5"))

            Assert.IsTrue(numSampledEvents > 0);

            // half of the events are selected with probability 0.5, so this should definitely be less than half the total events
            Assert.IsTrue(numSampledEvents < numEvents / 2);
Esempio n. 13
        public void TestSingleActionOfflineModeCustomLogger()
            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration("")
                OfflineMode = true, OfflineApplicationID = ""

            var metaData = new ApplicationClientMetadata
                TrainArguments            = "--cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.3",
                InitialExplorationEpsilon = 1f

            var recorder        = new TestLogger();
            int numChooseAction = 100;

            using (var ds = DecisionService.Create <TestContext>(dsConfig, metaData: metaData)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestContext>()))
                for (int i = 0; i < numChooseAction; i++)
                    ds.ChooseAction(i.ToString(), new TestContext());

                Assert.AreEqual(numChooseAction, recorder.NumRecord);

                int numReward = 200;
                for (int i = 0; i < numReward; i++)
                    ds.ReportReward(i, i.ToString());

                Assert.AreEqual(numReward, recorder.NumReward);

                int numOutcome = 300;
                for (int i = 0; i < numOutcome; i++)
                    ds.ReportOutcome(i.ToString(), i.ToString());

                Assert.AreEqual(numOutcome, recorder.NumOutcome);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, recorder.NumRecord);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, recorder.NumReward);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, recorder.NumOutcome);
Esempio n. 14
        public async Task TestNoModelFoundForImmediateDownload()
            // create mock blobs for settings and models
            this.commandCenter.CreateBlobs(createSettingsBlob: true, createModelBlob: false, vwArgs: "--cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.2");

            var serviceConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri)
                JoinServerType        = JoinServerType.CustomSolution,
                LoggingServiceAddress = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress,

            using (var service = DecisionService.Create <TestADFContextWithFeatures>(serviceConfig))
                await service.DownloadModelAndUpdate(new System.Threading.CancellationToken());
Esempio n. 15
        public void TestMultiActionOnlineModeCustomLogger()

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri);

            var recorder = new TestLogger();

            dsConfig.PollingForModelPeriod    = TimeSpan.MinValue;
            dsConfig.PollingForSettingsPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue;
            dsConfig.JoinServerType           = JoinServerType.CustomSolution;

            int numChooseAction = 100;

            using (var ds = DecisionService.Create <TestContext>(dsConfig, JsonTypeInspector.Default)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestContext>()))
                for (int i = 0; i < numChooseAction; i++)
                    ds.ChooseAction(i.ToString(), new TestContext());

                Assert.AreEqual(numChooseAction, recorder.NumRecord);

                int numReward = 200;
                for (int i = 0; i < numReward; i++)
                    ds.ReportReward(i, i.ToString());

                Assert.AreEqual(numReward, recorder.NumReward);

                int numOutcome = 300;
                for (int i = 0; i < numOutcome; i++)
                    ds.ReportOutcome(i.ToString(), i.ToString());

                Assert.AreEqual(numOutcome, recorder.NumOutcome);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, recorder.NumRecord);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, recorder.NumReward);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, recorder.NumOutcome);
Esempio n. 16
        public void TestSingleActionOnlineModeCustomLogger()
            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri)
                JoinServerType = JoinServerType.CustomSolution

            var recorder = new TestLogger();

            int numChooseAction = 100;

            using (var ds = DecisionService
                            .Create <TestContext>(dsConfig)
                            // TODO: .WithEpsilonGreedy(.2f)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestContext>()))
                for (int i = 0; i < numChooseAction; i++)
                    ds.ChooseAction(i.ToString(), new TestContext());

                Assert.AreEqual(numChooseAction, recorder.NumRecord);

                int numReward = 200;
                for (int i = 0; i < numReward; i++)
                    ds.ReportReward(i, i.ToString());

                Assert.AreEqual(numReward, recorder.NumReward);

                int numOutcome = 300;
                for (int i = 0; i < numOutcome; i++)
                    ds.ReportOutcome(i.ToString(), i.ToString());

                Assert.AreEqual(numOutcome, recorder.NumOutcome);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, recorder.NumRecord);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, recorder.NumReward);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, recorder.NumOutcome);
Esempio n. 17
        public void TestModelImmediateDownload()
            // create mock blobs for settings and models
            this.commandCenter.CreateBlobs(createSettingsBlob: true, createModelBlob: true, vwArgs: "--cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.2");

            var serviceConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri)
                JoinServerType        = JoinServerType.CustomSolution,
                LoggingServiceAddress = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress,

            using (var service = DecisionService.Create <TestADFContextWithFeatures>(serviceConfig))
                // download model right away
                service.DownloadModelAndUpdate(new System.Threading.CancellationToken()).Wait();
            // No exception if everything works
Esempio n. 18
        public async Task InitialFullExplorationTest()
            var recorder = new MyRecorder();

            using (var model = new MemoryStream())
                using (var vw = new VowpalWabbit("--cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.3"))
                    vw.Learn(new[] { "1:-3:0.2 | b:2" });
                    vw.ID = "123";

                var config = new DecisionServiceConfiguration("")
                    OfflineMode = true, OfflineApplicationID = "", DevelopmentMode = true
                var metaData = new ApplicationClientMetadata
                    TrainArguments            = "--cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.3",
                    InitialExplorationEpsilon = 1f

                using (var ds = DecisionService.CreateJson(config, metaData: metaData).WithRecorder(recorder))
                    var decision = await ds.ChooseRankingAsync("abc", "{\"a\":1,\"_multi\":[{\"b\":2}]}");

                    // since there's not a model loaded why should get 100% exploration
                    // Assert.AreEqual(1f, recorder.LastExplorerState.Probability);

                    model.Position = 0;

                    decision = await ds.ChooseRankingAsync("abc", "{\"a\":1,\"_multi\":[{\"b\":2}, {\"b\":3}]}");

                    // Assert.AreNotEqual(1f, recorder.LastExplorerState.Probability);

                    var vwState = recorder.LastMapperState as VWState;
                    Assert.AreEqual("123", vwState.ModelId);
Esempio n. 19
        public void TestSingleActionOfflineModeArgument()
            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration("")
                OfflineMode = true, OfflineApplicationID = ""

                var metaData = new ApplicationClientMetadata
                    TrainArguments            = "--cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.3",
                    InitialExplorationEpsilon = 1f
                using (var ds = DecisionService.Create <TestContext>(dsConfig, metaData: metaData))
                { }
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                Assert.AreEqual("Recorder", ex.ParamName);
Esempio n. 20
        public void TestMultiActionDSUploadMultipleEvents()

            string uniqueKey = "test interaction";

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri);

            dsConfig.JoinServerType        = JoinServerType.CustomSolution;
            dsConfig.LoggingServiceAddress = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress;

            using (var ds = DecisionService.Create <TestContext>(dsConfig)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestContext>()))
                int[] chosenAction1 = ds.ChooseRanking(uniqueKey, new TestContext());
                int[] chosenAction2 = ds.ChooseRanking(uniqueKey, new TestContext());
                ds.ReportReward(1.0f, uniqueKey);
                ds.ReportOutcome(new { value = "test outcome" }, uniqueKey);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, joinServer.EventBatchList.Sum(batch => batch.ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count));
Esempio n. 21
        public static void Initialize(string settingsUrl)
            var telemetry = new TelemetryClient();

            var config = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(settingsUrl)
                InteractionUploadConfiguration = new BatchingConfiguration
                    MaxDuration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
                    UploadRetryPolicy = BatchUploadRetryPolicy.ExponentialRetry
                ModelPollFailureCallback = e => telemetry.TrackException(e, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "Pool failure", "model" }
                SettingsPollFailureCallback = e => telemetry.TrackException(e, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "Pool failure", "settings" }
                // AzureStorageConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ApplicationMetadataStore.AKConnectionString]

            client = DecisionService.CreateJson(config);
        public void TestADFExplorationResult()

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration<TestADFContext, DummyADFType>(
                authorizationToken: MockCommandCenter.AuthorizationToken,
                explorer: new EpsilonGreedyExplorer<TestADFContext>(new TestADFPolicy(), epsilon: 0.5f))
                PollingForModelPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue,
                PollingForSettingsPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue,
                JoinServerType = JoinServerType.CustomSolution,
                LoggingServiceAddress = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress

            var ds = new DecisionService<TestADFContext, DummyADFType>(dsConfig);

            string uniqueKey = "eventid";

            for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
                var adfContext = new TestADFContext(i);
                uint[] action = ds.ChooseAction(new UniqueEventID { Key = uniqueKey }, adfContext, (uint)adfContext.ActionDependentFeatures.Count);

                Assert.AreEqual(i, action.Length);

                // verify all unique actions in the list
                Assert.AreEqual(action.Length, action.Distinct().Count());

                // verify the actions are in the expected range
                Assert.AreEqual((i * (i + 1)) / 2, action.Sum(a => a));

                ds.ReportReward(i / 100f, new UniqueEventID { Key = uniqueKey });


            Assert.AreEqual(200, joinServer.EventBatchList.Sum(b => b.ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count));
        public static DecisionServiceClient <string> AddOrGetExisting(Action <byte[]> modelSuccessNotifier)
            return(DecisionServiceStaticClient.AddOrGetExisting("single", _ =>
                var telemetry = new TelemetryClient();
                string azureStorageConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ApplicationMetadataStore.AKConnectionString];

                var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(azureStorageConnectionString);
                var blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
                var settingsBlobContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(ApplicationBlobConstants.SettingsContainerName);
                var clientSettingsBlob = settingsBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(ApplicationBlobConstants.LatestClientSettingsBlobName);

                //var settingsUrl = clientSettingsBlob.StorageUri.PrimaryUri.ToString();
                var settingsUrl = APIUtil.GetSettingsUrl();

                telemetry.TrackEvent($"DecisionServiceClient created: '{settingsUrl}'");

                var config = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(settingsUrl)
                    InteractionUploadConfiguration = new BatchingConfiguration
                        MaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
                        UploadRetryPolicy = BatchUploadRetryPolicy.ExponentialRetry
                    ModelPollSuccessCallback = modelSuccessNotifier,
                    ModelPollFailureCallback = e => telemetry.TrackException(e, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                        { "Pool failure", "model" }
                    SettingsPollFailureCallback = e => telemetry.TrackException(e, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                        { "Pool failure", "settings" }
                    AzureStorageConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ApplicationMetadataStore.AKConnectionString]

                return DecisionService.CreateJson(config);
        public static DecisionServiceClient<string> AddOrGetExisting(Action<byte[]> modelSuccessNotifier)
            return DecisionServiceStaticClient.AddOrGetExisting("single", _ =>
                var telemetry = new TelemetryClient();
                string azureStorageConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ApplicationMetadataStore.AKConnectionString];

                var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(azureStorageConnectionString);
                var blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
                var settingsBlobContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(ApplicationBlobConstants.SettingsContainerName);
                var clientSettingsBlob = settingsBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(ApplicationBlobConstants.LatestClientSettingsBlobName);

                //var settingsUrl = clientSettingsBlob.StorageUri.PrimaryUri.ToString();
                var settingsUrl = APIUtil.GetSettingsUrl();

                telemetry.TrackEvent($"DecisionServiceClient created: '{settingsUrl}'");

                var config = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(settingsUrl)
                    InteractionUploadConfiguration = new BatchingConfiguration
                        // TODO: these are not production ready configurations. do we need to move those to C&C as well?
                        MaxBufferSizeInBytes = 1,
                        MaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
                        MaxEventCount = 1,
                        MaxUploadQueueCapacity = 1,
                        UploadRetryPolicy = BatchUploadRetryPolicy.ExponentialRetry
                    ModelPollSuccessCallback = modelSuccessNotifier,
                    ModelPollFailureCallback = e => telemetry.TrackException(e, new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Pool failure", "model" } }),
                    SettingsPollFailureCallback = e => telemetry.TrackException(e, new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Pool failure", "settings" } }),
                    AzureStorageConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ApplicationMetadataStore.AKConnectionString]

                return DecisionService.CreateJson(config);
Esempio n. 25
        public void TestADFExplorationResult()

            commandCenter.CreateBlobs(createSettingsBlob: true, createModelBlob: false, vwArgs: "--cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.5");

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri)
                PollingForModelPeriod    = TimeSpan.MinValue,
                PollingForSettingsPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue,
                JoinServerType           = JoinServerType.CustomSolution,
                LoggingServiceAddress    = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress

            using (var ds = DecisionService.Create <TestADFContext>(dsConfig)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestADFContext>(ctx => ctx.ActionDependentFeatures.Count)))
                string uniqueKey = "eventid";

                for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
                    var   adfContext = new TestADFContext(i);
                    int[] action     = ds.ChooseRanking(uniqueKey, adfContext);

                    Assert.AreEqual(i, action.Length);

                    // verify all unique actions in the list
                    Assert.AreEqual(action.Length, action.Distinct().Count());

                    // verify the actions are in the expected range
                    Assert.AreEqual((i * (i + 1)) / 2, action.Sum(a => a));

                    ds.ReportReward(i / 100f, uniqueKey);
            Assert.AreEqual(200, joinServer.EventBatchList.Sum(b => b.ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count));
Esempio n. 26
        public void TestBatchingByCount()
            var serviceConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration<TestContext>("",
                new EpsilonGreedyExplorer<TestContext>(new TestPolicy(), epsilon: 0.2f, numActions: 10))
                BatchConfig = new BatchingConfiguration()
                    MaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromDays(30),
                    MaxEventCount = 2,
                    MaxBufferSizeInBytes = 10 * 1024 * 1024

            var service = new DecisionService<TestContext>(serviceConfig);

            string uniqueKey = "eventid";

            service.ChooseAction(uniqueKey, new TestContext());
            service.ReportOutcome("my json outcome", uniqueKey);
            service.ReportReward(0.5f, uniqueKey);

            var batch = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<EventBatch>(File.ReadAllText(batchOutputFile), new EventJsonConverter());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, batch.Events.Count);
Esempio n. 27
        public void TestRcv1ModelUpdateFromStream()

            int numActions = 10;
            int numFeatures = 1024;

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration<TestRcv1Context>(
                authorizationToken: MockCommandCenter.AuthorizationToken,
                explorer: new EpsilonGreedyExplorer<TestRcv1Context>(new TestRcv1ContextPolicy(), epsilon: 0.5f, numActions: (uint)numActions))
                JoinServerType = JoinServerType.CustomSolution,
                LoggingServiceAddress = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress,
                PollingForModelPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue,
                PollingForSettingsPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue

            var ds = new DecisionService<TestRcv1Context>(dsConfig);

            string uniqueKey = "eventid";

            string modelFile = "test_vw_adf{0}.model";

            for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
                Random rg = new Random(i);

                if (i % 50 == 1)
                    int modelIndex = i / 50;
                    string currentModelFile = string.Format(modelFile, modelIndex);

                    byte[] modelContent = commandCenter.GetCBModelBlobContent(numExamples: 3 + modelIndex, numFeatures: numFeatures, numActions: numActions);

                    var modelStream = new MemoryStream(modelContent);

                    ds.UpdatePolicy(new VWPolicy<TestRcv1Context>(modelStream));

                var context = TestRcv1Context.CreateRandom(numActions, numFeatures, rg);

                DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

                uint action = ds.ChooseAction(new UniqueEventID { Key = uniqueKey }, context);

                // verify the actions are in the expected range
                Assert.IsTrue(action >= 1 && action <= numActions);

                ds.ReportReward(i / 100f, new UniqueEventID { Key = uniqueKey });


            Assert.AreEqual(200, joinServer.EventBatchList.Sum(b => b.ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count));
Esempio n. 28
        public void SimplePolicyHttpTest()
            var deployment = new ProvisioningUtil().Deploy();

            wc = new WebClient();
            wc.Headers.Add("auth", deployment.ManagementPassword);

            deployment.ConfigureDecisionService("--cb_explore 4 --epsilon 1", initialExplorationEpsilon: 1, isExplorationEnabled: true);

            // 4 Actions
            // why does this need to be different from default?
            var config = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(deployment.SettingsUrl)
                InteractionUploadConfiguration = new BatchingConfiguration
                    MaxEventCount = 64
                ObservationUploadConfiguration = new BatchingConfiguration
                    MaxEventCount = 64

            config.InteractionUploadConfiguration.ErrorHandler   += JoinServiceBatchConfiguration_ErrorHandler;
            config.InteractionUploadConfiguration.SuccessHandler += JoinServiceBatchConfiguration_SuccessHandler;
            this.features = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d" };
            this.freq     = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            this.rnd      = new Random(123);

            // reset the model

            Console.WriteLine("Waiting after reset...");

            var expectedEvents = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                int featureIndex = i % features.Length;
                expectedEvents += SendEvents(deployment, wc, featureIndex);
            // Thread.Sleep(500);
            // TODO: flush doesn't work
            // Assert.AreEqual(expectedEvents, this.eventCount);

            // 4 actions times 4 feature values
            Assert.AreEqual(4 * 4, freq.Keys.Count);

            var total = freq.Values.Sum();

            foreach (var k in freq.Keys.OrderBy(k => k))
                var f = freq[k] / (float)total;
                Assert.IsTrue(f < 0.08); // 1/(4*4) = 0.0625
                Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1}", k, f);


            deployment.ConfigureDecisionService("--cb_explore 4 --epsilon 0", initialExplorationEpsilon: 1, isExplorationEnabled: false);

            // check here to make sure model was updated
            expectedEvents = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                var featureIndex = i % features.Length;
                expectedEvents += SendEvents(deployment, wc, featureIndex, false);

            total = freq.Values.Sum();
            foreach (var k in freq.Keys.OrderBy(k => k))
                var f = freq[k] / (float)total;
                Assert.AreEqual(0.25f, f, 0.1);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1}", k, f);
Esempio n. 29
        public void TestSingleActionDSThreadSafeUpload()

            string uniqueKey = "test interaction";

            commandCenter.CreateBlobs(createSettingsBlob: true, createModelBlob: false, vwArgs: "--cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.2");

            var createObservation = (Func <int, string>)((i) => { return(string.Format("00000", i)); });

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(MockCommandCenter.SettingsBlobUri);

            dsConfig.JoinServerType        = JoinServerType.CustomSolution;
            dsConfig.LoggingServiceAddress = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress;

            int numEvents     = 1000;
            var chosenActions = new ConcurrentBag <int>();

            using (var ds = DecisionService
                            .Create <TestContext>(dsConfig)
                            .ExploitUntilModelReady(new ConstantPolicy <TestContext>()))
                Parallel.For(0, numEvents, new ParallelOptions {
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount * 2
                }, (i) =>
                    chosenActions.Add(ds.ChooseAction(uniqueKey, new TestContext()));
                    ds.ReportOutcome(new { value = createObservation((int)i) }, uniqueKey);

            List <PartialDecisionServiceMessage> batchList = this.joinServer.EventBatchList;
            int numActualEvents = batchList.Sum(b => b.ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual(numEvents * 2, numActualEvents);

            List <string> uniqueKeys = batchList
                                       .SelectMany(b => b.ExperimentalUnitFragments.Select(f => f.Id))

            Assert.AreEqual(1, uniqueKeys.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(uniqueKey, uniqueKeys[0]);

            var completeFragments = batchList
                                    .SelectMany(b => b.ExperimentalUnitFragments
                                                .Select(f => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MultiActionCompleteExperimentalUnitFragment>(f.Value)));

            // Test actual interactions received
            List <MultiActionCompleteExperimentalUnitFragment> interactions = completeFragments
                                                                              .Where(f => f.Value == null)
                                                                              .OrderBy(f => f.Actions[0])

            // Test values of the interactions
            Assert.AreEqual(numEvents, interactions.Count);
            var chosenActionList = chosenActions.OrderBy(a => a).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < interactions.Count; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual((int)chosenActionList[i], interactions[i].Actions[0]);

            // Test actual observations received
            List <MultiActionCompleteExperimentalUnitFragment> observations = completeFragments
                                                                              .Where(f => f.Value != null)
                                                                              .OrderBy(f => f.Value)

            // Test values of the observations
            Assert.AreEqual(numEvents, observations.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < observations.Count; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { value = createObservation(i) }), observations[i].Value);
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Sample code simulating a news recommendation scenario. In this simple example,
        /// the rendering server has to pick 1 out of 4 news topics to show to users (e.g. as featured article).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// NOTE: For this sample to work, the proper settings must be set at deployment time:
        /// Vowpal Wabbit Switches = --cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.2 --cb_type dr
        /// </remarks>
        public static async Task NewsRecommendation()
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SettingsBlobUri))
                Console.WriteLine("Please specify a valid settings URL.");

            // Create configuration for the decision service
            var serviceConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(settingsBlobUri: SettingsBlobUri);

            // Enable development mode to easily debug / diagnose data flow and system properties
            // This should be turned off in production deployment
            serviceConfig.DevelopmentMode = true;

            using (var service = DecisionService.Create <UserContextADF>(serviceConfig))
                var random             = new Random();
                int user               = 0;                 // user id
                int maxDecisionHistory = 100;               // max number of past decisions to record
                var correctDecisions   = new Queue <int>(); // keeps track of past decisions

                Console.WriteLine("Press Ctrl + C at any time to cancel the process.");

                // Each topic has its own set of features
                var topicFeatures = Enumerable.Range(1, 10)
                                    .Select(_ => new TopicFeature
                    Features = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(f => (float)random.NextDouble()).ToArray()

                while (true)

                    string uniqueKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    var userContext = new UserContextADF
                        Gender        = random.NextDouble() > 0.5 ? "male" : "female",
                        TopicFeatures = topicFeatures.Take(random.Next(5, topicFeatures.Length)).ToArray()
                    int[] topicRanking = await service.ChooseRankingAsync(uniqueKey, userContext);

                    int topicId = topicRanking[0];

                    // Display the news topic chosen by exploration process.
                    Console.WriteLine("Topic {0} was chosen for user {1}.", topicId, user + 1);

                    // Report {0,1} reward as a simple float.
                    // In a real scenario, one could associated a reward of 1 if user
                    // clicks on the article and 0 otherwise.
                    float reward = 0;
                    if (userContext.Gender == "male" && topicId == 3)
                        reward = 1;
                    else if (userContext.Gender == "female" && topicId == 8)
                        reward = 1;
                    service.ReportReward(reward, uniqueKey);

                    if (correctDecisions.Count == maxDecisionHistory)
                    if (user % 50 == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Correct decisions out of last {0} interactions: {1}", maxDecisionHistory, correctDecisions.Sum());
Esempio n. 31
        public async Task SimplePolicyTest(DecisionServiceDeployment deployment)

            deployment.ConfigureDecisionService("--cb_explore 4 --epsilon 0", initialExplorationEpsilon: 1, isExplorationEnabled: true);

            // 4 Actions
            // why does this need to be different from default?
            var config = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(deployment.SettingsUrl)
                InteractionUploadConfiguration = new BatchingConfiguration
                    MaxEventCount = 64
                ObservationUploadConfiguration = new BatchingConfiguration
                    MaxEventCount = 64
                PollingForModelPeriod = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)

            config.InteractionUploadConfiguration.ErrorHandler   += JoinServiceBatchConfiguration_ErrorHandler;
            config.InteractionUploadConfiguration.SuccessHandler += JoinServiceBatchConfiguration_SuccessHandler;
            this.features = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d" };
            this.freq     = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            this.rnd      = new Random(123);


                var expectedEvents = 0;
                using (var client = Microsoft.Research.MultiWorldTesting.ClientLibrary.DecisionService.Create <MyContext>(config))
                    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                        expectedEvents += SendEvents(client, 128);
                        // Thread.Sleep(500);

                // TODO: flush doesn't work
                // Assert.AreEqual(expectedEvents, this.eventCount);

            // 4 actions times 4 feature values
            Assert.AreEqual(4 * 4, freq.Keys.Count);

            var total = freq.Values.Sum();

            foreach (var k in freq.Keys.OrderBy(k => k))
                var f = freq[k] / (float)total;
                Assert.IsTrue(f < 0.08);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1}", k, f);


            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));

            // TODO: update eps: 0
            using (var client = Microsoft.Research.MultiWorldTesting.ClientLibrary.DecisionService.Create <MyContext>(config))
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < 120; i++)
                        client.DownloadModelAndUpdate(new System.Threading.CancellationToken()).Wait();
                    catch (Exception)
                        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

                Assert.IsTrue(i < 30, "Unable to download model");

                for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
                    var key = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    var featureIndex = i % features.Length;

                    var action = client.ChooseAction(key, new MyContext {
                        Feature = features[featureIndex]

                    var stat = string.Format("'{0}' '{1}' ", features[featureIndex], action);
                    int count;
                    if (freq.TryGetValue(stat, out count))
                        freq.Add(stat, count);

            total = freq.Values.Sum();
            foreach (var k in freq.Keys.OrderBy(k => k))
                var f = freq[k] / (float)total;
                Assert.AreEqual(0.25f, f, 0.1);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1}", k, f);
Esempio n. 32
        private float UploadFoodContextData(string settingsBlobUri, bool firstPass)
            var serviceConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(settingsBlobUri);

            if (firstPass)
                serviceConfig.PollingForModelPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue;

            using (var service = DecisionService.Create <FoodContext>(serviceConfig))
                if (!firstPass)

                string   uniqueKey = "scratch-key-gal";
                string[] locations = { "HealthyTown", "LessHealthyTown" };

                var rg = new Random(uniqueKey.GetHashCode());

                int numActions = 3; // ["Hamburger deal 1", "Hamburger deal 2" (better), "Salad deal"]

                var csv = new StringBuilder();

                int counterCorrect = 0;
                int counterTotal   = 0;

                var header = "Location,Action,Reward";
                // number of iterations
                for (int i = 0; i < 10000 * locations.Length; i++)
                    // randomly select a location
                    int    iL       = rg.Next(0, locations.Length);
                    string location = locations[iL];

                    DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    string   key       = uniqueKey + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    FoodContext currentContext = new FoodContext();
                    currentContext.UserLocation = location;
                    currentContext.Actions      = Enumerable.Range(1, numActions).ToArray();

                    int[] action = service.ChooseRanking(key, currentContext);

                    counterTotal += 1;

                    // We expect healthy town to get salad and unhealthy town to get the second burger (action 2)
                    if (location.Equals("HealthyTown") && action[0] == 3)
                        counterCorrect += 1;
                    else if (location.Equals("LessHealthyTown") && action[0] == 2)
                        counterCorrect += 1;

                    var csvLocation = location;
                    var csvAction   = action[0].ToString();

                    float  reward      = 0;
                    double currentRand = rg.NextDouble();
                    if (location.Equals("HealthyTown"))
                        // for healthy town, buy burger 1 with probability 0.1, burger 2 with probability 0.15, salad with probability 0.6
                        if ((action[0] == 1 && currentRand < 0.1) ||
                            (action[0] == 2 && currentRand < 0.15) ||
                            (action[0] == 3 && currentRand < 0.6))
                            reward = 10;
                        // for unhealthy town, buy burger 1 with probability 0.4, burger 2 with probability 0.6, salad with probability 0.2
                        if ((action[0] == 1 && currentRand < 0.4) ||
                            (action[0] == 2 && currentRand < 0.6) ||
                            (action[0] == 3 && currentRand < 0.2))
                            reward = 10;
                    service.ReportReward(reward, key);
                    var newLine = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", csvLocation, csvAction, "0");

                return((float)counterCorrect / counterTotal);
Esempio n. 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Sample code simulating a news recommendation scenario. In this simple example,
        /// the rendering server has to pick 1 out of 10 news topics to show to users (e.g. as featured article).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// NOTE: For this sample to work, the proper settings must be set at deployment time:
        /// Number Of Actions = 10
        /// Vowpal Wabbit Switches = --cb_explore 10 --epsilon 0.2 --cb_type dr
        /// </remarks>
        public static void NewsRecommendation()
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SettingsBlobUri))
                Console.WriteLine("Please specify a valid settings URL.");

            int numTopics = 10; // number of different topic choices to show

            // Create configuration for the decision service.
            var serviceConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(settingsBlobUri: SettingsBlobUri);

            // Enable development mode to easily debug / diagnose data flow and system properties
            // This should be turned off in production deployment
            serviceConfig.DevelopmentMode = true;

            // Create the main service object with above configurations.
            // Specify the exploration algorithm to use, here we will use Epsilon-Greedy.
            // For more details about this and other algorithms, refer to the MWT onboarding whitepaper.
            using (var service = DecisionService.Create <UserContext>(serviceConfig))
                // Create a default policy which is used before a machine-learned model.
                // This policy is used in epsilon-greedy exploration using the initial
                // exploration epsilon specified at deployment time or in the Management Center.
                var defaultPolicy = new NewsDisplayPolicy(numTopics);

                var random = new Random();
                int user   = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Press Ctrl + C at any time to cancel the process.");

                int maxDecisionHistory = 100;
                var correctDecisions   = new Queue <int>();
                while (true)

                    // Generate a random GUID id for each user.
                    var uniqueKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    // Generate random feature vector for each user.
                    var userContext = new UserContext()
                        Gender = random.NextDouble() > 0.5 ? "male" : "female"
                    for (int f = 1; f <= 10; f++)
                        userContext.Features.Add(f.ToString(), (float)random.NextDouble());

                    // Perform exploration given user features.
                    int topicId = service.ChooseAction(uniqueKey, userContext, defaultPolicy);

                    // Display the news topic chosen by exploration process.
                    Console.WriteLine("Topic {0} was chosen for user {1}.", topicId, user + 1);

                    // Report {0,1} reward as a simple float.
                    // In a real scenario, one could associated a reward of 1 if user
                    // clicks on the article and 0 otherwise.
                    float reward = 0;
                    if (userContext.Gender == "male" && topicId == 3)
                        reward = 1;
                    else if (userContext.Gender == "female" && topicId == 8)
                        reward = 1;
                    service.ReportReward(reward, uniqueKey);

                    if (correctDecisions.Count == maxDecisionHistory)
                    if (user % 50 == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Correct decisions out of last {0} interactions: {1}", maxDecisionHistory, correctDecisions.Sum());
Esempio n. 34
        public static async Task Sample()
            // 1. Sign in on
            // 2. Create new app
            //   a.	Select “Custom App”
            //   b. Supply Azure storage account
            //   c. Empty Action Endpoint field - this disables action id based featurization
            //   d. Empty Action Set Endpoint field
            //   e. Set Provision FrontEnd field to “false” - avoids HTTP scoring provisioning
            //   f. Set Vowpal Wabbit arguments to --cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.2 -q gc -q gC -q dC
            //   f. Click create
            // 3. Wait for creation and hit edit
            //   a. Copy Client Library URL and use in the sample code below
            // 4. nuget install Microsoft.Research.MultiWorldTesting.ClientLibrary
            //   a. at least version

            var config = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(settingsBlobUri: "<<INSERT URL FROM STEP 3A")
                ModelPollFailureCallback    = ex => Console.WriteLine(ex.Message),
                SettingsPollFailureCallback = ex => Console.WriteLine(ex.Message)

            // you should keep this object around (e.g. static variable) as it maintains the background process
            // to download new models and upload logged events
            var ds = DecisionService.Create <MyDecisionContext>(config, typeInspector: JsonTypeInspector.Default);

            // Some sample data
            var context = new MyDecisionContext
                Demographics = new MyDecisionContextDemographics
                    Age      = 15,
                    AgeGroup = "Teenager",
                    Gender   = "male"
                Geo = new MyDecisionContextGeo
                    City    = "New York",
                    Country = "USA"
                Actions = new[]
                    new MyDecisionContextAction
                        Categories = new MyDecisionContextActionCategorization {
                            Categories = "Fashion OldSchool"
                        Celebrities = new Dictionary <string, float>
                            { "Markus", 0.9f },
                            { "Bob", 0.1f }
                    new MyDecisionContextAction
                        Categories = new MyDecisionContextActionCategorization {
                            Categories = "Tech Microsoft"
                        Celebrities = new Dictionary <string, float>
                            { "Bill", 0.7f },
                            { "Bob", 0.2f }

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                // this is used as both correlation event id to link the ranking request to the observerd outcome
                // as well as random seed for the pseudo random generator
                var eventId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n");

                // get the decision
                var ranking = await ds.ChooseRankingAsync(
                    uniqueKey : eventId,
                    context : context);

                // report the reward if you observed desired behavior on first item in ranking
                // e.g. the first item returned by ChooseRankingAsync got clicked.
                ds.ReportReward(reward: 1f, uniqueKey: eventId);



Esempio n. 35
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            // Requires Visual C++ 2015 Runtime installed
            //  -
            // Requires platform to be x64

            // 1. Sign in on
            // 2. Create new app
            //   a.	Select "Custom App"
            //   b. Supply Azure storage account
            //   c. Empty Action Endpoint field - this disables action id based featurization
            //   d. Empty Action Set Endpoint field
            //   e. Set Provision FrontEnd field to "false" - avoids HTTP scoring provisioning
            //   f. Set Vowpal Wabbit arguments to --cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.2 -q DT -q LT
            //   f. Click create
            // 3. Wait for creation and hit edit
            //   a. Copy Client Library URL and use in the sample code below
            // 4. nuget install Microsoft.Research.MultiWorldTesting.ClientLibrary
            //   a. at least version

            var config = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(settingsBlobUri: "<<INSERT URL FROM STEP 3A")
                ModelPollFailureCallback    = ex => Console.WriteLine(ex.Message),
                SettingsPollFailureCallback = ex => Console.WriteLine(ex.Message)

            // you should keep this object around (e.g. static variable) as it maintains the background process
            // to download new models and upload logged events
            using (var ds = DecisionService.Create <DecisionContext>(config, typeInspector: JsonTypeInspector.Default))
                // If you add the timestamp calculating reward latencies becomes very easy on our end
                // In general you can use existing request ids, just be careful as they're used to seed the random
                // generator for exploration.
                // Also they're used to join rank and reward calls, so they must be unique within the experimental unit duration
                var eventId = EventIdUtil.AddTimestamp(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n"), EventIdUtil.BeginningOfTime);

                var context = new DecisionContext
                    Demographics = new DemographicNamespace
                        Gender = "female",
                    Location = new LocationNamespace
                        Country = "USA",
                        City    = "New York"
                    Actions = new[]
                        new ActionDependentFeatures
                            Topic = new TopicNamespace
                                Category = "Fashion"
                        new ActionDependentFeatures
                            Topic = new TopicNamespace
                                Category = "Technology"

                // get the decision
                var ranking = await ds.ChooseRankingAsync(
                    uniqueKey : eventId,
                    context : context);

                // report the reward if you observed desired behavior on first item in ranking
                // e.g. the first item returned by ChooseRankingAsync got clicked.
                ds.ReportReward(reward: 1f, uniqueKey: eventId);
        public void TestADFModelUpdateFromFile()

            var dsConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration<TestADFContextWithFeatures, TestADFFeatures>(
                authorizationToken: MockCommandCenter.AuthorizationToken,
                explorer: new EpsilonGreedyExplorer<TestADFContextWithFeatures>(new TestADFWithFeaturesPolicy(), epsilon: 0.5f))
                JoinServerType = JoinServerType.CustomSolution,
                LoggingServiceAddress = MockJoinServer.MockJoinServerAddress,
                PollingForModelPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue,
                PollingForSettingsPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue

            var ds = new DecisionService<TestADFContextWithFeatures, TestADFFeatures>(dsConfig);

            string uniqueKey = "eventid";

            string modelFile = "test_vw_adf{0}.model";
            var actualModelFiles = new List<string>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
                Random rg = new Random(i);

                if (i % 50 == 1)
                    int modelIndex = i / 50;
                    string currentModelFile = string.Format(modelFile, modelIndex);

                    byte[] modelContent = commandCenter.GetCBADFModelBlobContent(numExamples: 3 + modelIndex, numFeatureVectors: 4 + modelIndex);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(currentModelFile, modelContent);

                    ds.UpdatePolicy(new VWPolicy<TestADFContextWithFeatures, TestADFFeatures>(GetFeaturesFromContext, currentModelFile));


                int numActions = rg.Next(5, 20);
                var context = TestADFContextWithFeatures.CreateRandom(numActions, rg);

                uint[] action = ds.ChooseAction(new UniqueEventID { Key = uniqueKey }, context, (uint)context.ActionDependentFeatures.Count);

                Assert.AreEqual(numActions, action.Length);

                // verify all unique actions in the list
                Assert.AreEqual(action.Length, action.Distinct().Count());

                // verify the actions are in the expected range
                Assert.AreEqual((numActions * (numActions + 1)) / 2, action.Sum(a => a));

                ds.ReportReward(i / 100f, new UniqueEventID { Key = uniqueKey });


            Assert.AreEqual(200, joinServer.EventBatchList.Sum(b => b.ExperimentalUnitFragments.Count));

            foreach (string actualModelFile in actualModelFiles)
Esempio n. 37
        public static void SampleCodeUsingActionDependentFeatures()
            // Create configuration for the decision service
            var serviceConfig = new DecisionServiceConfiguration<ADFContext, ADFFeatures>(
                authorizationToken: "",
                explorer: new EpsilonGreedyExplorer<ADFContext>(new ADFPolicy(), epsilon: 0.8f))
                PollingForModelPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue,
                PollingForSettingsPeriod = TimeSpan.MinValue

            var service = new DecisionService<ADFContext, ADFFeatures>(serviceConfig);

            string uniqueKey = "eventid";

            var rg = new Random(uniqueKey.GetHashCode());

            var vwPolicy = new VWPolicy<ADFContext, ADFFeatures>(GetFeaturesFromContext);

            for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
                if (i == 30)
                    string vwModelFile = TrainNewVWModelWithRandomData(numExamples: 5, numActions: 10);

                    vwPolicy = new VWPolicy<ADFContext, ADFFeatures>(GetFeaturesFromContext, vwModelFile);

                    // Alternatively, VWPolicy can also be loaded from an IO stream:
                    // var vwModelStream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(vwModelFile));
                    // vwPolicy = new VWPolicy<ADFContext, ADFFeatures>(GetFeaturesFromContext, vwModelStream);

                    // Manually updates decision service with a new policy for consuming VW models.
                if (i == 60)
                    string vwModelFile = TrainNewVWModelWithRandomData(numExamples: 6, numActions: 8);

                    // Evolves the existing VWPolicy with a new model

                int numActions = rg.Next(5, 10);
                uint[] action = service.ChooseAction(new UniqueEventID { Key = uniqueKey }, ADFContext.CreateRandom(numActions, rg), (uint)numActions);
                service.ReportReward(i / 100f, new UniqueEventID { Key = uniqueKey });
