private void CheckInstallModule() { string pageNames = string.Empty; string usermodules = string.Empty; string templateName = TemplateName; string templatePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(templateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(templateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(templateName); string authorDetailPath = string.Format("{0}/themedetails.xml", templatePath); if (File.Exists(authorDetailPath)) { XmlDocument doc = SageFrame.Templating.xmlparser.XmlHelper.LoadXMLDocument(authorDetailPath); XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("themedetail/notinstallmoduleList"); string pageModuleList = string.Empty; if (node != null) { int notinstallModule = 0; XmlNodeList nodeListCount = doc.GetElementsByTagName("notinstallmodules"); notinstallModule = nodeListCount.Count; if (notinstallModule > 0) { notinstallmoduleWrapper.Visible = true; } } } }
public static int SavePreset(string TemplateName, string ActiveTheme, string ActiveWidth, List <PresetKeyValue> lstLayouts, int portalID) { List <KeyValue> lstLyts = new List <KeyValue>(); foreach (PresetKeyValue kvp in lstLayouts) { lstLyts.Add(new KeyValue(kvp.Key, kvp.Value)); } PresetInfo PresetObj = new PresetInfo(); PresetObj.ActiveTheme = ActiveTheme; PresetObj.ActiveWidth = ActiveWidth; PresetObj.lstLayouts = lstLyts; string presetPath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetPresetPath_DefaultTemplate(TemplateName) : Utils.GetPresetPath(TemplateName); string pagepreset = presetPath + "/" + TemplateConstants.PagePresetFile; presetPath += "/" + "pagepreset.xml"; int presetstatus = 0; try { PresetHelper.WritePreset(presetPath, PresetObj); return(presetstatus); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { AppErazer.ClearSysHash(ApplicationKeys.ActivePagePreset + "_" + portalID); SageFrame.Common.CacheHelper.Clear("PresetList"); } }
public static void DeleteTheme(string TemplateName, string ThemeName) { string target_dir = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); string theme_dir = target_dir + "/Themes/" + ThemeName; Utils.DeleteDirectory(theme_dir); }
public static string GenerateWireFrame(string FilePath, string TemplateName) { try { //Check For Default Layout BlockParser.CheckFilePath(FilePath.ToLower()); List <XmlTag> lstXmlTags = new List <XmlTag>(); XmlParser parser = new XmlParser(); string templatePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); string filePath = FilePath.ToLower().Equals("core") ? string.Format("{0}/Layouts/standard/All.xml", Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default("Default")) : string.Format("{0}/layouts/{1}.xml", templatePath, FilePath); lstXmlTags = parser.GetXmlTags(filePath, "layout/section"); List <XmlTag> lstWrappers = parser.GetXmlTags(filePath, "layout/wrappers"); ModulePaneGenerator wg = new ModulePaneGenerator(); return(wg.GenerateHTML(lstXmlTags, lstWrappers, 0)); } catch (Exception) { if (FilePath.ToLower().Equals("core")) { return("<div class='sfMessage sfErrormsg'>Invalid XML document<input type='button' class='sfResetCore' id='btnReset' value='Reset Core'/></div>"); } else { return("<div class='sfMessage sfErrormsg'>Invalid XML document</div>"); } } }
public static int UpdateLayout(string FilePath, string Xml, string TemplateName) { int status = 0; TemplateName = TemplateName.Trim(); if (!Utils.ContainsXmlHeader(Xml)) { Xml = string.Format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>{0}", Xml); } if (Decide.IsXmlInputValid(Xml)) { string templatePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); //string filePath = string.Format("{0}/layouts/{1}.xml",templatePath,FilePath); string filePath = FilePath.ToLower().Equals("core") ? string.Format("{0}/Layouts/standard/All.xml", Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default("Default")) : string.Format("{0}/layouts/{1}.xml", templatePath, FilePath); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filePath)) { sw.Write(Xml); } CreateLayoutControls(TemplateName, filePath); } else { status = 1; } return(status); }
private void GetNotInstallModules() { string pageNames = string.Empty; string usermodules = string.Empty; string templateName = TemplateName; string templatePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(templateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(templateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(templateName); string authorDetailPath = string.Format("{0}/themedetails.xml", templatePath); if (File.Exists(authorDetailPath)) { XmlDocument doc = SageFrame.Templating.xmlparser.XmlHelper.LoadXMLDocument(authorDetailPath); XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("themedetail/notinstallmoduleList"); string pageModuleList = string.Empty; int notinstallModule = 0; if (node != null) { XmlNodeList nodeListCount = doc.GetElementsByTagName("notinstallmodules"); notinstallModule = nodeListCount.Count; } if (notinstallModule > 0) { StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); html.Append("<a class='notinstallmodulelink' target='_Blank' href=" + GetHostURL() + "/Admin/Modules.aspx" + " >Modules <span>" + notinstallModule + "</span><div class='noinstallmodulecount'>You have " + notinstallModule + " modules to be install. </div></a>"); ltrnotinstallModules.Text = html.ToString(); } } }
public static int CreateLayout(string FilePath, string Xml, string TemplateName) { string templatePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); string filePath = templatePath + "/layouts/" + Utils.GetFileNameWithExtension(FilePath, "xml"); int status = 0; try { if (Decide.IsXmlInputValid(Xml)) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filePath)) { if (!Utils.ContainsXmlHeader(Xml)) { sw.Write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"); } sw.Write(Xml); } CreateLayoutControls(TemplateName.Trim(), filePath); } else { status = 1; } return(status); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
private void CheckInstallModule() { string pageNames = string.Empty; string usermodules = string.Empty; string templateName = TemplateName; string templatePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(templateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(templateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(templateName); string authorDetailPath = string.Format("{0}/themedetails.xml", templatePath); if (File.Exists(authorDetailPath)) { XmlDocument doc = SageFrame.Templating.xmlparser.XmlHelper.LoadXMLDocument(authorDetailPath); XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("themedetail/notinstallmoduleList"); string pageModuleList = string.Empty; if (node != null) { int notinstallModule = 0; XmlNodeList nodeListList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("notinstallmodules"); notinstallModule = nodeListList.Count; if (notinstallModule > 0) { foreach (XmlNode xn in nodeListList) { moduleList += xn.SelectSingleNode("ModuleName").InnerText + ","; } } } } if (moduleList.Length > 0) { BindOnlineModules(moduleList); } }
public static string ReadFiles(string TemplateName, string FilePath) { XmlParser _parser = new XmlParser(); string filePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); filePath = FilePath != "" ? filePath + "/" + FilePath : filePath; string html = XmlHelper.GetXMLString(filePath); return(html); }
public static void DeletePreset(string TemplateName, string Preset) { string presetPath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetPresetPath_DefaultTemplate(TemplateName) : Utils.GetPresetPath(TemplateName); string pagepreset = presetPath + "/" + TemplateConstants.PagePresetFile; string target_dir = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetTemplateInfoFilePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplateInfoFilePath(TemplateName); string preset_dir = target_dir + "/presets/" + Preset; Utils.DeleteFile(preset_dir); PresetHelper.DeletePresetFromPresetPages(Preset, pagepreset); }
public static string CreateModernLayout(string FilePath, string Xml, string TemplateName, string ascx) { string templatePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); string filePath = templatePath + "/layouts/" + Utils.GetFileNameWithExtension(FilePath, "xml"); int status = 0; try { //if (Decide.IsXmlInputValid(Xml)) //{ using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filePath)) { //if (!Utils.ContainsXmlHeader(Xml)) //{ // sw.Write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"); //} sw.Write(Xml); } string controlname = string.Format("{0}.ascx", FilePath); if (!File.Exists(templatePath + "/" + controlname)) { FileStream fs = null; using (fs = File.Create(templatePath + "/" + controlname)) { } } else { File.Delete(templatePath + "/" + controlname); FileStream fs = null; using (fs = File.Create(templatePath + "/" + controlname)) { } } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(templatePath + "/" + controlname)) { sw.Write("<%@ Control Language=\"C#\" ClassName=\"" + FilePath + "\" %>"); sw.Write(Environment.NewLine); sw.Write(ascx); } //} //else //{ // status = 1; //} return(FilePath); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static PresetInfo GetPresetDetails(string TemplateName, int PortalID) { string presetPath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetPresetPath_DefaultTemplate(TemplateName) : Utils.GetPresetPath(TemplateName); presetPath += "/" + "pagepreset.xml"; PresetInfo objPreset = new PresetInfo(); try { objPreset = PresetHelper.LoadPresetDetails(presetPath); PageController objPageController = new PageController(); List <PageEntity> lstMenu = objPageController.GetMenuFront(PortalID, false); foreach (PageEntity obj in lstMenu) { obj.ChildCount = lstMenu.Count( delegate(PageEntity objMenu) { return(objMenu.ParentID == obj.PageID); } ); } List <string> lstPages = new List <string>(); List <KeyValue> lstLayout = new List <KeyValue>(); foreach (KeyValue kvp in objPreset.lstLayouts) { string[] arrPage = kvp.Value.Split(','); List <string> lstNewPage = new List <string>(); foreach (string page in arrPage) { bool exists = lstMenu.Exists( delegate(PageEntity obj) { return(obj.PageName.TrimStart('-') == page); } ); if (exists || page.ToLower() == "all") { lstNewPage.Add(page); } } if (lstNewPage.Count > 0) { lstLayout.Add(new KeyValue(kvp.Key, string.Join(",", lstNewPage.ToArray()))); } } objPreset.lstLayouts = lstLayout; //PresetHelper.WritePreset(presetPath, objPreset); return(objPreset); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static void DeleteLayout(string TemplateName, string Layout) { TemplateName = Utils.CleanString(TemplateName); string templatePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(Layout); Layout = string.Format("{0}/layouts/{1}.xml", templatePath, Layout); string controlfile = string.Format("{0}/{1}.ascx", templatePath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Layout)); Utils.DeleteFile(controlfile); Utils.DeleteFile(Layout); }
public static void DeleteTemplate(string TemplateName) { try { string target_dir = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); Utils.DeleteDirectory(target_dir); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static string LoadLayouts(string templateName) { string filePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(templateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(templateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(templateName); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(filePath + "/layouts"); string layouts = string.Empty; foreach (FileInfo layout in dir.GetFiles()) { string layoutName = layout.Name.Replace(".xml", ""); layouts += ',' + layoutName; } return(layouts); }
public static string SingleModernLayout(string templateName, string layoutName) { string filePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(templateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(templateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(templateName); filePath = string.Format("{0}/layouts/{1}.xml", filePath, layoutName); string layoutValue = string.Empty; if (File.Exists(filePath)) { CheckModernLayout(filePath, out layoutValue); } return(layoutValue); }
public static List <KeyValue> LoadLayout(string TemplateName) { string filePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(filePath + "/layouts"); List <KeyValue> lstLayouts = new List <KeyValue>(); foreach (FileInfo layout in dir.GetFiles()) { lstLayouts.Add(new KeyValue(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(layout.Name), layout.FullName)); } lstLayouts.Insert(0, new KeyValue("Core", "Core")); return(lstLayouts); }
public IRCClient() { ReadLine += Ping; ReadLine += Identify; ReadLine += DisplayLine; WriteLine += DisplayLine; Settings = new IRCSettings(); DecideCommand = new Decide(); UrlTitleCommand = new UrlTitle(); ReadLine += DecideCommand.Process; ReadLine += UrlTitleCommand.Process; }
public static bool IsModernLayout(string templateName, string layoutName) { string templatePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(templateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(templateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(templateName); string filePath = layoutName.ToLower().Equals("core") ? string.Format("{0}/Layouts/standard/All.xml", Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default("Default")) : string.Format("{0}/layouts/{1}.xml", templatePath, layoutName); bool ismodernLayout = false; List <XmlTag> lstSectionNodes = new List <XmlTag>(); XmlDocument doc = XmlHelper.LoadXMLDocument(filePath);//layout XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; if (root.Attributes["modern"] != null) { ismodernLayout = true; } return(ismodernLayout); }
public static List <KeyValue> GetThemes(string TemplateName) { string themePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetThemePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetThemePath(TemplateName); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(themePath); List <KeyValue> lstThemes = new List <KeyValue>(); if (dir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo theme in dir.GetDirectories()) { lstThemes.Add(new KeyValue(theme.Name, theme.FullName)); } } return(lstThemes); }
public static List <PresetInfo> LoadActivePresets(string TemplateName) { string presetPath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetPresetPath_DefaultTemplate(TemplateName) : Utils.GetPresetPath(TemplateName); List <PresetInfo> lstActivePresets = new List <PresetInfo>(); string pagepreset = presetPath + "/" + TemplateConstants.PagePresetFile; if (File.Exists(pagepreset)) { lstActivePresets = PresetHelper.ParsePreset(pagepreset, "pagepresets/page"); } else { lstActivePresets.Add(PresetInfo.GetPresetPages("default", "*")); } return(lstActivePresets); }
public static List <KeyValue> GetPreviewImages(string TemplateName) { string target_dir = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); string imagePath = target_dir + "/screenshots/"; List <KeyValue> lstImages = new List <KeyValue>(); DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(imagePath); foreach (FileInfo file in dirInfo.GetFiles()) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(file.Name); if (ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".png" || ext == ".gif") { lstImages.Add(new KeyValue(file.Name, file.FullName)); } } return(lstImages); }
public static string ReadXML(string filePath, string TemplateName) { try { string templatePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath); filePath = filePath.ToLower().Equals("core") ? string.Format("{0}/Layouts/standard/All.xml", Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default("Default")) : string.Format("{0}/layouts/{1}.xml", templatePath, filePath); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXml(filePath); string s = ds.GetXml(); return(s); } catch (Exception) { return("Couldn't Read the XML file. Make sure it is a valid xml"); } }
public string LoadLayout() { string filePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(filePath + "/layouts"); StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); foreach (FileInfo layout in dir.GetFiles()) { string layoutName = layout.Name.Replace(".xml", ""); html.Append("<option"); html.Append(" value='"); html.Append(layoutName); html.Append("'>"); html.Append(layoutName); html.Append("</option>"); } return(html.ToString()); }
public static void Execute(ICollection <T> collection, Decide decide) { List <T> removed = new List <T>(); foreach (T item in collection) { if (decide(item)) { removed.Add(item); } } foreach (T item in removed) { collection.Remove(item); } removed.Clear(); }
public static List <KeyValue> LoadPresets(string TemplateName) { string themePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetPresetPath_DefaultTemplate(TemplateName) : Utils.GetPresetPath(TemplateName); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(themePath); List <KeyValue> lstPresets = new List <KeyValue>(); if (dir.Exists) { foreach (FileInfo preset in dir.GetFiles("*.xml")) { if (!Utils.CompareStrings(preset.Name, TemplateConstants.PagePresetFile)) { lstPresets.Add(new KeyValue(preset.Name, preset.FullName)); } } } return(lstPresets); }
public void BindThemes() { string themePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetThemePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetThemePath(TemplateName); List <KeyValue> lstThemes = new List <KeyValue>(); if (Directory.Exists(themePath)) { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(themePath); foreach (DirectoryInfo theme in dir.GetDirectories()) { lstThemes.Add(new KeyValue(theme.Name, theme.Name)); } } lstThemes.Insert(0, new KeyValue("default", "default")); ddlThemes.DataSource = lstThemes; ddlThemes.DataTextField = "Key"; ddlThemes.DataTextField = "Value"; ddlThemes.DataBind(); }
public override Statistics run() { Environment env = new Environment(); //dist for Create Uniform CreateDist = new Uniform(1, 5); //dist for Able Uniform AbleDist = new Uniform(4, 6); //dist for Baker Uniform BakerDist = new Uniform(2, 5); Distribution DistCreate = new Distribution(CreateDist); Distribution DistAble = new Distribution(AbleDist); Distribution DistBaker = new Distribution(BakerDist); Create create = new Create(env, 0, 100, DistCreate); Dispose dispose = new Dispose(env, 10); Queue SharedQueue = new Queue(env, 3); Resource Able = new Resource(env, 1, 1, DistAble, SharedQueue); Resource Baker = new Resource(env, 2, 1, DistBaker, SharedQueue); Decide decide = new Decide(env, 5); //Condition EQCond cond = new EQCond(0, Able, Actor.StateType.Idle); decide.AddCondition(cond, Able.AID); decide.AddElse(Baker.AID); create.Next_AID.Add("First", 5); Able.Next_AID.Add("First", 10); Baker.Next_AID.Add("First", 10); env.System_Time = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); env.Start_Time = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); env.Setup_Simulation(); return env.Simulate(); }
public static List <string> ModernLayoutList(string templateName) { List <string> objLayoutList = new List <string>(); string filePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(templateName.Trim()) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(templateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(templateName); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(filePath + "/layouts"); string layouts = string.Empty; foreach (FileInfo layout in dir.GetFiles()) { string fileName = layout.FullName; string layoutValue = string.Empty; bool modernLayout = CheckModernLayout(fileName, out layoutValue); if (modernLayout) { objLayoutList.Add(layout.Name + ",,,," + layoutValue); } } return(objLayoutList); }
public static void CreateLayoutControls(string TemplateName, string filePath) { BlockParser.CheckFilePath(); string templatePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); string presetPath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetPresetPath_DefaultTemplate(TemplateName) : Utils.GetPresetPath(TemplateName); ModulePaneGenerator mg = new ModulePaneGenerator(); XmlParser parser = new XmlParser(); try { List <XmlTag> lstXmlTag = parser.GetXmlTags(filePath, "layout/section"); List <XmlTag> lstWrappers = parser.GetXmlTags(filePath, "layout/wrappers"); string html = mg.GenerateHTML(lstXmlTag, lstWrappers, 2); //html = Utils.FormatHtmlOutput(html); string controlclass = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath); string controlname = string.Format("{0}.ascx", controlclass); if (!File.Exists(templatePath + "/" + controlname)) { FileStream fs = null; using (fs = File.Create(templatePath + "/" + controlname)) { } } else { File.Delete(templatePath + "/" + controlname); FileStream fs = null; using (fs = File.Create(templatePath + "/" + controlname)) { } } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(templatePath + "/" + controlname)) { sw.Write("<%@ Control Language=\"C#\" ClassName=" + controlclass + " %>"); sw.Write(Environment.NewLine); sw.Write(html); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static List <FileEntity> GetFiles(string TemplateName, string FolderPath) { string filePath = Decide.IsTemplateDefault(TemplateName) ? Utils.GetTemplatePath_Default(TemplateName) : Utils.GetTemplatePath(TemplateName); filePath = FolderPath != "" ? filePath + "/" + FolderPath : filePath; List <FileEntity> lstFiles = new List <FileEntity>(); if (Directory.Exists(filePath)) { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(filePath); foreach (DirectoryInfo folder in dir.GetDirectories()) { lstFiles.Add(new FileEntity(folder.Name, folder.FullName, "", Path.HasExtension(folder.Name) ? false : true, Size(folder), folder.CreationTime.ToShortDateString())); } foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles()) { lstFiles.Add(new FileEntity(file.Name, file.FullName, Path.GetExtension(file.Name), Path.HasExtension(file.Name) ? false : true, file.Length, file.CreationTime.ToShortDateString())); } } return(lstFiles); }
public void run() { Environment env = new Environment(); //dist Uniform d = new Uniform(1, 1, 0); //dist1 Uniform n = new Uniform(5, 5, 0); Distribution dist = new Distribution(d); Distribution dist1 = new Distribution(n); Create c = new Create(env, 0, 10, dist); Dispose di = new Dispose(env, 10); Queue q = new Queue(env, 3); q.Capacity = 10; Resource r = new Resource(env, 1, 1, dist1, q); Queue q2 = new Queue(env, 4); q2.Capacity = 5; Resource r2 = new Resource(env, 2, 1, dist1, q); Decide de = new Decide(env, 5); //Condition EQCond cond = new EQCond(0, r, Actor.StateType.Busy); de.AddCondition(cond, r2.AID); de.AddElse(r.AID); c.Next_AID.Add("First", 5); r.Next_AID.Add("First", 10); r2.Next_AID.Add("First", 10); env.System_Time = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); env.Start_Time = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); env.Setup_Simulation(); env.Simulate(); /////// }