public static void LogFieldsPropertis(Object srcObj) { if (srcObj == null) { return; } string text = "=====================================================================\r\n"; FieldInfo[] fields = srcObj.GetType().GetFields(NgAssembly.m_bindingAttr); FieldInfo[] array = fields; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { FieldInfo fieldInfo = array[i]; text += string.Format("{0} {1,-30}\r\n", fieldInfo.get_Name(), fieldInfo.GetValue(srcObj).ToString()); } Debuger.Info(text, new object[0]); text = string.Empty; PropertyInfo[] properties = srcObj.GetType().GetProperties(NgAssembly.m_bindingAttr); PropertyInfo[] array2 = properties; for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++) { PropertyInfo propertyInfo = array2[j]; if (propertyInfo.get_CanRead() && propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0) { text += string.Format("{0,-10}{1,-30} {2,-30}\r\n", propertyInfo.get_CanWrite(), propertyInfo.get_Name(), propertyInfo.GetValue(srcObj, null).ToString()); } } text += "=====================================================================\r\n"; Debuger.Info(text, new object[0]); }
private void OnShakeCamera(int id) { Debuger.Info("---->", new object[0]); if (ShakeCamera.instance != null) { ShakeCamera.instance.HandleCameraEffect(id); } }
public static void PrintList <T>(List <T> list) { for (int i = 0; i < list.get_Count(); i++) { T t = list.get_Item(i); Debuger.Info("PrintList " + t.ToString(), new object[0]); } }
private void OnMoveCamera(int id) { Debuger.Info("---->?", new object[0]); CameraAnimation cameraData = DataReader <CameraAnimation> .Get(id); if (CameraMove.intance != null) { CameraMove.intance.StartShake(cameraData); } }
private void Start() { if (!base.GetComponent <GUIText>()) { Debuger.Info("UtilityFramesPerSecond needs a GUIText component!", new object[0]); base.set_enabled(false); return; } this.timeleft = this.updateInterval; }
private void Start() { this.GetEffectSettingsComponent(base.get_transform()); if (this.effectSettings == null) { Debuger.Info("Prefab root have not script \"PrefabSettings\"", new object[0]); } this.tRoot = this.effectSettings.get_transform(); this.line = base.GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); this.InitializeDefault(); this.isInitializedOnStart = true; }
private void OnEnable() { if (this.mainCamera == null) { this.mainCamera = CamerasMgr.CameraMain; } if (this.mainCamera == null) { Debuger.Info("Error:No camera", new object[0]); } CameraShake.instance = this; }
private void OnGetCombatWinRankingsInfo(short state, CombatWinRankingsInfo down = null) { if (state != 0) { StateManager.Instance.StateShow(state, 0); return; } if (down != null) { Debuger.Info("state " + state, new object[0]); this.CombatWinRankingsItems = down.items; EventDispatcher.Broadcast(EventNames.OnGetCombatWinRankingsInfo); } }
private void OnGetFightRecordList(short state, FightRecordList down = null) { if (state != 0) { StateManager.Instance.StateShow(state, 0); return; } if (down != null) { Debuger.Info("state " + state, new object[0]); this.FightRecord = down.records; EventDispatcher.Broadcast(EventNames.OnGetFightRecordList); } }
public static void LoadLevel(int nLoadLevel) { if (NcSafeTool.m_bShuttingDown) { return; } if (NcSafeTool.s_Instance == null) { NcSafeTool.Instance(); } NcSafeTool.m_bLoadLevel = true; Debuger.Info("Safe LoadLevel start " + nLoadLevel, new object[0]); SceneManager.LoadScene(nLoadLevel); Debuger.Info("Safe LoadLevel end", new object[0]); NcSafeTool.m_bLoadLevel = false; }
private void OnPveReadyTimeNty(short state, PveReadyTimeNty down = null) { if (state != 0) { StateManager.Instance.StateShow(state, 0); return; } if (down != null) { Debuger.Info("down.time" + down.time, new object[0]); if (down.time == 0) { FigureTime.CanleTimer(false); } } }
private void OnGetGoldBuyLoginPush(short state, GoldBuyLoginPush down) { if (state != 0) { StateManager.Instance.StateShow(state, 0); return; } if (down != null) { this.mRemainingBuyTimes = down.remainingBuyTimes; this.mRemainingFreeTimes = down.remainingFreeTimes; } else { Debuger.Info("down == null GoldBuyLoginPush", new object[0]); } }
private void OnSelectClick() { Debuger.Info(string.Concat(new object[] { "isSelect", this.isSelect, " isClick", this.isClick }), new object[0]); if (this.isSelect && !this.isClick) { this.isSelect = false; ResourceManager.SetSprite(, ResourceManager.GetIconSprite(this.btn2)); this.content.set_color(new Color(1f, 0.843137264f, 0.549019635f)); } this.isClick = false; }
public static void UnloadTextures(GameObject rootObj) { if (rootObj == null) { return; } Renderer[] componentsInChildren = rootObj.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(true); Renderer[] array = componentsInChildren; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Renderer renderer = array[i]; if (renderer.get_material() != null && renderer.get_material().get_mainTexture() != null) { Debuger.Info("UnloadTextures - " + renderer.get_material().get_mainTexture(), new object[0]); Resources.UnloadAsset(renderer.get_material().get_mainTexture()); } } }
private void OnGetGoldBuyChangedNty(short state, GoldBuyChangedNty down) { if (state != 0) { StateManager.Instance.StateShow(state, 0); return; } if (down != null) { this.mRemainingBuyTimes = down.remainingBuyTimes; this.mRemainingFreeTimes = down.remainingFreeTimes; EventDispatcher.Broadcast(EventNames.GoldBuyChangedNty); } else { Debuger.Info("down == null GoldBuyChangedNty", new object[0]); } }
private void OnGetBuyGoldRes(short state, BuyGoldRes down) { if (state != 0) { StateManager.Instance.StateShow(state, 0); EventDispatcher.Broadcast(EventNames.GoldBuyFail); return; } if (down != null) { this.mExtPrize = down.extPrize; EventDispatcher.Broadcast(EventNames.OnGetBuyGoldRes); } else { Debuger.Info("down == null OnGetBuyGoldRes", new object[0]); } }
private void Start() { this.t = base.get_transform(); this.GetEffectSettingsComponent(this.t); if (this.effectSettings == null) { Debuger.Info("Prefab root or children have not script \"PrefabSettings\"", new object[0]); } if (!this.IsRootMove) { this.startParentPosition = base.get_transform().get_parent().get_position(); } if (this.GoLight != null) { this.tLight = this.GoLight.get_transform(); } this.InitializeDefault(); this.isInitializedOnStart = true; }
private void killCurrentEffects() { ParticleEmitter[] componentsInChildren = base.get_transform().GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleEmitter>(); ParticleEmitter[] array = componentsInChildren; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { ParticleEmitter particleEmitter = array[i]; Debuger.Info("resetEffect killing: " + particleEmitter.get_name(), new object[0]); ParticleAnimator component = particleEmitter.get_transform().GetComponent <ParticleAnimator>(); if (component != null) { component.set_autodestruct(true); } Particle[] particles = particleEmitter.get_particles(); for (int j = 0; j < particles.Length; j++) { particles[j].set_energy(0.1f); } particleEmitter.set_particles(particles); } }
public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { Debuger.Info("OnEndDrag ", new object[0]); this.isOnDrag = false; this.petDragBar.OnEndDrag(base.get_transform()); }
public void OnDrop(PointerEventData eventData) { Debuger.Info("OnDrop ", new object[0]); this.isOnDrag = false; }
private void Awake() { Debuger.Info(XUtility.Md5Sum(base.get_gameObject().get_name()), new object[0]); }
public override void OnDestroy() { Debuger.Info(base.GetType().get_Name() + " OnDestroy", new object[0]); }
public override void OnCreate() { Debuger.Info(base.GetType().get_Name() + " OnCreate", new object[0]); }
public void OnBtnFaceUp() { Debuger.Info("OnBtnFaceUp", new object[0]); ChatUIView.Instance.Node2FaceUI.SetAsLastSibling(); UIManagerControl.Instance.OpenUI("FaceUI", ChatUIView.Instance.Node2FaceUI, false, UIType.NonPush); }