/// <devdoc>
 ///    Retrieves the properties
 /// </devdoc>
 public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetChildProperties(object instance, Attribute[] filter)
     if (instance == null)
         return(DebugTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(PropertyType, filter));
         return(DebugTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(instance, filter));
        private void FillSingleMethodAttribute(MethodInfo realMethodInfo, IList attributes)
            string       methodName         = realMethodInfo.Name;
            BindingFlags bindingFlags       = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly;
            Type         currentReflectType = realMethodInfo.ReflectedType;

            Debug.Assert(currentReflectType != null, "currentReflectType cannot be null");

            // First, calculate the depth of the object hierarchy.  We do this so we can do a single
            // object create for an array of attributes.
            int depth = 0;

            while (currentReflectType != null && currentReflectType != typeof(object))
                currentReflectType = currentReflectType.BaseType;

            if (depth > 0)
                // Now build up an array in reverse order
                currentReflectType = realMethodInfo.ReflectedType;
                object[][] attributeStack = new object[depth][];

                while (currentReflectType != null && currentReflectType != typeof(object))
                    // Fill in our member info so we can get at the custom attributes.
                    MemberInfo memberInfo = currentReflectType.GetMethod(methodName, bindingFlags);

                    // Get custom attributes for the member info.
                    if (memberInfo != null)
                        attributeStack[--depth] = DebugTypeDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes(memberInfo);

                    // Ready for the next loop iteration.
                    currentReflectType = currentReflectType.BaseType;

                // Now trawl the attribute stack so that we add attributes
                // from base class to most derived.
                foreach (object[] attributeArray in attributeStack)
                    if (attributeArray != null)
                        foreach (object attr in attributeArray)
                            if (attr is Attribute)
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>
        ///       Gets an editor of the specified type.
        ///    </para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public override object GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
            object editor = null;

            // Check the editors we've already created for this type.
            if (editorTypes != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < editorCount; i++)
                    if (editorTypes[i] == editorBaseType)

            // If one wasn't found, then we must go through the attributes.
            if (editor == null)
                for (int i = 0; i < Attributes.Count; i++)
                    if (!(Attributes[i] is EditorAttribute))

                    EditorAttribute attr       = (EditorAttribute)Attributes[i];
                    Type            editorType = GetTypeFromName(attr.EditorBaseTypeName);

                    if (editorBaseType == editorType)
                        Type type = GetTypeFromName(attr.EditorTypeName);
                        if (type != null)
                            editor = CreateInstance(type);

                // Now, if we failed to find it in our own attributes, go to the
                // component descriptor.
                if (editor == null)
                    editor = DebugTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(PropertyType, editorBaseType);

                // Now, another slot in our editor cache for next time
                if (editorTypes == null)
                    editorTypes = new Type[5];
                    editors     = new object[5];

                if (editorCount >= editorTypes.Length)
                    Type[]   newTypes   = new Type[editorTypes.Length * 2];
                    object[] newEditors = new object[editors.Length * 2];
                    Array.Copy(editorTypes, newTypes, editorTypes.Length);
                    Array.Copy(editors, newEditors, editors.Length);
                    editorTypes = newTypes;
                    editors     = newEditors;

                editorTypes[editorCount] = editorBaseType;
                editors[editorCount++]   = editor;
