void CheckInTimer_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DebugDetector.AssertCheckRunning(); MainForm.SetStatusBar("Checking in..."); var message = string.Empty; var ticket = string.Empty; var data = SessionNegotiator.GenerateCheckInData(); var result = SessionNegotiator.CheckIn(data, ref message, ref ticket); if (result != CheckInStatus.Ok) { //Close Allegiance AllegianceLoader.ExitAllegiance(); //Unlock form this.Enabled = true; MainForm.SetStatusBar(message); } else { MainForm.SetStatusBar(string.Format("Checked in at {0:h:mm tt}.", DateTime.Now)); } GC.Collect(); //Now is a decent time to force garbage collection }
public LoginForm() { DebugDetector.AssertCheckRunning(); InitializeComponent(); StatusTimer = new Timer(); StatusTimer.Interval = StatusClearInterval; StatusTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(StatusTimer_Tick); FormInstance = this; }
public MainForm(CheckInStatus launcherSignInStatus) { _launcherSignInStatus = launcherSignInStatus; DebugDetector.AssertCheckRunning(); InitializeComponent(); FormInstance = this; StatusTimer = new Timer(); StatusTimer.Interval = StatusClearInterval; StatusTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(StatusTimer_Tick); //Bind Events _messageListControl.OpenClick += new EventHandler(_messageListControl_OpenClick); _callsignControl.CreateClick += new EventHandler(_callsignControl_CreateClick); _callsignControl.CallsignsLoaded += new TaskEventHandler <List <Callsign> >(_callsignControl_CallsignsLoaded); _playControl.ManageCallsignsClick += new PlayControl.ManageCallsignsClickHandler(_playControl_ManageCallsignsClick); _playControl.AllegianceExited += new PlayControl.AllegianceExitedHandler(_playControl_AllegianceExited); _playControl.RequestUpdateCheck += new PlayControl.RequestUpdateCheckHandler(_playControl_RequestUpdateCheck); _playControl.ReloadCallsigns += new PlayControl.ReloadCallsignsHandler(_playControl_ReloadCallsigns); _messageListControl.MessageReceived += new EventHandler(_messageListControl_MessageReceived); //Load Preferences from datastore LoadPreferences(); // Reset the cached callsign list so that it will reload from the server when the app is first started, // or if the user re-logs in. //DataStore.Callsigns = null; //Load form data _callsignControl.LoadCallsigns(true); _messageListControl.LoadMessages(); //Check for polls _pollDisplayControl.PollComplete += new EventHandler(_pollDisplayControl_PollComplete); CheckPolls(); //Auto-Login if (DataStore.Preferences.AutoLogin) { Autologin(); } }
private static ClientService.ClientService Initialize() { DebugDetector.AssertCheckRunning(); //For testing, we're accepting untrusted server certificates ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(delegate(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return(true); }); ClientService.ClientService service = new ClientService.ClientService(); service.Timeout = _timeout; service.Url = AllegianceRegistry.ClientService; return(service); }
private static void Initialize() { try { //Check if a debugger is attached if (DebugDetector.Detect()) { Log.Write("Debugging CSS is prohibited."); return; } //See if the client has recently been updated if (AutoUpdate.CheckTemporaryProcess()) { return; } //Ticket #46 - Prevent multiple instances of the launcher var runningProcesses = Process.GetProcessesByName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName); int matchCounter = 0; foreach (var runningProcess in runningProcesses) { if (runningProcess.MainModule.FileName.Equals(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName) == true) { matchCounter++; } } if (matchCounter > 1) { MessageBox.Show("Only one instance of " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName + " can be run at a time. Please close other versions of the ACSS Launcher and try again.", "ACSS Launcher Already Running", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return; } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); using (ServiceHandler.Service) { UpdateCheckForm updateCheckForm = new UpdateCheckForm(); if (updateCheckForm.HasPendingUpdates == true) { if (updateCheckForm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } } // If you need to upgrade things on the end users system during an auto-update push, put them in here. string returnMessage; if (Install.Upgrade.PerformUpgradeTasks(out returnMessage) == false) { MessageBox.Show(returnMessage, "Upgrade canceled.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); return; } bool showLoginDialog = false; //Check if the credentials are already stored if (ServiceHandler.CheckLogin() == true) { var launcherStartupProgress = new LauncherStartupProgress(); launcherStartupProgress.TopMost = true; var launcherStartupProgressResult = launcherStartupProgress.ShowDialog(); if (launcherStartupProgressResult == DialogResult.OK) { StartMainForm(); } //else if (launcherStartupProgressResult == DialogResult.Abort) // return; else { showLoginDialog = true; } } if (ServiceHandler.CheckLogin() == false || showLoginDialog == true) { //Create Login prompt using (var loginForm = new LoginForm()) { if (loginForm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var launcherStartupProgress = new LauncherStartupProgress(); launcherStartupProgress.TopMost = true; if (launcherStartupProgress.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } StartMainForm(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { File.WriteAllText("ExceptionLog.txt", ex.ToString()); throw; } }
public static void StartAllegiance(string ticket, LobbyType lobbyType, string alias, TaskDelegate onCompleteDelegate) { DebugDetector.AssertCheckRunning(); TaskHandler.RunTask(delegate(object p) { var param = p as object[]; var sessionTicket = param[0] as string; var signal = param[1] as TaskDelegate; var succeeded = false; try { AllegianceRegistry.OutputDebugString = DataStore.Preferences.DebugLog; AllegianceRegistry.LogToFile = DataStore.Preferences.DebugLog; AllegianceRegistry.LogChat = DataStore.Preferences.LogChat; //Create commandline var commandLine = new StringBuilder("-authenticated") .AppendFormat(" -callsign={0}", alias); if (DataStore.Preferences.DebugLog) { commandLine.Append(" -debug"); } if (DataStore.Preferences.LaunchWindowed) { commandLine.Append(" -windowed"); } if (DataStore.Preferences.NoMovies) { commandLine.Append(" -nomovies"); } //Start Allegiance string lobbyPath = Path.Combine(AllegianceRegistry.LobbyPath, lobbyType.ToString()); string allegiancePath = Path.Combine(lobbyPath, "Allegiance.exe"); if (DataStore.Preferences.UseDX7Engine == true) { allegiancePath = Path.Combine(lobbyPath, "AllegianceDX7.exe"); } #if DEBUG if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AllegianceExeOverride"]) == false) { Log.Write("Allegiance path was overridden by configuration setting."); allegiancePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AllegianceExeOverride"]; } #endif Log.Write("Using: " + allegiancePath + " " + commandLine.ToString() + " to launch..."); ProcessHandler process = ProcessHandler.Start(allegiancePath, commandLine.ToString()); process.OnExiting += new EventHandler(process_OnExiting); _allegianceProcess = process; _allegianceProcessMonitor = new ProcessMonitor(_allegianceProcess); // If launching into a lobby, then relay the security token to the allegiance process. if (lobbyType != LobbyType.None) { //Open Pipe using (var reset = new ManualResetEvent(false)) { TaskHandler.RunTask(delegate(object value) { var parameters = value as object[]; var localProcessHandler = parameters[0] as ProcessHandler; var localSessionTicket = parameters[1] as String; var localReset = parameters[2] as ManualResetEvent; using (var pipe = new Pipe(@"\\.\pipe\allegqueue")) { pipe.Create(); if (pipe.Connect()) { Int64 memoryLocation = Int64.Parse(pipe.Read()); localProcessHandler.WriteMemory(memoryLocation, localSessionTicket + (char)0x00 + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id); localReset.Set(); } } }, process, sessionTicket, reset); //Wait X seconds, if allegiance does not retrieve the ticket, exit Allegiance. if (!reset.WaitOne(PipeTimeout)) { try { process.ForceClose(); //Connect to the pipe in order to close out the connector thread. using (var pipe = new Pipe(@"\\.\pipe\allegqueue")) { pipe.OpenExisting(); pipe.Read(); } } catch { } finally { throw new Exception("Allegiance did not respond within the time allotted."); } } // The memory address was retrived from the pipe, write the ticket onto the target process. //process.WriteMemory((Int64) memoryLocation, sessionTicket); } } succeeded = true; } catch (Exception error) { Log.Write(error); } finally { signal(succeeded); } }, ticket, onCompleteDelegate); }
/// <summary> /// Perform autoupdate, validate client, negotiate for new session /// </summary> public static void Login(string aliasInput, string lobbyName, TaskDelegate onCompleteDelegate) { TaskHandler.RunTask(delegate(object input) { DebugDetector.AssertCheckRunning(); var parameters = input as object[]; var signal = parameters[0] as TaskDelegate; var alias = parameters[1] as string; var message = string.Empty; var ticket = string.Empty; var rank = 0; CheckInStatus status = CheckInStatus.InvalidCredentials; try { //Get available lobbies MainForm.SetStatusBar("Checking lobby status...", 25); var lobbies = ServiceHandler.Service.CheckAvailableLobbies(); //Get lobby var lobby = GetLobbyByName(lobbies, lobbyName); //Check auto-update - This is done by the play control/update check control now. //MainForm.SetStatusBar("Checking for updates...", 25); //PendingUpdates pendingUpdates = AutoUpdate.GetPendingUpdateQueues(ServiceHandler.Service); //if (AutoUpdate.ProcessPendingUpdates(pendingUpdates, lobby, new AutoUpdate.AutoupdateProgressCallback(AutoupdateProgressUpdate))) // return; //Log in, Display 'logging in' status to user MainForm.SetStatusBar("Logging in...", 50); var loginResult = ServiceHandler.Service.Login(new LoginData() { Alias = alias, LobbyId = lobby.LobbyId, LobbyIdSpecified = true }); if (loginResult.StatusSpecified) { rank = loginResult.Rank; switch (loginResult.Status) { case LoginStatus.Authenticated: //Perform initial check in MainForm.SetStatusBar("Validating Client...", 75); status = ValidateLogin(loginResult.BlackboxData, ref message, ref ticket); // Relog in after linking to pick up any alias changes. if (status == CheckInStatus.AccountLinked) { loginResult = ServiceHandler.Service.Login(new LoginData() { Alias = alias, LobbyId = lobby.LobbyId, LobbyIdSpecified = true }); } //Set up response alias = loginResult.AcceptedAlias; //if (loginResult.Rank <= 5) // alias += "(" + loginResult.Rank.ToString() + ")"; break; case LoginStatus.AccountLocked: message = "Account Locked"; break; case LoginStatus.InvalidCredentials: message = "Username or password was incorrect"; break; case LoginStatus.PermissionDenied: message = "Permission was denied to this lobby"; break; } } else { message = "An unknown error occurred"; } Log.Write(message); } catch (Exception error) { message = "An error occurred"; Log.Write(error); } //Signal the calling thread signal(new object[] { status, message, alias, ticket, rank }); }, onCompleteDelegate, aliasInput); }
private void UpdateCheck_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _updateStatusLabel.Text = String.Empty; TaskHandler.RunTask(delegate(object input) { object[] parameters = input as object[]; UpdateCheckControl formReference = parameters[0] as UpdateCheckControl; DebugDetector.AssertCheckRunning(); if (HasPendingUpdates == true) { var signal = new TaskDelegate(delegate(object data) { var updateCount = Convert.ToInt32(data); if (MessageBox.Show(new Form() { TopMost = true }, "Free Allegiance Updater has " + updateCount + " files to download.\nYou will not be able to play until these updates are installed.\nWould you like to do this now?", "New updates found!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { MessageBox.Show(new Form() { TopMost = true }, "Please restart the application when you are ready to apply updates.", "Update Canceled", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Application.Exit(); } }); if (this.InvokeRequired == true) { this.Invoke(signal, PendingUpdates.PendingUpdateCount); } else { signal(PendingUpdates.PendingUpdateCount); } } else { return; } //Get available lobbies UpdateProgress(String.Empty, "Checking lobby status...", 0); var lobbies = ServiceHandler.Service.CheckAvailableLobbies(); foreach (var lobby in lobbies) { if (formReference._abortUpdate == true) { break; } UpdateProgress(lobby.Name, "Checking lobby for updates.", 0); if (AutoUpdate.ProcessPendingUpdates(PendingUpdates, lobby, new AutoUpdate.AutoupdateProgressCallback(UpdateProgress), this)) { return; } } TaskDelegate onUpdateCompleteHandler = delegate(object data) { UpdateCheckControl updateCompleteFormReference = data as UpdateCheckControl; if (AutoupdateComplete != null) { AutoupdateComplete(updateCompleteFormReference._abortUpdate); } }; if (formReference.InvokeRequired == true) { formReference.Invoke(onUpdateCompleteHandler, formReference); } else { onUpdateCompleteHandler(formReference); } }, this); }
public void SetUp() { data = new InMemoryRequestData(); detector = new DebugDetector(data); }
static void _watcher_Renamed(object sender, RenamedEventArgs e) { DebugDetector.AssertCheckRunning(); AssertNotProtected(GetRelativePath(e.FullPath)); }
static void _watcher_Changed(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { DebugDetector.AssertCheckRunning(); AssertNotProtected(GetRelativePath(e.FullPath)); }
public static PendingUpdates GetPendingUpdateQueues(ClientService.ClientService service) { //Initialize Checksum class to use SHA1 var encryption = new Encryption <SHA1>(); PendingUpdates returnValue = new PendingUpdates(); var lobbies = ServiceHandler.Service.CheckAvailableLobbies(); foreach (LobbyResult lobby in lobbies) { //Get autoupdate files associated with lobby var results = service.CheckForUpdates(lobby.LobbyId, true); //var root = AllegianceRegistry.EXEPath; //Allegiance root directory var autoUpdate = DataStore.Open("autoupdate.ds", "Ga46^#a042"); string dataKey = "Files_" + lobby.LobbyId; var lastResults = autoUpdate[dataKey] as Dictionary <string, FindAutoUpdateFilesResult>; List <FindAutoUpdateFilesResult> updateQueue = new List <FindAutoUpdateFilesResult>(); //Check files which need update foreach (var file in results.Files) { DebugDetector.AssertCheckRunning(); string path; if (string.Equals(file.Filename, GlobalSettings.ClientExecutableName) || string.Equals(file.Filename, GlobalSettings.ClientExecutablePDB)) { path = Path.Combine(AllegianceRegistry.LobbyPath, file.Filename); } else { path = GetLobbyPath(lobby, file.Filename); } //Check that all files exist if (!File.Exists(path)) { Log.Write("File did not exist: " + path + ", will update."); updateQueue.Add(file); continue; } if (lastResults == null) { Log.Write("No prior autoupdate records, will updated: " + path); updateQueue.Add(file); continue; } //Check if we don't have a record of the file at all if (!lastResults.ContainsKey(file.Filename)) { Log.Write("No record of file in autoupdate history, will update: " + path); updateQueue.Add(file); continue; } //Check that all file versions match if (lastResults.ContainsKey(file.Filename) && (file.CurrentVersion != lastResults[file.Filename].CurrentVersion)) { Log.Write("File version mismatch, will update: " + file.Filename + ", server version: " + file.CurrentVersion + ", local version: " + lastResults[file.Filename].CurrentVersion); updateQueue.Add(file); continue; } //Compare hashes with all protected files to those on-disk if (file.IsProtected) { var checksum = encryption.Calculate(path); if (!string.Equals(file.ValidChecksum, checksum)) { Log.Write("File checksum mismatch, will update: " + path + ", server checksum: " + file.ValidChecksum + ", local checksum: " + checksum); updateQueue.Add(file); } } } returnValue.AutoUpdateBaseAddress.Add(lobby.LobbyId, results.AutoUpdateBaseAddress); returnValue.AllFilesInUpdatePackage.Add(lobby.LobbyId, results.Files); returnValue.PendingUpdateList.Add(lobby.LobbyId, updateQueue); } return(returnValue); }
public static List <FindAutoUpdateFilesResult> ProcessPendingUpdates(LobbyResult lobby, AutoUpdateResult results) { //Initialize Checksum class to use SHA1 var encryption = new Encryption <SHA1>(); //var root = AllegianceRegistry.EXEPath; //Allegiance root directory var autoUpdate = DataStore.Open("autoupdate.ds", "Ga46^#a042"); string dataKey = "Files_" + lobby.LobbyId; var lastResults = autoUpdate[dataKey] as Dictionary <string, FindAutoUpdateFilesResult>; List <FindAutoUpdateFilesResult> updateQueue = new List <FindAutoUpdateFilesResult>(); //Check files which need update foreach (var file in results.Files) { DebugDetector.AssertCheckRunning(); // You can put this in if you are testing the launcher with the production CSS server. // Turn off file protection on the launcher on the CSS server's Auto Update version of the launcher, // then drop the debug version of the launcher into your local game directory. Then you can // launch the launcher from the debugger and work with it. //#if DEBUG // if (file.Filename.EndsWith("Launcher.exe", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == true // || file.Filename.EndsWith("Launcher.pdb", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == true) // continue; //#endif string path; if (string.Equals(file.Filename, GlobalSettings.ClientExecutableName) || string.Equals(file.Filename, GlobalSettings.ClientExecutablePDB)) { path = Path.Combine(AllegianceRegistry.LobbyPath, file.Filename); } else { path = GetLobbyPath(lobby, file.Filename); } //Check that all files exist if (!File.Exists(path)) { Log.Write("File did not exist: " + path + ", will update."); updateQueue.Add(file); continue; } //Check that all file versions match if (lastResults != null && lastResults.ContainsKey(file.Filename) && (file.CurrentVersion != lastResults[file.Filename].CurrentVersion)) { Log.Write("File version mismatch, will update: " + file.Filename + ", server version: " + file.CurrentVersion + ", local version: " + lastResults[file.Filename].CurrentVersion); updateQueue.Add(file); continue; } // Test for checksum match, and if they don't replace the file if: // * This is the first time AutoUpdate has run for this installation. // * This is the first time this file has been seen by AutoUpdate // * The file has the protected flag turned on. var checksum = encryption.Calculate(path); if (!string.Equals(file.ValidChecksum, checksum)) { // If there haven't been any updates at all, and the checksums don't match, then overwrite the unknown file. (old installation / left over files from a previous uninstall) if (lastResults == null) { Log.Write("No prior autoupdate records, will updated: " + path); updateQueue.Add(file); continue; } // If there wasn't a prior update applied for the file, and the checksums don't match, then overwrite the unknown file. (An older file is on disk, and was re-added to the auto update system) if (!lastResults.ContainsKey(file.Filename)) { Log.Write("No record of file in autoupdate history, will update: " + path); updateQueue.Add(file); continue; } // If the file was changed on the server, but not modified by the user, then update. if (lastResults[file.Filename].DateModified == file.DateModified) { Log.Write("file was not user modified, and a change was detected from AU, will update: " + path); updateQueue.Add(file); continue; } // If the file is protected and the hashes don't match, then update. if (file.IsProtected) { Log.Write("File checksum mismatch, will update: " + path + ", server checksum: " + file.ValidChecksum + ", local checksum: " + checksum); updateQueue.Add(file); continue; } } } return(updateQueue); }