Esempio n. 1
        public void DeletePossession(string possessionName, int userId)
            int possessionId = _DboContext.PossessionsData.First(u => u.Name == possessionName).ID;
            var toDelete     = _DboContext.Possessions.Where(x => x.UserID == userId && x.PossessionDataID == possessionId).FirstOrDefault();

Esempio n. 2
        public void AddNewGoal(string inputName, float inputAmount, string inputDescription, int userId)
            if (inputName != "" && inputDescription != "")
                // Checks whether transaction amount is a number

                if (inputAmount < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Provided amount can't be negative");

                DboGoal newTransaction = new DboGoal();

                DboGoal dboGoal = new DboGoal
                    GoalItemName    = inputName,
                    GoalItemPrice   = inputAmount,
                    GoalDescription = inputDescription,
                    UserId          = userId
Esempio n. 3
        public void AddNewTransaction(TransactionType transactType, string transactionName, string transactionAmount, DateTime date, int userID, string category = "N/A")
            if (transactionName != "" && transactionAmount != "")
                // Checks whether transaction amount is a number
                float transAmount;

                if (!float.TryParse(transactionAmount, out transAmount))

                if (transAmount < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Provided amount can't be negative");

                // Check if category exists

                TransactionCategoriesMeshed categories = _CategoryService.GetTransactionCategories();
                if (!categories.IncomeCategories.Exists(x => x.Name == category) && !categories.ExpensesCategories.Exists(x => x.Name == category))
                    throw new BadCategoryException("Category not found: ", category);

                //Transaction newTransaction = new Transaction(transactType, transAmount, transactionName, category, DateTime.Now);


                DboTransaction dbotransaction = new DboTransaction
                    TransactType = transactType,
                    Title        = transactionName,
                    Category     = category,
                    Date         = (date == null) ? DateTime.Now : date,
                    Amount       = transAmount,
                    UserId       = userID
