Esempio n. 1
 public static double NIntegrate(DblColumn col)
     var result = 0.0;
     for (int i = 0; i < col.Size - 1; i++)
         result += (col[i] + col[i + 1]) * .5;
     return result;
Esempio n. 2
        public static double[] MapToRange(DblColumn col, double oldMin, double oldMax, double newMin, double newMax)
            var result = new double[col.Size];

            double ratio = (newMax - newMin)/(oldMax - oldMin);

            for (int i = 0; i < col.Size; i++)
                result[i] = newMin + ratio * (col[i] - oldMin);
            return result;
Esempio n. 3
        public static string Cdf(DblColumn data, string ops)
            var xData = new double[data.Size];
            var yData = new double[data.Size];

            data.ColumnToArray().CopyTo(xData, 0);


            yData[0] = 1.0/data.Size;
            for (var i = 1; i < data.Size; i++)
                yData[i] = yData[i - 1] + yData[0];

            return Scatter(new[] {new DblColumn(xData, "Sorted Data"), new DblColumn(yData, "Percent of Data")}, ops);
Esempio n. 4
        public DblColumn[] ToField(int[] indices)
            if (indices.Length == 0)
                indices = AllColumns;

            DblColumn[] result = new DblColumn[indices.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i++)
                result[i] = this[indices[i]];
            return result;
Esempio n. 5
        public static string Histogram(DblColumn[] data, string ops)
            var type = HType.Density;

            if (ops.Length > 5)
                var oTmp = ops.Split(SpcChar.Space);

                for (var i = 0; i < oTmp.Length; i++)
                    if (oTmp[i].IndexOf("bins=") > -1)
                        int.TryParse(oTmp[i].Substring(5, oTmp[i].Length - 5), out GlobalVars.NBins);
                    if (oTmp[i].IndexOf("height=") > -1)
                        int.TryParse(oTmp[i].Substring(7, oTmp[i].Length - 7), out GlobalVars.GraphHeight);

                    //add type percent, density, freq

            var cutoffs = new double[GlobalVars.NBins];

            var max = data[0].Max;
            var min = data[0].Min;

            for (var i = 1; i < data.Length; i++)
                if (data[i].Max > max)
                    max = data[i].Max;
                if (data[i].Min < min)
                    min = data[i].Min;

            var step = (max - min)/GlobalVars.NBins;

            for (var l = 0; l < GlobalVars.NBins; l++)
                cutoffs[l] = l*step + min;

            var visOut = new StringBuilder();

            visOut.Append(SpcChar.UpperLeft + new string(SpcChar.Horizontal, GlobalVars.NBins*5) + SpcChar.UpperRight +

            var nResult = new double[GlobalVars.NBins];

            for (var h = 0; h < data.Length; h++)
                for (var i = 0; i < data[h].Size; i++)
                    if (data[h][i] > cutoffs[GlobalVars.NBins - 1])
                        nResult[GlobalVars.NBins - 1]++;
                    for (var j = 1; j < GlobalVars.NBins - 1; j++)
                        if ((data[h][i] >= cutoffs[j]) && (data[h][i] < cutoffs[j + 1]))
                    if (data[h][i] < cutoffs[1])

                if (type == HType.Density)
                    var divmax = 1.0/nResult.Max();
                    for (var i = 0; i < GlobalVars.NBins; i++)
                        nResult[i] = nResult[i]*divmax;
                if (type == HType.Percent)
                    var total = 1.0/data[0].Size;
                    for (var i = 0; i < GlobalVars.NBins; i++)
                        nResult[i] = nResult[i]*total;

                for (var i = 0; i < GlobalVars.GraphHeight; i++) // down
                    for (var j = 0; j < GlobalVars.NBins; j++) // across
                        if ((int) (GlobalVars.GraphHeight - nResult[j]*GlobalVars.GraphHeight) == i)
                            visOut.Append(SpcChar.UpperLeft + new string(SpcChar.Horizontal, 3) + SpcChar.UpperRight);
                        else if (i > GlobalVars.GraphHeight - nResult[j]*GlobalVars.GraphHeight)
                            visOut.Append(SpcChar.Vertical + new string(SpcChar.Space, 3) + SpcChar.Vertical);
                            visOut.Append(new string(SpcChar.Space, 5));
                    visOut.Append(SpcChar.Vertical + new string(SpcChar.Space, 1) +
                                  (1.0 - (double) i/GlobalVars.GraphHeight).ToString("0.00") + Environment.NewLine);
                visOut.Append(h == data.Length - 1 ? SpcChar.LowerLeft : SpcChar.ThreeWayRight);

                for (var i = 0; i < GlobalVars.NBins; i++)
                    if (nResult[i] > 0)
                        visOut.Append(SpcChar.ThreeWayUp + new string(SpcChar.Horizontal, 3) + SpcChar.ThreeWayUp);
                        visOut.Append(new string(SpcChar.Horizontal, 5));
                visOut.Append(h == data.Length - 1 ? SpcChar.LowerRight : SpcChar.ThreeWayLeft);
            if (GlobalVars.NBins > 2)
                visOut.Append(SpcChar.Space + cutoffs[0].ToString("0.00") + "<" +
                              new string(SpcChar.Space, GlobalVars.NBins*5 - 11) + ">" +
                              cutoffs[cutoffs.Length - 1].ToString("0.00") + Environment.NewLine);

            return visOut.ToString();
Esempio n. 6
        public static string Scatter(DblColumn[] data, string ops)
            var yline = double.NaN;

            if (ops.Length > 5)
                var oTmp = ops.Split(SpcChar.Space);

                for (var i = 0; i < oTmp.Length; i++)
                    if (oTmp[i].IndexOf("size=") > -1)
                        var size = 1.0;
                        double.TryParse(oTmp[i].Substring(5, oTmp[i].Length - 5), out size);
                        GlobalVars.GraphHeight = (int) (GlobalVars.GraphHeight*size);
                        GlobalVars.GraphWidth = (int) (GlobalVars.GraphWidth*size);
                    if (oTmp[i].IndexOf("width=") > -1)
                        int.TryParse(oTmp[i].Substring(6, oTmp[i].Length - 6), out GlobalVars.GraphWidth);
                    if (oTmp[i].IndexOf("height=") > -1)
                        int.TryParse(oTmp[i].Substring(7, oTmp[i].Length - 7), out GlobalVars.GraphHeight);
                    if (oTmp[i].IndexOf("yline=") > -1)
                        double.TryParse(oTmp[i].Substring(6, oTmp[i].Length - 6), out yline);

            var dataSize = data[0].Size;

            // data[0] is y and is separate from these maxs and mins

            var max = data[1].Max;
            var min = data[1].Min;

            for (var i = 1; i < data.Length; i++)
                if (data[i].Max > max)
                    max = data[i].Max;
                if (data[i].Min < min)
                    min = data[i].Min;

            var plot = new char[GlobalVars.GraphHeight, GlobalVars.GraphWidth];

            yline = GlobalVars.GraphHeight*(yline);

            for (var i = 0; i < GlobalVars.GraphWidth; i++) //create grid of null (space) characters
                for (var j = 0; j < GlobalVars.GraphHeight; j++)
                    plot[j, i] = SpcChar.Space;
                    if (j == (int) (yline))
                        plot[j, i] = SpcChar.Dot;

            var mappedColX = MathsLib.MapToRange(data[0], 0, GlobalVars.GraphWidth - 1);

            for (var h = 1; h < data.Length; h++) //iterate through all columns
                var mappedColY = MathsLib.MapToRange(data[h], min, max, 0, GlobalVars.GraphHeight - 1);

                for (var i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) //map x,y points from columns to grid above
                    if (h == 1)
                        plot[(int) mappedColY[i], (int) mappedColX[i]] = SpcChar.Cross;
                    if (h == 2)
                        plot[(int) mappedColY[i], (int) mappedColX[i]] = SpcChar.Plus;
                    if (h == 3)
                        plot[(int) mappedColY[i], (int) mappedColX[i]] = SpcChar.Nought;
                    if (h == 4)
                        plot[(int) mappedColY[i], (int) mappedColX[i]] = SpcChar.Square;
                    if (h > 4)
                        plot[(int) mappedColY[i], (int) mappedColX[i]] = (char) (49 + h);

            var repDataTally = 0.0;
            var sOut = new StringBuilder();

            sOut.Append(SpcChar.UpperLeft + new string(SpcChar.Horizontal, GlobalVars.GraphWidth) + SpcChar.UpperRight +
            for (var i = GlobalVars.GraphHeight - 1; i > -1; i--)
                for (var j = 0; j < GlobalVars.GraphWidth; j++)
                    sOut.Append(plot[i, j]);
                    if (plot[i, j] != SpcChar.Space && plot[i, j] != SpcChar.Dot)


                if (i == GlobalVars.GraphHeight - 1)

                if (i == 0)


            sOut.Append(SpcChar.LowerLeft + new string(SpcChar.Horizontal, GlobalVars.GraphWidth) + SpcChar.LowerRight +

            if (GlobalVars.GraphWidth > 9)
                sOut.Append(SpcChar.Space + data[0].Min.ToString("0.00") +
                            new string(SpcChar.Space, GlobalVars.GraphWidth - 9) + data[0].Max.ToString("0.00") +
                sOut.Append(new string(SpcChar.Space, GlobalVars.GraphWidth) + Environment.NewLine);

            repDataTally = repDataTally/((data.Length - 1)*data[0].Size)*100.0;
                //two columns per scatter to only 50% is tally.

            sOut.Append(Environment.NewLine + "Data represented: " + repDataTally.ToString("0.00") + "%");

            return sOut.ToString();
Esempio n. 7
 public static double[] MapToRange(DblColumn col, double newMin, double newMax)
     return MapToRange(col, col.Min, col.Max, newMin, newMax);