private void Start() { _activeElements = new List <GameObject>(); _inactiveElements = new List <GameObject>(); Dbg.Assert(_template != null); _template.SetActive(false); }
public ulong get_paddr(ulong paddr) { ulong pageId = paddr / PageSize; ulong pageMod = paddr % PageSize; //page table hit if (Ptable.ContainsKey(pageId)) { return(Ptable[pageId] * PageSize + pageMod); } //page table miss ulong frameId = pageId / Stride; frameId *= Stride; frameId += CurrFid; //update tables // TODO: there's a bug in this allocator b/c there can be duplicate frames Dbg.Assert(!Ftable.Contains(frameId)); Ftable.Add(frameId); Ptable.Add(pageId, frameId); //update frame id CurrFid += 1; CurrFid = CurrFid % Stride; //return physical address return(frameId * PageSize + pageMod); }
private static Material getMaterialRadial() { Material _mat = (Material)Resources.Load("AMRadialWipeMaterial"); Dbg.Assert(_mat != null, "failed to load AMRadialWipeMaterial!!"); // ## TO DO ## /*if(!_mat) { * _mat = new Material * ( * "Shader \"Animator/AMIrisShape\" {" + * "Properties {" + * " _MainTex (\"Base (RGB)\", 2D) = \"white\" {}" + * " _Mask (\"Culling Mask\", 2D) = \"white\" {}" + * " _Cutoff (\"Alpha cutoff\", Range (0,1)) = 0.1 " + * " _Color (\"Main Color\", Color) = (1,1,1,1) }" + * "SubShader {" + * " Tags {\"Queue\"=\"Background\"}" + * " Lighting Off" + * " ZWrite Off" + * " Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha" + * " AlphaTest GEqual [_Cutoff]" + * " Pass {" + * " SetTexture [_Mask] { matrix [_Matrix] combine texture }" + * " SetTexture [_MainTex] { ConstantColor [_Color] matrix[_TexMatrix] combine texture * constant, previous }" + * " }" + * "}}" * ); * }*/ return(_mat); }
public override void LoadData(ref object id, int?HAcode = null) { try { using (DbManagerProxy manager = CreateDbManagerProxy()) { IObjectSelectDetail accessor = ObjectAccessor.SelectDetailInterface(typeof(T)); if (accessor != null) { LifeTimeState = LifeTimeState.DataLoading; BusinessObject = accessor.SelectDetail(manager, id, HAcode) as T; Dbg.Assert(BusinessObject != null, "unable to get BusinessObject"); // ReSharper disable PossibleNullReferenceException id = BusinessObject.Key; // ReSharper restore PossibleNullReferenceException } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!bv.common.Configuration.BaseSettings.ScanFormsMode) { ErrorForm.ShowError(StandardError.DataRetrievingError, ex); } } }
/// <summary> /// given a real vert, return the virtual vert /// </summary> public VVert GetVV(int rvIdx) { Dbg.Assert(m_VVertCont.ContainsKey(rvIdx), "VMesh.GetVV: real vert idx: {0}", rvIdx); VVert vvert = m_VVertCont[rvIdx]; return(vvert); }
eAttackResult CalcAttackResult(Attacking damager) { if (currentAttackDirection == eAttackDirection.NoAttack) { // Not attacking at all, so no chance for defence. return(eAttackResult.Hit); } else if (currentAttackDirection == damager.currentAttackDirection) { // Matching attack directions, we have a chance for defence or // being vulnerable. switch (currentAttackWindow) { case eAttackWindow.Starting: return(eAttackResult.Parry); case eAttackWindow.Swinging: case eAttackWindow.Landing: return(eAttackResult.Block); case eAttackWindow.Landed: case eAttackWindow.Done: return(eAttackResult.Hit); } Dbg.Assert(false, "Unhandled enum case: " + currentAttackWindow); return(eAttackResult.Hit); } else { return(eAttackResult.Hit); } }
eAttackWindow CalcAttackWindow() { Dbg.Assert(percentUntilSwinging < percentUntilLanding, "Must swing before we can land"); float progress = CalcAttackProgressPercent(); if (progress < 0 || progress >= 1f) { // Invalid progress values must mean we're done. return(eAttackWindow.Done); } else if (currentAttackWindow == eAttackWindow.Landed) { // Stay in Landed until time runs out. return(eAttackWindow.Landed); } else if (progress > percentUntilLanding) { return(eAttackWindow.Landing); } else if (progress > percentUntilSwinging) { return(eAttackWindow.Swinging); } else { return(eAttackWindow.Starting); } }
public override void issued_write_cmd(Cmd cmd) { Dbg.Assert(cmd.is_write()); uint cid = cmd.Addr.cid; ServeCnt[cid]++; }
private Vector3[] m_CachedVertPos; //used in dragging handle, cache the starting position of verts #endregion "data" #region "public method" // public method public void Init(EditableMesh m, MeshSelection sel, Pivotor p) { m_Mesh = m; m_Selection = sel; m_Pivot = p; Dbg.Assert(m_Pivot != null, "SoftSelection.Init: pivotor is null"); m_Range = 1f; m_Cont = new _Data[m.mesh.vertexCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_Cont.Length; ++i) { m_Cont[i] = new _Data(); } m_EffectVertIdxLst = new VLst(); m_Mode = Mode.Off; m_PrepareMode = PrepareMode.Always; // atten curve var res = (SoftSelectionRes)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(SOFTSEL_ATTEN_CURVE_PATH, typeof(SoftSelectionRes)); if (res == null) { res = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SoftSelectionRes>(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(res, SOFTSEL_ATTEN_CURVE_PATH); res = (SoftSelectionRes)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(SOFTSEL_ATTEN_CURVE_PATH, typeof(SoftSelectionRes)); Dbg.Assert(res != null, "SoftSelection.Init: failed to create curve asset for SoftSelection"); } m_Atten = res.attenCurve; MeshManipulator.evtHandleDraggingStateChanged += this._OnHandleDraggingStateChanged; }
private static Cmd salp1_cmd_issue(ReqType r, MemAddr a, Cmd cmd, NodeMachine bank, NodeMachine subarray) { Dbg.Assert(bank.OpenChildrenId.Count <= 1); // closed bank if (bank.OpenChildrenId.Count == 0) { cmd.Type = CmdType.ACT; return(cmd); } // subarray-miss if (bank.OpenChildrenId[0] != a.said) { cmd.Type = CmdType.PRE_SA; cmd.Addr.said = (uint)bank.OpenChildrenId[0]; // close the opened sibling return(cmd); } // row-miss if (subarray.OpenChildrenId[0] != a.rowid) { cmd.Type = CmdType.PRE_SA; return(cmd); } // row-hit cmd.Type = r == ReqType.READ ? CmdType.RD : CmdType.WR; return(cmd); }
protected static DbManagerProxy CreateDbManagerProxy() { Dbg.Assert(DbManagerFactory.Factory != null, "DbManagerFactory.Factory not initialized"); // ReSharper disable PossibleNullReferenceException return(DbManagerFactory.Factory.Create(ModelUserContext.Instance)); // ReSharper restore PossibleNullReferenceException }
// Only close all the specified subarrays in all banks within a rank private bool close_sa_children_id(uint said) { // close children of the leaf node if (Children == null) { Dbg.Assert(OpenChildrenId.Count <= 1); if (id == said) { OpenChildrenId.Clear(); return(true); } return(false); } // recursively close my children foreach (var i in OpenChildrenId) { if (Children[i].close_sa_children_id(said)) { OpenChildrenId.Remove(i); } } // No more open child if (OpenChildrenId.Count == 0) { return(true); } return(false); }
void UpdateStatusButtons(ClientStatus_t status) { Dbg.Assert(!InvokeRequired); m_tsbBanishClient.Checked = m_tsbDisableClient.Checked = m_tsbEnableClient.Checked = false; m_tsbReset.Enabled = m_tsbBanishClient.Enabled = m_tsbDisableClient.Enabled = m_tsbEnableClient.Enabled = status != ClientStatus_t.Unknown; if (status != ClientStatus_t.Unknown) { switch (status) { case ClientStatus_t.Enabled: m_tsbEnableClient.Checked = true; break; case ClientStatus_t.Disabled: m_tsbDisableClient.Checked = true; break; case ClientStatus_t.Banned: m_tsbBanishClient.Checked = true; break; } } }
void Start() { Dbg.Assert(count == 0, "You cannot edit Count."); // The counter must have an output. counterDisplay = GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()[0]; }
static EditorRes() { texDetail = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(TEX_DETAIL, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; Dbg.Assert(texDetail != null, "EditorRes.sctor: failed to load texDetail at: {0}", TEX_DETAIL); texDelete = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(TEX_DELETE, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; Dbg.Assert(texDelete != null, "EditorRes.sctor: failed to load texDelete at: {0}", TEX_DELETE); tex100Per = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(TEX_APPLY, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; Dbg.Assert(texDelete != null, "EditorRes.sctor: failed to load tex100Per at: {0}", TEX_APPLY); skinMorphProc = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(SKIN_PATH, typeof(GUISkin)) as GUISkin; Dbg.Assert(skinMorphProc != null, "EditorRes.sctor: failed to load skinMorphProc at: {0}", SKIN_PATH); styleBtnMorphProc = skinMorphProc.button; texSample = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(TEX_SAMPLE, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; Dbg.Assert(texSample != null, "EditorRes.sctor: failed to load texSample at: {0}", TEX_SAMPLE); texAdd = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(TEX_ADD, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; Dbg.Assert(texAdd != null, "EditorRes.sctor: failed to load texAdd at: {0}", TEX_ADD); texApplyToMesh = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(TEX_APPLYMESH, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; Dbg.Assert(texApplyToMesh != null, "EditorRes.sctor: failed to load texApplyToMesh at: {0}", TEX_APPLYMESH); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- protected virtual void Awake() // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- { if (_mModel == MoveModel.NavMesh) { _mover = new SM_PawnMoveNavMesh(); } else { _mover = new SM_PawnMoveVelocity(); } _mover.Initialize(this, _speed, _turnSpeed); _nma = GetComponentInChildren <UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>(); Dbg.Assert(_nma != null, "Pawn requires nav mesh agent, but probably shouldn't"); // TO DO remove dependency _charControl = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); Dbg.Assert(_charControl != null, "Pawn requires CharacterController"); _animationMgr = GetComponentInChildren <SM_PawnAnimMgr>(true); Dbg.Assert(_animationMgr != null, "Pawn requires SM_PawnAnimMgr"); _animationMgr.SetPawn(this); }
/// <summary> /// Links designer with entire control /// All DesignElement flags are applied to entire control /// </summary> public ControlDesigner(Control ctl, string caption = null) { Dbg.Assert(ctl != null, "Control designer can't be initialized without parent control"); ProcessedControl = ctl; DesignType = DesignElement.All; InitBehavior(Point.Empty, Size.Empty, caption); }
void ProcessDialog(uint clientID, IEnumerable <Message> msgs) { ActiveClientsQueue.IClientData clData = m_onlineClients.Get(clientID); if (clData == null) { return; } uint lastClMsgID = clData.LastClientMessageID; var seq = from msg in msgs where msg.ID > lastClMsgID select msg; if (seq.Any()) { uint lastSrvMsgID = clData.LastSrvMessageID; var respList = new List <Message>(seq.Count()); var clStatus = m_ndxerClientsStatus.Get(clientID) as ClientStatus; clStatus.LastSeen = DateTime.Now; clData.TimeToLive = ActiveClientsQueue.InitTimeToLive; clData.LastClientMessageID = seq.Max(m => m.ID); foreach (Message msg in seq) { Dbg.Log($"Processing dialog msg {msg.ID}: {msg.MessageCode}..."); if (m_msgProcessors.ContainsKey(msg.MessageCode)) { Message resp = m_msgProcessors[msg.MessageCode](msg, clientID); if (resp != null) { respList.Add(resp); } } } if (respList.Count > 0) { DialogEngin.AppendSrvDialog(AppPaths.GetSrvDialogFilePath(clientID), respList); AddUpload(Names.GetSrvDialogFile(clientID)); } Dbg.Assert(clData.LastClientMessageID >= lastClMsgID); clStatus.SentMsgCount += clData.LastClientMessageID - lastClMsgID; Dbg.Assert(clData.LastSrvMessageID >= lastSrvMsgID); clStatus.ReceivedMsgCount += clData.LastSrvMessageID - lastSrvMsgID; m_ndxerClientsStatus.Source.Replace(m_ndxerClientsStatus.IndexOf(clientID), clStatus); } }
public IEnumerator <StackIndexChild> GetEnumerator() { _log("GetEnumerator()"); var L = Parent.L; luanet.checkstack(L, 3, "StackIndexChild.GetEnumerator"); var results = new List <StackIndexChild>(); this.push(); Dbg.Assert(_keys.All(k => k.IsSupported)); if (lua.type(L, -1) == LUA.T.TABLE) { StackAssert.Start(L); lua.pushnil(L); while (, -2)) { var keys = new LuaValue[_keys.Length + 1]; Array.Copy(_keys, keys, _keys.Length); keys[keys.Length - 1] =, -2, true); results.Add(new StackIndexChild(this.Parent, keys)); lua.pop(L, 1); } StackAssert.End(); } lua.pop(L, 1); return(results.GetEnumerator()); }
private void _PreCalc(float t, out int currPt) { int pcnt = m_points.Count; bool cycle = (m_points[0] == m_points[pcnt - 1]); _PrepControlPts(cycle); if (m_dirty) { _Recalc(); } // calc currPt currPt = -1; float T = t * m_BigT; for (int i = m_pointTpos.Count - 2; i >= 0; --i) { if (T >= m_pointTpos[i]) { currPt = i; break; } } Dbg.Assert(currPt >= 0, "CatmullRomCentripetal._PreCalc: failed to calc currPt"); }
private void Reset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { const string msg = "Vous êtes sur le point d’envoyer une demande de réinitialisation " + "au client sélectionné, celle-ci forcera ce dernier à s’enregistrer une nouvelle " + "fois sous un autre ID. Voulez-vous poursuivre ?"; if (MessageBox.Show(msg, Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } TreeNode selNode = m_tvClients.SelectedNode; Dbg.Assert(selNode != null && selNode.Parent != null); var client = selNode.Tag as HubClient; AppContext.LogManager.LogUserActivity($"Action utilisateur : Réinitialisation du client {ClientsManager.ClientStrID(client.ID)}"); AppContext.LogManager.LogSysActivity("Envoi d'une notification de réinitialisation au client " + $"{ClientsManager.ClientStrID(client.ID)}", true); AppContext.ClientsManager.SetClientStatus(client, ClientStatus_t.Reseted); }
public void push() { _keys[_keys.Length - 1].VerifySupport(); var L = Parent.L; luanet.checkstack(L, 2, "StackIndexChild.push"); StackAssert.Start(L); Dbg.Assert(_keys.All(k => k.IsSupported)); var keys = _keys; lua.CFunction tryBlock = L2 => { for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; ++i) { keys[i].push(L2); lua.gettable(L2, -2); lua.remove(L2, -2); } return(1); }; // parent should be pushed first. it might be pointing to the index we're about to fill this.Parent.push(); lua.pushcfunction(L, tryBlock); lua.insert(L, -2); var ex = luanet.pcall(L, 1, 1); if (ex != null) { StackAssert.End(); Trace.TraceError("push failed: " + ex.Message); throw ex; } GC.KeepAlive(tryBlock); StackAssert.End(1); }
void ProcessClientStatus(ClientStatus_t status) { Dbg.Assert(!InvokeRequired); var client = m_tvClients.SelectedNode.Tag as HubClient; ManagementMode_t prfMgmnt = AppContext.ClientsManager.GetProfileManagementMode(client.ProfileID); var prf = m_ndxerProfiles.Get(client.ProfileID) as UserProfile; if (prfMgmnt == ManagementMode_t.Auto) { if (MessageBox.Show(this, $"La gestion du profil {prf.Name} sera changée en mode 'manuel'. Poursuivre ?", Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } } AppContext.LogManager.LogUserActivity($"Action utilisateur: Changement du statut du client {ClientsManager.ClientStrID(client.ID)} en {ClientStatuses.GetStatusName(status)}"); AppContext.ClientsManager.SetProfileManagementMode(client.ProfileID, ManagementMode_t.Manual); //maj le status AppContext.ClientsManager.SetClientStatus(client, status); }
void RebuildActionList(MT_Combatant who) { if (Dbg.Assert(who != null)) { return; } if (Dbg.Assert(who.Base != null)) { return; } if (Dbg.Assert(who.Base.Actions != null)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < who.Base.Actions.Count; i++) { GameObject obj = AddElement(); if (Dbg.Assert(obj != null)) { return; } UI_ActionListPanelEntry entry = obj.GetComponent <UI_ActionListPanelEntry>(); if (Dbg.Assert(entry != null)) { return; } entry.Set(who, who.Base.Actions[i], i); UN.SetActive(obj, true); } }
void Refresh() { if (Dbg.Assert(_target != null)) { return; } if (_target.IsHilighted || _target.IsSelected) { Material mat = null; if (_target.IsHilighted && _target.IsSelected) { mat = _selectedAndHilightedMat; } else if (_target.IsHilighted) { mat = _highlightedMat; } else if (_target.IsSelected) { mat = _selectedMat; } if (_projector.material != mat) { _projector.material = mat; } } UN.SetActive(gameObject, _target.IsHilighted || _target.IsSelected); }
/// <summary> /// 1. if newTr doesn't have CutsceneController attached, then do nothing /// 2. set the m_evtGoRoot for the new clipRoot /// </summary> private void _OnRootTransformChange(Transform oldTr, Transform newTr) { //Dbg.Log("RootGO changed: {0}", newTr == null ? "null" :; m_evtGoRoot = null; //reset first, will be set to non-null value if needed m_ClipRoot = newTr; if (newTr != null) { //1. m_CC = newTr.GetComponent <CutsceneController>(); if (m_CC != null) { //2. GameObject eventGO = Misc.ForceGetGO(EventGOS, m_ClipRoot.gameObject); Dbg.Assert(eventGO != null, "CCEditor._OnRootTransformChange: failed to force_get eventGO: {0}", EventGOS); m_evtGoRoot = eventGO.transform; } else { } } Repaint(); }
private static Cmd base_cmd_issue(ReqType r, MemAddr a, Cmd cmd, NodeMachine bank, NodeMachine subarray) { Dbg.Assert(bank.OpenChildrenId.Count <= 1); // closed bank if (bank.OpenChildrenId.Count == 0) { cmd.Type = CmdType.ACT; return(cmd); } // subarray-miss if (bank.OpenChildrenId[0] != a.said) { cmd.Type = CmdType.PRE_BANK; return(cmd); } // row-miss if (subarray.OpenChildrenId[0] != a.rowid) { cmd.Type = CmdType.PRE_BANK; return(cmd); } // row-hit cmd.Type = r == ReqType.READ ? CmdType.RD : CmdType.WR; return(cmd); }
// Use this for initialization protected override void Start() { Dbg.Assert(_baseStats != null); Dbg.Assert(_nameText != null); Dbg.Assert(_classSpecies != null); Events.AddGlobalListener <SM_SelectionChangedEvent>(OnSelectionSet); }
void ProcessTimer(object unused) { m_timer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); var netEngin = new NetEngin(Program.NetworkSettings); string tmpFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); netEngin.Download(tmpFile, Urls.ConnectionRespURL, true); var seq = from msg in DialogEngin.ReadConnectionsResp(tmpFile) where msg.ReqID >= m_lastMsgID select msg; if (!seq.Any()) { m_timer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); } else { Message resp = (from msg in seq where msg.ReqID == m_lastMsgID select msg).SingleOrDefault(); if (resp == null) { PostReqAsync(); } else { switch (resp.MessageCode) { case Message_t.Ok: //reset dlg file try { string dlgFile = SettingsManager.GetClientDialogFilePath(m_clientID); DialogEngin.WriteHubDialog(dlgFile, m_clientID, Enumerable.Empty <Message>()); netEngin.Upload(SettingsManager.GetClientDialogURL(m_clientID), dlgFile, true); m_callback(Result_t.Ok); } catch (Exception ex) { Dbg.Log(ex.Message); PostReqAsync(); } break; case Message_t.InvalidID: case Message_t.Rejected: m_callback(Result_t.Rejected); break; default: Dbg.Assert(false); break; } } } }
private static Cmd salp2_cmd_issue(ReqType r, MemAddr a, Cmd cmd, NodeMachine bank, NodeMachine subarray) { Dbg.Assert(bank.OpenChildrenId.Count <= 2); // closed bank if (bank.OpenChildrenId.Count == 0) { cmd.Type = CmdType.ACT; return(cmd); } // open bank (one subarray) if (bank.OpenChildrenId.Count == 1) { // subarray-miss if (bank.OpenChildrenId[0] != a.said) { cmd.Type = CmdType.ACT; return(cmd); } // row-miss if (subarray.OpenChildrenId[0] != a.rowid) { cmd.Type = CmdType.PRE_SA; return(cmd); } // row-hit cmd.Type = r == ReqType.READ ? CmdType.RD : CmdType.WR; return(cmd); } // open bank (two subarrays) // all subarray-miss if (!bank.OpenChildrenId.Contains(a.said)) { cmd.Type = CmdType.PRE_SA; cmd.Addr.said = (uint)bank.OpenChildrenId[1]; // close least-recently-opened subarray return(cmd); } // not the most-recently-opened subarray if (bank.OpenChildrenId[0] != a.said) { cmd.Type = CmdType.PRE_SA; cmd.Addr.said = (uint)bank.OpenChildrenId[1]; // close least-recently-opened subarray return(cmd); } // row-miss if (subarray.OpenChildrenId[0] != a.rowid) { cmd.Type = CmdType.PRE_SA; return(cmd); } // row-hit cmd.Type = r == ReqType.READ ? CmdType.RD : CmdType.WR; return(cmd); }