public void CreateTime()
#if !EFOLD
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Select(x =>
                            DbFunctions.CreateTime(x.Time.Hours - 1, 2, 1));
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Select(x =>
                            EntityFunctions.CreateTime(x.Time.Hours - 1, 2, 1));

            var q2 = q.AsEnumerable().Where(x => x.Value.Hours == 2);

Esempio n. 2
        public void FillHourGrid()
            List <HourReport> hourReports = new List <HourReport>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                var hourStart = (DateTime.Now.Date + new TimeSpan(i, 00, 00)).TimeOfDay;
                var hourEnd   = (DateTime.Now.Date + new TimeSpan(i, 59, 00)).TimeOfDay;

                int count = _context.Reservations
                            .Where(t => _selectedDoctorId == 0 || t.UserId == _selectedDoctorId)
                            .Where(t => !checkBoxDate.Checked ||
                                   DbFunctions.TruncateTime(t.StartTime) >= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(dateTimePickerStartDate.Value) && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(t.StartTime) <= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(dateTimePickerEndDate.Value))
                            .Count(t => hourStart <= DbFunctions.CreateTime(t.StartTime.Hour, t.StartTime.Minute, t.StartTime.Second) &&
                                   hourEnd >= DbFunctions.CreateTime(t.StartTime.Hour, t.StartTime.Minute, t.StartTime.Second));
                hourReports.Add(new HourReport()
                    Hour = i, TotalReservations = count

            _hourReports = hourReports;

            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();

            dataTable.Columns.Add("Total Reservations");

            foreach (var hourReport in hourReports)
                DataRow row = dataTable.NewRow();
                row["Hour"] = hourReport.Hour + ":00 - " + hourReport.Hour + ":59";
                row["Total Reservations"] = hourReport.TotalReservations;

            metroGrid1.DataSource = dataTable;
        protected override void LoadData()
            .Include(p => p.SymbolActions)
            .Where(p => p.UserId == CurrentUserId)
            .Where(p => p.ValidPassword == Settings.Password)
            .Where(p => DbFunctions.CreateTime(p.StartTime.Hour, p.StartTime.Minute, p.StartTime.Second)
                   < DbFunctions.CreateTime(eveninigTime.Value.Hours, eveninigTime.Value.Minutes, eveninigTime.Value.Seconds) &&
                   DbFunctions.CreateTime(p.StartTime.Hour, p.StartTime.Minute, p.StartTime.Second)
                   >= DbFunctions.CreateTime(morningTime.Value.Hours, morningTime.Value.Minutes, morningTime.Value.Seconds))

            .Include(p => p.SymbolActions)
            .Where(p => p.UserId == CurrentUserId)
            .Where(p => p.ValidPassword == Settings.Password)
            .Where(p => DbFunctions.CreateTime(p.StartTime.Hour, p.StartTime.Minute, p.StartTime.Second)
                   >= DbFunctions.CreateTime(eveninigTime.Value.Hours, eveninigTime.Value.Minutes, eveninigTime.Value.Seconds) ||
                   DbFunctions.CreateTime(p.StartTime.Hour, p.StartTime.Minute, p.StartTime.Second)
                   < DbFunctions.CreateTime(morningTime.Value.Hours, morningTime.Value.Minutes, morningTime.Value.Seconds))
            //MessageBox.Show(daytimePasswords.PasswordActions.Local.Count.ToString() + " " + eveningtimePasswords.PasswordActions.Local.Count.ToString(), "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// (!) Here we check period including start and including end!
        /// </summary>
        IQueryable <tblMessageSchedule> GetSchedsForDayPeriod(DateTime start, DateTime end, IQueryable <tblMessageSchedule> income)
            int DayOfWeekNow = (int)start.DayOfWeek;

            var scheds =
                Logic.GetFilteredQueryable <tblMessageSchedule>()
                .Where(x => x.IsActive && (x.InArchive == null || !x.InArchive.Value))
                .Where(x =>
                       //CHECK ACTUALITY... x.ScheduleDate >= DateTime.Now - x.Actuality
                       //U WRONG, NOT HERE
                           (x.RepeatMode == RepeatModes.repeatMode_none &&
                            x.ScheduleDate >= start && x.ScheduleDate <= end
                           (DbFunctions.CreateTime(x.ScheduleDate.Value.Hour, x.ScheduleDate.Value.Minute, x.ScheduleDate.Value.Second) >= start.TimeOfDay &&
                            DbFunctions.CreateTime(x.ScheduleDate.Value.Hour, x.ScheduleDate.Value.Minute, x.ScheduleDate.Value.Second) <= end.TimeOfDay &&
                            (x.RepeatMode == RepeatModes.repeatMode_day ||
                             (x.RepeatMode == RepeatModes.repeatMode_week &&
                              DbFunctions.DiffDays(firstSunday, x.ScheduleDate) % 7 == DayOfWeekNow
                             ) ||
                             (x.RepeatMode == RepeatModes.repeatMode_month &&
                              x.ScheduleDate.Value.Day == start.Day
                             ) ||
                             (x.RepeatMode == RepeatModes.repeatMode_year &&
                              x.ScheduleDate.Value.Month == start.Month &&
                              x.ScheduleDate.Value.Day == start.Day

            income = income == null ? scheds : income.Concat(scheds);
Esempio n. 5
        // GET: Productions
        public ActionResult Index(string searchString, string season, string month, string day, string showtime, string runtime, bool?worldPremiere, bool?isSearching, string calBool)
            var productions = from p in db.Productions
                              select p;
            var showTimes = from p in db.Productions
                            select new ShowtimeListVM
                ShowTimeEve = p.ShowtimeEve,
                ShowTimeMat = p.ShowtimeMat

            var runTimes = from p in db.Productions
                           select p.Runtime;

            //Pass Variables to ViewBag
            ViewBag.SeasonYears     = SeasonYears();           //Dictionary of Season Years <int, string>
            ViewBag.ShowTimes       = ShowtimeSort(showTimes); //Sort showtimes ascending
            ViewBag.RunTimes        = RuntimeSort(runTimes);   //Sort runtimes ascending
            ViewBag.CurrentFilter   = searchString;
            ViewBag.CurrentSeason   = season;
            ViewBag.CurrentMonth    = month;
            ViewBag.CurrentDay      = day;
            ViewBag.CurrentShowtime = showtime;
            ViewBag.CurrentRuntime  = runtime;
            ViewBag.WorldPremiere   = worldPremiere;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(month) && month != "any" && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(day) && day != "any") // If day && month HasValue // If day && month HasValue
                var monthInt32 = Int32.Parse(month);
                monthInt32 += 1;                        // Add one to month for db comparison, value passed from view is 0-11 with 0:Jan 1:Feb etc...
                var dayInt32 = Int32.Parse(day);
                if (!IsValidDay(dayInt32, monthInt32))  // Call day validation check
                    ViewBag.DayEx       = "Invalid Date";
                    isSearching         = true;
                    ViewBag.IsSearching = isSearching;
                    productions = productions.Where(p => p.OpeningDay.Month <= monthInt32 && p.ClosingDay.Month >= monthInt32);
                    productions = productions.Where(p => p.OpeningDay.Day <= dayInt32 && p.ClosingDay.Day >= dayInt32);
                    isSearching = true;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(month) && month != "any")
                    var monthInt32 = Int32.Parse(month);
                    monthInt32 += 1;
                    productions = productions.Where(p => p.OpeningDay.Month <= monthInt32 && p.ClosingDay.Month >= monthInt32);
                    isSearching = true;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(day) && day != "any")
                    var dayInt32 = Int32.Parse(day);
                    productions = productions.Where(p => p.OpeningDay.Day <= dayInt32 && p.ClosingDay.Day >= dayInt32);
                    isSearching = true;
            //Compare values passed from view to values in productions
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
                productions = productions.Where(p => p.Title.Contains(searchString) || p.Playwright.Contains(searchString) || p.Description.Contains(searchString));
                isSearching = true;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(season) && season != "any")
                var seasonInt32 = Int32.Parse(season);
                productions = productions.Where(p => p.Season == seasonInt32);
                isSearching = true;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(showtime) && showtime != "any")
                var dt   = DateTime.Parse(showtime);
                var time = dt.TimeOfDay;
                productions = productions.Where(p => DbFunctions.CreateTime(((DateTime)p.ShowtimeEve).Hour, ((DateTime)p.ShowtimeEve).Minute, ((DateTime)p.ShowtimeEve).Second) == time || DbFunctions.CreateTime(((DateTime)p.ShowtimeMat).Hour, ((DateTime)p.ShowtimeMat).Minute, ((DateTime)p.ShowtimeMat).Second) == time);
                isSearching = true;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(runtime) && runtime != "any")
                var runtimeInt32 = Int32.Parse(runtime);
                productions = productions.Where(p => p.Runtime == runtimeInt32);
                isSearching = true;
            if (worldPremiere == true)
                productions = productions.Where(p => p.IsWorldPremiere == true);
                isSearching = true;

            if (isSearching.HasValue && isSearching == true) //Pass isSearching boolean to ViewBag
                ViewBag.IsSearching = isSearching;
            else if (season == "any" || month == "any" || day == "any" || showtime == "any" || runtime == "any")
                ViewBag.IsSearching = true;
                ViewBag.IsSearching = false;

            ViewBag.Results = productions.Count();  //Total search results

            //check if calendar is displayed before this GET Request
            ViewData["calDisplay"] = calBool;

            var prodId = productions.Select(i => i.ProductionId).ToList();

            //return only calendar events that are associated with the filtered results
            var eventList = db.CalendarEvent.Where(x => prodId.Contains(x.ProductionId ?? 0)).ToList();

            var eventArray = eventList.Select(x => new[]

            ViewData["events"] = eventArray;

            return(View(productions.OrderByDescending(p => p.OpeningDay).ToList()));
Esempio n. 6
        public List <SeatingSummary> SeatingByDateTime(DateTime date, TimeSpan time)
            using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
                // code from my LinqPad explorations
                //step1 = Get the table info along with any walk-in bills and reservation bills for the specific time slot
                var step1 = from data in context.Tables
                            select new
                    Table   = data.TableNumber,
                    Seating = data.Capacity,
                    // This sub-query gets the bills for walk-in customers
                    Bills = from billing in data.Bills
                            billing.BillDate.Year == date.Year &&
                            billing.BillDate.Month == date.Month &&
                            billing.BillDate.Day == date.Day

                            //The following won't work in EF to Entities - it will return this exception:
                            // "The specified type member 'TimeOfDay' is not supported..."
                            //&& billing.BillDate.TimeOfDay <= time
                            && DbFunctions.CreateTime(billing.BillDate.Hour, billing.BillDate.Minute, billing.BillDate.Second) <= time

                            && (!billing.OrderPaid.HasValue || billing.OrderPaid >= time)
                            //&& (!billing.PaidStatus || billing.OrderPaid >= time)
                            select billing,
                    // This sub-query gets the bills for reservations
                    Reservations = from booking in data.Reservations         //drill to the first collection
                                   from billing in booking.Bills             //drill to the next collection
                                   billing.BillDate.Year == date.Year &&
                                   billing.BillDate.Month == date.Month &&
                                   billing.BillDate.Day == date.Day

                                   //The following won't work in EF to Entities - it will return this exception:
                                   // "The specified type member 'TimeOfDay' is not supported..."
                                   //&& billing.BillDate.TimeOfDay <= time
                                   && DbFunctions.CreateTime(billing.BillDate.Hour, billing.BillDate.Minute, billing.BillDate.Second) <= time

                                   && (!billing.OrderPaid.HasValue || billing.OrderPaid >= time)
                                   //&& (!billing.PaidStatus || billing.OrderPaid >= time)
                                   select billing

                //step2 - Union the walk-in bills and the reservation bills while extracting the relevant bill info
                //.ToList() help to resolve the "Types in Union of Concat are contructed incompatibly" error
                var step2 = from data in step1.ToList() //.ToList() forces the first result set to in-memory
                            select new
                    Table         = data.Table,
                    Seating       = data.Seating,
                    CommonBilling = from info in data.Bills.Union(data.Reservations)
                                               // change to get only needed info, not entire entity
                                    select new //info
                        BillID      = info.BillID,
                        BillTotal   = info.Items.Sum(bi => bi.Quantity * bi.SalePrice),
                        Waiter      = info.Waiter.FirstName,
                        Reservation = info.Reservation

                //step 3 -Get just the first CommonBilling item
                //   (presumes no overlaps can occur 0 i.e., two groups at the same table at the same time)

                var step3 = from data in step2
                            select new
                    Table   = data.Table,
                    Seating = data.Seating,
                    Taken   = data.CommonBilling.Count() > 0,
                    // . FirstOrDefault() is effectively " flattening" my collection of 1 item into a
                    //single object whose properties I can get in step4 by using the dot (.) operator
                    CommonBilling = data.CommonBilling.FirstOrDefault()

                var step4 = from data in step3
                            select new SeatingSummary()
                    Table   = data.Table,
                    Seating = data.Seating,
                    Taken   = data.Taken,
                    //use a ternary expression to conditionally get the bill id (if it exists
                    BillID = data.Taken ?                //if (data.Taken)
                             data.CommonBilling.BillID   //value to use if true
                                          :              // else
                             (int?)null,                 //value to use if false
                    BillTotal = data.Taken ?
                                data.CommonBilling.BillTotal : (decimal?)null,
                    Waiter          = data.Taken ? data.CommonBilling.Waiter : (string)null,
                    ReservationName = data.Taken ?
                                      (data.CommonBilling.Reservation != null ?
                                       data.CommonBilling.Reservation.CustomerName : (string)null)
                                                   : (string)null
Esempio n. 7
        public List <SeatingSummary> SeatingByDateTime(DateTime date, TimeSpan time)
            using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
                // Step 1 - Get the table info along with any walk-in bills and reservation bills for the specific time slot
                var step1 = from data in context.Tables
                            select new
                    Table   = data.TableNumber,
                    Seating = data.Capacity,
                    // This sub-query gets the bills for walk-in customers
                    WalkIns = from walkIn in data.Bills
                              walkIn.BillDate.Year == date.Year &&
                              walkIn.BillDate.Month == date.Month &&
                              walkIn.BillDate.Day == date.Day
                              //&& walkIn.BillDate.TimeOfDay <= time
                              && DbFunctions.CreateTime(walkIn.BillDate.Hour,
                                                        walkIn.BillDate.Second) <= time &&
                              (!walkIn.OrderPaid.HasValue || walkIn.OrderPaid.Value >= time)
                              //                          && (!walkIn.PaidStatus || walkIn.OrderPaid >= time)
                              select walkIn,
                    // This sub-query gets the bills for reservations
                    Reservations = from booking in data.Reservations
                                   from reservationParty in booking.Bills
                                   reservationParty.BillDate.Year == date.Year &&
                                   reservationParty.BillDate.Month == date.Month &&
                                   reservationParty.BillDate.Day == date.Day
                                   //&& reservationParty.BillDate.TimeOfDay <= time
                                   && DbFunctions.CreateTime(reservationParty.BillDate.Hour,
                                                             reservationParty.BillDate.Second) <= time &&
                                   (!reservationParty.OrderPaid.HasValue || reservationParty.OrderPaid.Value >= time)
                                   //                          && (!reservationParty.PaidStatus || reservationParty.OrderPaid >= time)
                                   select reservationParty
                // step1.Dump();

                // Step 2 - Union the walk-in bills and the reservation bills while extracting the relevant bill info
                // .ToList() helps resolve the "Types in Union or Concat are constructed incompatibly" error
                var step2 = from data in step1.ToList()             // .ToList() forces the first result set to be in memory
                            select new
                    Table         = data.Table,
                    Seating       = data.Seating,
                    CommonBilling = from info in data.WalkIns.Union(data.Reservations)
                                    select new                         // info
                        BillID      = info.BillID,
                        BillTotal   = info.Items.Sum(bi => bi.Quantity * bi.SalePrice),
                        Waiter      = info.Waiter.FirstName,
                        Reservation = info.Reservation
                // step2.Dump();

                // Step 3 - Get just the first CommonBilling item
                //         (presumes no overlaps can occur - i.e., two groups at the same table at the same time)
                var step3 = from data in step2.ToList()
                            select new
                    Table   = data.Table,
                    Seating = data.Seating,
                    Taken   = data.CommonBilling.Count() > 0,
                    // .FirstOrDefault() is effectively "flattening" my collection of 1 item into a
                    // single object whose properties I can get in step 4 using the dot (.) operator
                    CommonBilling = data.CommonBilling.FirstOrDefault()
                //  step3.Dump();
                // Step 4 - Build our intended seating summary info
                var step4 = from data in step3
                            select new SeatingSummary        // SeatingSummary() // the DTO class to use in my BLL
                    Table   = data.Table,
                    Seating = data.Seating,
                    Taken   = data.Taken,
                    // use a ternary expression to conditionally get the bill id (if it exists)
                    BillID = data.Taken ?                                   // if(data.Taken)
                             data.CommonBilling.BillID                      // value to use if true
                                               : (int?)null,                // value to use if false
                    BillTotal = data.Taken ?
                                data.CommonBilling.BillTotal : (decimal?)null,
                    Waiter          = data.Taken ? data.CommonBilling.Waiter : (string)null,
                    ReservationName = data.Taken ?
                                      (data.CommonBilling.Reservation != null ?
                                       data.CommonBilling.Reservation.CustomerName : (string)null)
                                                        : (string)null
Esempio n. 8
        public List <SeatingSummary> SeatingByDateTime(DateTime date, TimeSpan newtime)

            using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
                var step1 = from data in context.Tables
                            select new
                    Table   = data.TableNumber,
                    Seating = data.Capacity,
                    // This sub-query gets the bills for walk-in customers
                    WalkIns = from walkIn in data.Bills
                              walkIn.BillDate.Year == date.Year &&
                              walkIn.BillDate.Month == date.Month &&
                              walkIn.BillDate.Day == date.Day
                              //Linq to Entity does not play nicely with DateTime/Timespan
                              //of which TimeOfDay belongs
                              //&& walkIn.BillDate.TimeOfDay <= newtime
                              && DbFunctions.CreateTime(walkIn.BillDate.Hour, walkIn.BillDate.Minute, walkIn.BillDate.Second) <= newtime
                              //inside System.Data.Entity is a class of functions
                              //that will help with DateTime/TimeSpan concerns
                              && (!walkIn.OrderPaid.HasValue || walkIn.OrderPaid.Value >= newtime)
                              //                          && (!walkIn.PaidStatus || walkIn.OrderPaid >= time)
                              select walkIn,
                    // This sub-query gets the bills for reservations
                    //Linq connects to SQL, we don't create the reservationtables entity
                    //OnModelCreate such table
                    Reservations = from booking in data.Reservations
                                   from reservationParty in booking.Bills //dont need Reservation table,
                                                                          //b/c we use the OnModelCreate
                                   reservationParty.BillDate.Year == date.Year &&
                                   reservationParty.BillDate.Month == date.Month &&
                                   reservationParty.BillDate.Day == date.Day
                                   //&& reservationParty.BillDate.TimeOfDay <= newtime
                                   && DbFunctions.CreateTime(reservationParty.BillDate.Hour, reservationParty.BillDate.Minute, reservationParty.BillDate.Second) <= newtime &&
                                   (!reservationParty.OrderPaid.HasValue || reservationParty.OrderPaid.Value >= newtime)
                                   //                          && (!reservationParty.PaidStatus || reservationParty.OrderPaid >= time)
                                   select reservationParty

                var step2 = from data in step1.ToList() // .ToList() forces the first result set to be in memory
                            select new
                    Table         = data.Table,
                    Seating       = data.Seating,
                    CommonBilling = from info in data.WalkIns.Union(data.Reservations)
                                    select new             // info
                        BillID      = info.BillID,
                        BillTotal   = info.Items.Sum(bi => bi.Quantity * bi.SalePrice),
                        Waiter      = info.Waiter.FirstName,
                        Reservation = info.Reservation
                //we call it Items, so we change from BillItems to Items above

                // Step 3 - Get just the first CommonBilling item
                //         (presumes no overlaps can occur - i.e., two groups at the same table at the same time)
                var step3 = from data in step2.ToList()
                            select new
                    Table   = data.Table,
                    Seating = data.Seating,
                    Taken   = data.CommonBilling.Count() > 0,
                    // .FirstOrDefault() is effectively "flattening" my collection of 1 item into a
                    // single object whose properties I can get in step 4 using the dot (.) operator
                    CommonBilling = data.CommonBilling.FirstOrDefault()

                // Step 4 - Build our intended seating summary info
                var step4 = from data in step3
                            select new  SeatingSummary() // the DTO class to use in my BLL
                    Table   = data.Table,
                    Seating = data.Seating,
                    Taken   = data.Taken,
                    // use a ternary expression to conditionally get the bill id (if it exists)
                    BillID = data.Taken ?                          // if(data.Taken)
                             data.CommonBilling.BillID             // value to use if true
                                       : (int?)null,               // value to use if false
                    BillTotal = data.Taken ?
                                data.CommonBilling.BillTotal : (decimal?)null,
                    Waiter          = data.Taken ? data.CommonBilling.Waiter : (string)null,
                    ReservationName = data.Taken ?
                                      (data.CommonBilling.Reservation != null ?
                                       data.CommonBilling.Reservation.CustomerName : (string)null)
                                                : (string)null

Esempio n. 9
        public async Task <ReturnResult> Saveshift([FromBody]  ShitfMaster ShiftDetail)
            bool   success       = false;
            string Message       = "";
            var    currentUserId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var    user          = (await _userService.GetAllAsync()).Where(x => x.Id == HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId() && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();

            //if (user != null)// cehck for user

            if (ShiftDetail.Id == 0)
                var data = _genericService.ShitfMaster.GetAll().Where(x => x.ShitfName == ShiftDetail.ShitfName.Trim()).ToList();
                if (data.Count() == 0)
                    var result = _genericService.ShitfMaster.GetAll().Where(y => DbFunctions.CreateTime(y.ToTime.Hour, y.ToTime.Minute, y.ToTime.Second) == DbFunctions.CreateTime(ShiftDetail.ToTime.Hour, ShiftDetail.ToTime.Minute, ShiftDetail.ToTime.Second) &&
                                                                            DbFunctions.CreateTime(y.FromTime.Hour, y.FromTime.Minute, y.FromTime.Second) == DbFunctions.CreateTime(ShiftDetail.FromTime.Hour, ShiftDetail.FromTime.Minute, ShiftDetail.FromTime.Second)).ToList();
                    if (ShiftDetail.FromTime != ShiftDetail.ToTime)
                        if (result.Count() == 0)
                            ShiftDetail.IsActive       = true;
                            ShiftDetail.CreatedBy      = currentUserId;
                            ShiftDetail.CreatedOn      = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            ShiftDetail.UpdatedBy      = currentUserId;
                            ShiftDetail.UpdatedOn      = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            ShiftDetail.FromTime       = ShiftDetail.FromTime;
                            ShiftDetail.ToTime         = ShiftDetail.ToTime;
                            ShiftDetail.OrganizationId = user == null ? null : user.OrganizationId;
                            Message = "Shift saved successfully!!";
                            success = true;
                            return(new ReturnResult {
                                Message = "Shift time already assigned to other shift", Success = false
                        return(new ReturnResult {
                            Message = "Shift time invalid", Success = false
                    return(new ReturnResult {
                        Message = "Shift name already assigned to other shift", Success = false
                var shiftFromDb = _genericService.ShitfMaster.GetById(ShiftDetail.Id);

                if (shiftFromDb != null)
                    var data = _genericService.ShitfMaster.GetAll().Where(x => x.Id != ShiftDetail.Id && x.ShitfName == ShiftDetail.ShitfName.Trim()).ToList();
                    if (data.Count() == 0)
                        var result = _genericService.ShitfMaster.GetAll().Where(y => y.Id != ShiftDetail.Id && y.ToTime == ShiftDetail.ToTime && y.FromTime == ShiftDetail.FromTime).ToList();
                        if (result.Count() == 0)
                            if (ShiftDetail.FromTime != ShiftDetail.ToTime)
                                if (shiftFromDb != null)
                                    shiftFromDb.ShitfName = ShiftDetail.ShitfName;
                                    shiftFromDb.FromTime  = ShiftDetail.FromTime;
                                    shiftFromDb.ToTime    = ShiftDetail.ToTime;
                                    shiftFromDb.UpdatedBy = currentUserId;
                                    shiftFromDb.UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                    ShiftDetail.IsActive  = true;
                                    shiftFromDb.CreatedOn = shiftFromDb.CreatedOn;
                                    ShiftDetail.OrganizationId = user == null ? null : user.OrganizationId;
                                    Message = "Shift update successfully!!";
                                    success = true;
                                return(new ReturnResult {
                                    Message = "Shift time invalid", Success = false
                            return(new ReturnResult {
                                Message = "Shift time already assigned to other shift", Success = false
                        return(new ReturnResult {
                            Message = "Shift name already assigned to other shift", Success = false
            return(new ReturnResult {
                Message = Message, Success = true
Esempio n. 10
        public ActionResult Report(ReportVM _report)
            var UserRole = CheckUser();

            if (UserRole == 1 && _report.Report.DateFrom != null && _report.Report.DateTo != null)
                var      _FDate       = Convert.ToDateTime(_report.Report.DateFrom);
                var      _fDateFormat = _FDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                DateTime FDate        = Convert.ToDateTime(_fDateFormat);

                var      _TDate              = Convert.ToDateTime(_report.Report.DateTo);
                var      _tDateFormat        = _TDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                DateTime TDate               = Convert.ToDateTime(_tDateFormat);
                int      diffBetweenTwoDates = 0;
                if (TDate > FDate || TDate == FDate)
                    diffBetweenTwoDates = Convert.ToInt32((TDate - FDate).TotalDays);
                var Delay = (from r in db.LogedinUsers
                             where DbFunctions.CreateTime(SqlFunctions.DatePart("hh", r.CheckInTime),
                                                          SqlFunctions.DatePart("mi", r.CheckInTime),
                                                          SqlFunctions.DatePart("ss", r.CheckInTime)) > DbFunctions.CreateTime(SqlFunctions.DatePart("hh", r.user.CheckInTime),
                                                                                                                               SqlFunctions.DatePart("mi", r.user.CheckInTime),
                                                                                                                               SqlFunctions.DatePart("ss", r.user.CheckInTime)) && r.Day >= FDate && r.Day <= TDate
                             group r by r.user.Name into g
                             select new
                    Name = g.Key,
                    delay = g.Count(),
                    attendance = 0

                var Attendance = db.LogedinUsers
                                 .Where(r => r.Day >= FDate && r.Day <= TDate)
                                 .Select(z => new { z.user.Name, z.Day })
                                 .GroupBy(x => new { x.Name })
                                 .Select(g => new
                    Name       = g.Key.Name,
                    delay      = 0,
                    attendance = g.Count()

                var _total = Delay.Union(Attendance);

                var _final = _total.Select(e => new { e.Name, e.delay, e.attendance }).GroupBy(e => e.Name).Select(g => new report
                    Name       = g.Key,
                    Del        = g.Sum(x => x.delay),
                    Attendance = diffBetweenTwoDates + 1 - g.Sum(x => x.attendance)

                var ReportVM = new ReportVM
                    Reports = _final,
                Session["EmpHistory"] = _final;
            else if (UserRole == 1 && (_report.Report.DateFrom == null || _report.Report.DateTo == null))
                var _reoprtVM = new ReportVM();
        public JsonResult AddHorario(ActividadVM actividadVM)
            var result = false;

                var horario = db.HORARIO.Find(actividadVM.horario.ID_HORARIO);
                if (horario == null)
                    horario = new HORARIO();
                horario.ID_ACTIVIDAD = actividadVM.ID_ACTIVIDAD;
                horario.ID_LOCACION  = actividadVM.horario.ID_LOCACION;
                horario.HORA_INICIO  = actividadVM.horario.HORA_INICIO;
                horario.HORA_FIN     = actividadVM.horario.HORA_FIN;
                horario.DIA          = (short)(Enumeradores.DIAS)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enumeradores.DIAS), actividadVM.horario.DIA, true).GetHashCode();

                if (horario.HORA_INICIO > horario.HORA_FIN)
                    return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                //si el horario esta disponible en esa locacion
                //profesor disponible en ese horario

                //// overlaps de fechas
                var query = db.HORARIO.Where(e => (DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(e.ACTIVIDAD.FECHA_INICIO.Year, e.ACTIVIDAD.FECHA_INICIO.Month, e.ACTIVIDAD.FECHA_INICIO.Day, 0, 0, 0)
                                                   <= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(actividadVM.FECHA_FIN.Year, actividadVM.FECHA_FIN.Month, actividadVM.FECHA_FIN.Day, 0, 0, 0)) &&
                                             (DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(actividadVM.FECHA_INICIO.Year, actividadVM.FECHA_INICIO.Month, actividadVM.FECHA_INICIO.Day, 0, 0, 0)
                                              <= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(e.ACTIVIDAD.FECHA_FIN.Year, e.ACTIVIDAD.FECHA_FIN.Month, e.ACTIVIDAD.FECHA_FIN.Day, 0, 0, 0)) && e.ACTIVIDAD.ESTADO == true);

                var t = query.Count();
                //// overlaps de horarios
                if (query.Count() > 0)
                    query = query.Where(e => (DbFunctions.CreateTime(e.HORA_INICIO.Hour, e.HORA_INICIO.Minute, e.HORA_INICIO.Second)
                                              < DbFunctions.CreateTime(horario.HORA_FIN.Hour, horario.HORA_FIN.Minute, horario.HORA_FIN.Second)) &&
                                        (DbFunctions.CreateTime(horario.HORA_INICIO.Hour, horario.HORA_INICIO.Minute, horario.HORA_INICIO.Second)
                                         < DbFunctions.CreateTime(e.HORA_FIN.Hour, e.HORA_FIN.Minute, e.HORA_FIN.Second)));
                t = query.Count();

                // overlops de dia
                if (query.Count() > 0)
                    query = query.Where(e => (horario.DIA == e.DIA));

                t = query.Count();
                //a partir de aca query tiene todos los horarios que se crusan en fecha  hora y dia
                // overlaps de profesor

                query = query.Where(e => (e.ACTIVIDAD.ID_PROFESOR == actividadVM.ID_PROFESOR) || (e.ID_LOCACION == horario.ID_LOCACION));

                t = query.Count();

                if (t > 0)
                    return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                result = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 12
        public static EficienciaPorDiaDto GetEfficiencyPerDay(DateTime fechaInicio, DateTime fechaTermino, int tipo)
            #region Declaración
            EficienciaPorDiaDto         eficienciaTotal = new EficienciaPorDiaDto();
            List <DetalleEficienciaDto> lista           = new List <DetalleEficienciaDto>();
            DetalleEficienciaDto        eficiencia      = new DetalleEficienciaDto();
            DetalleEficienciaDto        separador       = new DetalleEficienciaDto();

            List <DetalleEficienciaDto> data         = new List <DetalleEficienciaDto>();
            ResumenEficienciaDto        resumen      = new ResumenEficienciaDto();
            List <ResumenEficienciaDto> listaResumen = new List <ResumenEficienciaDto>();

            bool     primerUsuario = true;
            bool     primeraFila   = true;
            int      sTotalE       = 0;
            int      sTotalI       = 0;
            int      totalE        = 0;
            int      totalI        = 0;
            TimeSpan horaI         = new TimeSpan();
            TimeSpan horaF         = new TimeSpan();
            TimeSpan totalHora     = new TimeSpan();
            TimeSpan paramEuidHora = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0);
            string   usuario       = "";
            DateTime dateT         = new DateTime();

            repository  = unitOfWork.Repository <MovimientoSecado>();
            repositoryI = unitOfWork.Repository <InfoFieldBook>();
            repositoryU = unitOfWork.Repository <Usuario>();

            if (tipo == 1)
                data = (from mc in repository.Table
                        from us in repositoryU.Table
                        from inf in repositoryI.Table
                        where mc.fechaInicio >= fechaInicio && mc.fechaInicio <= fechaTermino &&
                        mc.usuario == us.nombre_usuario && mc.euid == inf.euid
                        orderby mc.fechaInicio, us.nombre_usuario
                        group mc by new
                } into gcs
                        select new DetalleEficienciaDto
                    Client = gcs.Key.client,
                    Crop = gcs.Key.crop,
                    Euid = gcs.Key.euid,
                    ExpName = gcs.Key.opExpName,
                    FechaPacking = gcs.Key.fechaInicio,
                    Fecha = (DateTime)DbFunctions.TruncateTime(gcs.Key.fechaInicio),
                    Time = (TimeSpan)DbFunctions.CreateTime(gcs.Key.fechaInicio.Hour, gcs.Key.fechaInicio.Minute, gcs.Key.fechaInicio.Second),
                    GmoEvent = gcs.Key.gmoEvent,
                    Location = gcs.Key.location,
                    ProjectLead = gcs.Key.projecLead,
                    Sag = gcs.Key.sag,
                    Usuario = gcs.Key.usuario,
                    NombreCompleto = gcs.Key.nombre + " " + gcs.Key.apellido
            else if (tipo == 2)
                data = (from mc in repository.Table
                        from us in repositoryU.Table
                        from inf in repositoryI.Table
                        where mc.fechaTermino >= fechaInicio && mc.fechaTermino <= fechaTermino &&
                        mc.usuario == us.nombre_usuario && mc.euid == inf.euid
                        orderby mc.fechaInicio, us.nombre_usuario
                        group mc by new
                } into gcs
                        select new DetalleEficienciaDto
                    Client = gcs.Key.client,
                    Crop = gcs.Key.crop,
                    Euid = gcs.Key.euid,
                    ExpName = gcs.Key.opExpName,
                    FechaPacking = (DateTime)gcs.Key.fechaTermino,
                    Fecha = (DateTime)DbFunctions.TruncateTime(gcs.Key.fechaTermino),
                    Time = (TimeSpan)DbFunctions.CreateTime(((DateTime)gcs.Key.fechaTermino).Hour, ((DateTime)gcs.Key.fechaTermino).Minute, ((DateTime)gcs.Key.fechaTermino).Second),
                    GmoEvent = gcs.Key.gmoEvent,
                    Location = gcs.Key.location,
                    ProjectLead = gcs.Key.projecLead,
                    Sag = gcs.Key.sag,
                    Usuario = gcs.Key.usuario,
                    NombreCompleto = gcs.Key.nombre + " " + gcs.Key.apellido

            if (data.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in data)
                    if (dateT != item.Fecha)
                        eficiencia.Fecha        = item.Fecha;
                        eficiencia.FechaPacking = item.FechaPacking;
                        eficiencia.Usuario      = item.Usuario;
                        if (primeraFila)
                            horaI = item.Time;

                        if (!primerUsuario)
                            horaF             = lista[lista.Count - 1].Time;
                            separador         = new DetalleEficienciaDto();
                            separador.Usuario = "Sub Total";
                            separador.Euid    = sTotalE.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                            separador.IndEuid = sTotalI.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                            separador.Time    = horaF.Subtract(horaI);
                            totalHora         = totalHora.Add(separador.Time);
                            if (separador.Time.TotalMinutes > 0)
                                var euidHora = 3600 / ((separador.Time.TotalMinutes / sTotalE) * 60);
                                separador.EuidHora = euidHora.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                            sTotalE = 0;
                            sTotalI = 0;
                            horaI   = item.Time;


                            resumen               = new ResumenEficienciaDto();
                            resumen.Usuario       = item.Usuario;
                            resumen.Fecha         = dateT;
                            resumen.Hora          = separador.Time;
                            resumen.NumeroEuid    = separador.Euid;
                            resumen.NumeroIndEuid = separador.IndEuid;
                            resumen.EuidHora      = separador.EuidHora ?? "0";
                        primerUsuario = false;
                        dateT         = item.Fecha;

                    if (usuario != item.Usuario)
                        if (!primeraFila)
                            horaF             = lista[lista.Count - 1].Time;
                            separador         = new DetalleEficienciaDto();
                            separador.Usuario = "Sub Total";
                            separador.Euid    = sTotalE.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                            separador.IndEuid = sTotalI.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                            separador.Time    = horaF.Subtract(horaI);
                            totalHora         = totalHora.Add(separador.Time);
                            if (separador.Time.TotalMinutes > 0)
                                var euidHora = 3600 / ((separador.Time.TotalMinutes / sTotalE) * 60);
                                separador.EuidHora = euidHora.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                            sTotalE = 0;
                            sTotalI = 0;
                            horaI   = item.Time;


                            resumen               = new ResumenEficienciaDto();
                            resumen.Usuario       = usuario;
                            resumen.Fecha         = item.Fecha;
                            resumen.Hora          = separador.Time;
                            resumen.NumeroEuid    = separador.Euid;
                            resumen.NumeroIndEuid = separador.IndEuid;
                            resumen.EuidHora      = separador.EuidHora ?? "0";

                        eficiencia.Usuario = item.Usuario;
                        usuario            = item.Usuario;

                    eficiencia.Euid        = item.Euid;
                    eficiencia.IndEuid     = item.IndEuid;
                    eficiencia.Crop        = item.Crop;
                    eficiencia.Client      = item.Client;
                    eficiencia.ProjectLead = item.ProjectLead;
                    eficiencia.Location    = item.Location;
                    eficiencia.ExpName     = item.ExpName;
                    eficiencia.GmoEvent    = item.GmoEvent;
                    eficiencia.Sag         = item.Sag;
                    eficiencia.Time        = item.Time;

                    if (eficiencia.Euid != "")
                    if (eficiencia.IndEuid != "")

                    eficiencia  = new DetalleEficienciaDto();
                    primeraFila = false;

                separador         = new DetalleEficienciaDto();
                horaF             = lista[lista.Count - 1].Time;
                separador.Usuario = "Sub Total";
                separador.Euid    = sTotalE.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                separador.IndEuid = sTotalI.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                separador.Time    = horaF.Subtract(horaI);
                if (separador.Time.TotalMinutes > 0)
                    var euidHora = 3600 / ((separador.Time.TotalMinutes / sTotalE) * 60);
                    separador.EuidHora = euidHora.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                totalHora = totalHora.Add(separador.Time);
                sTotalE   = 0;
                sTotalI   = 0;

                resumen               = new ResumenEficienciaDto();
                resumen.Usuario       = usuario;
                resumen.Fecha         = dateT;
                resumen.Hora          = separador.Time;
                resumen.NumeroEuid    = separador.Euid;
                resumen.NumeroIndEuid = separador.IndEuid;
                resumen.EuidHora      = separador.EuidHora ?? "0";


                separador         = new DetalleEficienciaDto();
                separador.Usuario = "Total";
                separador.Euid    = totalE.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                separador.IndEuid = totalI.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                separador.Time    = totalHora;
                if (separador.Time.TotalMinutes > 0)
                    var euidHora = 3600 / ((separador.Time.TotalMinutes / totalE) * 60);
                    separador.EuidHora = euidHora.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

                //Detalle y Resumen
                eficienciaTotal.Detalle = lista;
                eficienciaTotal.Resumen = listaResumen;

Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the metric query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metricSource">The metric source.</param>
        /// <param name="dateRange">The date range.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected List <MetricValue> GetMetricValues(List <int> metricSource, DateRange dateRange, string metricKey)
            var rockContext     = new RockContext();
            var metricService   = new MetricService(rockContext);
            var metricQueryable = new MetricService(rockContext).Queryable();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(metricKey))
                metricQueryable = metricService.Queryable().Where(a => a.Title.EndsWith(metricKey));
                metricQueryable = metricService.GetByIds(metricSource);

            var metricValueQueryable = metricQueryable.SelectMany(a => a.MetricValues).AsQueryable().AsNoTracking();

            // filter by date context
            if (dateRange != null)
                metricValueQueryable = metricValueQueryable.Where(a => a.MetricValueDateTime >= dateRange.Start && a.MetricValueDateTime <= dateRange.End);

            // filter by campus context
            if (CampusContext != null)
                metricValueQueryable = metricValueQueryable.Where(a => a.EntityId == CampusContext.Id);

            // filter by schedule context
            if (ScheduleContext != null)
                var scheduleTime = new ScheduleService(rockContext).Get(ScheduleContext.Guid).StartTimeOfDay;
                metricValueQueryable = metricValueQueryable.Where(a => scheduleTime == DbFunctions.CreateTime(

            // filter by group context
            if (GroupContext != null)
                metricValueQueryable = metricValueQueryable.Where(a => a.ForeignId == GroupContext.Id);

 public void DbFunctionsTests_CreateTime_Test()
     this.AssertException <NotSupportedException>(() => {
         this.GetOrderQuery().Select(x => DbFunctions.CreateTime(HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND)).First();
Esempio n. 15
        public List <SeatingSummary> SeatingByDateTime(DateTime date, TimeSpan time)
            using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
                var step1 = from data in context.Tables
                            select new
                    Table   = data.TableNumber,
                    Seating = data.Capacity,
                    // This sub-query gets the bills for walk-in customers
                    WalkIns = from walkIn in data.Bills
                              walkIn.BillDate.Year == date.Year &&
                              walkIn.BillDate.Month == date.Month &&
                              walkIn.BillDate.Day == date.Day
                              //&& walkIn.BillDate.TimeOfDay <= time
                              && DbFunctions.CreateTime(walkIn.BillDate.Hour, walkIn.BillDate.Minute, walkIn.BillDate.Second) <= time &&
                              (!walkIn.OrderPaid.HasValue || walkIn.OrderPaid.Value >= time)
                              //                          && (!walkIn.PaidStatus || walkIn.OrderPaid >= time)
                              select walkIn,
                    // This sub-query gets the bills for reservations
                    Reservations = from booking in data.Reservations
                                   from reservationParty in booking.Bills
                                   reservationParty.BillDate.Year == date.Year &&
                                   reservationParty.BillDate.Month == date.Month &&
                                   reservationParty.BillDate.Day == date.Day
                                   //&& reservationParty.BillDate.TimeOfDay <= time
                                   && DbFunctions.CreateTime(reservationParty.BillDate.Hour, reservationParty.BillDate.Minute, reservationParty.BillDate.Second) <= time &&
                                   (!reservationParty.OrderPaid.HasValue || reservationParty.OrderPaid.Value >= time)
                                   //                          && (!reservationParty.PaidStatus || reservationParty.OrderPaid >= time)
                                   select reservationParty

                var step2 = from data in step1.ToList() // .ToList() forces the first result set to be in memory
                            select new
                    Table         = data.Table,
                    Seating       = data.Seating,
                    CommonBilling = from info in data.WalkIns.Union(data.Reservations)
                                    select new             // info
                        BillID      = info.BillID,
                        BillTotal   = info.Items.Sum(bi => bi.Quantity * bi.SalePrice),
                        Waiter      = info.Waiter.FirstName,
                        Reservation = info.Reservation
                var step3 = from data in step2.ToList()
                            select new
                    Table   = data.Table,
                    Seating = data.Seating,
                    Taken   = data.CommonBilling.Count() > 0,
                    // .FirstOrDefault() is effectively "flattening" my collection of 1 item into a
                    // single object whose properties I can get in step 4 using the dot (.) operator
                    CommonBilling = data.CommonBilling.FirstOrDefault()

                var step4 = from data in step3
                            select new SeatingSummary() // the DTO class to use in my BLL
                    Table   = data.Table,
                    Seating = data.Seating,
                    Taken   = data.Taken,
                    // use a ternary expression to conditionally get the bill id (if it exists)
                    BillID = data.Taken ?                          // if(data.Taken)
                             data.CommonBilling.BillID             // value to use if true
                                       : (int?)null,               // value to use if false
                    BillTotal = data.Taken ?
                                data.CommonBilling.BillTotal : (decimal?)null,
                    WaiterName      = data.Taken ? data.CommonBilling.Waiter : (string)null,
                    ReservationName = data.Taken ?
                                      (data.CommonBilling.Reservation != null ?
                                       data.CommonBilling.Reservation.CustomerName : (string)null)
                                                : (string)null

        public List <SeatingSummary> SeatingByDateTime(DateTime date, TimeSpan time)
            using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
                // copy/paste my code from LinqPad (adapt)
                #region Adapted from LinqPad
                // Find out information on the tables in the restaurant at a specific date/time
                // Create a date and time object to use for sample input data
                //var date = Bills.Max(b => b.BillDate).Date; // just want the date portion
                //var time = Bills.Max(b => b.BillDate).TimeOfDay.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0));
                //date.Add(time).Dump("The test date/time I am using");

                // Step 1 - Get the table info along with any walk-in bills and reservation bills
                //          for a specific time slot
                // since the data type of context.Tables is a DbSet<Table>,
                // that means I can add a bit of extra to my LINQ query to
                // declare that the variable data is of type Table
                var step1 = from Table data in context.Tables
                            select new
                    Table   = data.TableNumber,
                    Seating = data.Capacity,
                    // This sub-query gets the bills for walk-in customers
                    WalkIns = from Bill walkIn in data.Bills
                              where walkIn.BillDate.Year == date.Year &&
                              walkIn.BillDate.Month == date.Month &&
                              walkIn.BillDate.Day == date.Day
                              // The following won't work in EF to Entities
                              //&& (!walkIn.OrderPaid.HasValue || walkIn.OrderPaid.Value >= time)
                              && DbFunctions.CreateTime(walkIn.BillDate.Hour, walkIn.BillDate.Minute, walkIn.BillDate.Second) <= time
                              select walkIn,
                    // This sub-query gets the bills for reservations
                    Reservations = from Reservation booking in data.Reservations
                                   from reservationParty in booking.Bills
                                   where reservationParty.BillDate.Year == date.Year &&
                                   reservationParty.BillDate.Month == date.Month &&
                                   reservationParty.BillDate.Day == date.Day &&
                                   DbFunctions.CreateTime(reservationParty.BillDate.Hour, reservationParty.BillDate.Minute, reservationParty.BillDate.Second) <= time
                                   //&& (!reservationParty.OrderPaid.HasValue || reservationParty.OrderPaid >= time)
                                   select reservationParty
                //step1.Dump("Results of Step 1");

                // Step 2 - Union the walk-in bills and the reservation bills while extracting the
                //          relevant bill info.
                //          .ToList() helps resolve the error
                //          "Types in Union or Concat are constructed incompatibly"
                var step2 = from data in step1.ToList()
                            select new
                    Table         = data.Table,
                    Seating       = data.Seating,
                    CommonBilling = from Bill info in data.WalkIns.Union(data.Reservations)
                                    select new             // trimmed down billing info
                        BillID      = info.BillID,
                        BillTotal   = info.Items.Sum(bi => bi.Quantity * bi.SalePrice),
                        Waiter      = info.Waiter.FirstName,
                        Reservation = info.Reservation
                //step2.Dump("Results of Step 2");

                // Step 3 - Get just the first CommonBilling item
                //          (presumes no overlaps can occur - i.e., two groups at the same
                //          table at the same time)
                var step3 = from data in step2.ToList()
                            select new
                    Table   = data.Table,
                    Seating = data.Seating,
                    Taken   = data.CommonBilling.Count() > 0,
                    // .FirstOrDefault() is effectively "flattening" my collection of 1 item into a
                    // single object whose properties I can get in Step 4 using the dot (.) operator
                    CommonBilling = data.CommonBilling.FirstOrDefault()

                // Step4 - Build our intended seating summary info
                var step4 = from data in step3
                            select new SeatingSummary() // the DTO class to use in my BLL
                    Table   = data.Table,
                    Seating = data.Seating,
                    Taken   = data.Taken,
                    // use a ternary expression to conditionally get the bill id (if it exists)
                    BillID = data.Taken ?                          // if(data.Taken)
                             data.CommonBilling.BillID             // value to use if true
                                       : (int?)null,               // value to use if false
                    BillTotal = data.Taken ?
                                data.CommonBilling.BillTotal : (decimal?)null,
                    Waiter          = data.Taken ? data.CommonBilling.Waiter : (string)null,
                    ReservationName = data.Taken ?
                                      (data.CommonBilling.Reservation != null ?
                                       data.CommonBilling.Reservation.CustomerName :
                                                : (string)null
                //step4.Dump("The final, boiled-down list of table occupancy at a point in time");
Esempio n. 17
        public List <OACYPerTransactionDTO> GetByPostDateEffDate(string pipelineDuns, DateTime?postdate, DateTime?effdate, string keyword, string Cycle)
            var             pDate = postdate.GetValueOrDefault().Date;
            var             pTime = postdate.GetValueOrDefault().TimeOfDay;
            var             eDate = effdate.GetValueOrDefault().Date;
            UprdDbEntities1 db    = new UprdDbEntities1();
            var             query = db.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns).AsQueryable();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
                query = query.Where(a => a.Loc.Contains(keyword) || a.LocName.Contains(keyword));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle))
                query = query.Where(a => a.CycleIndicator == Cycle);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pDate.ToString()) && pDate != DateTime.MinValue && TimeSpan.MinValue != pTime)
                query = query.Where(a => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.PostingDateTime) == pDate && DbFunctions.CreateTime(a.PostingDateTime.Value.Hour, a.PostingDateTime.Value.Minute, a.PostingDateTime.Value.Second) >= pTime);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eDate.ToString()) && eDate != DateTime.MinValue)
                query = query.Where(a => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EffectiveGasDayTime) == eDate);
            return(query.Select(o => new OACYPerTransactionDTO
                OACYID = o.OACYID,
                TransactionID = o.TransactionID,
                ReceiceFileID = o.ReceiceFileID,
                CreatedDate = o.CreatedDate,
                TransactionServiceProviderPropCode = o.TransactionServiceProviderPropCode,
                TransactionServiceProvider = o.TransactionServiceProvider,
                PostingDate = o.PostingDateTime,
                EffectiveGasDay = o.EffectiveGasDayTime,
                Loc = o.Loc,
                LocName = o.LocName,
                LocZn = o.LocZn,
                FlowIndicator = o.FlowIndicator,
                LocPropDesc = o.LocPropDesc,
                LocQTIDesc = o.LocQTIDesc,
                MeasurementBasis = o.MeasurementBasis,
                ITIndicator = o.ITIndicator,
                AllQtyAvailableIndicator = o.AllQtyAvailableIndicator,
                DesignCapacity = o.DesignCapacity,
                OperatingCapacity = o.OperatingCapacity,
                TotalScheduleQty = o.TotalScheduleQty,
                OperationallyAvailableQty = o.OperationallyAvailableQty,
                PipelineID = o.PipelineID,
                CycleIndicator = o.CycleIndicator,
                AvailablePercentage = o.AvailablePercentage
            //keyword = keyword.Trim();
            //  IQueryable<OACYPerTransaction> oacylist;
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate != DateTime.MinValue && eDate != DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.PostingDateTime) == pDate
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EffectiveGasDayTime) == eDate
            //    && (((a.LocName ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())) || ((a.Loc ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())))
            //    && (((a.CycleIndicator ?? "").ToLower().Contains(Cycle.ToLower()))));
            //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate == DateTime.MinValue && eDate == DateTime.MinValue)
            //    var count = dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns).Count();
            //    if (count > 0)
            //    {
            //        DateTime? recentdate = GetRecentPostDateUsngDuns(pipelineDuns);
            //        return GetByPostDateEffDate(pipelineDuns, recentdate, null, string.Empty, string.Empty);
            //    }
            //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate != DateTime.MinValue && eDate == DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.PostingDateTime) == pDate
            //    && (((a.LocName ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())) || ((a.Loc ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())))
            //    && (((a.CycleIndicator ?? "").ToLower().Contains(Cycle.ToLower()))));
            //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate != DateTime.MinValue && eDate != DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.PostingDateTime) == pDate
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EffectiveGasDayTime) == eDate
            //    && (((a.LocName ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())) || ((a.Loc ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower()))));
            //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate != DateTime.MinValue && eDate != DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.PostingDateTime) == pDate
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EffectiveGasDayTime) == eDate
            //    && (((a.CycleIndicator ?? "").ToLower().Contains(Cycle.ToLower()))));
            //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate == DateTime.MinValue && eDate != DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EffectiveGasDayTime) == eDate
            //    && (((a.LocName ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())) || ((a.Loc ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())))
            //    && (((a.CycleIndicator ?? "").ToLower().Contains(Cycle.ToLower()))));
            //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate == DateTime.MinValue && eDate == DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && (((a.LocName ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())) || ((a.Loc ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())))
            //    && (((a.CycleIndicator ?? "").ToLower().Contains(Cycle.ToLower()))));
            //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate != DateTime.MinValue && eDate == DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.PostingDateTime) == pDate
            //    && (((a.CycleIndicator ?? "").ToLower().Contains(Cycle.ToLower()))));
            //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate == DateTime.MinValue && eDate != DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EffectiveGasDayTime) == eDate
            //    && (((a.LocName ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())) || ((a.Loc ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower()))));
            //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate != DateTime.MinValue && eDate != DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.PostingDateTime) == pDate
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EffectiveGasDayTime) == eDate);
            //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate != DateTime.MinValue && eDate == DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.PostingDateTime) == pDate
            //    && (((a.LocName ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())) || ((a.Loc ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower()))));
            //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate == DateTime.MinValue && eDate == DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && (((a.CycleIndicator ?? "").ToLower().Contains(Cycle.ToLower()))));
            //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate == DateTime.MinValue && eDate == DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && (((a.LocName ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())) || ((a.Loc ?? "").ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower()))));
            //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate != DateTime.MinValue && eDate == DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.PostingDateTime) == pDate);
            //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cycle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && pDate == DateTime.MinValue && eDate != DateTime.MinValue)
            //    return dbcontext.OACYPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == pipelineDuns
            //    && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EffectiveGasDayTime) == eDate);

            //return new List<OACYPerTransaction>().AsQueryable();
        public IHttpActionResult GetEvents(
            //[FromUri] List<TagDto> tags = null,
            [FromUri] string[] tags = null,
            // Paging parameters
            int page         = 1,
            int itemsPerPage = 10,
            string sortBy    = "eventStart",
            bool reverse     = false,
            // Search Parameters
            bool eligibleOnly = false,
            string searchText = null,
            string gender     = null,
            int?ageMin        = null,
            int?ageMax        = null,
            int?cPartMin      = null,
            int?cPartMax      = null,
            //int? PartMin = null,
            //int? PartMax = null,
            double?posLat    = null,
            double?posLng    = null,
            double radius    = 10000,
            bool?approvalReq = null,
            // Date-Time Parameters
            DateTime?dateAfter  = null,
            DateTime?dateBefore = null,
            DateTime?timeAfter  = null,
            DateTime?timeBefore = null)
            // Because: Without position the query is meaningless
            if (posLat == null || posLng == null)
                return(BadRequest("A location(Lat/Lng) is required"));

            //// Prepare tagList - Not needed ?
            //tags = tags ?? new string[0];

            // Prepare recieved coordinates
            var coordinates = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "POINT({0} {1})", posLng, posLat);

            int timeResult = 0;

            // if both timeAfter and timeBefore !=null, check if timeAfter>timeBefore
            if (timeAfter.HasValue && timeBefore.HasValue)
                // timeResult: (t1 < t2 == -1)   (t1 == t2 == 0)  (t1 > t2 == 1)
                timeResult = TimeSpan.Compare(timeAfter.Value.TimeOfDay, timeBefore.Value.TimeOfDay);

            int    userAge       = 0;
            string notUserGender = null;

            if (eligibleOnly == true)
                // USER: Get current user - (Check if admin)
                var user = this.AppUserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
                //bool isAdmin = User.IsInRole("Admin");

                // USER: Get DateOfBirth, current date.
                DateTime userBirth = user.DateOfBirth;
                DateTime today     = DateTime.Today;

                notUserGender = (user.Gender == "female") ? "male" : "female";

                // Calc: UserAge
                userAge = today.Year - userBirth.Year;
                if (userBirth > today.AddYears(-userAge))

            var query = db.Events.Where(e =>
                                        e != null &&
                                        //e.Status == open && *******ACTIVATE Status*****
                                        (eligibleOnly == false ||
                                        // Conditions based on user
                                         e.AgeMin <= userAge &&
                                         e.AgeMax >= userAge &&
                                         e.Gender != notUserGender) &&
                                        // Conditions based on query string + (eventstart > Now)
                                        (ageMin == null ||
                                         e.AgeMin >= ageMin) &&
                                        (ageMax == null ||
                                         e.AgeMax <= ageMax) &&
                                        (approvalReq == null ||
                                         e.ApprovalReq == approvalReq) &&

                                        e.Coordinates.Distance(DbGeography.FromText(coordinates, 4326)) < radius &&

                                        //(tags.Count() == 0 ||
                                        //e.Tags.Any(eTag => tags.Any(pTag => pTag.Name == eTag.Name))) &&
                                        (tags.Count() == 0 ||
                                         e.Tags.Any(eTag => tags.Any(pTag => pTag == eTag.Name))) &&

                                        // Could: Treat below DT block as 1 scenario.
                                                                        // Then: If betweenDateAfterTime == true && onDateBetweenTime == true
                                                                        // Then: Query must satisfy betweenDateAfterTime block OR onDateBetweenTime block

                                        e.EventStart >= DateTime.Now && // This will be server time? != Users local time => Must sync on save or on query.
                                        (dateAfter == null ||
                                         DbFunctions.TruncateTime(e.EventStart) >= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(dateAfter)) &&
                                        (dateBefore == null ||
                                         DbFunctions.TruncateTime(e.EventStart) <= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(dateBefore)) &&

                                        // Run this if timeAfter && timeBefore HasValue && timeAfter>timeBefore
                                        (timeResult != 1 ||
                                         (DbFunctions.CreateTime(e.EventStart.Hour, e.EventStart.Minute, e.EventStart.Second) >= DbFunctions.CreateTime(timeAfter.Value.Hour, timeAfter.Value.Minute, timeAfter.Value.Second))
                                         (DbFunctions.CreateTime(e.EventStart.Hour, e.EventStart.Minute, e.EventStart.Second) <= DbFunctions.CreateTime(timeBefore.Value.Hour, timeBefore.Value.Minute, timeBefore.Value.Second))) &&

                                        // Else, run this
                                        (timeResult == 1 ||
                                         (timeAfter == null ||
                                          DbFunctions.CreateTime(e.EventStart.Hour, e.EventStart.Minute, e.EventStart.Second) >= DbFunctions.CreateTime(timeAfter.Value.Hour, timeAfter.Value.Minute, timeAfter.Value.Second)) &&
                                         (timeBefore == null ||
                                          DbFunctions.CreateTime(e.EventStart.Hour, e.EventStart.Minute, e.EventStart.Second) <= DbFunctions.CreateTime(timeBefore.Value.Hour, timeBefore.Value.Minute, timeBefore.Value.Second))) &&

                                        (gender == null ||
                                         //gender == "all" || // (Result of "all": "ownGender" + "all".) (NEW/now: Result of "all": all only.)
                                         e.Gender == gender) &&

                                        (cPartMin == null ||
                                         e.Participants.Count >= cPartMin) && // .Count vs .Count() ?
                                        (cPartMax == null ||
                                         e.Participants.Count <= cPartMax)
                                        //(partMin == null ||
                                        //e.PartMin >= partMin) &&
                                        //(partMax == null ||
                                        //e.PartMax <= partMax)

                                        //(searchText == null ||
                                        ).ToList().Select(e => this.TheModelFactory.Create(e, ""));

            // sorting (done with the System.Linq.Dynamic library available on NuGet)
            query = query.OrderBy(sortBy + (reverse ? " descending" : ""));

            var queryPaged = query.Skip((page - 1) * itemsPerPage).Take(itemsPerPage);
            var json       = new
                count  = query.Count(),
                events = queryPaged

Esempio n. 19
        public IHttpActionResult GetUnscByCriteria([FromBody] UnscDataFilter criteria)
            var source = (dynamic)null;

                //SortingPagingInfo sortingPagingInfo = new SortingPagingInfo();
                //sortingPagingInfo.SortField = criteria.sort;
                //sortingPagingInfo.SortDirection = criteria.SortDirection;
                //sortingPagingInfo.PageSize = criteria.size;
                //sortingPagingInfo.CurrentPageIndex =;

                //UprdUnscRepository uprdUnscRepository = new UprdUnscRepository();
                var             pTime = criteria.postTime.GetValueOrDefault().TimeOfDay;
                UprdDbEntities1 db    = new UprdDbEntities1();
                var             query = db.UnscPerTransactions.Where(a => a.TransactionServiceProvider == criteria.PipelineDuns).AsQueryable();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.keyword))
                    query = query.Where(a => a.Loc.Contains(criteria.keyword) || a.LocName.Contains(criteria.keyword));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.postStartDate.ToString()) && TimeSpan.MinValue != pTime)
                    query = query.Where(a => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.PostingDateTime) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(criteria.postStartDate) &&
                                        DbFunctions.CreateTime(a.PostingDateTime.Value.Hour, a.PostingDateTime.Value.Minute, a.PostingDateTime.Value.Second) >= pTime);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.EffectiveStartDate.ToString()))
                    query = query.Where(a => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EffectiveGasDayTime) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(criteria.EffectiveStartDate));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.EffectiveEndDate.ToString()))
                    query = query.Where(a => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EndingEffectiveDay) == DbFunctions.TruncateTime(criteria.EffectiveEndDate));

                var data = query.Select(a => new UnscPerTransactionDTO {
                    TransactionID = a.TransactionID,
                    ChangePercentage = a.ChangePercentage,
                    CreatedDate      = a.CreatedDate,
                    DUNSNo           = a.TransactionServiceProvider,
                    EffectiveGasDay  = a.EffectiveGasDayTime,
                    EndingEffectiveDay = a.EndingEffectiveDay,
                    Loc           = a.Loc,
                    LocName       = a.LocName,
                    LocPurpDesc   = a.LocPurpDesc,
                    LocQTIDesc    = a.LocQTIDesc,
                    LocZn         = a.LocZn,
                    MeasBasisDesc = a.MeasBasisDesc,
                    PipelineID    = a.PipelineID,
                    PostingDate = a.PostingDateTime,
                    TotalDesignCapacity                = a.TotalDesignCapacity,
                    TransactionServiceProvider         = a.TransactionServiceProvider,
                    TransactionServiceProviderPropCode = a.TransactionServiceProviderPropCode,
                    UnsubscribeCapacity                = a.UnsubscribeCapacity
                UnscResultDTO result = new UnscResultDTO();
                result.unscPerTransactionDTO = (data != null && data.Count > 0) ? data : new List <UnscPerTransactionDTO>();
                result.RecordCount           = (data != null && data.Count > 0) ? data.Count : 0;
                source = result;
                //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.PipelineDuns))
                //    {
                //        source = uprdUnscRepository.GetUnscListWithPaging(criteria.PipelineDuns, criteria.keyword, criteria.postStartDate, criteria.EffectiveStartDate, criteria.EffectiveEndDate, sortingPagingInfo);
                //    }
                //        int count = sortingPagingInfo.PageCount;
                //        int CurrentPage = sortingPagingInfo.CurrentPageIndex;
                //        int PageSize = sortingPagingInfo.PageSize;
                //        int TotalCount = count;

                //        int TotalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(count / (double)PageSize);

                //        // if CurrentPage is greater than 1 means it has previousPage
                //        var previousPage = CurrentPage > 1 ? "Yes" : "No";

                //        // if TotalPages is greater than CurrentPage means it has nextPage
                //        var nextPage = CurrentPage < TotalPages ? "Yes" : "No";

                //        // Object which we are going to send in header
                //        var paginationMetadata = new
                //        {
                //            totalCount = TotalCount,
                //            pageSize = PageSize,
                //            currentPage = CurrentPage,
                //            totalPages = TotalPages,
                //            previousPage,
                //            nextPage
                //        };

                //        // Setting Header
                //        HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers.Add("Paging-Headers", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paginationMetadata));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            //if (source == null)
            //    var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
            //    {
            //        ReasonPhrase = "Records Not Found."
            //    };
            //    throw new HttpResponseException(resp);
