public void DisableOldValidationResults(IList <Event> events)
            // var updatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff");

            //var locker = productId == 1 ? this.thisPullLock : thisPushLock;

            // lock (this.thisLock)
                using (var dbConnection = new DbConnection.DbConnection())
                    // var eventsHashes = events.OrderBy(x=>x.EventId).Select(x => x.EventId.ToString() + "-" + productId.ToString()).ToList();

                    var queries = new List <string>();

                    foreach (var @event in events)
                        queries.Add("UPDATE val_validationresult SET IsActive = b'0'" +
                                    //", LastUpdate = '" + updatedOn + "'" +
                                    //", UpdatedOn = '" + updatedOn + "'" +
                                    ", HashIndexByEventProduct = '" + ValidationResultsHashModel.GetEventProductHash(@event.EventId, @event.ProductId, false) + "'" +
                                    " WHERE HashIndexByEventProduct = '" + ValidationResultsHashModel.GetEventProductHash(@event.EventId, @event.ProductId, true) + "'");

                     * var query = "UPDATE IGNORE val_validationresult SET IsActive = b'0'" +
                     *          ", LastUpdate = '" + updatedOn + "'" +
                     *          ", UpdatedOn = '" + updatedOn + "'" +
                     *          " WHERE HashIndexByEventProduct IN (" + string.Join(",", eventsHashes) + ")"
                     + " AND  IsActive=b'1';";
                     * */
        protected void BulkInsertToTable(List <ValidationResultsHashModel> validationResults, string tableName, string hashValidationIndex)
            using (var dbConnection = new DbConnection.DbConnection())
                var format    = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff";
                var updatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(format);

                 * var queriesForDisable = new List<string>();
                 * foreach (var validationResult in validationResults)
                 * {
                 *  if (validationResult.EventId <= 0 || validationResult.ValidationSettingId <= 0)
                 *      continue;
                 *  var hash = validationResult.EventId.ToString() + " " + validationResult.ValidationSettingId.ToString();
                 *  queriesForDisable.Add(new StringBuilder("UPDATE IGNORE val_validationresult SET IsActive = b'0', LastUpdate = '" + updatedOn + "', UpdatedOn = '" + updatedOn +
                 *                        "' WHERE HashByEventSetting = '" + hash + "'"
                 + " AND  IsActive=b'1'").ToString());
                 + }
                 + dbConnection.BulkExecuteList(queriesForDisable);

                for (int i = 0; i <= validationResults.Count() / InsertCount; i++)
                    var subResults = validationResults.Skip(i * InsertCount).Take(InsertCount).ToList();

                    if (subResults.Any())
                        var query =
                            new StringBuilder(
                                "INSERT DELAYED INTO " + tableName + " (ValidationSettingId, EventId, EventName, SportName, LeagueName, " +
                                "LocationName, Market, Provider, Status, LastUpdate, ProductId, CreatedOn, CreatedBy, IsActive, " +
                                "UpdatedOn, UpdatedBy, LeagueId, SportId, LocationId, PointsToHighline, HashIndexByEventProduct, HashUniqueIndex, " +
                                "Counter, HashValidationIndex) VALUES ");

                        var counter = 0;

                        for (var resI = 0; resI < subResults.Count; resI++)
                            var model            = subResults[resI];
                            var validationResult = model.Result;


                            if (validationResult.PointsToHighline.Contains("'"))
                                validationResult.PointsToHighline = validationResult.PointsToHighline.Replace("'", "\\'");

                            query.Append("," + validationResult.EventId);
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.EventName + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.SportName + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.LeagueName + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.LocationName + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.Market + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.Provider + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.Status + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.LastUpdate.ToString(format) + "'");
                            // query.Append(",'" + validationResult.XmlMessage + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.ProductId + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.CreatedOn.ToString(format) + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.CreatedBy + "'");
                            query.Append(", b'1'");
                            query.Append(",'" + updatedOn + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.UpdatedBy + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.LeagueId + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.SportId + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.LocationId + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + validationResult.PointsToHighline + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + model.IndexEventProductHash + "'");
                            query.Append(",'" + model.UniqueHash + "'");
                            query.Append("," + 1);
                            query.Append(",'" + hashValidationIndex + "'");

                            if (counter != subResults.Count - 1)

                            subResults[resI] = null;


                        query.Append(" ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE");
                        query.Append(" Status = VALUES(Status)");
                        query.Append(", LastUpdate = VALUES(LastUpdate)");
                        query.Append(", UpdatedOn = VALUES(UpdatedOn)");
                        query.Append(", Market = VALUES(Market)");
                        query.Append(", Provider = VALUES(Provider)");
                        query.Append(", IsActive = b'1'");
                        //                    query.Append(", UpdatedOn = VALUES(UpdatedOn)");
                        query.Append(", HashIndexByEventProduct = VALUES(HashIndexByEventProduct)");
                        query.Append(", PointsToHighline = VALUES(PointsToHighline)");
                        query.Append(", Counter = Counter + 1");

        public void BulkInsert(IList <Event> events)
            // lock (this.thisLock)
                using (var dbConnection = new DbConnection.DbConnection())
                    var updatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

                    for (int i = 0; i <= events.Count / INSERT_COUNT; i++)
                        var subEvents = events.Skip(i * INSERT_COUNT).Take(INSERT_COUNT).ToList();

                        if (subEvents.Any())
                            var query = new
                                "INSERT DELAYED INTO dvs_event (EventId,EventName,StartDate,SportId,SportName,LeagueId, " +
                                "LeagueName,LocationId,LocationName,Status,LastUpdate,HomeTeamId,HomeTeamName,AwayTeamId,AwayTeamName," +
                                "CreatedOn,CreatedBy,IsActive,UpdatedOn,UpdatedBy,MarketId,MarketName,ProviderId,ProviderName,ProductId) VALUES ");

                            var counter = 0;

                            foreach (var @event in subEvents)
                                //@event.XmlText = "blabla";

                                query.Append(",'" + @event.BuildEventName() + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.StartDate + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + (@event.SportId ?? 0) + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.SportName + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + (@event.LeagueId ?? 0) + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.LeagueName + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + (@event.LocationId ?? 0) + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.LocationName + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.Status + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.LastUpdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff") + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + (@event.HomeTeamId ?? 0) + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.HomeTeamName + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + (@event.AwayTeamId ?? 0) + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.AwayTeamName + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.CreatedOn.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff") + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.CreatedBy + "'");
                                query.Append(", b'1'");
                                query.Append(",'" + updatedOn + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.UpdatedBy + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + (@event.MarketId ?? 0) + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.MarketName + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + (@event.ProviderId ?? 0) + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.ProviderName + "'");
                                query.Append(",'" + @event.ProductId + "'");

                                if (counter != subEvents.Count - 1)


                            query.Append(" ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE");
                            query.Append(" UpdatedOn = '" + updatedOn + "'");

                            //throw  new Exception(query.ToString());
                        }// else pass