Esempio n. 1
        public MainViewModel()
            instance = this;

            this.dayDataService = new DayDataService();

            this.CurrentDay = dayDataService.GetCurrentDay();
            this.WeekDays   = this.dayDataService.GetCurrentWeekDays();

            this.Fichada = new FichadaViewModel();
            this.Semana  = new SemanaViewModel();

Esempio n. 2
        public MainViewModel()
            instance = this;

            dayDataService = new DayDataService();

            CurrentDay = dayDataService.GetCurrentDay();
            WeekDays   = dayDataService.GetCurrentWeekDays();

            Fichada = new FichadaViewModel();
            Semana  = new SemanaViewModel();

Esempio n. 3
        public Tab_Main_Days()

            stackPanelBorderCreated = false;

            //retrieving the DaysAndHours data from the DB if exists
                //setting the selected Days list to an ObservableCollection so it could be bound to the view
                theDaysList      = new ObservableCollection <Day>(timetableManagerDbContext.Days);
                selectedDaysList = new ObservableCollection <string>();

                //the DataService for Days table
                DayDataService dayDataService = new DayDataService(new EntityFramework.TimetableManagerDbContext());

                //setting the rest of the saved data
                daysAndHours = timetableManagerDbContext.DaysAndHours.FirstOrDefault <DaysAndHours>();

                if (daysAndHours != null)
                    noOfDays = daysAndHours.NoOfDays;
                    hours    = daysAndHours.Hours;
                    mins     = daysAndHours.Mins;
                    timeSlot = daysAndHours.TimeSlot;

                    //setting data to the view
                    comboBoxNoOfDays.SelectedIndex = noOfDays;
                    comboBoxHours.SelectedIndex    = hours;

                    if (mins.Equals(30))
                        comboBoxMinutes.Text = "30";
                    else if (mins.Equals(60))
                        comboBoxMinutes.Text = "00";

                    if (timeSlot.Equals(30))
                        comboBoxDuration.Text = "30 mins";
                    else if (timeSlot.Equals(60))
                        comboBoxDuration.Text = "1 hour";
                if (theDaysList != null)
                    foreach (Day day in theDaysList)
                        if (day.IsSelected == true)
                            createStackPanel(day.DayName, day.IsSelected, day.startHour, day.startMin, day.endHour, day.endMin);
                this.DataContext = this;
            catch (Exception e)
                //in case if the connection to the DB is lost
                MessageBox.Show("first error " + e.Message);