public void AddDataNarrowFormatCsv()
            var rnd          = new System.Random();
            var randomNumber = System.Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(1, 10000));
            var time         = new Time();

            time.Zone       = "GMT";
            time.Identifier = "time";
            time.Format     = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss";

            var Signal = new Signal();

            Signal.SignalIdentifier = "signal";
            Signal.ValueIdentifier  = "value";

            var Field = new Field();

            Field.Signal = Signal;
            Field.Time   = time;

            var datasource = new Datasource();

            datasource.Type = "PI";
            datasource.Host = "";
            datasource.ElementTemplateName = "SampleElementTempalte";

            var ds = new DatastreamRequest();

            ds.Name       = "TestDSPI" + randomNumber;
            ds.Field      = Field;
            ds.DataSource = datasource;

            Datastream datastream = new Datastream();

                datastream = _falkonry.CreateDatastream(ds);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Name, datastream.Name);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, datastream.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Field.Time.Format, datastream.Field.Time.Format);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Field.Time.Identifier, datastream.Field.Time.Identifier);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.DataSource.Type, datastream.DataSource.Type);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Name, datastream.Field.EntityName);
                var data    = "time,signal,value\n" + "2016-05-05 12:00:00,current,12.4\n2016-03-01 01:01:01,vibration,20.4";
                var options = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();

                options.Add("streaming", "false");
                options.Add("hasMoreData", "false");

                var inputstatus = _falkonry.AddInput(datastream.Id, data, options);

                //check data status
            catch (System.Exception exception)
                Assert.AreEqual(null, exception.Message, "Cannot add data");
Esempio n. 2
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
        Datastream stream = Datastream.cur;

        if (Datastream.enableFirewall)
            damage = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)damage * 0.1f);

        Datastream.healthAmount -= damage;
        stream.EmitCorruptionParticles(transform.position, damage / 10f);


        SplitterEnemySplit split = GetComponent <SplitterEnemySplit>();

        if (split)
            for (int i = 0; i < split.spawnPos.Length; i++)
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an aray of bytes from the specified offset
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Offset">Start offset</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Number of bytes to return</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public byte[] GetBytes(long Offset, int Length)
     byte[] data = new byte[Length];
     Datastream.Seek(Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
     Datastream.Read(data, 0, Length);
        // Cannot add historical input data(csv format) to Datastream with time identifier missing
        public void AddDataCsvMissingTimeIdentifier()
            var rnd          = new System.Random();
            var randomNumber = System.Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(1, 10000));

            var time = new Time();

            time.Zone       = "GMT";
            time.Identifier = "timestamp";
            time.Format     = "iso_8601";

            var Field = new Field();

            Field.Time             = time;
            Field.EntityIdentifier = "signal";

            var datasource = new Datasource();

            datasource.Type = "PI";
            datasource.Host = "";
            datasource.ElementTemplateName = "SampleElementTempalte";

            var ds = new DatastreamRequest();

            ds.Name       = "Test " + randomNumber;
            ds.Field      = Field;
            ds.DataSource = datasource;

            Datastream datastream = new Datastream();

                datastream = _falkonry.CreateDatastream(ds);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Name, datastream.Name);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, datastream.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Field.Time.Format, datastream.Field.Time.Format);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Field.Time.Identifier, datastream.Field.Time.Identifier);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.DataSource.Type, datastream.DataSource.Type);
                var data = "timestamp,signal,value\n" + "2016-05-05 12:00:00,current,12.4\n2016-03-01 01:01:01,vibration,20.4";
                SortedDictionary <string, string> options = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();

                options.Add("timeZone", "GMT");
                options.Add("timeFormat", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss");
                options.Add("fileFormat", "csv");
                options.Add("streaming", "false");
                options.Add("hasMoreData", "false");
                options.Add("signalIdentifier", "signal");
                options.Add("valueIdentifier", "value");

                var inputstatus = _falkonry.AddInput(datastream.Id, data, options);
                Assert.AreEqual(true, false, "No error message for missing time identifier");
            catch (System.Exception exception)
                Assert.AreEqual(exception.Message, "Missing time identifier.", "Incorrect error message for missing time identifier");
Esempio n. 5
         * Adds Historical data to an existing datastream.
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds Historical data to an existing datastream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when one parameter is missing
        /// in the function call.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="FalkonryClient.Service.FalkonryException">Thrown when there is a request timeout.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown when any other error causes
        /// the program to not add historical data.</exception>
        /// <param name="datastreamId">A String that contains the ID of existing datastream
        /// in which the historical data is supposed to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="stream">A byte array received from file-adapter's GetStream() method.</param>
        /// <param name="fileType">A String that specifies the file type i.e CSV/JSON.</param>
        public void IngestDataFromFile(String datastreamId, byte[] stream, String fileType)
            if (fileType == null || datastreamId == null || stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileType));

            int        i;
            Datastream datastream = falkonry.GetDatastream(datastreamId);

            var options     = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
            var inputStatus = new InputStatus();

            options.Add("streaming", "false");
            options.Add("hasMoreData", "false");
            options.Add("timeIdentifier", datastream.Field.Time.Identifier.ToString());
            options.Add("timeZone", datastream.Field.Time.Zone.ToString());
            options.Add("timeFormat", datastream.Field.Time.Format.ToString());
            options.Add("entityIdentifier", datastream.Field.EntityIdentifier.ToString());
            options.Add("fileFormat", fileType);

            //          TODO: Uncomment these 2 lines out for Narrow Datastream Format.
            //options.Add("signalIdentifier", datastream.Field.Signal.SignalIdentifier.ToString());
            //options.Add("valueIdentifier", datastream.Field.Signal.ValueIdentifier.ToString());

            //          TODO: Uncomment this line out for Batch Datastream Format.
            //options.Add("batchIdentifier", datastream.Field.BatchIdentifier.ToString());

            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    inputStatus = falkonry.AddInputStream(datastreamId, stream, options);
                    if (CheckStatus(inputStatus.Id) == 1)
                catch (FalkonryClient.Service.FalkonryException e)
                    log.Error(e.GetBaseException() + "\n");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.WarnFormat(ex.StackTrace + " \n" + ex.Message + "\n" + "Retry Attempt: {0}", i + 1);
            if (i == 3)
                log.Error("Cannot add data to the datastream!");
 XmlNode MakeDatastreamXML(Datastream ds, XmlDocument doc)
     XmlElement nDS = doc.CreateElement ("data", doc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
     nDS.SetAttribute ("id",;
     nDS.AppendChild (UtilSimpleTextNode (doc, "current_value", ds.currentValue));
     foreach (String tag in ds.tags) {
         nDS.AppendChild (UtilSimpleTextNode (doc, "tag", tag));
     return nDS;
 public List <EntityMeta> GetEntityMeta(Datastream datastream)
     catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 8
 // Get EntityMeta
 public List <EntityMeta> GetEntityMeta(Datastream datastream)
         var response = _http.Get("/datastream/" + datastream.Id + "/entityMeta");
         return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <EntityMeta> >(response));
     catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// This method exports the facts from a particular assessment to a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datastreamId">A String that contains the ID of existing datastream
        /// from which the facts are exported.</param>
        /// <param name="assessmentId">A String that contains the ID of existing assessment
        /// from which the facts are exported.</param>
        public void ExportFacts(String datastreamId, String assessmentId)
            Datastream   datastream = falkonry.GetDatastream(datastreamId);
            String       path       = "..\\examples\\bin\\Debug\\facts";
            String       fileName   = datastream.Name + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace(":", "-") + ".json";
            StreamWriter sw         = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(path, fileName));
            var          options    = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();

            options.Add("responseFormat", "application/json");
            var factsData = falkonry.getFacts(assessmentId, options);

            log.Info("Facts export successful");
Esempio n. 10
         *  Adding live data to an existing datastream. (As a String)
        /// <summary>
        /// Adding live data to an existing datastream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when one parameter is missing
        /// in the function call.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="FalkonryClient.Service.FalkonryException">Generally thrown when a 100 second timeout
        /// is met.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown when any other error causes
        /// the program to not add live data.</exception>
        /// <param name="datastreamId">A String that contains the ID of existing datastream
        /// in which the live data is supposed to be ingested.</param>
        /// <param name="stream">A String received from file-adapter's GetData() method.</param>
        /// <param name="fileType">A String that specifies the file type i.e CSV/JSON.</param>
        public void IngestData(String datastreamId, String stream, String fileType)
            if (fileType == null || datastreamId == null || stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileType));

            Datastream datastream = falkonry.GetDatastream(datastreamId);

            var options     = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
            var inputStatus = new InputStatus();

            options.Add("streaming", "true");
            options.Add("hasMoreData", "false");
            options.Add("timeIdentifier", datastream.Field.Time.Identifier.ToString());
            options.Add("timeZone", datastream.Field.Time.Zone.ToString());
            options.Add("timeFormat", datastream.Field.Time.Format.ToString());
            options.Add("entityIdentifier", datastream.Field.EntityIdentifier.ToString());
            options.Add("fileFormat", fileType);

            //          TODO: Uncomment these 2 lines out for Narrow Datastream Format.
            //options.Add("signalIdentifier", datastream.Field.Signal.SignalIdentifier.ToString());
            //options.Add("valueIdentifier", datastream.Field.Signal.ValueIdentifier.ToString());

            //          TODO: Uncomment this line out for Batch Datastream Format.
            //options.Add("batchIdentifier", datastream.Field.BatchIdentifier.ToString());

                inputStatus = falkonry.AddInput(datastreamId, stream, options);
                log.Info(inputStatus.Status + " - " + inputStatus.Message + "\n");
            catch (FalkonryClient.Service.FalkonryException e)
                log.Error(e.GetBaseException() + "\n");
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error(ex.GetBaseException() + "\n");
Esempio n. 11
        public void TestGolomb()
            var data = new Datastream();

            for (var i = 0U; i < 1000; ++i)
            var last = UInt32.MaxValue;

            for (var m = 1U; m < 1000; ++m)
                var g = new GolombCodec();
                g.Options  &= ~GolombCodec.OptionFlags.Optimize;
                g.Parameter = m;
                var bs  = g.CompressToStream(data, Header.HeaderFlags.None);
                var len = bs.Length;
                var dir = len < last ? -1 : len == last ? 0 : 1;
                WriteLine($"{m,3}: {bs.Length} {dir}");
                last = len;
        public void GetDatastreamByIdTest()
            var time = new Time();

            time.Zone       = "GMT";
            time.Identifier = "Time";
            time.Format     = "iso_8601";

            var datasource = new Datasource();

            datasource.Type = "STANDALONE";
            var rnd          = new System.Random();
            var randomNumber = System.Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(1, 10000));
            var ds           = new DatastreamRequest();

            ds.Name = "TestDS" + randomNumber;
            var Field = new Field();

            Field.Time = time;

            ds.Field      = Field;
            ds.DataSource = datasource;
                var datastream = _falkonry.CreateDatastream(ds);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Name, datastream.Name);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, datastream.Id);

                // get datastream by id
                Datastream datastreamFetched = _falkonry.GetDatastream(datastream.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Name, datastreamFetched.Name);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, datastreamFetched.Id);
            catch (System.Exception exception)
                Assert.AreEqual(exception.Message, null, "Error retrieving datastream by id");
Esempio n. 13
         *  Creates a new datastream on the Merlin.
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new datastream on the Merlin.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The ID of the datastream created.
        /// </returns>
        public String CreateDataStream()
            String datastreamName   = "C#_TEST_7";
            String timeZone         = "GMT";
            String timeIdentifier   = "time";
            String timeFormat       = "millis";
            String PrecisionFormat  = "millis";
            String entityIdentifier = "entity";

            time.Format               = timeFormat;
            time.Zone                 = timeZone;
            time.Identifier           = timeIdentifier;
            ds.TimePrecision          = PrecisionFormat;
            dataSource.Type           = "PI";
            ds.DataSource             = dataSource;
            ds.Name                   = datastreamName;
            ds.Field                  = field;
            ds.Field.Time             = time;
            ds.Field.Signal           = signal;
            ds.Field.EntityIdentifier = entityIdentifier;

            //          ###  USE THIS IF YOUR DATA IS IN NARROW FORMAT  ###
            //          TODO: Uncomment these 2 lines out for Narrow Datastream Format.
            //String signalIdentifier = "signal";
            //String valueIdentifier = "value";
            //ds.Field.Signal.SignalIdentifier = signalIdentifier;
            //ds.Field.Signal.ValueIdentifier = valueIdentifier;

            //          ### USE THIS IF YOU HAVE BATCH DATA ###
            //          TODO: Uncomment this line out for Batch window type.
            //String batchIdentifier = "batch_id";
            //ds.Field.BatchIdentifier = batchIdentifier;

            Datastream datastream = falkonry.CreateDatastream(ds);

            log.InfoFormat("New Datastream with id {0} created. \n", datastream.Id);
    //TODO: handle parse exceptions (missing attrs, nodes, unexpected types (e.g. non-integer env id, bad timestamp, etc)
    //TODO: split datastream parsing so we can do that without an env.
    public Environment Parse(XmlDocument doc, XmlNamespaceManager nsman)
        Environment e = new Environment ();
        XmlNode nEnv = doc.SelectSingleNode ("ns:eeml/ns:environment", nsman);
        if (nEnv == null) {
            throw new MissingNodeException ("eeml/environment");
        } = UtilAttribOrFail (nEnv, "id", "environment");
        e.title = UtilSingleTextNodeContentOr (nEnv, "ns:title", nsman, ""); = UtilSingleTextNodeContentOr (nEnv, "ns:website", nsman, "");
        e.feed = UtilSingleTextNodeContentOr (nEnv, "ns:feed", nsman, "");
        e.description = UtilSingleTextNodeContentOr (nEnv, "ns:description", nsman, "");
        e.isPrivate = UtilSingleTextNodeContentOr (nEnv, "ns:private", nsman, "");
        e.status = UtilSingleTextNodeContentOr (nEnv, "ns:status", nsman, "");
        // TODO: bail on missing status?
        foreach (XmlNode tagNode in nEnv.SelectNodes ("ns:tag", nsman)) {
            e.tags.Add (tagNode.InnerText);

        //parse the location
        XmlNode nLoc = nEnv.SelectSingleNode ("ns:location", nsman);
        if (nLoc != null) {
            Location loc = new Location ();
   = UtilSingleTextNodeContentOr (nLoc, "ns:name", nsman, "");
            loc.latitude = UtilSingleTextNodeContentOr (nLoc, "ns:lat", nsman, "");
            loc.longitude = UtilSingleTextNodeContentOr (nLoc, "ns:lon", nsman, "");
            loc.elevation = UtilSingleTextNodeContentOr (nLoc, "ns:ele", nsman, "");
            loc.domain = UtilAttribOr (nLoc, "domain", "");
            loc.exposure = UtilAttribOr (nLoc, "exposure", "");
            loc.disposition = UtilAttribOr (nLoc, "disposition", "");
            e.location = loc;

        //Loop through any datastreams
        foreach (XmlNode nDS in nEnv.SelectNodes ("ns:data", nsman)) {
            Datastream ds = new Datastream ();
   = UtilAttribOrFail (nDS, "id", "data");
            XmlNode nDSCurrentVal = nDS.SelectSingleNode ("ns:current_value", nsman);
            if (nDSCurrentVal != null) {
                ds.currentValue = nDSCurrentVal.InnerText;
                ds.currentValueTimestamp = UtilAttribOr (nDSCurrentVal, "at", "");
                //TODO: parse timestamp?
            ds.minValue = UtilSingleTextNodeContentOr (nDS, "ns:min_value", nsman, "");
            ds.maxValue = UtilSingleTextNodeContentOr (nDS, "ns:max_value", nsman, "");
            foreach (XmlNode tagNode in nDS.SelectNodes ("ns:tag", nsman)) {
                ds.tags.Add (tagNode.InnerText);

            //Loop through any datapoints in the current datastream
            foreach (XmlNode nDP in nDS.SelectNodes ("ns:datapoints/ns:value", nsman)) {
                //Warning: potentially too much object instantiation, with long histories.
                //Perhaps tuples better, or a matrix.
                DataPoint dp = new DataPoint ();
                dp.value = nDP.InnerText;
                dp.timestamp = UtilAttribOrFail (nDP, "at", "value");
                ds.dataPoints.Add (dp);
            e.datastreams.Add (ds);
        return e;
        public void CannotAddDataMissingBatch()
            var rnd          = new System.Random();
            var randomNumber = System.Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(1, 10000));
            var ds           = new DatastreamRequest();
            var time         = new Time();

            time.Zone       = "GMT";
            time.Identifier = "time";
            time.Format     = "iso_8601";
            ds.Name         = "TestDSCSV" + randomNumber;

            var Field = new Field();

            Field.EntityIdentifier = "Unit";
            Field.BatchIdentifier  = "batch";
            Field.Time             = time;
            ds.Field = Field;
            var datasource = new Datasource();

            datasource.Type = "PI";
            datasource.Host = "";
            datasource.ElementTemplateName = "SampleElementTempalte";
            ds.DataSource = datasource;

            // Input List
            var inputList = new List <Input>();
            var currents  = new Input();

            currents.Name           = "current";
            currents.ValueType      = new ValueType();
            currents.EventType      = new EventType();
            currents.ValueType.Type = "Numeric";
            currents.EventType.Type = "Samples";

            var vibration = new Input();

            vibration.Name           = "vibration";
            vibration.ValueType      = new ValueType();
            vibration.EventType      = new EventType();
            vibration.ValueType.Type = "Numeric";
            vibration.EventType.Type = "Samples";

            var state = new Input();

            state.Name           = "state";
            state.ValueType      = new ValueType();
            state.EventType      = new EventType();
            state.ValueType.Type = "Categorical";
            state.EventType.Type = "Samples";

            ds.InputList = inputList;

            Datastream datastream = new Datastream();

                datastream = _falkonry.CreateDatastream(ds);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Name, datastream.Name);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, datastream.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Field.Time.Format, datastream.Field.Time.Format);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Field.Time.Identifier, datastream.Field.Time.Identifier);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.DataSource.Type, datastream.DataSource.Type);
                var data    = "time,Unit,current,vibration,state,batch_changed\n 2016-05-05T12:00:00.000Z,Unit1,12.4,3.4,On,batch1";
                var options = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
                options.Add("timeIdentifier", "time");
                options.Add("timeFormat", "iso_8601");
                options.Add("timeZone", time.Zone);
                options.Add("streaming", "false");
                options.Add("hasMoreData", "false");
                options.Add("entityIdentifier", "Unit");

                var inputstatus = _falkonry.AddInput(datastream.Id, data, options);
                Assert.AreEqual(true, false, "No exception in case of missing entity Identifier");
            catch (System.Exception exception)
                Assert.AreEqual(exception.Message, "Missing batch identifier", "Incorrect error message for missing entity identifier");
Esempio n. 16
        public ObjDigital GetStructureForPid(string pid, string originalTimestamp, bool loadVersions)
            XmlDocument         metsDoc;
            XmlDocument         dcDoc;
            XmlNamespaceManager nameSpaceManager;
            XmlNamespaceManager dcNameSpaceManager;
            string versionTimestamp = null;

            try {
                versionTimestamp = manager.getDatastream(pid, "METS", originalTimestamp).createDate;

                MIMETypedStream stream = service.getDatastreamDissemination(pid, "METS", originalTimestamp);
                metsDoc          = GetXmlFromStream(stream);
                nameSpaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(metsDoc.NameTable);
                nameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("mets", "");
                nameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("xlink", "");

                // Temos de pedir o DC mais próximo da versão mais actualizada do METS (logo passamos o versionTimestamp)
                MIMETypedStream dcStream = service.getDatastreamDissemination(pid, "DC", versionTimestamp);
                dcDoc = GetXmlFromStream(dcStream);
                dcNameSpaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(dcDoc.NameTable);
                dcNameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("dc", "");
                dcNameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("oai_dc", "");
                dcNameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("xsi", "");
            } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Datastreams METS e/ou DC inválidos para o objecto " + pid + ".", ex); }

            try {
                XmlNode structMap = metsDoc.SelectSingleNode("mets:mets/mets:structMap", nameSpaceManager);
                XmlNode mainDiv   = structMap.SelectSingleNode("mets:div", nameSpaceManager);
                XmlNode recordID  = metsDoc.SelectSingleNode("mets:mets/mets:metsHdr/mets:altRecordID", nameSpaceManager);

                string type;
                try { type = structMap.Attributes["TYPE"].Value.ToString().ToUpper(); } catch { type = "PHYSICAL"; }
                ObjDigital newDocumentType = null;
                if (type == "LOGICAL")
                    newDocumentType             = new ObjDigComposto();
                    newDocumentType.state       = State.unchanged;
                    newDocumentType.serverState = GetState(pid);
                    ObjDigSimples[] parts = new ObjDigSimples[mainDiv.SelectNodes("mets:div", nameSpaceManager).Count];

                    foreach (XmlNode subDiv in mainDiv.SelectNodes("mets:div", nameSpaceManager))
                        // Ler objecto directamente
                        XmlNode       fptr       = subDiv.SelectSingleNode("mets:fptr", nameSpaceManager);
                        ObjDigSimples objSimples = GetStructureForPid(fptr.Attributes["FILEID"].Value, originalTimestamp, true) as ObjDigSimples;
                        parts[int.Parse(subDiv.Attributes["ORDER"].Value) - 1] = objSimples;

                    newDocumentType             = new ObjDigSimples();
                    newDocumentType.state       = State.unchanged;
                    newDocumentType.serverState = GetState(pid);
                    Anexo[] parts = new Anexo[mainDiv.SelectNodes("mets:div", nameSpaceManager).Count];

                    foreach (XmlNode subDiv in mainDiv.SelectNodes("mets:div", nameSpaceManager))
                        XmlNode fptr  = subDiv.SelectSingleNode("mets:fptr", nameSpaceManager);
                        Anexo   anexo = new Anexo();

                        = pid;
                        anexo.dataStreamID = fptr.Attributes["FILEID"].Value;
                        anexo.mimeType     = subDiv.Attributes["TYPE"].Value;
                        parts[int.Parse(subDiv.Attributes["ORDER"].Value) - 1] = anexo;

                            Datastream data = manager.getDatastream(pid, anexo.dataStreamID, null);
                            anexo.url      = data.location;
                            anexo.checksum = data.checksum;
                        catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); throw new Exception("URL de datastream " + anexo.dataStreamID + " no objecto " + pid + " não foi encontrado.", ex); }

                    ((ObjDigSimples)newDocumentType).nextDatastreamId = service.listDatastreams(pid, null).Count(ds => ds.ID.Contains("IMG")) + 1;

                    if (loadVersions)

           = pid;
                newDocumentType.version = versionTimestamp;
                newDocumentType.titulo  = mainDiv.Attributes["LABEL"].Value;
                if (mainDiv.Attributes["TYPE"] != null)
                    newDocumentType.tipologia = mainDiv.Attributes["TYPE"].Value;
                if (recordID != null)  // há objetos que não têm gisa_id
                    newDocumentType.gisa_id = recordID.InnerText;
                    newDocumentType.gisa_id = "";

                XmlNodeList assuntos = dcDoc.SelectNodes("oai_dc:dc/dc:subject", dcNameSpaceManager);
                if (assuntos.Count > 0)
                    List <string> listAssuntos = new List <string>();
                    foreach (XmlNode node in assuntos)
                    newDocumentType.assuntos = listAssuntos;

            catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); throw new Exception("Erro ao analisar objecto " + pid + ".", ex); }
        public void AddDataWideFormatJsonBatch()
            var rnd          = new System.Random();
            var randomNumber = System.Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(1, 10000));

            var time = new Time();

            time.Zone       = "GMT";
            time.Identifier = "time";
            time.Format     = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss";

            var Field = new Field();

            Field.Time            = time;
            Field.BatchIdentifier = "batch";

            var datasource = new Datasource();

            datasource.Type = "PI";
            datasource.Host = "";
            datasource.ElementTemplateName = "SampleElementTempalte";

            var ds = new DatastreamRequest();

            ds.Name       = "TestDSJSON" + randomNumber;
            ds.Field      = Field;
            ds.DataSource = datasource;

            // Input List
            var inputList = new List <Input>();
            var currents  = new Input();

            currents.Name           = "current";
            currents.ValueType      = new ValueType();
            currents.EventType      = new EventType();
            currents.ValueType.Type = "Numeric";
            currents.EventType.Type = "Samples";

            var vibration = new Input();

            vibration.Name           = "vibration";
            vibration.ValueType      = new ValueType();
            vibration.EventType      = new EventType();
            vibration.ValueType.Type = "Numeric";
            vibration.EventType.Type = "Samples";

            var state = new Input();

            state.Name           = "state";
            state.ValueType      = new ValueType();
            state.EventType      = new EventType();
            state.ValueType.Type = "Categorical";
            state.EventType.Type = "Samples";

            ds.InputList = inputList;

            Datastream datastream = new Datastream();

                datastream = _falkonry.CreateDatastream(ds);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Name, datastream.Name);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, datastream.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Field.Time.Format, datastream.Field.Time.Format);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Field.Time.Identifier, datastream.Field.Time.Identifier);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.DataSource.Type, datastream.DataSource.Type);
                Assert.AreEqual(ds.Name, datastream.Field.EntityName);
                var data    = "{\"time\" :\"2016-03-01 01:01:01\", \"current\" : 12.4, \"vibration\" : 3.4, \"state\" : \"On\", \"batch\" : \"batch1\"}";
                var options = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
                options.Add("streaming", "false");
                options.Add("hasMoreData", "false");
                var inputstatus = _falkonry.AddInput(datastream.Id, data, options);

                //check data status
            catch (System.Exception exception)
                Assert.AreEqual(exception.Message, null, "Cannot add data");
Esempio n. 18
 void Start()
     cur = this;
        //Esta funcion realiza una parser del objeto JSON al objeto ClienteXively
        //Esto permite manipular los metadatos de los sensores via código.
        //Posteriormente como el objeto se almacena en disco como json, se puede recuperar
        //directamente con el API json
        public FeedXively ParserJSON(JObject jsonresults)
                //Variable en la cual obtendremos los metadatos del feed recuperado
                FeedXively tempFeed = new FeedXively();
                //Obtenemos las propiedades de ubicación del feed en el sistema
                tempFeed.pathfeed = rutaDocumentos + (string)jsonresults["id"] + ".json";
                //Obtener el url del feed
                //Uri url = new Uri((string)jsonresults["feed"]);
                tempFeed.feed.feed = jsonresults["feed"].ToString();
                //Obtener el id del feed y demás metadatos obligatorios
            = jsonresults["id"].ToString();
                tempFeed.feed.created = (string)jsonresults["created"];
                //Uri urlcreator = new Uri((string)jsonresults["creator"]);
                tempFeed.feed.creator = jsonresults["creator"].ToString();
                tempFeed.feed.Private = Convert.ToBoolean((string)jsonresults["private"]);
                //Obtner los metadatos no obligatorios
                if (!(jsonresults["auto_feed_url"] == null))
                    tempFeed.feed.feed = jsonresults["auto_feed_url"].ToString();
                if (!(jsonresults["description"] == null))
                    tempFeed.feed.description = (string)jsonresults["description"];
                if (!(jsonresults["title"] == null))
                    tempFeed.feed.title = (string)jsonresults["title"];
                if (!(jsonresults["updated"] == null))
                    tempFeed.feed.updated = (string)jsonresults["updated"];
                if (!(jsonresults["website"] == null))
                    //Uri urlwebsite = new Uri((string)jsonresults["website"]);
           = jsonresults["website"].ToString();
                if (!(jsonresults["tags"] == null))
                    //Almacena los tags de todo el feed
                    List <string> tempst = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(jsonresults["tags"].ToString());
                    tempFeed.feed.tags = new string[tempst.Count];
                    int j = 0;
                    foreach (string temps in tempst)
                        tempFeed.feed.tags[j] = temps;
                if (!(jsonresults["location"] == null))
                    tempFeed.feed.location = new Location();
                    if (!(jsonresults["location"]["name"] == null))
               = (string)jsonresults["location"]["name"];
                    if (!(jsonresults["location"]["lat"] == null))
               = (string)jsonresults["location"]["lat"];
                    if (!(jsonresults["location"]["lon"] == null))
                        tempFeed.feed.location.lon = (string)jsonresults["location"]["lon"];
                    if (!(jsonresults["location"]["ele"] == null))
                        tempFeed.feed.location.ele = (string)jsonresults["location"]["ele"];
                    if (!(jsonresults["location"]["exposure"] == null))
                        tempFeed.feed.location.exposure = (Exposure)Enum.Parse(typeof(Exposure), (string)jsonresults["location"]["exposure"]);
                    if (!(jsonresults["location"]["disposition"] == null))
                        tempFeed.feed.location.disposition = (Disposition)Enum.Parse(typeof(Disposition), (string)jsonresults["location"]["disposition"]);
                    if (!(jsonresults["location"]["domain"] == null))
                        tempFeed.feed.location.domain = (Domain)Enum.Parse(typeof(Domain), (string)jsonresults["location"]["domain"]);

                tempFeed.feed.status = (Status)Enum.Parse(typeof(Status), (string)jsonresults["status"]);

                //En caso de traer el summary estos objetos son nulos
                if (!(jsonresults["datastreams"] == null))
                    //Datastream dtfeed = new Datastream();
                    tempFeed.feed.datastreams = new Datastream[jsonresults["datastreams"].Count()];
                    int dtscount = 0;
                    foreach (JObject obj3 in jsonresults["datastreams"])
                        Datastream dtfeed = new Datastream();

               = (string)obj3["id"];
                        if (!(obj3["at"] == null))
                   = (string)obj3["at"];
                        //Si hay un valor actual, tambien hay min_value y max_value
                        if (!(obj3["current_value"] == null))
                            dtfeed.current_value = (string)obj3["current_value"];
                            dtfeed.max_value     = (string)obj3["max_value"];
                            dtfeed.min_value     = (string)obj3["min_value"];

                        if (!(obj3["tags"] == null))
                            List <string> tempstr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(obj3["tags"].ToString());
                            dtfeed.tags = new string[tempstr.Count];
                            int i = 0;
                            foreach (string temps in tempstr)
                                dtfeed.tags[i] = temps;

                        Unit unidad = new Unit();
                        if (!(obj3["unit"] == null))
                            if (!(obj3["unit"]["symbol"] == null))
                                unidad.symbol = (string)obj3["unit"]["symbol"];
                            if (!(obj3["unit"]["label"] == null))
                                unidad.label = (string)obj3["unit"]["label"];
                            if (!(obj3["unit"]["unitType"] == null))
                                unidad.unitType = (IFCClassification)Enum.Parse(typeof(IFCClassification), (string)obj3["unit"]["unitType"]);
                        dtfeed.unit = unidad;

                        //Almacenando Datapoints
                        if (!(obj3["datapoints"] == null))
                            dtfeed.datapoints = new Datapoint[obj3["datapoints"].Count()];
                            int dtpcount = 0;
                            foreach (JObject obj4 in obj3["datapoints"])
                                Datapoint dtp = new Datapoint();

                                if (!(obj4["at"] == null))
                              = (string)obj4["at"];
                                    dtp.value = (string)obj4["value"];
                                dtfeed.datapoints[dtpcount] = dtp;

                        //Agregamos el datastream a la lista de datastream del feed
                        tempFeed.feed.datastreams[dtscount] = dtfeed;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Parameter cannot be null: " + ex.ToString(), "original");
Esempio n. 20
        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Sample console app for SensorThings API client");
            var server = "";

            var client = new SensorThingsClient(server);

            Console.WriteLine("Create observation for datastream 18");
            var datastream = new Datastream {
                Id = "263"
            var observation = new Observation
                Datastream     = datastream,
                PhenomenonTime = new DateTimeRange(DateTime.UtcNow),
                Result         = 100

            // do not create observations for now
            _ = client.CreateObservation(observation).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Retrieve all paged datastreams...");
            var response = client.GetDatastreamCollection().Result;
            var page     = response.Result;

            var pagenumber = 1;

            while (page != null)
                var pageResponse = page.GetNextPage().Result;
                page = pageResponse?.Result;

            Console.WriteLine("End retrieving datastreams...");
            Console.WriteLine("Number of pages: " + pagenumber);

            var datastreamResponse = client.GetDatastream("263").Result;

            datastream = datastreamResponse.Result;
            var observationsResponse = datastream.GetObservations(client).Result;
            var observations         = observationsResponse.Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Number if observations: " + observations.Count);

            Console.WriteLine("Sample with locations");
            var locationsResponse = client.GetLocationCollection().Result;
            var locations         = locationsResponse.Result;

            // Get location without using GeoJSON.NET (works only for points)
            var firstlocation = locations.Items[0];
            var feature       = (JObject)firstlocation.Feature;
            var lon           = feature.First.First.First.Value <double>();
            var lat           = feature.First.First.Last.Value <double>();

            Console.WriteLine($"Location: {lon},{lat}");

            // if using GeoJSON.NET use something like:
            // var p = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Point>(feature.ToString());
            //  var ipoint = (GeographicPosition)p.Coordinates;
            // Console.WriteLine("Location: " + ipoint.Longitude + ", " + ipoint.Latitude);

            Console.WriteLine("Program ends... Press a key to continue.");
Esempio n. 21
 // Post EntityMeta
 public List <EntityMeta> PostEntityMeta(List <EntityMetaRequest> entityMetaRequest, Datastream datastream)
         var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entityMetaRequest, Formatting.Indented,
                                                new JsonSerializerSettings()
             ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
         var response = _http.Post("/datastream/" + datastream.Id + "/entityMeta", data);
         return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <EntityMeta> >(response));
     catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// This method adds facts to an existing datastream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when one parameter is missing
        /// in the function call.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="FalkonryClient.Service.FalkonryException">Thrown when there is a request timeout.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown when any other error causes
        /// <param name="datastreamId">A String that contains the ID of existing datastream
        /// in which the facts are supposed to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="assessmentId">A String that contains the ID of the assessment
        /// in which the facts are supposed to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="stream">A byte array received from file-adapter's GetStream() method.</param>
        /// <param name="fileType">A String that specifies the file type i.e CSV/JSON.</param>
        public void IngestFactsFromFile(String datastreamId, String assessmentId, byte[] stream, String fileType)
            if (fileType == null || datastreamId == null || stream == null || assessmentId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileType));

            int        i;
            Datastream datastream = falkonry.GetDatastream(datastreamId);

            var options     = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
            var inputStatus = new InputStatus();

            //          TODO: Change the name of the start time identifier according to your data.
            options.Add("startTimeIdentifier", "time");

            //          TODO: Change the name of the end time identifier according to your data.
            options.Add("endTimeIdentifier", "end");

            //          TODO: Change the value of the time format according to your data.
            options.Add("timeFormat", datastream.Field.Time.Format.ToString());

            //          TODO: Change the value of the time zone according to your data.
            options.Add("timeZone", datastream.Field.Time.Zone.ToString());

            //          TODO: Change the name of the entity identifier according to your data.
            options.Add("entityIdentifier", datastream.Field.EntityIdentifier.ToString());

            //          TODO: Change the name of the value identifier according to your data.
            options.Add("valueIdentifier", "value");

            //          TODO: Uncomment this line if your facts data has any keyword identifier.
            //options.Add("keywordIdentifier", "Tag");

            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    inputStatus = falkonry.AddFactsStream(assessmentId, stream, options);
                    if (CheckStatus(inputStatus.Id) == 1)
                catch (FalkonryClient.Service.FalkonryException e)
                    log.Error(e.GetBaseException() + "\n");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.WarnFormat(ex.Message + "\n" + "Retry Attempt: {0}", i + 1);

            if (i == 3)
                log.Error("Cannot add facts to the datastream!");
Esempio n. 23
         *  This method is just an example to show how our ADK manages
         *  multiple data files in a particular folder. It reads all
         *  the files and passes each one of them as a stream to an existing
         *  datastream.
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is just an example to show how our ADK manages
        /// multiple data files in a particular folder. It reads all the files
        /// and passes each one of them as a stream to an existing datastream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when one parameter is missing
        /// in the function call.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="FalkonryClient.Service.FalkonryException">Thrown when there is a request timeout.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown when any other error causes
        /// the program to not add historical data.</exception>
        /// <param name="datastreamId">A String that contains the ID of existing datastream
        /// in which the historical data is supposed to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="folderPath">Complete folder path where the data files
        /// are stored</param>
        public void IngestDataFromFolder(String datastreamId, String folderPath)
            if (datastreamId == null || folderPath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(datastreamId));

            String      fileType;
            int         i;
            FileAdapter fileAdapter = new FileAdapter();
            Datastream  datastream  = falkonry.GetDatastream(datastreamId);

            var options     = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
            var inputStatus = new InputStatus();

            options.Add("streaming", "false");
            options.Add("hasMoreData", "true");
            options.Add("timeIdentifier", datastream.Field.Time.Identifier.ToString());
            options.Add("timeZone", datastream.Field.Time.Zone.ToString());
            options.Add("timeFormat", datastream.Field.Time.Format.ToString());
            options.Add("entityIdentifier", datastream.Field.EntityIdentifier.ToString());
            options.Add("fileFormat", "csv");

            //          TODO: Uncomment these 2 lines out for Narrow Datastream Format.
            //options.Add("signalIdentifier", datastream.Field.Signal.SignalIdentifier.ToString());
            //options.Add("valueIdentifier", datastream.Field.Signal.ValueIdentifier.ToString());

            //          TODO: Uncomment this line out for Batch Datastream Format.
            //options.Add("batchIdentifier", datastream.Field.BatchIdentifier.ToString());

            String[] Files  = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath + "\\", "*.csv");
            String[] Files2 = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath + "\\", "*.json");
            Files = Files.Concat(Files2).ToArray();
            var fileCount = Files.Length;

            foreach (String file in Files)
                byte[] stream = fileAdapter.GetStream(file);
                fileType = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file).ToString().Substring(1, System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file).ToString().Length - 1);
                options["fileFormat"] = fileType;
                if (fileCount == 1)
                    options["hasMoreData"] = "false";

                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        inputStatus = falkonry.AddInputStream(datastreamId, stream, options);
                        if (CheckStatus(inputStatus.Id) == 1)
                    catch (FalkonryClient.Service.FalkonryException e)
                        log.Error(e.GetBaseException() + "\n");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        log.WarnFormat(ex.Message + "\n" + "Retry Attempt: {0}", i + 1);

                if (i == 3)
                    log.Error("Cannot add data to the datastream!");
 public List <EntityMeta> PostEntityMeta(List <EntityMetaRequest> entityMetaRequest, Datastream datastream)
         return(_falkonryService.PostEntityMeta(entityMetaRequest, datastream));
     catch (Exception)