Esempio n. 1
        public void LoadDatapointByID(Int64 nodeID, DatabaseFacade database)
            this.Database = database;
            DatapointNode datapoint = this.Database.GetDatapointNodeByID(nodeID);
            FolderNode    parent    = this.Database.GetFolderNodeByID(datapoint.GetParentID());


            this.DatapointID                      = datapoint.GetID();
            this.LabelDatapointName.Text          = datapoint.GetName();
            this.AnalyseDatapointName.Text        = datapoint.GetName();
            this.AnalyseDatapointDescription.Text = datapoint.GetDescription();
            this.LabelDatapointDescription.Text   = datapoint.GetDescription();
            this.LabelDatapointID.Text            = datapoint.GetID().ToString();
            this.LabelDatapointParent.Text        = parent.GetName();
            if (datapoint.GetDatapointType() == DatapointNode.TYPE_BOOL)
                this.LabelDatapointType.Text = "Bool (Wahr/Falsch)";
            if (datapoint.GetDatapointType() == DatapointNode.TYPE_FLOATING_POINT)
                this.LabelDatapointType.Text = "Fließkommazahl";
            if (datapoint.GetDatapointType() == DatapointNode.TYPE_INTEGER)
                this.LabelDatapointType.Text = "Ganzzahl";
            if (datapoint.GetDatapointType() == DatapointNode.TYPE_TEXT)
                this.LabelDatapointType.Text = "Text";
            this.LabelDatapointUnit.Text       = datapoint.GetUnit();
            this.LabelDatapointLastValue.Text  = datapoint.GetLastValue() + " (" + datapoint.GetLastValueUpdate() + ")";
            this.LabelDatapointLastUpdate.Text = datapoint.GetLastUpdated().ToString();

            DateTime From     = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan FromTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0);

            From = From.Date + FromTime;

            DateTime To     = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan ToTime = new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59);

            To = To.Date + ToTime;

            DrawDatapointChart(ChartDatapoint, From, To);
Esempio n. 2
 public Boolean DeleteNode(DatapointNode Node)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        ///		Update a DatapointNode in the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Node">
        ///		DatapointNode that should be updated
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///		true, if the node is updated
        ///		false, if no node is updated
        /// </returns>
        public Boolean UpdateNode(DatapointNode Node)
            // Command that will be send to the databse
            MySqlCommand Command = this.Connection.CreateCommand();

            // Update a row in the databse with the given node id
            // UPDATE						> Update rows of a table
            // SET	[colum name] = [value],	> Set a column to the given value
            //		[colum name] = [value]	> Set a column to the given value
            // WHERE object_id = {0}		> Update all rows where the column object_id matches the given id
            Command.CommandText = String.Format(
                "UPDATE object_tree SET object_parent_id={0}, object_name='{1}', object_description='{2}', object_last_updated='{3}', datapoint_type={4}, datapoint_unit='{5}', datapoint_last_value='{6}', datapoint_last_updated='{7}' WHERE object_id={8}",
                Node.GetParentID(), Node.GetName(), Node.GetDescription(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), Node.GetDatapointType(), Node.GetUnit(), Node.GetLastValue(), Node.GetLastValueUpdate().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), Node.GetID()
            Command.Connection = this.Connection;

            // Execute the command and get the number of rows that are affected by the command
            Int32 AffectedRows = Command.ExecuteNonQuery();

            // If no rows where affected return false
            if (AffectedRows == 0)

            // Row successfully updated