private static bool sqlCheck() { List <string> rgSqlInst = DatabaseInstanceQuery.GetInstances(); if (rgSqlInst == null || rgSqlInst.Count == 0) { string strMsg = "The ImageClassification sample requires Microsoft SQL or Microsoft SQL Express. You must download and install 'Microsoft SQL' or 'Microsoft SQL Express' first!" + Environment.NewLine; strMsg += "see ''"; Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + strMsg); return(false); } string strService = rgSqlInst[0].TrimStart('.', '\\'); if (strService == "SQLEXPRESS") { strService = "MSSQL$" + strService; } ServiceController sc = new ServiceController(strService); if (sc.Status != ServiceControllerStatus.Running) { string strMsg = "Microsoft SQL instance '" + rgSqlInst[0] + "' found, but it is not running. You must start the SQL service to continue with this sample."; Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + strMsg); return(false); } return(true); }
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> rgSqlInst = DatabaseInstanceQuery.GetInstances(); if (rgSqlInst == null || rgSqlInst.Count == 0) { string strMsg = "The ImageClassification sample requires Microsoft SQL or Microsoft SQL Express. You must download and install 'Microsoft SQL' or 'Microsoft SQL Express' first!" + Environment.NewLine; strMsg += "see ''"; MessageBox.Show(strMsg, "Microsoft SQL Not Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); Close(); return; } string strService = rgSqlInst[0].TrimStart('.', '\\'); if (strService == "SQLEXPRESS") { strService = "MSSQL$" + strService; } ServiceController sc = new ServiceController(strService); if (sc.Status != ServiceControllerStatus.Running) { string strMsg = "Microsoft SQL instance '" + rgSqlInst[0] + "' found, but it is not running. You must start the SQL service to continue."; MessageBox.Show(strMsg, "Microsoft SQL Service NOT running", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); Close(); return; } }
private void FormMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { List <string> rgSqlInst = DatabaseInstanceQuery.GetInstances(); m_bwProcess.RunWorkerAsync(); if (!File.Exists("index.chm")) { localHelpToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; } if (rgSqlInst == null || rgSqlInst.Count == 0) { setStatus("You must download and install 'Microsoft SQL' or 'Microsoft SQL Express' first!"); setStatus("see ''"); setStatus(""); return; } else if (rgSqlInst.Count == 1) { if (rgSqlInst[0] != ".\\MSSQLSERVER") { EntitiesConnection.GlobalDatabaseServerName = rgSqlInst[0]; } } else { FormSqlInstances dlg = new FormSqlInstances(rgSqlInst); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.Instance != ".\\MSSQLSERVER") { EntitiesConnection.GlobalDatabaseServerName = dlg.Instance; } } else { setStatus("You are NOT connected to SQL."); } } setStatus("Using SQL Instance '" + EntitiesConnection.GlobalDatabaseServerName + "'", false); DatabaseManagement dbMgr = new DatabaseManagement("DNN", "", EntitiesConnection.GlobalDatabaseServerName); bool bExists; Exception err = dbMgr.DatabaseExists(out bExists); if (err != null) { setStatus("ERROR: " + err.Message); } else if (!bExists) { createDatabaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(this, new EventArgs()); } else { setStatus("Using database '" + dbMgr.Name + "'"); } setStatus(""); m_autoTest.OnProgress += m_autoTest_OnProgress; m_autoTest.OnCompleted += m_autoTest_OnCompleted; setStatus("The MyCaffe Test App supports two different types of automated testing:"); setStatus(" 1.) User interface based automated testing via the 'Test | Run Autotests UI', and"); setStatus(" 2.) Server based automated testing via the 'Test | Start Server Autotests' menu."); setStatus("Server auto tests can easily integrate into other applications."); setStatus("NOTE: Known test failures are pre-set with a FAILURE status."); setStatus("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); DatasetFactory factory = new DatasetFactory(); int nCifarID = factory.GetDatasetID("CIFAR-10"); int nMnistID = factory.GetDatasetID("MNIST"); if (nCifarID == 0 || nMnistID == 0) { setStatus(" !Before running any automated tests, make sure to load the following datasets:"); if (nCifarID == 0) { setStatus(" CIFAR-10"); } if (nMnistID == 0) { setStatus(" MNIST"); } setStatus(" see the 'Database' menu."); } } catch (Exception excpt) { string strErr = excpt.Message; if (excpt.InnerException != null) { strErr += " " + excpt.InnerException.Message; } if (strErr.Contains("login") && strErr.Contains("DNN")) { strErr += " Make sure that this user can access the DNN database - this setting is made using the SQL Management Studio."; } setStatus("ERROR: " + strErr); } }