private async Task CouQueryComplete(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <CouQueryForm> result)
            CouQueryForm form = null;

                form = await result;
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
            if (form != null)
                List <Course> courses = Database2.GetCourse(form.CourseName);
                if (courses == null || courses.Count == 0)
                    await context.PostAsync($"Sorry, could not find Course for {form.CourseName} ");


                StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
                sb2.Append($"Hi There! I was able to find **{courses.Count.ToString()}** Courses \n\n");
                foreach (Course course in courses)
                    sb2.Append($"Course ID is **{course.CourseID}**;\n Course Name is **{course.CourseName}**;\n Course Department is **{course.Department}**; \n Course Level is **{course.Level}**;\n Course Intake is **{course.Intake}**; \n Course will have **{course.Assignments}** Assignments; \n Course is divided in following way \n Attendance **{course.Attendance}** %; \n Class Participation **{course.CP}** %; \n Exam 1 **{course.Exam1}** %; \n Exam2 **{course.Exam2}** %; \n Project **{course.Project}**; \n HomeWork **{course.HW}**%");

                var message = $"Looking for courses  {form.CourseName} ";

                //  var message1 = $"Looking for students {form.courseID}";
                await context.PostAsync(sb2.ToString());