Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     14-Oct-13 - New method to log the page request information in the database ...
        /// </summary>
        public static void LogPageRequestInDatabase(ConfigurationInfo ci, string applicationName, string aspSessionID, string uniqueSessionID,
                                                    string pageURL, DateTime pageRequestTime, double serverProcessingMS, int currentUserID, string ipAddress)
            bool success = false;

            DatabaseWrapper dbInfo = null;

            try {
                //_____ Check for a null configurationInfo or dbConInfo object
                if (ci == null || ci.DbConInfo.NAME == null)
                    Logger.LogError(200, "Error inserting the PageRequest log into the database - null configurationInfo found, probably because of an application reset or session timeout.");
                    // 3-Mar-2016 - ignore specific IP addresses (e.g. robots like the UptimeRobot), as these are artificially bloating the logs with limited utility!
                    if (ipAddress == null || AddressesToIgnore.Contains(ipAddress) == false)
                        //_____ Check for s***e data and make it blank if so, so it doesn't kill the database ...
                        applicationName = (applicationName == null) ? "" : applicationName;
                        aspSessionID    = (aspSessionID == null) ? "" : aspSessionID;
                        uniqueSessionID = (uniqueSessionID == null) ? "" : uniqueSessionID;
                        pageURL         = (pageURL == null) ? "" : pageURL;

                        //_____ Connect to the database ...
                        dbInfo = new DatabaseWrapper(ci);

                        //_____ Create the table if it does not already exist
                        string createTableSQL = @"
                    CREATE TABLE " + logTN + @" (
                        ID int NOT NULL Auto_Increment, PRIMARY KEY(ID),
                        Application_Name VARCHAR(255), INDEX Application_Name(Application_Name),
                        Session_ID_ASP VARCHAR(50), INDEX Session_ID_ASP(Session_ID_ASP),
                        Session_ID_Unique VARCHAR(50), INDEX Session_ID_Unique(Session_ID_Unique),
                        Page_Name VARCHAR(255), INDEX Page_Name(Page_Name),
                        Page_URL LONGTEXT,
                        Page_Request_Date DATETIME, INDEX Page_Request_Date(Page_Request_Date),
                        Server_Render_Speed DOUBLE, INDEX Server_Render_Speed(Server_Render_Speed),
                        Current_User_ID INT, INDEX Current_User_ID(Current_User_ID),
                        IP_Address	VARCHAR(20),    INDEX IP_Address(IP_Address)
                    ) ENGINE=MyISAM;

                        if (dbInfo.TableExists(logTN) == false)
                            dbInfo.ExecuteSQL(createTableSQL, ref success);

                        //_____ Parse the page name
                        string pageName = "";
                            // remove the ?...... page params
                            string[] bits1 = pageURL.Split(new string[] { "?", "&" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                            string[] bits2 = bits1[0].Split(new string[] { "/", "\\" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                            pageName = bits2[bits2.Length - 1];

                        //_____ Build the SQL and run the insert ...
                        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
                        sql.Append("INSERT INTO " + logTN
                                   + " (Application_Name, Session_ID_ASP, Session_ID_Unique, Page_Name, Page_URL, Page_Request_Date, Server_Render_Speed, Current_User_ID, IP_Address ) VALUES (");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(applicationName) + ", ");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(aspSessionID) + ", ");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(uniqueSessionID) + ", ");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(pageName) + ", ");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(pageURL) + ", ");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(pageRequestTime, true, true)) + ", ");
                        sql.Append(serverProcessingMS + ", ");
                        sql.Append(currentUserID + ", ");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.DatabaseifyString(ipAddress, false));


                        int numInserts = dbInfo.ExecuteSQL(sql.ToString(), ref success);

                        if (success == false)
                            Logger.LogError(201, "Error inserting the PageRequest log into the database - check the detailed log for details.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.LogError(202, "Error inserting the PageRequest log into the database: " + ex.ToString());
            } finally {
                if (dbInfo != null)