public async Task <IServiceResult> SignupAsync(SignupBindingModel signupModel) { var username = _randomMaker.NewNumber(); var duplicated = await FirstAsync(new AccountGetFirstSchema { Username = username }); while (duplicated != null) { username = _randomMaker.NewNumber(); duplicated = await FirstAsync(new AccountGetFirstSchema { Username = username }); } using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { try { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var account = new AccountAddSchema { Password = _cryptograph.RNG(signupModel.Password), ProviderId = AccountProvider.Clipboardy.ToInt(), Username = username, CreatedAt = now, StatusId = Status.Active.ToInt() }; var accountId = await AddAsync(account); var accountDevice = new AccountDeviceAddSchema { AccountId = accountId, DeviceId = signupModel.DeviceId, DeviceName = signupModel.DeviceName, DeviceType = signupModel.DeviceType, CreatedAt = now, StatusId = Status.Active.ToInt() }; var deviceId = await _accountDeviceService.AddAsync(accountDevice); var accountProfile = new AccountProfileAddSchema { AccountId = accountId, LinkedId = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(signupModel.Email) ? signupModel.Phone : signupModel.Email, TypeId = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(signupModel.Email) ? AccountProfileType.Phone.ToInt() : AccountProfileType.Email.ToInt(), CreatedAt = now, StatusId = Status.Active.ToInt() }; await _accountProfileService.AddAsync(accountProfile); transaction.Complete(); var token = _jwtHandler.Bearer(new Account(accountId, deviceId, username, now).ToClaimsIdentity()); return(DataTransferer.Ok(token)); } catch (Exception ex) { var errmsg = "Something went wrong."; Log.Error(ex, errmsg); return(DataTransferer.InternalServerError(ex)); } } }
public async Task <IServiceResult> ExternalSignupAsync(ExternalUserBindingModel externalUser) { var username = _randomMaker.NewNumber(); var duplicated = await FirstAsync(new AccountGetFirstSchema { Username = username }); while (duplicated != null) { username = _randomMaker.NewNumber(); duplicated = await FirstAsync(new AccountGetFirstSchema { Username = username }); } using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { try { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var account = new AccountAddSchema { ProviderId = externalUser.ProviderId.ToInt(), Username = username, CreatedAt = now, StatusId = Status.Active.ToInt() }; var accountId = await AddAsync(account); var accountDevice = new AccountDeviceAddSchema { AccountId = accountId, DeviceId = externalUser.DeviceId, DeviceName = externalUser.DeviceName, DeviceType = externalUser.DeviceType, CreatedAt = now, StatusId = Status.Active.ToInt() }; var deviceId = await _accountDeviceService.AddAsync(accountDevice); var accountProfile = new AccountProfileAddSchema { AccountId = accountId, TypeId = AccountProfileType.Email.ToInt(), LinkedId = externalUser.Email, CreatedAt = now, StatusId = Status.Active.ToInt() }; await _accountProfileService.AddAsync(accountProfile); transaction.Complete(); var token = _jwtHandler.Bearer(new Account(accountId, deviceId, username, now).ToClaimsIdentity()); return(DataTransferer.Ok(token)); } catch (Exception ex) { var errmsg = "Something went wrong."; Log.Error(ex, errmsg); return(null); } } }
public async Task <IServiceResult> ExternalSigninAsync(ExternalUserBindingModel externalUser, AccountProfileResult accountProfile) { if (accountProfile == null && accountProfile.AccountId.HasValue) { return(DataTransferer.DefectiveEntry()); } if (accountProfile.StatusId != Status.Active) { return(DataTransferer.UserIsNotActive()); } var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var accountQuery = new AccountGetFirstSchema { Id = accountProfile.AccountId, StatusId = Status.Active.ToInt() }; var account = await FirstAsync(accountQuery); if (account == null) { return(DataTransferer.UserNotFound()); } // todo: check the account using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { try { var accountDeviceQuery = new AccountDeviceGetFirstSchema { AccountId = account.Id, DeviceId = externalUser.DeviceId }; var accountDevice = await _accountDeviceService.FirstAsync(accountDeviceQuery); if (accountDevice == null) { return(DataTransferer.DeviceIdNotFound()); } int deviceId; if (accountDevice != null) { deviceId = accountDevice.Id.Value; // set a new token await _accountDeviceService.UpdateAsync(new AccountDeviceUpdateSchema { Id = accountDevice.Id.Value }); } else { // create new device for account deviceId = await _accountDeviceService.AddAsync(new AccountDeviceAddSchema { AccountId = account.Id, DeviceId = externalUser.DeviceId, DeviceName = externalUser.DeviceName, DeviceType = externalUser.DeviceType, CreatedAt = now, StatusId = Status.Active.ToInt() }); } // clean forgot password tokens //account.Id.Value, transaction await _accountProfileService.CleanForgotPasswordTokensAsync(account.Id.Value); //if(accountProfileCleanTokens.StatusCode != 200) { // Log.Error($"Can't update 'ForgotPasswordTokens' to NULL for AccountId={account.Id}"); // return DataTransferer.SomethingWentWrong(); //} // set last signed in at var accountUpdate = new AccountUpdateSchema { Id = account.Id.Value, LastSignedinAt = now }; await UpdateAsync(accountUpdate); if (accountUpdate.StatusCode != 200) { Log.Error($"Can't update 'LastSignedinAt' after a successfully signing in for AccountId={account.Id}"); } transaction.Complete(); var token = _jwtHandler.Bearer(new Account(account.Id.Value, deviceId, account.Username, now).ToClaimsIdentity()); return(DataTransferer.Ok(token)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, ex.Source); return(DataTransferer.InternalServerError(ex)); } } }
public async Task <IServiceResult> SigninAsync(SigninBindingModel signinModel) { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { try { var query = new AccountProfileGetFirstSchema { LinkedId = signinModel.Username //StatusId = Status.Active }; if (signinModel.Username.IsPhoneNumber()) { query.TypeId = AccountProfileType.Phone.ToInt(); } else if (new EmailAddressAttribute().IsValid(signinModel.Username)) { query.TypeId = AccountProfileType.Email.ToInt(); } else { return(DataTransferer.InvalidEmailOrCellPhone()); } var accountProfile = await _accountProfileService.FirstAsync(query).ConfigureAwait(true); if (accountProfile == null) { if (query.TypeId == AccountProfileType.Phone.ToInt()) { return(DataTransferer.PhoneNotFound()); } else { return(DataTransferer.EmailNotFound()); } } var account = await FirstAsync(new AccountGetFirstSchema { Id = accountProfile.AccountId, StatusId = Status.Active.ToInt() }).ConfigureAwait(true); if (account == null) { return(DataTransferer.UserIsNotActive()); } var deviceId = 0; // check password if (_cryptograph.IsEqual(signinModel.Password, account.Password)) { var accountDeviceQuery = new AccountDeviceGetFirstSchema { AccountId = account.Id, DeviceId = signinModel.DeviceId }; var accountDevice = await _accountDeviceService.FirstAsync(accountDeviceQuery); // todo: check the accountDevice if (accountDevice != null) { deviceId = accountDevice.Id.Value; // set new token await _accountDeviceService.UpdateAsync(new AccountDeviceUpdateSchema { Id = accountDevice.Id.Value, }); } else { // create new device for account deviceId = await _accountDeviceService.AddAsync(new AccountDeviceAddSchema { AccountId = account.Id, DeviceId = signinModel.DeviceId, DeviceName = signinModel.DeviceName, DeviceType = signinModel.DeviceType, CreatedAt = now, StatusId = Status.Active.ToInt() }); } } else { return(DataTransferer.WrongPassword()); } // clean forgot password tokens await _accountProfileService.CleanForgotPasswordTokensAsync(account.Id.Value); //if(accountProfilesQuery.StatusCode != 200) { // Log.Error($"Can't update 'ForgotPasswordTokens' to NULL for AccountId={account.Id}"); // return DataTransferer.SomethingWentWrong(); //} // set last signed in at var changedAccount = UpdateAsync(new AccountUpdateSchema { LastSignedinAt = now }); transaction.Complete(); var token = _jwtHandler.Bearer(new Account(account.Id.Value, deviceId, signinModel.Username, now).ToClaimsIdentity()); return(DataTransferer.Ok(token)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, ex.Source); return(DataTransferer.InternalServerError()); } } }