Esempio n. 1
		public void RecursiveSettingInSystem ()
			var tempObjects = new[] {
				new {Name = "Test1"},
				new {Name = "Test2"}

			var template = new DataTemplate (typeof (BindableViewCell)) {
				Bindings = { {BindableViewCell.NameProperty, new Binding ("Name")} }

			var cell1 = (Cell)template.CreateContent ();
			cell1.BindingContext = tempObjects[0];
			cell1.Parent = new ListView ();

			var cell2 = (Cell)template.CreateContent ();
			cell2.BindingContext = tempObjects[1];
			cell2.Parent = new ListView ();

			var viewCell1 = (BindableViewCell) cell1;
			var viewCell2 = (BindableViewCell) cell2;

			Assert.AreEqual ("Test1", viewCell1.Name);
			Assert.AreEqual ("Test2", viewCell2.Name);

			Assert.AreEqual ("Test1", viewCell1.NameLabel.Text);
			Assert.AreEqual ("Test2", viewCell2.NameLabel.Text);
Esempio n. 2
		public void Create()
			var template = new DataTemplate (typeof(SwitchCell));
			var content = template.CreateContent();

			Assert.That (content, Is.InstanceOf<SwitchCell>());
Esempio n. 3
		public void Text()
			var template = new DataTemplate (typeof (SwitchCell));
			template.SetValue (SwitchCell.TextProperty, "text");			

			SwitchCell cell = (SwitchCell)template.CreateContent();
			Assert.That (cell.Text, Is.EqualTo ("text"));
Esempio n. 4
		public void CreateContentType()
			var template = new DataTemplate (typeof (MockBindable));
			object obj = template.CreateContent();

			Assert.IsNotNull (obj);
			Assert.That (obj, Is.InstanceOf<MockBindable>());
Esempio n. 5
		public void On()
			var template = new DataTemplate (typeof (SwitchCell));
			template.SetValue (SwitchCell.OnProperty, true);

			SwitchCell cell = (SwitchCell)template.CreateContent();
			Assert.That (cell.On, Is.EqualTo (true));
Esempio n. 6
		public void CreateContentValues()
			var template = new DataTemplate (typeof (MockBindable)) {
				Values = { { MockBindable.TextProperty, "value" } }

			MockBindable bindable = (MockBindable)template.CreateContent();
			Assert.That (bindable.GetValue (MockBindable.TextProperty), Is.EqualTo ("value"));
Esempio n. 7
		public void CreateContentBindings()
			var template = new DataTemplate (() => new MockBindable()) {
				Bindings = { { MockBindable.TextProperty, new Binding (".") } }

			MockBindable bindable = (MockBindable)template.CreateContent();
			bindable.BindingContext = "text";
			Assert.That (bindable.GetValue (MockBindable.TextProperty), Is.EqualTo ("text"));
Esempio n. 8
		public void SetBindingOverridesValue()
			var template = new DataTemplate (typeof (MockBindable));
			template.SetValue (MockBindable.TextProperty, "value");
			template.SetBinding (MockBindable.TextProperty, new Binding ("."));

			MockBindable bindable = (MockBindable) template.CreateContent();
			Assume.That (bindable.GetValue (MockBindable.TextProperty), Is.EqualTo (bindable.BindingContext));

			bindable.BindingContext = "binding";
			Assert.That (bindable.GetValue (MockBindable.TextProperty), Is.EqualTo ("binding"));
Esempio n. 9
        public void Render()
            if (Selector == null || TemplateDictionary == null)

            DataTemplate template = SelectTemplate(Selector);
            var          o        = template.CreateContent();

            if (o != null)
                var view = o as View;
                view.BindingContext = BindingContext;
                Content             = view;
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Inflates the visuals for a data template or template selector
        /// and adds it to our StackLayout.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="template">Template.</param>
        /// <param name="item">Item.</param>
        View InflateTemplate(DataTemplate template, object item)
            // Pull real template from selector if necessary.
            if (template is DataTemplateSelector dSelector)
                template = dSelector.SelectTemplate(item, this);

            var view = template.CreateContent() as View;

            if (view != null)
                view.BindingContext = item;

Esempio n. 11
        public override UITableViewCell GetCell(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
            int section = indexPath.Section;
            int row     = indexPath.Row;
            var context = Groups[section][row];

            DataTemplate template = ShellController.GetFlyoutItemDataTemplate(context);

            if (context is IMenuItemController)
                if (DefaultMenuItemTemplate != null && _context.Shell.MenuItemTemplate == template)
                    template = DefaultMenuItemTemplate;
                if (DefaultItemTemplate != null && _context.Shell.ItemTemplate == template)
                    template = DefaultItemTemplate;

            var cellId = ((IDataTemplateController)template.SelectDataTemplate(context, _context.Shell)).IdString;

            var cell = (UIContainerCell)tableView.DequeueReusableCell(cellId);

            if (cell == null)
                var view = (View)template.CreateContent(context, _context.Shell);
                cell = new UIContainerCell(cellId, view);

                // Set Parent after binding context so parent binding context doesn't propagate to view
                cell.BindingContext = context;
                view.Parent         = _context.Shell;
                cell.BindingContext = context;


            _views[context] = cell.View;
Esempio n. 12
        private void OnSelectedItemsCountTemplateChanged(DataTemplate selectedItemsCountTemplate)
            if (_selectedItemsCountView != null)
                _selectedItemsCountView = null;

            if (selectedItemsCountTemplate != null && SelectionMode == DropDownSelectionModes.Multiple)
                _selectedItemsCountView = selectedItemsCountTemplate.CreateContent() as View;

                if (Children.Contains(_selectedItemsCountView) == false)
Esempio n. 13
        protected virtual View GetItemView(object item)
            var content = ItemTemplate.CreateContent();
            var view = content as View;
            if (view == null) return null;

            view.BindingContext = item;

            var gesture = new TapGestureRecognizer
                Command = SelectedCommand,
                CommandParameter = new { ItemsView = this, Item = item }

            AddGesture(view, gesture);

            return view;
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Inflates the visuals for a data template or template selector
        /// and adds it to our StackLayout.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="template">Template.</param>
        /// <param name="item">Item.</param>
        void InflateTemplate(DataTemplate template, object item)
            // Pull real template from selector if necessary.
            var dSelector = template as DataTemplateSelector;

            if (dSelector != null)
                template = dSelector.SelectTemplate(item, this);

            var view = template.CreateContent() as View;

            if (view != null)
                view.BindingContext = item;
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Create content with content template
        /// </summary>
        private void OnContentTemplateChanged(DataTemplate oldContentTemplate, DataTemplate newContentTemplate)
            if (Content == null || Content is View == false)
                if (Children.Contains(_actualContentElement))

                _actualContentElement = newContentTemplate.CreateContent() as View;
                _actualContentElement.BindingContext = Content;
                // Do nothing with template
Esempio n. 16
        private void OnStickyHeaderTemplateChanged(DataTemplate newStickyHeaderTemplate)
            if (newStickyHeaderTemplate != null && StickyHeader is View == false)
                if (_stickyHeaderElement != null && Children.Contains(_stickyHeaderElement))

                _stickyHeaderElement = newStickyHeaderTemplate.CreateContent() as View;

                if (StickyHeader != null)
                    _stickyHeaderElement.BindingContext = StickyHeader;
Esempio n. 17
        private Layout ViewFromTemplate(DataTemplate template, object bindingContext = null)
            View view = null;

            if (template != null)
                view = template.CreateContent() as View;

                if (!(view is Layout))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("MasterDetail.(Master,Detail)Template.DataTemplate must be a container element dervied from Xamarin.Forms.Layout");

                view.BindingContext = bindingContext;

            return(view as Layout);
        private void Create()
            this.HeightRequest = GridView.ItemHeight;

            var items = BindingContext as IEnumerable <object>;
            int n     = items != null?items.Count() : 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Slices; i++)
                object dataItem = null;
                if (i < n)
                    dataItem = items.ElementAt(i);

                View view = null;
                if (i >= Children.Count)
                    view = DataTemplate.CreateContent() as View;
                    if (view == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("DataTemplate of Grid must not be of type Cell");
                    view.BindingContext = dataItem;
                    ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
                    Grid.SetColumn(view, i);
                    view = Children[i];
                    view.BindingContext = dataItem;
                    view.IsVisible      = dataItem != null;

            int gridChildren = Children.Count;

            for (int i = n; i < gridChildren; i++)
                Children[i].BindingContext = null;
                Children[i].IsVisible      = false;
        protected override void SetItemTemplate(DataTemplate newValue)
            listView.ItemTemplate =
                new DataTemplate(() => {
                return(new ViewCell {
                    Height = ItemHeight,
                    View = new GridCell(Slices, new DataTemplate(() => {
                        var content = newValue.CreateContent();

                        var itemStyle = (AtomListViewCell)(ItemStyleTemplate?.CreateContent() ?? new AtomListViewCell());

                        itemStyle.Content = (content as View) ?? (content as ViewCell).View;
                        var c = itemStyle;
                        return c;
                    }), this)
Esempio n. 20
        private void OnHeaderTemplateChanged(DataTemplate newHeaderTemplate)
            if (newHeaderTemplate != null && Header is View == false)
                if (_headerElement != null && Children.Contains(_headerElement))

                _headerElement = newHeaderTemplate.CreateContent() as View;
                IsHeaderVisible = true;

                if (Header != null)
                    _headerElement.BindingContext = Header;
Esempio n. 21
        void CreatePin(object newItem)
            DataTemplate itemTemplate = ItemTemplate;

            if (itemTemplate == null)
                itemTemplate = ItemTemplateSelector?.SelectTemplate(newItem, this);

            if (itemTemplate == null)

            var pin = (Pin)itemTemplate.CreateContent();

            pin.BindingContext = newItem;
Esempio n. 22
        public void SwitchCellSwitchChangedArgs(bool initialValue, bool finalValue)
            var        template = new DataTemplate(typeof(SwitchCell));
            SwitchCell cell     = (SwitchCell)template.CreateContent();

            SwitchCell switchCellFromSender = null;
            bool       newSwitchValue       = false;

            cell.On = initialValue;

            cell.OnChanged += (s, e) => {
                switchCellFromSender = (SwitchCell)s;
                newSwitchValue       = e.Value;

            cell.On = finalValue;

            Assert.AreEqual(cell, switchCellFromSender);
            Assert.AreEqual(finalValue, newSwitchValue);
Esempio n. 23
		public void SwitchCellSwitchChangedArgs (bool initialValue, bool finalValue)
			var template = new DataTemplate (typeof (SwitchCell));
			SwitchCell cell = (SwitchCell)template.CreateContent ();

			SwitchCell switchCellFromSender = null;
			bool newSwitchValue = false;

			cell.On = initialValue;

			cell.OnChanged += (s, e) => {
				switchCellFromSender = (SwitchCell)s;
				newSwitchValue = e.Value;

			cell.On = finalValue;

			Assert.AreEqual (cell, switchCellFromSender);
			Assert.AreEqual (finalValue, newSwitchValue);
Esempio n. 24
        private ListView GetSitesListView()
            ListView sitesListView = new ListView {
                ItemsSource = listItems

            sitesListView.ItemAppearing += async(sender, e) =>
                if (isLoading || listItems.Count == 0 || listItems.Count > 20)
                if (e.Item == listItems[listItems.Count - 1])
                    await LoadSpSites();

            DataTemplate dataTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => new DefaultPageListViewTemplate());
            DefaultPageListViewTemplate defaultPageListViewTemplate =
                dataTemplate.CreateContent() as DefaultPageListViewTemplate;

            if (defaultPageListViewTemplate != null)
                //Do Something here....

            sitesListView.ItemTemplate = dataTemplate;
            sitesListView.ItemTapped  += async(sender, args) =>
                SpUrlsPerUser spUrlsPerUser =
                    args.Item as SpUrlsPerUser;
                if (spUrlsPerUser == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(spUrlsPerUser.Title))

                //Do something here
Esempio n. 25
        private View CreateTemplatedView(object item, DataTemplate template)
            if (template == null)
                return(new Label
                    Text = item.ToString(),
                    BindingContext = item

            var templatedView = template.CreateContent() as View;

            if (templatedView == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Only View based templates are supported.");
            templatedView.BindingContext = item;

Esempio n. 26
        public void Bind(DataTemplate template, object bindingContext, ItemsView itemsView)
            var oldElement = VisualElementRenderer?.Element;

            if (template != _currentTemplate)
                // Remove the old view, if it exists
                if (oldElement != null)
                    oldElement.MeasureInvalidated -= MeasureInvalidated;
                    _size = Size.Zero;

                // Create the content and renderer for the view
                var view     = template.CreateContent() as View;
                var renderer = TemplateHelpers.CreateRenderer(view);

            var currentElement = VisualElementRenderer?.Element;

            // Bind the view to the data item
            if (currentElement != null)
                currentElement.BindingContext = bindingContext;

            if (template != _currentTemplate)
                // And make the Element a "child" of the ItemsView
                // We deliberately do this _after_ setting the binding context for the new element;
                // if we do it before, the element briefly inherits the ItemsView's bindingcontext and we
                // emit a bunch of needless binding errors

            _currentTemplate = template;
Esempio n. 27
        public static (UIView NativeView, VisualElement FormsElement) RealizeView(object view, DataTemplate viewTemplate, ItemsView itemsView)
            if (viewTemplate != null)
                // Run this through the extension method in case it's really a DataTemplateSelector
                viewTemplate = viewTemplate.SelectDataTemplate(view, itemsView);

                // We have a template; turn it into a Forms view
                var templateElement = viewTemplate.CreateContent() as View;

                // Make sure the Visual property is available when the renderer is created
                PropertyPropagationExtensions.PropagatePropertyChanged(null, templateElement, itemsView);

                var renderer = GetHandler(templateElement, itemsView.FindMauiContext());

                var element = renderer.VirtualView as VisualElement;

                // and set the view as its BindingContext
                element.BindingContext = view;

                return((UIView)renderer.NativeView, element);

            if (view is View formsView)
                // Make sure the Visual property is available when the renderer is created
                PropertyPropagationExtensions.PropagatePropertyChanged(null, formsView, itemsView);

                // No template, and the EmptyView is a Forms view; use that
                var renderer = GetHandler(formsView, itemsView.FindMauiContext());
                var element  = renderer.VirtualView as VisualElement;

                return((UIView)renderer.NativeView, element);

            return(new UILabel {
                TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center, Text = $"{view}"
            }, null);
Esempio n. 28
 private View GetView(DataTemplate templateView, object item = null)
     if (templateView == null)
         return(new Label
             Text = item?.ToString(),
             Padding = new Thickness(10),
             VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
             FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Medium, typeof(Label))
     else if (templateView is DataTemplateSelector selector)
         var template = selector.SelectTemplate(item, this);
         return(template.CreateContent() as View);
         return(templateView.CreateContent() as View);
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Создает строку для таблицы
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="template">Шаблон который будет использован для создания элемента</param>
        /// <param name="item">Модель данных</param>
        /// <param name="container">StackList</param>
        /// <param name="index">Индекс для автонумерации</param>
        private static View CreateChildViewFor(DataTemplate template, object item,
                                               BindableObject container, int index = -1, int itemsCount = -1)
            if (template is DataTemplateSelector selector)
                template = selector.SelectTemplate(item, container);

            // Здесь происходит неявный вызов метода : DataGridViewCell.CreateView()
            var view = (View)template.CreateContent();

            // Auto number
            if (index > -1)
                var row = (Row)view;
                if (row.DataGrid.IsAutoNumberCalc)
                    row.UpdateAutoNumeric(index + 1, itemsCount);

Esempio n. 30
        private GridItem ViewFromTemplate(DataTemplate template, object bindingContext = null)
            View view = null;

            if (template != null)
                view = template.CreateContent() as View;

                if (!(view is Layout))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("GreadRepater.(Item,Header,Footer)Template.DataTemplate must be a container element dervied from Xamarin.Forms.StackLayout");

                var layout = view as GridItem;

                foreach (var c in layout.Children)
                    c.BindingContext = bindingContext;

            return(view as GridItem);
Esempio n. 31
        protected virtual View GetItemView(object item)
            var content = ItemTemplate.CreateContent();

            var view = ((ViewCell)content).View;

            if (view == null)

            view.BindingContext = item;

            var gesture = new TapGestureRecognizer
                Command          = ItemSelectedCommand,
                CommandParameter = item

            AddGesture(view, gesture);

        // This extension method will generate the VisualStateGroups necessary to set a simple background color for
        // the Selected state on your DataTemplate.

        // See ConvenienceMethod.xaml.cs for a usage example

        public static DataTemplate WithSelectedBackgroundColor(this DataTemplate template, Color backgroundColor)
            return(new DataTemplate(() => {
                var content = template.CreateContent() as VisualElement;

                var backColorSetter = new Setter {
                    Value = backgroundColor, Property = VisualElement.BackgroundColorProperty

                var stateGroup = new VisualStateGroup {
                    Name = "Common", TargetType = typeof(Grid)

                var normalState = new VisualState
                    Name = "Normal",
                    TargetType = typeof(Grid),
                    Setters = { }

                var selectedState = new VisualState
                    Name = "Selected",
                    TargetType = typeof(Grid),
                    Setters = { backColorSetter }


                VisualStateManager.SetVisualStateGroups(content, new VisualStateGroupList {

                return content;
Esempio n. 33
        public void RecycleCell(object data, DataTemplate dataTemplate, VisualElement parent)
            if (_viewCell == null)
                //_viewCell = (dataTemplate.CreateContent() as JWChinese.GridViewCell);
                _viewCell = (dataTemplate.CreateContent() as ViewCell);

                //reflection method of setting isplatformenabled property
                // We are going to re - set the Platform here because in some cases (headers mostly) its possible this is unset and
                //   when the binding context gets updated the measure passes will all fail.By applying this here the Update call
                // further down will result in correct layouts.
                //var p = PlatformProperty.GetValue(parent);
                //PlatformProperty.SetValue(_viewCell, p);

                _viewCell.BindingContext = data;
                _viewCell.Parent         = parent;
                //_viewCell.PrepareCell(new Size(Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height));
                _originalBindingContext = _viewCell.BindingContext;
                var renderer = Platform.CreateRenderer(_viewCell.View); //RendererFactory.GetRenderer (_viewCell.View);
                _view = renderer.NativeView;

                _view.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.All;
                _view.ContentMode      = UIViewContentMode.ScaleToFill;

            else if (data == _originalBindingContext)
                _viewCell.BindingContext = _originalBindingContext;
                _viewCell.BindingContext = data;
Esempio n. 34
 private View ViewSelector(ISearchItem item)
     if (demoDataTemplateSelector)
         // this is an example of using a dataTemplate selector
         int    id = int.Parse(item.ID);
         string dataTemplateKey = id % 2 == 0 ? "TemplateA" : "TemplateB";
         if (id % 3 == 0)
             dataTemplateKey = "TemplateC";
         DataTemplate dt = this.Resources[dataTemplateKey] as DataTemplate;
         if (dt != null)
             return(dt.CreateContent() as View);
         // this is an example of using a single template for all grid cells
         return(new MGCheckBoxFilter());
Esempio n. 35
        public override UITableViewCell GetCell(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
            int section = indexPath.Section;
            int row     = indexPath.Row;
            var context = Groups[section][row];

            DataTemplate template = null;

            if (context is IMenuItemController)
                template = Shell.GetMenuItemTemplate(context) ?? _context.Shell.MenuItemTemplate ?? DefaultMenuItemTemplate;
                template = Shell.GetItemTemplate(context) ?? _context.Shell.ItemTemplate ?? DefaultItemTemplate;

            var cellId = ((IDataTemplateController)template.SelectDataTemplate(context, _context.Shell)).IdString;

            var cell = (UIContainerCell)tableView.DequeueReusableCell(cellId);

            if (cell == null)
                var view = (View)template.CreateContent(context, _context.Shell);
                view.Parent         = _context.Shell;
                cell                = new UIContainerCell(cellId, view);
                cell.BindingContext = context;
                cell.BindingContext = context;

            _views[context] = cell.View;
Esempio n. 36
        StackLayout BuildListView(RootPageViewModel viewModel)
            var headerTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(ModuleMediaListHeaderTemplate));


            var itemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(ModuleMediaListItemTemplate));


            _listView = new ListView
                ItemsSource         = viewModel.MediaSections,
                IsGroupingEnabled   = true,
                GroupDisplayBinding = new Binding("SectionName"),
                HasUnevenRows       = false,
                GroupHeaderTemplate = headerTemplate,
                ItemTemplate        = itemTemplate

            return(new StackLayout {
                Children = { _listView }
Esempio n. 37
		public void SetValueAndBinding ()
			var template = new DataTemplate (typeof (TextCell)) {
				Bindings = {
					{TextCell.TextProperty, new Binding ("Text")}
				Values = {
					{TextCell.TextProperty, "Text"}
			Assert.That (() => template.CreateContent (), Throws.InstanceOf<InvalidOperationException> ());			
Esempio n. 38
		public void Detail ()
			var template = new DataTemplate (typeof (TextCell));
			template.SetValue (TextCell.DetailProperty, "detail");

			TextCell cell = (TextCell)template.CreateContent ();
			Assert.That (cell.Detail, Is.EqualTo ("detail"));
Esempio n. 39
		public void Create ()
			var template = new DataTemplate (typeof (TextCell));
			var content = template.CreateContent ();

			Assert.IsNotNull (content);
			Assert.That (content, Is.InstanceOf<TextCell> ());
Esempio n. 40
        private View CreateItemView(object item, DataTemplate itemTemplate)
            ItemContainer itemView = new ItemContainer(this)
                BindingContext = item,
                Style          = ItemContainerStyle,


            if (itemTemplate == null)
                itemView.Content = new Label()
                    Text = item.ToString()
                View v = (View)itemTemplate.CreateContent();
                //FlexBasis basis = FlexLayout.GetBasis(v);
                //if (basis.Length > 0)
                //    FlexLayout.SetBasis(itemView, basis);
                //FlexAlignSelf alignSelf = FlexLayout.GetAlignSelf(v);
                //if (alignSelf != FlexAlignSelf.Auto)
                //    FlexLayout.SetAlignSelf(itemView, alignSelf);
                //float grow = FlexLayout.GetGrow(v);
                //if (grow > 0)
                //    FlexLayout.SetGrow(itemView, grow);
                //float shrink = FlexLayout.GetShrink(v);
                //if (shrink > 0)
                //    FlexLayout.SetShrink(itemView, shrink);
                //int order = FlexLayout.GetOrder(v);
                //if (order > 0)
                //    FlexLayout.SetOrder(itemView, order);
                var wrapLayout = Layout as GridWrapLayout;
                if (wrapLayout != null)
                    int colSpan = GridWrapLayout.GetColumnSpan(v);
                    if (colSpan > 1)
                        GridWrapLayout.SetColumnSpan(itemView, colSpan);
                    int rowSpan = GridWrapLayout.GetRowSpan(v);
                    if (rowSpan > 1)
                        GridWrapLayout.SetRowSpan(itemView, rowSpan);
                itemView.Content = v;
Esempio n. 41
        protected virtual View GetItemView(object item)
            var content = (ItemTemplate is DataTemplateSelector) ? ((DataTemplateSelector)ItemTemplate).SelectTemplate(item, this).CreateContent() : ItemTemplate.CreateContent();
            var view    = content as View;

            if (view == null)

            view.BindingContext = item;

            var gesture = new TapGestureRecognizer
                Command          = SelectedCommand,
                CommandParameter = new { ItemsView = this, Item = item }

            AddGesture(view, gesture);

Esempio n. 42
        protected override void Init()
            List <GroupedData> groups = new List <GroupedData>();

            var group1 = new GroupedData {
                GroupName = "Group #1"

            group1.Add(new GroupItem {
                DisplayText = "Text for ListView item 1.1"
            group1.Add(new GroupItem {
                DisplayText = "Text for ListView item 1.2"

            var group2 = new GroupedData {
                GroupName = "Group #2"

            group2.Add(new GroupItem {
                DisplayText = "Text for ListVIew item 2.1"
            group2.Add(new GroupItem {
                DisplayText = "Text for ListView item 2.2"

            var itemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(GroupItemTemplate));


            var groupHeaderTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(GroupHeaderTemplate));


            var listView = new ListView
                IsGroupingEnabled     = true,
                GroupDisplayBinding   = new Binding("GroupName"),
                GroupShortNameBinding = new Binding("GroupName"),
                HasUnevenRows         = Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android,

                ItemTemplate        = itemTemplate,
                GroupHeaderTemplate = groupHeaderTemplate,

                ItemsSource = groups

            Content = new StackLayout
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                Children        =
                    new Label       {
                        Text = "The group headers below should extend to the width of the screen. If they aren't the width of the screen, this test has failed."
                    new ContentView {
                        Content           = listView,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                        Padding           = 0