Esempio n. 1
 public static DataTableJoin WithDataTableRelationshipJoins(this DataTableJoin dataTableJoin, ICollection <DataTableRelationshipJoin> dataTableRelationshipJoins)
     dataTableJoin.DataTableRelationshipJoins = dataTableRelationshipJoins;
Esempio n. 2
 public static DataTableJoin WithDefaultJoinType(this DataTableJoin dataTableJoin, String defaultJoinType)
     dataTableJoin.DefaultJoinType = defaultJoinType;
Esempio n. 3
 public static DataTableJoin WithDataModelCode(this DataTableJoin dataTableJoin, Guid dataModelCode)
     dataTableJoin.DataModelCode = dataModelCode;
Esempio n. 4
 public static DataTableJoin WithToField(this DataTableJoin dataTableJoin, String toField)
     dataTableJoin.ToField = toField;
Esempio n. 5
 public static DataTableJoin WithIsOneToOne(this DataTableJoin dataTableJoin, Boolean isOneToOne)
     dataTableJoin.IsOneToOne = isOneToOne;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a TabularReport.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportConstituents">A ReportDefinitionBusinessObject
        /// encapsulating the input parameters.</param>
        public TabularReport(ReportDefinitionBusinessObject reportConstituents, string modelDataSource)
            _dataSource = modelDataSource;
            //switch (model)
            //    case "INES":
            //        _dataSource = "ESF2007";
            //        break;
            //    case "MI Participant":
            //        _dataSource = "ESFMIBUSINESSDATA";
            //        break;
            //    case "Managing Authority":
            //        _dataSource = "MANAGINGAUTHORITYDATA";
            //        break;

            //    = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["BusinessDataConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

            // When instantiating the TableGroups, we must record whether we are
            // instantiating the first group or not AND the name of the group previous
            // to the one we are currently dealing with.

            CurrentDataModel = DataAccessUtilities.RepositoryLocator <IDataModelRepository>().Single(x => x.DatasourceName == _dataSource,

            bool   IsFirstGroup       = true;
            string PreviousGroupName  = "";
            bool   IsDataMapDisplayed = false;

            IsDataMapDisplayed = reportConstituents.IsDataMapDisplayed;
            _noOfFilters       = reportConstituents.FilterList.Count;
            //Table Join
            _isDrillDown       = reportConstituents.IsDrillDown;
            _isPageOnFirstItem = reportConstituents.IsPageBreak;
            if (reportConstituents.IsOuterJoin == false)
                _joinMethod = " FULL OUTER JOIN ";
                _joinMethod = " INNER JOIN ";

            // Get the selectedDataItems
            _selectedDataItems = reportConstituents.SelectedDataItems;
            _fieldDataItems    = reportConstituents.FieldDataItems;
            // Instantiate the querywrapper for the main query
            _mainQueryWrapper = new QueryWrapper(reportConstituents.SelectedDataItems,
                                                 reportConstituents.RowTotalDataItems, reportConstituents.FilterList,
                                                 reportConstituents.ParameterDataItems, false, reportConstituents.JoinList, CurrentDataModel);

            // Instantiate the querywrapper for the parameter query
            //30/06/05 LL - TIR0163 Parameter query needs to be build for each data item
            foreach (DataItem CurrentParameter in reportConstituents.ParameterDataItems)
                if (!CurrentParameter.IsValueType)
                    List <DataItem> ParameterList = new List <DataItem>();
                    _parameterQueryWrapperArrayList.Add(new QueryWrapper(ParameterList,
                                                                         null, null, null, true, null, CurrentDataModel));

            // Call the constructors of each of the report constituents
            // TableHeader
            _tableHeader = new TableHeader(reportConstituents.FieldDataItems, DataAccessUtilities.RepositoryLocator <IDataTableRepository>(), CurrentDataModel);

            // TableFooter

            #region Join Description Appended
            //Add any joins in the list that are in the JoinList
            StringBuilder JoinDescription = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (ReportDataTableJoin currentReportJoin in reportConstituents.JoinList)
                DataTableJoin currentJoin     = CurrentDataModel.DataTableJoins.Single(x => x.Code == currentReportJoin.DataTableJoinCode);
                string        fromTablePlural = currentJoin.FromTable.Substring(currentJoin.FromTable.Length - 1).ToUpper() == "Y" ? currentJoin.FromTable.Substring(0, currentJoin.FromTable.Length - 1) + "ies" : currentJoin.FromTable + "s";
                string        toTablePlural   = currentJoin.ToTable.Substring(currentJoin.ToTable.Length - 1).ToUpper() == "Y" ? currentJoin.ToTable.Substring(0, currentJoin.ToTable.Length - 1) + "ies" : currentJoin.ToTable + "s";

                switch (currentReportJoin.JoinType)
                case "INNER":
                    JoinDescription.Append("INNER: Select only " + fromTablePlural + " that have related " + toTablePlural + " and " +
                                           "select only " + toTablePlural + " that have related " + fromTablePlural + Environment.NewLine);

                case "LEFT":
                    JoinDescription.Append("LEFT: Select all " + fromTablePlural + " and only related " +
                                           toTablePlural + Environment.NewLine);

                case "RIGHT":
                    JoinDescription.Append("RIGHT: Select all " + toTablePlural + " and only related " +
                                           fromTablePlural + Environment.NewLine);

                case "FULL":
                    JoinDescription.Append("FULL: Select all " + fromTablePlural + " and " +
                                           toTablePlural + " with or without relations" + Environment.NewLine);
            _tableFooter = new TableFooter(reportConstituents.ReportDescription + Environment.NewLine + JoinDescription.ToString(), reportConstituents.FieldDataItems.Count.ToString(), reportConstituents.FilterList, CurrentDataModel);

            // TableGroup

            // This list contains data items that are not grouped by, but are moved into
            // being displayed within a group by the TableGroup constructor.
            List <DataItem> DataItemsPromotedToGroup = new List <DataItem>();

            // This list contains the extra groups added by the wrapper. They are ordered, so
            // each group's index in the list (plus 1) is its grouping level.
            List <DataItem> NewGroupList = _mainQueryWrapper.NewGroupList;

            foreach (DataItem Item in reportConstituents.RowTotalDataItems)
                if (reportConstituents.IsDrillDown)
                    if (IsFirstGroup)
                        _tableGroupList.Add(new TableGroup(reportConstituents.FieldDataItems,
                                                           reportConstituents.RowTotalDataItems, Item, "", DataItemsPromotedToGroup,
                                                           _mainQueryWrapper.NewGroupList, IsDataMapDisplayed, CurrentDataModel));
                        IsFirstGroup = false;
                        _tableGroupList.Add(new TableGroup(reportConstituents.FieldDataItems,
                                                           reportConstituents.RowTotalDataItems, Item, PreviousGroupName,
                                                           DataItemsPromotedToGroup, _mainQueryWrapper.NewGroupList, IsDataMapDisplayed, CurrentDataModel));
                    _tableGroupList.Add(new TableGroup(reportConstituents.FieldDataItems,
                                                       reportConstituents.RowTotalDataItems, Item, "", DataItemsPromotedToGroup,
                                                       _mainQueryWrapper.NewGroupList, IsDataMapDisplayed, CurrentDataModel));

                // To ensure grouping name is unique in case of data items with same name,
                // concatenate the tablename and itemname
                DataTable ThisDataTable = CurrentDataModel.DataTables.Single(x => x.Code == Item.DataTableCode);            //DataAccessUtilities.RepositoryLocator<IDataTableRepository>().GetByCode(Item.DataTableCode);
                string    TableName     = ThisDataTable.Name;
                PreviousGroupName = TableName + Item.Name;

            // TableDetails
            if (reportConstituents.IsDrillDown)
                _tableDetails = new TableDetails(reportConstituents.FieldDataItems,
                                                 reportConstituents.RowTotalDataItems, PreviousGroupName,
                                                 DataItemsPromotedToGroup, IsDataMapDisplayed, CurrentDataModel);
                _tableDetails = new TableDetails(reportConstituents.FieldDataItems,
                                                 reportConstituents.RowTotalDataItems, "", DataItemsPromotedToGroup, reportConstituents.IsDataMapDisplayed, CurrentDataModel);

            // IsSummaryReport
            _isSummaryReport = reportConstituents.IsSummaryReport;
            // Dataset for main query
            _datasetList.Add(new Dataset(reportConstituents.SelectedDataItems, "Table",
                                         _mainQueryWrapper, CurrentDataModel));

            //30/06/05 LL - TIR0163 Parameter query needs to be build for each data item
            int i = 0;
            foreach (DataItem Item in reportConstituents.ParameterDataItems)
                // Add a dataset for each reference-type parameter
                if (!Item.IsValueType || Item.DataType == "bit")
                    // We only require a query for the current data item, so put it into
                    // an arraylist to pass to the Dataset constructor.
                    List <DataItem> ParameterList = new List <DataItem>();

                    // To ensure this parameter's datasetname is unique in case of data items
                    // with same name, concatenate the tablename and itemname
                    DataTable ThisDataTable = CurrentDataModel.DataTables.Single(x => x.Code == Item.DataTableCode);//DataAccessUtilities.RepositoryLocator<IDataTableRepository>().GetByCode(Item.DataTableCode);
                    string    TableName     = ThisDataTable.Name;
                    if (Item.DataType != "bit")
                        _datasetList.Add(new Dataset(ParameterList, TableName + Item.Name + "Parameter",
                                                     (QueryWrapper)_parameterQueryWrapperArrayList[i], CurrentDataModel));
                    _parameterName    = TableName + Item.Name;
                    _parameterCaption = Item.Caption;
                    _parameterName    = "=\"Selected " + _parameterCaption + " :\"+Parameters!" + _parameterName + ".Label";

                // ReportParameter
                _reportParametersList.Add(new ReportParameter(Item, CurrentDataModel));
            reportConstituents.ChartList = (from x in reportConstituents.ChartList orderby x.SortOrder select x).ToList();

            foreach (ReportChartBusinessObject ChartItem in reportConstituents.ChartList)
                Guid     CategoryDataItemCode = Guid.Parse(ChartItem.CategoryDataItemCode);
                DataItem CategoryDataItem     = CurrentDataModel.DataTables.SelectMany(x => x.DataItems).Single(y => y.Code == CategoryDataItemCode);//DataAccessUtilities.RepositoryLocator<IDataItemRepository>().GetByCode(CategoryDataItemCode);

                List <DataItem> ChartSeriesDataItems = new List <DataItem>();
                ChartItem.ChartSeriesList = (from x in ChartItem.ChartSeriesList orderby x.SortOrder select x).ToList();
                foreach (ReportChartSeriesBusinessObject currentSeries in ChartItem.ChartSeriesList)
                    Guid seriesDataItemCode = Guid.Parse(currentSeries.SeriesDataItemCode);

                    DataItem SeriesDataItem = CurrentDataModel.DataTables.SelectMany(x => x.DataItems).Single(y => y.Code == seriesDataItemCode);//DataAccessUtilities.RepositoryLocator<IDataItemRepository>().GetByCode(seriesDataItemCode);


                Chart newChart = new Chart(ChartItem.Type, CategoryDataItem, "TableDataSet", ChartSeriesDataItems[0].DataType, ChartSeriesDataItems, ChartItem.SortOrder, ChartItem.Description, CurrentDataModel);

            // Initialise the MemoryStream and the XmlWriter
            _memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            _xmlWriter    = new XmlTextWriter(
                _memoryStream, Encoding.UTF8);
            // Either of the lines below may be used as alternative outputs for debugging
            // _stream, Encoding.UTF8);
            // Console.Out);
 /// <summary>
 /// SQL sorgusundaki UNION ALL ile aynı işleve sahiptir
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pDtLeft">JOIN işleminin solundaki tablo</param>
 /// <param name="pDtRight">JOIN işleminin sağındaki tablo</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DataTable UnionAll(this DataTable pDtLeft, DataTable pDtRight)
     return(DataTableJoin.UnionAll(pDtLeft, pDtRight));
Esempio n. 8
 public static DataTableJoin WithCode(this DataTableJoin dataTableJoin, Guid code)
     dataTableJoin.Code = code;
Esempio n. 9
 public static DataTableJoin WithFromTable(this DataTableJoin dataTableJoin, String fromTable)
     dataTableJoin.FromTable = fromTable;
 /// <summary>
 /// SQL sorgusundaki FULL OUTER JOIN ile aynı işleve sahiptir
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pDtLeft">JOIN işleminin solundaki tablo</param>
 /// <param name="pDtRight">JOIN işleminin sağındaki tablo</param>
 /// <param name="pDtLPrmKeyFieldName">Soldaki tabloya ait PrimaryKey kolonunun adı</param>
 /// <param name="pDtRPrmKeyFieldName">Sağdaki tabloya ait PrimaryKey kolonunun adı</param>
 /// <param name="pJoinKeyFieldName">JOIN işleminin gerçekleşeceği kolonunun adı</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DataTable FullOuterJoin(this DataTable pDtLeft, DataTable pDtRight, string pDtLPrmKeyFieldName, string pDtRPrmKeyFieldName, string pJoinKeyFieldName)
     return(DataTableJoin.FullOuterJoin(pDtLeft, pDtRight, pDtLPrmKeyFieldName, pDtRPrmKeyFieldName, pJoinKeyFieldName));
Esempio n. 11
 public static DataTableJoin WithDataModel(this DataTableJoin dataTableJoin, DataModel dataModel)
     dataTableJoin.DataModel = dataModel;
 public static void SetPrimaryKey(this DataTable pDtL, string pDtLPrmKeyFieldName)
     DataTableJoin.SetPrimaryKey(ref pDtL, pDtLPrmKeyFieldName);
 /// <summary>
 /// SQL sorgusundaki DISTINCT ile aynı işleve sahiptir. string array olarak verilen kolonlara göre distinct işlemi yapar
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pDtSource">Üzerinde Distinct işlemine yapılacak kaynak DataTable</param>
 /// <param name="pColumns">Distinct işlemi yapılacak kolon isimlerinin listesi</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DataTable SelectDistinct(this DataTable pDtSource, params string[] pColumns)
     return(DataTableJoin.SelectDistinct(pDtSource, pColumns));
 /// <summary>
 /// SQL sorgusundaki DISTINCT ile aynı işleve sahiptir. Verilen DataTable objesindeki tüm kolonlara göre distinct işlemi yapar
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pDtSource">Üzerinde Distinct işlemine yapılacak kaynak DataTable</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DataTable SelectDistinct(this DataTable pDtSource)
Esempio n. 15
 public static DataTableJoin WithReportDataTableJoins(this DataTableJoin dataTableJoin, ICollection <ReportDataTableJoin> reportDataTableJoins)
     dataTableJoin.ReportDataTableJoins = reportDataTableJoins;
Esempio n. 16
 public static DataTableJoin WithFromField(this DataTableJoin dataTableJoin, String fromField)
     dataTableJoin.FromField = fromField;
 public static DataTableRelationshipJoin WithDataTableJoin(this DataTableRelationshipJoin dataTableRelationshipJoin, DataTableJoin dataTableJoin)
     dataTableRelationshipJoin.DataTableJoin = dataTableJoin;
Esempio n. 18
 public static DataTableJoin WithToTable(this DataTableJoin dataTableJoin, String toTable)
     dataTableJoin.ToTable = toTable;
Esempio n. 19
 public static ReportDataTableJoin WithDataTableJoin(this ReportDataTableJoin reportDataTableJoin, DataTableJoin dataTableJoin)
     reportDataTableJoin.DataTableJoin = dataTableJoin;
 /// <summary>
 /// pDtRight parametresi ile gelen veri kaynağındaki veriler, pDtLeft parametresi ile gelen veri kaynağındaki verilere eklenir.
 /// Bu ekleme sırasında, verilen pLoadOption parametresine göre;
 /// pDtLeft veri kaynağında zaten var olan veriler aynen korunur ya da pDtRight veri kaynağındaki veri ile değiştirilir.
 /// Zaten var olan verinin korunması isteniyor ise, pLoadOption parametresi "PreserveChanges" verilmelidir.
 /// Güncellenmesi isteniyor ise pLoadOption parametresi "Upsert" veya "OverwriteChanges" olarak verilmelidir.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pDtLeft">Verilerin ekleneceği ana veri kaynağı</param>
 /// <param name="pDtRight">Verilerin alınacağı ikinci veri kaynağı</param>
 /// <param name="pLoadOption">Veri ekleme (yükleme) seçeneği</param>
 /// <param name="pDtLeftPKColumnName">pDtLeft için tanımlanacak olan PrimaryKey kolon adı.
 /// pDtLeft'de zaten var olan bir verinin pDtRight'deki veri ile güncellenmesi için pDtLeft için bir PrimaryKey tanımlanmalıdır.
 /// PK değeri boş verilirse iki tablo olduğu gibi birleştirilir (UnionAll yapar). </param>
 public static void Union(this DataTable pDtLeft, DataTable pDtRight, LoadOption pLoadOption, string pDtLeftPKColumnName, bool pAcceptChanges)
     DataTableJoin.Union(pDtLeft, pDtRight, pLoadOption, pDtLeftPKColumnName, pAcceptChanges);