Esempio n. 1
        public void WMSDetailsInsert(string tripId, string orderId, string dropSequence, string expectedStart)
            var param = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            List <string> pk = new List <string>

            List <string> pv = new List <string>
                "FOR SCHEDULING"

            param.Add("trip", tripId);
            param.Add("order_id", orderId);
            param.Add("drop_sequence", dropSequence);
            WMSSqlScript.AppendLine(DataSupport.GetUpsert("ReleaseTripDetails", param, "trip"));

            param.Add("status", "FOR PICKING");
            param.Add("order_id", orderId);
            param.Add("scheduled_release_date", expectedStart);
            WMSSqlScript.AppendLine(DataSupport.GetUpdate("ReleaseOrders", param, pk, pv));

            //WMSSqlScript.AppendLine(DataSupport.GetDelete("ReleaseTripDetails", "trip", tripId));
            //WMSSqlScript.AppendLine(DataSupport.GetDelete("ReleaseTrips", "trip_id", tripId));
Esempio n. 2
        public void WMSHeaderInsert(string tripId, string incharge)
            var param = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            param.Add("trip_id", tripId);
            param.Add("authorized_receiver", incharge);
            param.Add("tms_name", DataSupport.GetTMSCode());
            WMSSqlScript.AppendLine(DataSupport.GetUpsert("ReleaseTrips", param, "trip_id"));
Esempio n. 3
    public static String UpdateLocationLedger(DataTable dt)
        String sql = "";

        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            sql += DataSupport.GetUpsert("LocationLedger", Utils.ToDict(
                                             "location", row["location"]
                                             , "transaction_datetime", row["transaction_datetime"]
                                             , "transaction_type", row["transaction_type"]
                                             , "transaction_name", row["transaction_name"]
                                             , "transaction_id", row["transaction_id"]
                                             ), "location", "transaction_datetime", "transaction_id") + "\r\n\r\n";
Esempio n. 4
        public void InsertTrip(TripUnit unit)
            var param = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "trip_id", unit.TripId },
                { "vehicle", unit.VehicleId },
                { "in_charge", unit.Incharge },
                { "expected_start", unit.ExpectedStart },
                { "expected_end", unit.ExpectedEnd },
                { "actual_start", unit.ActualStart },
                { "actual_end", unit.ActualEnd },
                { "cost", unit.Cost },
                { "route", unit.RouteId },
                { "last_updated_on", unit.LastUpdated }

            TMSSqlScript.AppendLine(DataSupport.GetUpsert("Trips", param, "trip_id"));
Esempio n. 5
        public void InsertTripOrder(TripOrderUnit unit)
            var param = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "trip", unit.TripId },
                { "order_id", unit.OrderId },
                { "client", unit.ClientId },
                { "customer", unit.CustomerId },
                { "customer_delivery_address", unit.CustomerDeliveryAddress },
                { "status", unit.Status },
                { "remarks", unit.Remarks },
                { "reference", unit.Reference },
                { "reference_date", unit.ReferenceDate },
                { "oms", unit.OrderManagementSystem },
                { "doc_value", unit.DocumentValue },
                { "drop_sequence", unit.DropSequence },

            TMSSqlScript.AppendLine(DataSupport.GetUpsert("TripOrders", param, "trip", "order_id"));
Esempio n. 6
        private void btnChangeRoute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var           cells = header_grid.SelectedCells;
            StringBuilder sql   = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in cells)
                string vehicle = cell.OwningRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString();
                string date    = cell.OwningColumn.Name;
                Dictionary <string, Object> dict = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                dict.Add("date", date);
                dict.Add("vehicle", vehicle);
                dict.Add("route", cbRoutes.Text);

                sql.Append(DataSupport.GetUpsert("RouteSchedules", dict, "date", "vehicle"));

            DataSupport.RunNonQuery(sql.ToString(), IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
Esempio n. 7
    public static String ToUpsert(this DataTable dt, String table, params String[] primary_keys)
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        var           list   = primary_keys.ToList();

        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            Dictionary <String, Object> insert_list = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            List <String> primary_list = new List <string>();
            foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
                insert_list.Add(col.ColumnName, row[col]);
                if (list.Contains(col.ColumnName))

            result.Append(DataSupport.GetUpsert(table, insert_list, primary_list));
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String sql        = "";
            String putaway_id = txtPutawayID.Text;

            // Update the Putaway Details for those declared complete
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in putaway_details_grid.Rows)
                sql += "UPDATE PutawayDetails SET actual_qty = '" + row.Cells["Quantity"].Value.ToString() + "' WHERE putaway='" + txtPutawayID.Text + "' AND product = '" + row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString() + "' AND uom='" + row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString() + "' AND lot_no='" + row.Cells["lot no"].Value.ToString() + "' AND expiry='" + row.Cells["expiry"].Value.ToString() + "' ";

            // Update the Putaway Details for those declared returneds
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in returns_grid.Rows)
                sql += "UPDATE PutawayDetails SET actual_qty = expected_qty - " + row.Cells["qty"].Value.ToString() + " WHERE putaway='" + txtPutawayID.Text + "' AND product = '" + row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString() + "' AND uom='" + row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString() + "' AND lot_no='" + row.Cells["lot_no"].Value.ToString() + "' AND expiry='" + row.Cells["expiry"].Value.ToString() + "' ";

            // Transactions Ledger

            sql += DataSupport.GetInsert("LocationLedger", Utils.ToDict(
                                             "location", txtContainer.Text
                                             , "transaction_datetime", DateTime.Now.ToString()
                                             , "transaction_type", "OUT"
                                             , "transaction_name", "PUTAWAY_DECLARE_INCOMPLETE"
                                             , "transaction_id", putaway_id

            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in putaway_details_grid.Rows)
                sql += DataSupport.GetUpsert("LocationLedger", Utils.ToDict(
                                                 "location", row.Cells["location"].Value.ToString()
                                                 , "transaction_datetime", DateTime.Now.ToString()
                                                 , "transaction_type", "IN"
                                                 , "transaction_name", "PUTAWAY_DECLARE_INCOMPLETE"
                                                 , "transaction_id", putaway_id
                                                 ), "location", "transaction_datetime", "transaction_id");

            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in returns_grid.Rows)
                sql += DataSupport.GetUpsert("LocationLedger", Utils.ToDict(
                                                 "location", "STAGING-IN"
                                                 , "transaction_datetime", DateTime.Now.ToString()
                                                 , "transaction_type", "IN"
                                                 , "transaction_name", "PUTAWAY_DECLARE_INCOMPLETE"
                                                 , "transaction_id", putaway_id
                                                 ), "location", "transaction_datetime", "transaction_id");

            // Update Location Products Ledger
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in putaway_details_grid.Rows)
                sql += "UPDATE LocationProductsLedger SET qty = qty - " + row.Cells["Quantity"].Value.ToString() + " WHERE location = '" + txtContainer.Text + "' AND product='" + row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString() + "' AND uom ='" + row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString() + "' AND lot_no = '" + row.Cells["lot no"].Value.ToString() + "' AND expiry='" + row.Cells["expiry"].Value.ToString() + "'";

                if (FAQ.IsNewLine(row.Cells["location"].Value.ToString(), row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString(), row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString(), row.Cells["lot no"].Value.ToString(), row.Cells["expiry"].Value.ToString()))
                    sql += "UPDATE LocationProductsLedger SET qty = qty + " + row.Cells["Quantity"].Value.ToString() + " WHERE location = '" + row.Cells["location"].Value.ToString() + "' AND product='" + row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString() + "' AND uom ='" + row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString() + "' AND lot_no = '" + row.Cells["lot no"].Value.ToString() + "' AND expiry='" + row.Cells["expiry"].Value.ToString() + "'";
                    sql += DataSupport.GetInsert("LocationProductsLedger", Utils.ToDict(
                                                     "location", row.Cells["location"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "product", row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "qty", row.Cells["Quantity"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "uom", row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "lot_no", row.Cells["lot no"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "expiry", row.Cells["expiry"].Value.ToString()

            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in returns_grid.Rows)
                sql += "UPDATE LocationProductsLedger SET qty = qty - " + row.Cells["qty"].Value.ToString() + " WHERE location = '" + txtContainer.Text + "' AND product='" + row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString() + "' AND uom ='" + row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString() + "' AND lot_no = '" + row.Cells["lot_no"].Value.ToString() + "' AND expiry='" + row.Cells["expiry"].Value.ToString() + "'";

                if (FAQ.IsNewLine("STAGING-IN", row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString(), row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString(), row.Cells["lot_no"].Value.ToString(), row.Cells["expiry"].Value.ToString()))
                    sql += "UPDATE LocationProductsLedger SET qty = qty + " + row.Cells["qty"].Value.ToString() + " WHERE location = '" + "STAGING-IN" + "' AND product='" + row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString() + "' AND uom ='" + row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString() + "' AND lot_no = '" + row.Cells["lot_no"].Value.ToString() + "' AND expiry='" + row.Cells["expiry"].Value.ToString() + "'";
                    sql += DataSupport.GetInsert("LocationProductsLedger", Utils.ToDict(
                                                     "location", "STAGING-IN"
                                                     , "product", row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "qty", row.Cells["qty"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "uom", row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "lot_no", row.Cells["lot_no"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "expiry", row.Cells["expiry"].Value.ToString()

            DataSupport.RunNonQuery(sql, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
Esempio n. 9
        private void btnPrintPreview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String now     = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            String phcount = parent.phcount_id;

            RollbackDataSupport ds = new RollbackDataSupport();

            // Save to Transaction Tables
            String sql = "";

            sql += " UPDATE PhysicalCounts SET finished_on = '" + now + "' WHERE phcount_id='" + phcount + "'; ";

            DataTable dt = ds.RunDataSet("SELECT * FROM PhysicalCountDetailItems WHERE phcount='" + phcount + "'").Tables[0];

            foreach (DataGridViewRow item_row in parent.header_grid.Rows)
                if (item_row.Cells["expected"].Value.ToString() == "NO")
                    sql += DataSupport.GetUpsert("PhysicalCountDetails", Utils.ToDict(
                                                     "phcount", phcount
                                                     , "location", item_row.Cells["location"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "status", "ACTIVE"
                                                     ), "phcount", "location");

                    sql += DataSupport.GetInsert("PhysicalCountDetailItems", Utils.ToDict(
                                                     "phcount", phcount
                                                     , "location", item_row.Cells["location"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "product", item_row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "uom", item_row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "lot_no", item_row.Cells["lot_no"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "expiry", item_row.Cells["Expiry"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "expected_qty", 0
                                                     , "actual_qty", item_row.Cells["actual_qty"].Value.ToString()
                                                     , "line", dt.Rows.Count + 1
                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                        // Skip if expected is empty
                        if (row["product"].ToString() == "EMPTY")

                        if (row["location"].ToString() == item_row.Cells["location"].Value.ToString() &&
                            row["product"].ToString() == item_row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString() &&
                            row["uom"].ToString() == item_row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString() &&
                            row["lot_no"].ToString() == item_row.Cells["lot_no"].Value.ToString() &&
                            DateTime.Parse(row["expiry"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() == item_row.Cells["Expiry"].Value.ToString()
                            sql += @"UPDATE PhysicalCountDetailItems SET actual_qty = '" + item_row.Cells["actual_qty"].Value.ToString() + @"'
                                    WHERE phcount = '" + phcount + @"'
                                      AND location = '" + row["location"].ToString() + @"'
                                      AND line = '" + row["line"].ToString() + @"'


            // Update Ledgers
            String update_sql = "";

                DataTable details_dt = ds.RunDataSet("SELECT * FROM PhysicalCountDetailItems WHERE phcount='" + phcount + "'").Tables[0];
                foreach (DataRow item_row in details_dt.Rows)
                    if (item_row["shortage"].ToString() != "0")
                        // Update Transaction Ledger
                            // Out with the location
                            DataTable outsDT = LedgerSupport.GetLocationLedgerDT();
                            outsDT.Rows.Add(item_row["location"].ToString(), now, "OUT", "PHYSICAL_COUNT", phcount);
                            update_sql += LedgerSupport.UpdateLocationLedger(outsDT);

                        // Update Location Products Ledger
                            // Out with the location
                            DataTable outsDT = LedgerSupport.GetLocationProductsLedgerDT();
                            outsDT.Rows.Add(item_row["location"].ToString(), item_row["product"].ToString(), int.Parse(item_row["shortage"].ToString()) * -1, item_row["uom"].ToString(), item_row["lot_no"].ToString(), item_row["expiry"].ToString());
                            update_sql += LedgerSupport.UpdateLocationProductsLedger(outsDT);

                        // Update For Resolution
                        update_sql += DataSupport.GetInsert("ForResolutions", Utils.ToDict(
                                                                "trans_source", "PHYSICAL_COUNT"
                                                                , "trans_id", phcount
                                                                , "detected_on", now
                                                                , "product", item_row["product"].ToString()
                                                                , "uom", item_row["uom"].ToString()
                                                                , "lot_no", item_row["lot_no"].ToString()
                                                                , "expiry", item_row["expiry"].ToString()
                                                                , "location", item_row["location"].ToString()
                                                                , "variance_type", "SHORTAGE"
                                                                , "variance_qty", item_row["shortage"].ToString()
                                                                , "status", "FOR RESOLUTION"
                                                                , "line", details_dt.Rows.IndexOf(item_row) + 1
                    else if (item_row["overage"].ToString() != "0")
                        // Update Transaction Ledger
                            // In with the "found" location
                            DataTable insDT = LedgerSupport.GetLocationLedgerDT();
                            insDT.Rows.Add(item_row["location"].ToString(), now, "IN", "PHYSICAL_COUNT", phcount);
                            update_sql += LedgerSupport.UpdateLocationLedger(insDT);

                        // Update Location Products Ledger
                            // In with the "found" location
                            DataTable insDT = LedgerSupport.GetLocationProductsLedgerDT();
                            insDT.Rows.Add(item_row["location"].ToString(), item_row["product"].ToString(), item_row["overage"].ToString(), item_row["uom"].ToString(), item_row["lot_no"].ToString(), item_row["expiry"].ToString());
                            update_sql += LedgerSupport.UpdateLocationProductsLedger(insDT);

                        // Update For Resolution
                        update_sql += DataSupport.GetInsert("ForResolutions", Utils.ToDict(
                                                                "trans_source", "PHYSICAL_COUNT"
                                                                , "trans_id", phcount
                                                                , "detected_on", now
                                                                , "product", item_row["product"].ToString()
                                                                , "uom", item_row["uom"].ToString()
                                                                , "lot_no", item_row["lot_no"].ToString()
                                                                , "expiry", item_row["expiry"].ToString()
                                                                , "location", item_row["location"].ToString()
                                                                , "variance_type", "OVERAGE"
                                                                , "variance_qty", item_row["overage"].ToString()
                                                                , "status", "FOR RESOLUTION"
                                                                , "line", details_dt.Rows.IndexOf(item_row) + 1

            if (update_sql != "")



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            btnPrintPreview.Text = "Print";
            btnCancel.Visible    = false;