internal void RefreshSchema(System.Type objectType, string methodName, System.Type schemaType, bool preferSilent) { if (((objectType != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName)) && (schemaType != null)) { try { TypeSchema schema = new TypeSchema(schemaType); this._forceSchemaRetrieval = true; DataTable[] tables = this.LoadSchema(); this._forceSchemaRetrieval = false; IDataSourceSchema schema2 = (tables == null) ? null : new DataTableArraySchema(tables); this.SaveSchema(objectType, methodName, ConvertSchemaToDataTables(schema), schemaType); DataTable[] tableArray2 = this.LoadSchema(); IDataSourceSchema schema3 = (tableArray2 == null) ? null : new DataTableArraySchema(tableArray2); if (!DataSourceDesigner.SchemasEquivalent(schema2, schema3)) { this.OnSchemaRefreshed(EventArgs.Empty); } } catch (Exception exception) { if (!preferSilent) { UIServiceHelper.ShowError(base.Component.Site, exception, System.Design.SR.GetString("ObjectDataSourceDesigner_CannotGetSchema", new object[] { schemaType.FullName })); } } } }
private bool ConfigureDataSourceChangeCallback(object context) { IServiceProvider site = base.Component.Site; IDataEnvironment service = (IDataEnvironment)site.GetService(typeof(IDataEnvironment)); if (service == null) { return(false); } IDataSourceViewSchema schema = this.GetView("DefaultView").Schema; bool flag = false; if (schema == null) { this._forceSchemaRetrieval = true; schema = this.GetView("DefaultView").Schema; this._forceSchemaRetrieval = false; if (schema != null) { flag = true; } } SqlDataSourceWizardForm form = this.CreateConfigureDataSourceWizardForm(site, service); if (UIServiceHelper.ShowDialog(site, form) != DialogResult.OK) { return(false); } this.OnComponentChanged(this, new ComponentChangedEventArgs(base.Component, null, null, null)); IDataSourceViewSchema schema2 = null; try { this._forceSchemaRetrieval = true; schema2 = this.GetView("DefaultView").Schema; } finally { this._forceSchemaRetrieval = false; } if (!flag && !DataSourceDesigner.ViewSchemasEquivalent(schema, schema2)) { this.OnSchemaRefreshed(EventArgs.Empty); } this.OnDataSourceChanged(EventArgs.Empty); return(true); }
public ClubCloud_FunctieDataSourceViewDesigner(DataSourceDesigner owner, string viewName) : base(owner, viewName) { }
public ClubCloud_AddressDataSourceViewDesigner(DataSourceDesigner owner, string viewName) : base(owner, viewName) { }
public override void RefreshSchema(bool preferSilent) { try { this.SuppressDataSourceEvents(); bool flag = false; IServiceProvider site = this.SqlDataSource.Site; if (!this.CanRefreshSchema) { if (!preferSilent) { UIServiceHelper.ShowError(site, System.Design.SR.GetString("SqlDataSourceDesigner_RefreshSchemaRequiresSettings")); } } else { IDataSourceViewSchema schema = this.GetView("DefaultView").Schema; bool flag2 = false; if (schema == null) { this._forceSchemaRetrieval = true; schema = this.GetView("DefaultView").Schema; this._forceSchemaRetrieval = false; flag2 = true; } DesignerDataConnection connection = new DesignerDataConnection(string.Empty, this.ProviderName, this.ConnectionString); if (preferSilent) { flag = this.RefreshSchema(connection, this.SelectCommand, this.SqlDataSource.SelectCommandType, this.SqlDataSource.SelectParameters, true); } else { Parameter[] parameterArray = this.InferParameterNames(connection, this.SelectCommand, this.SqlDataSource.SelectCommandType); if (parameterArray == null) { return; } ParameterCollection parameters = new ParameterCollection(); ParameterCollection parameters2 = new ParameterCollection(); foreach (ICloneable cloneable in this.SqlDataSource.SelectParameters) { parameters2.Add((Parameter)cloneable.Clone()); } foreach (Parameter parameter in parameterArray) { if ((parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input) || (parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)) { Parameter parameter2 = parameters2[parameter.Name]; if (parameter2 != null) { parameter.DefaultValue = parameter2.DefaultValue; if ((parameter.DbType == DbType.Object) && (parameter.Type == TypeCode.Empty)) { parameter.DbType = parameter2.DbType; parameter.Type = parameter2.Type; } parameters2.Remove(parameter2); } parameters.Add(parameter); } } if (parameters.Count > 0) { SqlDataSourceRefreshSchemaForm form = new SqlDataSourceRefreshSchemaForm(site, this, parameters); flag = UIServiceHelper.ShowDialog(site, form) == DialogResult.OK; } else { flag = this.RefreshSchema(connection, this.SelectCommand, this.SqlDataSource.SelectCommandType, parameters, false); } } if (flag) { IDataSourceViewSchema schema2 = this.GetView("DefaultView").Schema; if (flag2 && DataSourceDesigner.ViewSchemasEquivalent(schema, schema2)) { this.OnDataSourceChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } else if (!DataSourceDesigner.ViewSchemasEquivalent(schema, schema2)) { this.OnSchemaRefreshed(EventArgs.Empty); } } } } finally { this.ResumeDataSourceEvents(); } }
public ClubCloud_BaansoortDataSourceViewDesigner(DataSourceDesigner owner, string viewName) : base(owner, viewName) { }
public ClubCloud_LidmaatschapDataSourceViewDesigner(DataSourceDesigner owner, string viewName) : base(owner, viewName) { }
public ClubCloud_ReserveringDataSourceViewDesigner(DataSourceDesigner owner, string viewName) : base(owner, viewName) { }
public ClubCloud_BestuursorgaanDataSourceViewDesigner(DataSourceDesigner owner, string viewName) : base(owner, viewName) { }
private void RegisterData(WebReport webreport, Report report, IServiceProvider provider) { string[] dataSources = webreport.ReportDataSources.Split(new char[] { ';' }); foreach (string dataSource in dataSources) { IDataSource ds = FindControlRecursive(webreport.Page, dataSource) as IDataSource; if (ds == null) { continue; } string dataName = (ds as Control).ID; // at design time, use design time data view if (provider != null) { if (ds is AccessDataSource) { // for MS Access data source, try to convert relative DataFile path. // This is needed to avoid the exception when access the database in the design time. AccessDataSource accessDs = ds as AccessDataSource; string saveDataFile = accessDs.DataFile; try { accessDs.DataFile = MapPath(provider, accessDs.DataFile); webreport.RegisterDataAsp(report, accessDs, accessDs.ID); } finally { accessDs.DataFile = saveDataFile; } } else { object[] attrs = ds.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DesignerAttribute), false); if (attrs != null && attrs.Length == 1) { DesignerAttribute designerAttr = attrs[0] as DesignerAttribute; DataSourceDesigner dsDesigner = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(designerAttr.DesignerTypeName)) as DataSourceDesigner; try { dsDesigner.Initialize(ds as IComponent); dsDesigner.RefreshSchema(false); DesignerDataSourceView view = dsDesigner.GetView(""); bool isSampleData = false; IEnumerable data = view.GetDesignTimeData(10, out isSampleData); webreport.RegisterDataAsp(report, data, dataName); } finally { dsDesigner.Dispose(); } } } } else { webreport.RegisterDataAsp(report, ds, dataName); } } }
public ClubCloud_GebruikerDataSourceViewDesigner(DataSourceDesigner owner, string viewName) : base(owner, viewName) { }