Esempio n. 1
        public void AccessorCreatesNewObjectsThroughSlotBinding()
            DataSource source = new DataSource("data");

            source.AddDataSet(new ItemSequenceDataSet(new IDataItem[] { new ListDataItem <object>(new object[] { 42, typeof(int) }, null, false) }, 2));

            IDataSourceResolver resolver = Mocks.StrictMock <IDataSourceResolver>();

            using (Mocks.Record())

            using (Mocks.Playback())
                ITypeInfo        type        = Reflector.Wrap(typeof(Holder <>));
                IConstructorInfo constructor = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)[0];
                ISlotInfo        valueSlot   = constructor.Parameters[0];
                ISlotInfo        typeSlot    = (IGenericParameterInfo)type.GenericArguments[0];

                DataBindingContext context = new DataBindingContext(new NullConverter());

                ObjectDataBinder binder = new ObjectDataBinder(type);
                binder.SetSlotBinder(valueSlot, new ScalarDataBinder(new DataBinding(0, null), "data"));
                binder.SetSlotBinder(typeSlot, new ScalarDataBinder(new DataBinding(1, null), "data"));

                IDataAccessor    accessor = binder.Register(context, resolver);
                List <IDataItem> items    = new List <IDataItem>(context.GetItems(true));
                Assert.Count(1, items);

                Holder <int> holder = (Holder <int>)accessor.GetValue(items[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(42, holder.Value, "Should have set the value via the constructor parameter.");
Esempio n. 2
        public void CanBindResolvesScopedBindings()
            JoinedDataSet dataSet = new JoinedDataSet();

            DataSource dataSet1 = new DataSource("");

            dataSet1.AddIndexAlias("path", 1);
            dataSet1.AddDataSet(new ItemSequenceDataSet(EmptyArray <IDataItem> .Instance, 3));
            IDataSet dataSet2 = new ItemSequenceDataSet(EmptyArray <IDataItem> .Instance, 2);


            Assert.IsFalse(dataSet.CanBind(dataSet.TranslateBinding(dataSet1, new DataBinding(null, null))),
                           "Cannot bind because there is no path or index in the translated binding.");
            Assert.IsFalse(dataSet.CanBind(dataSet.TranslateBinding(dataSet1, new DataBinding(3, null))),
                           "Cannot bind because index 3 is beyond the range of columns in the scoped data set.");
            Assert.IsFalse(dataSet.CanBind(dataSet.TranslateBinding(dataSet2, new DataBinding(2, null))),
                           "Cannot bind because index 2 is beyond the range of columns in the scoped data set.");
            Assert.IsTrue(dataSet.CanBind(dataSet.TranslateBinding(dataSet2, new DataBinding(1, null))),
                          "Can bind because index 1 is within the range of columns in the scoped data set.");
            Assert.IsTrue(dataSet.CanBind(dataSet.TranslateBinding(dataSet1, new DataBinding(null, "path"))),
                          "Can bind because path is supported by one of the scoped data set.");
            Assert.IsFalse(dataSet.CanBind(dataSet.TranslateBinding(dataSet2, new DataBinding(null, "path"))),
                           "Cannot bind because path is supported by one of the scoped data set.");
Esempio n. 3
        public void CanBindAppliesIndexAliasTranslation()
            IDataSet dataSet = Mocks.StrictMock <IDataSet>();

            using (Mocks.Record())

                Expect.Call(dataSet.CanBind(null)).IgnoreArguments().Do((CanBindDelegate) delegate(DataBinding binding)
                    Assert.AreEqual("translatedPath", binding.Path);
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, binding.Index);

                Expect.Call(dataSet.CanBind(null)).IgnoreArguments().Do((CanBindDelegate) delegate(DataBinding binding)
                    Assert.AreEqual("untranslatedPath", binding.Path);
                    Assert.AreEqual(5, binding.Index);

            using (Mocks.Playback())
                DataSource source = new DataSource("theName");
                source.AddIndexAlias("translatedPath", 2);

                Assert.IsTrue(source.CanBind(new DataBinding(5, "translatedPath")));
                Assert.IsFalse(source.CanBind(new DataBinding(5, "untranslatedPath")));
Esempio n. 4
        public void GetItemsAppliesIndexAliasTranslation()
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > metadataPairs = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

            metadataPairs.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Foo", "Bar"));
            IDataSet dataSet = Mocks.StrictMock <IDataSet>();

            using (Mocks.Record())

                Expect.Call(dataSet.GetItems(null, true)).IgnoreArguments().Do((GetItemsDelegate) delegate(ICollection <DataBinding> bindings,
                                                                                                           bool includeDynamicItems)

                    List <IDataItem> items = new List <IDataItem>();
                    items.Add(new ListDataItem <object>(new object[] { "abc", "def", "ghi" }, metadataPairs, true));

                    List <DataBinding> bindingList = new List <DataBinding>(bindings);

                    Assert.AreEqual("translatedPath", bindingList[0].Path);
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, bindingList[0].Index);

                    Assert.AreEqual("untranslatedPath", bindingList[1].Path);
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, bindingList[1].Index);


            using (Mocks.Playback())
                DataSource source = new DataSource("theName");
                source.AddIndexAlias("translatedPath", 2);

                DataBinding[] bindings = new DataBinding[] {
                    new DataBinding(5, "translatedPath"),
                    new DataBinding(1, "untranslatedPath")

                List <IDataItem> items = new List <IDataItem>(source.GetItems(bindings, true));
                Assert.Count(1, items);

                PropertyBag map = DataItemUtils.GetMetadata(items[0]);
                Assert.Count(1, map);
                Assert.AreEqual("Bar", map.GetValue("Foo"));

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(delegate { items[0].GetValue(null); });
                Assert.AreEqual("ghi", items[0].GetValue(bindings[0]));
                Assert.AreEqual("def", items[0].GetValue(bindings[1]));

                // Should throw ArgumentNullException when binding list is null.
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(delegate
Esempio n. 5
        public void AccessorObtainsAValueFromTheRow()
            DataBinding      binding = new DataBinding(0, null);
            ScalarDataBinder binder  = new ScalarDataBinder(binding, "name");

            IDataSourceResolver resolver = Mocks.StrictMock <IDataSourceResolver>();
            DataBindingContext  context  = new DataBindingContext(new NullConverter());

            DataSource source = new DataSource("name");

            source.AddDataSet(new ItemSequenceDataSet(new IDataItem[]
                new ScalarDataItem <int>(42, null, false),
                new ScalarDataItem <string>("42", null, false)
            }, 1));

            using (Mocks.Record())

            using (Mocks.Playback())
                IDataAccessor accessor = binder.Register(context, resolver);
                Assert.IsTrue(context.DataSets.Contains(source), "The data sets list should contain the source that was resolved during binder registration.");

                List <IDataItem> items = new List <IDataItem>(context.GetItems(true));
                Assert.Count(2, items);

                Assert.AreEqual(42, accessor.GetValue(items[0]));
                Assert.AreEqual("42", accessor.GetValue(items[1]));
Esempio n. 6
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
            var invoker = new FixtureMemberInvoker <IEnumerable>(type, scope, memberName);
            var dataSet = new FactoryDataSet(() => invoker.Invoke(), kind, columnCount);

 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
     var invoker = new FixtureMemberInvoker<IEnumerable>(factoryType, scope, factoryMethodName);
     XDocument xdocument = OpenXDocument(codeElement);
     var parameters = new object[] { GetElementList(xdocument, xPath) };
     var dataSet = new FactoryDataSet(() => invoker.Invoke(parameters), kind, columnCount);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
            var dataSet = new XmlDataSet(delegate { return(OpenXPathDocument(codeElement)); }, itemPath, IsDynamic);

            dataSet.DataLocationName = GetDataLocationName();

Esempio n. 9
 protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
     for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
         var row = new object[] { i, "Hello from #" + i };
         dataSource.AddDataSet(new ItemSequenceDataSet(new IDataItem[] { new ListDataItem <object>(row, GetMetadata(), false) }, row.Length));
Esempio n. 10
 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
     using (var textReader = OpenTextReader(codeElement))
         var text    = textReader.ReadToEnd();
         var dataSet = new ValueSequenceDataSet(new[] { text }, null, false);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
            var       invoker    = new FixtureMemberInvoker <IEnumerable>(factoryType, scope, factoryMethodName);
            XDocument xdocument  = OpenXDocument(codeElement);
            var       parameters = new object[] { GetElementList(xdocument, xPath) };
            var       dataSet    = new FactoryDataSet(() => invoker.Invoke(parameters), kind, columnCount);

Esempio n. 12
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
            var dataSet = new CsvDataSet(() => OpenTextReader(codeElement), IsDynamic);

            dataSet.DataLocationName = GetDataLocationName();
            dataSet.FieldDelimiter   = FieldDelimiter;
            dataSet.CommentPrefix    = CommentPrefix;
            dataSet.HasHeader        = HasHeader;
Esempio n. 13
 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
     using (var stream = OpenStream(codeElement))
         var bytes = new byte[stream.Length];
         stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
         var dataSet = new ValueSequenceDataSet(new[] { bytes }, null, false);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
            var invoker = new FixtureMemberInvoker <IEnumerable>(factoryType, scope, factoryMethodName);
            // Get List-of-Lists of Eleemnts
            var listOfListsOfElements = BuildListOfNodeLists(codeElement);

            // Use Gallio's invoker object to execute factory method
            var parameters = new object[] { listOfListsOfElements };
            var dataSet    = new FactoryDataSet(() => invoker.Invoke(parameters), kind, columnCount);

Esempio n. 15
        public void CanGetDescriptiveDataBindingsFromItem()
            DataSource dataSet = new DataSource("Source");

            dataSet.AddDataSet(new ItemSequenceDataSet(new[] { new DataRow("abc", "def") }, 2));
            dataSet.AddIndexAlias("xxx", 1);

            List <IDataItem> items = new List <IDataItem>(dataSet.GetItems(EmptyArray <DataBinding> .Instance, true));

                new DataBinding(0, null),
                new DataBinding(1, "xxx")
            }, items[0].GetBindingsForInformalDescription());
Esempio n. 16
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
            // Create the invoker object which Gallio will call by reflection
            var invoker = new FixtureMemberInvoker <IEnumerable>(factoryType, scope, factoryMethodName);

            // Get an ADO DataTable from the implementation.
            DataTable dataTable = BuildDataTable();

            // Create the array of arguments which will be passed to the method called by the invoker
            var parameters = new object[] { dataTable,
                                            this.RowIndexIncludeFilterArray, this.RowIndexExcludeFilterArray,
                                            this.CellValueIncludeFilterArray, this.CellValueExcludeFilterArray };

            // Create a FactoryDataSet with an invoker of our factory methods in the delegate
            var dataSet = new FactoryDataSet(() => invoker.Invoke(parameters), FactoryKind.Auto, 0);

Esempio n. 17
        public void CanBindResolvesExternalBindings()
            JoinedDataSet dataSet = new JoinedDataSet();

            DataSource dataSet1 = new DataSource("");

            dataSet1.AddIndexAlias("path", 1);
            dataSet1.AddDataSet(new ItemSequenceDataSet(EmptyArray <IDataItem> .Instance, 3));
            IDataSet dataSet2 = new ItemSequenceDataSet(EmptyArray <IDataItem> .Instance, 2);


            Assert.IsFalse(dataSet.CanBind(new DataBinding(null, null)),
                           "Cannot bind because there is no path or index.");
            Assert.IsFalse(dataSet.CanBind(new DataBinding(5, null)),
                           "Cannot bind because index 5 is beyond the range of columns in the joined data set.");
            Assert.IsTrue(dataSet.CanBind(new DataBinding(4, null)),
                          "Can bind because index 4 is within the range of columns in the joined data set.");
            Assert.IsTrue(dataSet.CanBind(new DataBinding(0, null)),
                          "Can bind because index 0 is within the range of columns in the joined data set.");
            Assert.IsTrue(dataSet.CanBind(new DataBinding(null, "path")),
                          "Can bind because path is supported by one of the data sets.");
Esempio n. 18
        public void GetItemsDelegatesToTheStrategy()
            JoinedDataSet dataSet = new JoinedDataSet();

            IList <KeyValuePair <string, string> > metadata1 = new KeyValuePair <string, string>[]
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("abc", "123"),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("def", "456")
            IList <KeyValuePair <string, string> > metadata2 = new KeyValuePair <string, string>[]
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("ghi", "789"),

            DataSource dataSet1 = new DataSource("");

            dataSet1.AddIndexAlias("path", 1);
            dataSet1.AddDataSet(new ItemSequenceDataSet(new IDataItem[]
                new ListDataItem <int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, metadata1, false),
                new ListDataItem <int>(new int[] { -1, -2, -3 }, metadata2, false)
            }, 3));

            IDataSet dataSet2 = new ItemSequenceDataSet(new IDataItem[]
                new ListDataItem <int>(new int[] { 4, 5 }, metadata2, false),
                new ListDataItem <int>(new int[] { -4, -5 }, null, true)
            }, 2);


            List <IDataItem> dataSet1Items = new List <IDataItem>(dataSet1.GetItems(EmptyArray <DataBinding> .Instance, true));
            List <IDataItem> dataSet2Items = new List <IDataItem>(dataSet2.GetItems(EmptyArray <DataBinding> .Instance, true));

            List <IList <IDataItem> > results = new List <IList <IDataItem> >();

            results.Add(new IDataItem[] { dataSet1Items[0], dataSet2Items[0] });
            results.Add(new IDataItem[] { dataSet1Items[1], dataSet2Items[1] });

            IJoinStrategy strategy = Mocks.StrictMock <IJoinStrategy>();

            dataSet.Strategy = strategy;

            DataBinding pathBinding       = new DataBinding(null, "path");
            DataBinding indexZeroBinding  = new DataBinding(0, null);
            DataBinding indexOneBinding   = new DataBinding(1, null);
            DataBinding indexThreeBinding = new DataBinding(3, null);

            DataBinding[] bindings = new DataBinding[]
                new DataBinding(null, null),                         // unresolvable binding because no data sets can claim it
                pathBinding,                                         // claimed by dataSet1
                indexZeroBinding,                                    // claimed by dataSet1
                indexThreeBinding,                                   // claimed by dataSet2
                dataSet.TranslateBinding(dataSet1, pathBinding),     // scoped by dataSet1
                dataSet.TranslateBinding(dataSet2, indexOneBinding), // scoped by dataSet2

            using (Mocks.Record())
                Expect.Call(strategy.Join(null, null, true)).IgnoreArguments().Do((JoinDelegate) delegate(IList <IDataProvider> joinProviders, IList <ICollection <DataBinding> > joinBindingsPerProvider,
                                                                                                          bool includeDynamicItems)
                    Assert.AreElementsEqual(new IDataProvider[] { dataSet1, dataSet2 }, joinProviders);

                    Assert.Count(2, joinBindingsPerProvider);

                    Assert.AreElementsEqual(new DataBinding[] { pathBinding, indexZeroBinding, pathBinding }, joinBindingsPerProvider[0]);
                    Assert.AreElementsEqual(new DataBinding[] { indexZeroBinding, indexOneBinding }, joinBindingsPerProvider[1]);


            using (Mocks.Playback())
                List <IDataItem> items = new List <IDataItem>(dataSet.GetItems(bindings, true));
                Assert.Count(2, items);

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(delegate { items[0].GetValue(null); });

                Assert.Throws <DataBindingException>(delegate { items[0].GetValue(bindings[0]); });
                Assert.AreEqual(2, items[0].GetValue(bindings[1]));
                Assert.AreEqual(1, items[0].GetValue(bindings[2]));
                Assert.AreEqual(4, items[0].GetValue(bindings[3]));
                Assert.AreEqual(2, items[0].GetValue(bindings[4]));
                Assert.AreEqual(5, items[0].GetValue(bindings[5]));

                PropertyBag map = DataItemUtils.GetMetadata(items[0]);
                Assert.Count(3, map);
                Assert.AreEqual("123", map.GetValue("abc"));
                Assert.AreEqual("456", map.GetValue("def"));
                Assert.AreEqual("789", map.GetValue("ghi"));


                Assert.Throws <DataBindingException>(delegate { items[1].GetValue(bindings[0]); });
                Assert.AreEqual(-2, items[1].GetValue(bindings[1]));
                Assert.AreEqual(-1, items[1].GetValue(bindings[2]));
                Assert.AreEqual(-4, items[1].GetValue(bindings[3]));
                Assert.AreEqual(-2, items[1].GetValue(bindings[4]));
                Assert.AreEqual(-5, items[1].GetValue(bindings[5]));

                map = DataItemUtils.GetMetadata(items[1]);
                Assert.Count(1, map);
                Assert.AreEqual("789", map.GetValue("ghi"));

Esempio n. 19
 protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
     dataSource.AddDataSet(new ValueSequenceDataSet(Series.U4, GetMetadata(), false));
Esempio n. 20
 protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, Gallio.Common.Reflection.ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
     dataSource.AddDataSet(new SharedDataSet());
     base.PopulateDataSource(scope, dataSource, codeElement);
Esempio n. 21
        private static void EnlistImpersonationData(ITestParameterBuilder parameterBuilder, ImpersonationData data)
            DataSource dataSource = parameterBuilder.TestDataContextBuilder.DefineDataSource("");

            dataSource.AddDataSet(new ValueSequenceDataSet(new[] { data }, null, false));
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
            var invoker = new FixtureMemberInvoker<IEnumerable>(factoryType, scope, factoryMethodName);
            // Get List-of-Lists of Eleemnts
            var listOfListsOfElements = BuildListOfNodeLists(codeElement);

            // Use Gallio's invoker object to execute factory method
            var parameters = new object[] { listOfListsOfElements };
            var dataSet = new FactoryDataSet(() => invoker.Invoke(parameters), kind, columnCount);
Esempio n. 23
 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
     dataSource.AddDataSet(new ItemSequenceDataSet(new IDataItem[] { new ListDataItem <object>(values, GetMetadata(), false) }, values.Length));
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
            // Create the invoker object which Gallio will call by reflection
            var invoker = new FixtureMemberInvoker<IEnumerable>(factoryType, scope, factoryMethodName);

            // Get an ADO DataTable from the implementation.
            DataTable dataTable = BuildDataTable();
            // Create the array of arguments which will be passed to the method called by the invoker
            var parameters = new object[] {dataTable, 
                this.RowIndexIncludeFilterArray, this.RowIndexExcludeFilterArray,
                this.CellValueIncludeFilterArray, this.CellValueExcludeFilterArray};

            // Create a FactoryDataSet with an invoker of our factory methods in the delegate 
            var dataSet = new FactoryDataSet(() => invoker.Invoke(parameters), FactoryKind.Auto, 0);
Esempio n. 25
 protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
     object[] values = Enumerable.Range(1, count).Select <int, object>(i => Convert.ToChar((Convert.ToInt32('A') + i - 1)).ToString()).ToArray();
     dataSource.AddDataSet(new ValueSequenceDataSet(values, GetMetadata(), false));
Esempio n. 26
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void PopulateDataSource(IPatternScope scope, DataSource dataSource, ICodeElementInfo codeElement)
            var dataSet = new XmlDataSet(delegate { return OpenXPathDocument(codeElement); }, itemPath, IsDynamic);
            dataSet.DataLocationName = GetDataLocationName();
